24. Let me go...

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foooo!😮 Finally I did it...guys I don't wanna say anything about this chapter....you read it and decide what you want to conclude. One thing is sure you will not understand a bit.....but don't just ask me to explain about the chapter because that's going to be the climax

....and yes, follow me on instagram profile for the sneek peek...

I am sorry for the late update but I was really busy but now I did so what are guys waiting for?

Common read it....and vote for this chapter....and the remaining chapters you didn't vote for.

The whole Arora mansion is
decorated with white flowers....everybody is preparing for the funeral puja....the last ritual of a person's life.

Seema, Viven's brother's wife is arranging everything with the help of servants as no one is in condition to do any preparation for this day.

"Shanti! did the delivery boy came with the customised garland?" Seema asked while checking the list given by pandit ji.

"Yes! Chhoti madame...he already delivered the garland....I kept it aside." Shanti replied.

Seema just nodded and again got busy with other arrangements for the puja.
After all Ira is busy in crying her eyes out....and moreover Seema is always all rounder daughter-in-law of the house....the perfect one.

Here, Ira entered into her son's room to check on him....only to see that Vivian is looking towards a photo...she closed her eyes unable to see her son's sad face....."Vivian beta, it's not your fault...you need to forgive yourself" Ira's voice came out like a sad whisper.

"I can't mom....I can't." a lone year escaped from his left eyes which he didn't bothered to wipe. He didn't even turned around to look towards his mother.

Ira went near her son and put a hand on his shoulder...."Vivian, let's go beta.
Pandit ji has arrived for today's puja. I know it hurts but you have to do it for her...you have to say her good bye..."

Vivian closed his eyes unable to look towards the photo anymore and nodded his head in a positive response. Ira patted his back and waplked out of his room.
Pandit ji started arranging for the puja.....whereas Viven, Ira, Vrishal(Viven's brother) Seema(Vrishal's wife) , Vivian's dadi and vivek(Vivian's brother), Shanaya(Vivek's wife),.... etc...everyone of Arora family is sitting on the couch or stairs in the hall....few minutes later Vivian also came downstairs.

Pandit ji called called Viven and Ira to sit for the puja while Vivian is still looking towards the main door as if wishing to run or getting disappeared from the house...he closed his eyes to avoid looking at anyone as if zoning himself out of everything going around him. Only pandit Ji's chants are reaching to his ears. As if instead of her's, his soul is getting peace. The feeling of not belonging to anyone rose inside him but that is not causing him pain but giving him a soothing feeling to his wounded heart....may be this is the way he is paying for his deeds. By getting away from her....from his baby. But what was his baby's mistake? Sometimes he just wants to go away from this feeling. After all his Adu is not present in his life anymore...but he got some reason....he was going to tell her.....he decided to tell her after the conversation he had with everyone in Agarwal mansion...but before he could say anything to her the cruel fate of their life snatched her away from him....he don't believe in anyone....no no....he still doesn't believe that he lost Adu.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder....he opened his eyes to see Driti, his best friend is standing beside him and looking towards him with pity...."I feel sorry for your lose, Vian(Vivian's nickname used by her).

"You don't need to....." he rudely replied. Driti got really hurt by his harsh words but he could care less...with that he just got upstairs to go to his room and after entering he locked it so that no one can bother him about any melodrama.

He just sat on his bed and took a photo placed on his side table....his Adu's photo which he took secretly once during those horrible days.

He started caressing the photo taking on his hands...."Adu, please come back...I can't live without you....it's getting hard for me to survive.... please forgive me....I....I can't....I seriously....anymore..." he then started shobbing loudly hugging the photo of Adu to his chest.

His phone started ringing.....*Tring.....tring....*

He picked up the call seeing the contact number flashing on the screen...."Hello!"

"Hello! Mr. Vivian....I have some information for you...." a voice said from other side which Vivian recignised. Vivian stood up from his bed and asked...."What information you have..?". The man just chuckled
.." An information that's going to change the whole story of your life....you will start doubting sun and moon." Vivian knows that person can never lie about serious matters, so he replied...."Okay, I will come to met you at evening." Without waiting for any reply Vivian cut off the call.

Here after few hours, the puja for shraadh got over... finally pandit ji told Ira and Viven to go outside and offer the food to crow....

Today Ira cooked specially for the puja.....as at anyone's shraadh, their favourite dishes are served to a crow as a last meal.

Ira went into the kitchen to get the food prepared for funeral.....she brought all the dishes of food in a terracotta plate....all the dishes are of punjabi cuisine.

After Viven and Ira finished all the rituals and came back inside only to guests are talking to each other about God knows what but they could care less as now they are not in a condition to care for anyone else.....Viven just sat on the couch while Ira went towards her mother-in-law to console her as she was crying.

Here at evening, Vivian got ready to go to meet with the person who called him at morning.

