2.Glimpses of her past....

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[A girl of 9 year old is crying hugging her pocho "teddy bear" in her room as she is not allowed to attain the birthday party of her brother taking place in the hall....n the girl is locked in her room by her parents and other family members....as her presence was not wanted there.....suddenly the door opens revealing a maid....

M: Take this....have it....(she said giving the little girl a piece of chocolate cake)
Madame said that you could eat after the party is over...but I some how stole this for u....after all today is your birthday too....though u deserve this treatment....but I thought u atleast deserve a piece of cake....(the piece was too small....but the little girl didn't complaint about it....n took it)

G: Thanks (crying)

Suddenly some entered.....

G: (The person was none other than her mother....she looked at her mom with fear) mom....I was just...

(Smack.....the received from her mom)

m: how u got the piece....u piece of shit. (her attention went towards the maid) veemla....how she got the piece of cake

M(v) : madame I don't know....she might have stolen it from the table through the window....may be any kid would have kept his or her cake on the table near window of this room that opens towards the hall...

G: no it's not true.....please....I didn't do any of th.....(smack she again received it from her mother)

m: u thief.....today I am gonna teach u a tight lesson.......(she started dragging the girl by her hair towards the hall).

G: no mommy please I didn't do

m: Laksh jiiiiii.....Laksh jiiii

L: What happened Preeti?

m(P) : nothing just that this brat started stealing things....today she stole someone's cake.....

Laksh went near his daughter n slapped her...

L: u good for nothing....today u have crossed ur all limitation....now I will call police u just wait...he picked the phone but stopped by preety

P: stop it Laksh ji....we all don't have to ruin our reputation for this piece of shit. It was my mistake to give birth a daughter like her....(said harshly)

The girl for one moment she thought her mom was going to protect her but her the last sentence broke her hope in her eyes.

L: Today u will stay at out house.....n tomorrow u will go to school before I see ur shitty face....understood?

G: yes pap....smacked again

L: don't u dare call me papa....


L: now get the hell out of here....he commanded...

The ran outside as soon as possible...]

Aditiya wiped out her tears with her hands while getting glimpses of those part of her horrible past as that girl was none other than Aditiya

J: Adu what happen

A: nothing just....nothing

Adu cannot just bring herself to read it....she knows she have face it her past....but she had to do it alone not with her precious friend...

A: hmm jasu can leave me alone for few minutes...

J: yup....if u need anything just call me...I will be in downstairs....

Adu laughed at her fate....she just sometimes wish to disappear or may be never born. There is not a single day in her life where she felt like giving up on her life but still she is so coward that even committing suicide is out of her league....

Aditiya took a deep breath n again opened the letter...and started reading it.....
Ok I am really really sorry.....but what to do I love suspense....but I promise u to reveal the letter in next chapter...please vote


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