Help from a New Friend

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Thanks everyone for commenting on my last few chapters. I love that you guys like my story. It means so much to me. So please comment and enjoy this new chapter of Lost Ninja. 😊

Jay's head hurt. But his head wasn't the only thing that hurt. The rest of his body was screaming in pain, and his eyes weren't ever open yet.

Jay slowly opened his eyes. Thankfully it didn't hurt like the rest of his body. He looked around, excepting to still be in the forest, but he wasn't.

He was shocked to see he was in what looked like a cozy cottage. He was in what he thought was a mix of a living room, kitchen, and dining room.

There was a table and a couple of chairs as the dining room part, a stove, sink, and small refrigerator for the kitchen, and the rest was the living room. It had a fireplace, with a fire currently burning in it, a light blue chair near it, along with white rug, and he guested he was on the couch.

"Where are I?" He asked himself. He tried to get up, but instantly felt too much pain in his ribs. He moaned in pain and heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Don't try to get up, you'll only make it worse." A woman said as she pushed him back down.

She was young, around in her late teens or early twenties. Her eyes were a shade of such a light blue that it almost looked white. She also had long white hair that looked like snow.

"Who are you?" Jay asked as the woman looked at his injuries.

"My name is Sara," Sara said, "Who are you?"

"I'm Jay Walker. How did I get here, last thing I remember is falling off that cliff?" Jay asked.

"I heard your reck and went to see what happened. You were much worse when I found you." Sara said. "From what I can tell, you have a broken rib, a broken leg, a large scratch on your right arm, and a slight concussion."

As if on cue, Jay felt the pain in his right arm, he rolled up the sleeve to see the scratch Sara was talking about. It looked way worse that she had said.

Sara looked at the scratch and, surprisingly to Jay, smiled. "I think this might help." She said and put her hand on Jay's scratch. Before Jay could asked what she was doing, or stop her, a bright light came from her hand. Jay felt the pain in his arm go away, and it felt better. It was like the pain was never there.

"How did you do that?" Jay asked, touching his arm to make sure the pain was gone.

"I'm the master of healing." Sara said, a small smile on her face.

Jay couldn't believe what he was hearing and said "I didn't know there's a master of healing."

"Not many people do I'm afraid." Sara said and turned to a picture on the wall.

"My father and grandfather built this place so I would have somewhere safe to grow up, after I lost my mother. And since my grandfather lost my grandmother in the Serpentine Wars, he didn't want to loss me too." Sara said as she sat in the chair, with the picture in her lap.

"Did your grandfather fight in the war?" Jay asked.

"Yes, both my grandparents were elemental masters." Sara said looking over at Jay. "My grandmother was the master of healing, like me. But my grandfather, he was the master of ice."

Jay was shocked again. But it didn't stop him from asking, "What happened to your grandfather's power if you didn't inherit it?"

Sara smiled at him and said "Normally, the power is just inherited by the masters son or daughter, but my father had my grandmother's power, and my dad had no siblings. So, my grandfather went to find an heir to the element of ice. Soon, he found a boy named Zane, and gave him his ice powers."

"So, not that I'm complaining, but why can't you just heal the rest of me?" Jay asked.

"It's because I haven't unlocked my true potential yet. Right now I can only heal people in small areas for only a few minutes, but when I unlocked my true potential, I can heal for a little longer and probably the whole body." Sara said and smiled.

They both stayed quiet for a minute before hearing a rumbling sound. It was Jay's stomach growling.

"What time is it even?" Jay asked again.

"It's time for breakfast. I wasn't exaggerating when I said you were out for a while, you were out all evening and night." Sara said as she headed to the kitchen, most likely to get breakfast.

"Oh my gosh!! My friends are probably worried about me, I have to go!!!" Jay said and tried to get up back fell right back on his back. Then Sara ran back into the room.

"You can't go anywhere until you're fully healed. So you're stuck with me for a while." Sara said and made Jay comfortable on the couch. Then walked back to the kitchen.

Jay sighed, he was going to be stuck here a while. At least he had Sara to keep him company. But he couldn't stop think of his friends, and Nya. One thing was for sure, he missed her the most. "I miss you Nya." Jay said to himself a let out a little tear.

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