Suddenly his eyes fell on a watch, his Adu's watch.....yes, it is the only gift Vivian gifted her during those horrible days not willingly though but now no one is there to wear this....no one is there to take care of it like Adu used to do....after all it's the first gift she ever received in her life....

Vivian came downstairs to see his whole family sitting in the hall....still mourning....so without disturbing he decided to go out of the house but Ira noticing stopped him...."Beta, are you going somewhere?"

Vivian turned around to see his mother coming forward towards him..."Mom, I have to go and meet a client...he is willing to invest in our new project....so....you know I will come back soon...." he somehow replied Ira and without waiting for any reply he came out....and drove off the mansion.

At Arora constructions office...

Vivian entered in the building....while the whole office was empty as today is holiday for employees for the puja in the mansion....he entered into his cabin and sat on his chair.

After 20 mins, the guard called to inform him about someone's arrival...in return he told the guard to let that person enter....

Within few minutes....he heard a knock at his door,...."come in" he gave permission to enter.

A man in his late 50's entered...."Hello Mr. Vivian, I see today you are punctual."

Vivian chuckled..."I am always punctual Mr. Bakshi...."

They both discussed about their deal....then Vivian came out of his office as he needs to meet that man who called him also.

While driving Vivian stopped near a flower shop.....he got out....and brought a bouquet of forget-me-not flowers, Adu's favourite flower.

(Are not they beautiful?)

Vivian's Pov:

My Adu, she loves this flowers 'Forget-me-not'....

Well, I came to know about her love for this flowers when she was 5 years old and I was 7 years old. Before the accident of my sister, I used to go to Agarwal mansion to play with Adveet. Though he is younger than me but he was my best friend along with my other friends....we were groups of rich kids in school while Adu was forever lonely. She was cute at the age of 5. Whenever I visited her house, I saw her playing alone with some old dolls...I never talked with her....just hellos and hi. One day I steal remember the first time I had conversation with her, my Adu.

Flashback:(In third person)

Small Vivian playing in the garden with a ball... suddenly his balled rolled towards the fountain...where he saw a little girl playing a doll and some flowers....

(Little Adu and Vivian)
Adu: 5 yrs old, Vivian: 7 years old.

The little boy went near her and saw the little girl talking with the doll in her baby voice.

"Yu know peeti gal, yu r my best fend....I nob yuuuu, no tok wit me...so hir ar flors....it cod phoget-me-not....so dat...yu not phoget me...." the little girl giggled.

(You know pretty girl, you are my best friend....I love youuu, No one talks with me...so here are flowers...it's called Forget-me-not....so that...you never forget me....)

Vivian chuckled at her cute baby voice...."Who are you little girl?" he asked going near her.

The girl turned towards him...."Hi, pretty boy...I am Aditiya."

Vivian frowned at her...."I am not pretty, I am handsome....are you Advi's sister?"

Adu smiled and nodded at him....while Vivian gave her a smile and went back to his friends as they were calling her again making her sad.

Flashback ends

I still remember that day, she was sad.... very sad...my Adu, she was always sad.

I lost her....I lost her that day for forever. I lost her to this cruel world. That Agarwal family....aghhhhh! I will see them....

I quickly sat inside my car and kept the flowers on my back sit of my car....and drove away from there to my destination....the destination which may ends my misery.

I can still see everything happening in front of my eyes....the most dreadful day of my life...the day I lost my Adu, my wife and baby....

(The old farm house)

Soon I reached to my old farm house where my men already there for me....I got outside of my car and waved at my men signalling them to go away as now I don't need them here. They obeyed and quickly went away while I entered into the house alone....I know he will be here within half an hour. I sat on my couch and poured some wine in a glass for me to sip for passing some time while he comes.
After almost 15 minutes, the door bell rang....I quickly went towards door and opened it to see him...the person who will may be able get me out of this misery of mine. He will also tell me how she died...how I lost my everything that day.

"Will you not invite me in dear brother-in-law?" He asked sarcastically.....his tones hit my nerves. How can he be so casual today? How can he be sarcastic today when he should be crying his eyes out? But what even I am expecting from this almost most truthful and calculative man in this world. After all there is a reason why he is one of the best CBI officer in our city.

"Come in..." I replied without any emotion in my voice....

We both got inside and sat on the couch. I poured another glass of wine for him and offered him...." For you..."

He just refused showing his palm and nodding head from right to left....

That bastard is always detasted having wine and also hate people who drinks it....well I am on his hate list too....but I could careless now.

"So, what was her last words?" He asked looking towards the big portrait of Adu hanging on the wall.

I closed my eyes remember the horrible memories..."She said....'Let me go'...."

He started laughing. I looked at her furiously....he then suddenly stopped and gave me a sharp look...."You deserve it."


So, what do you think about this chapter?

Did you understood anything....?
If no, then read it again as I have given some hints about the past and future life of Adu.

What do you think about the man? Who was he?

Moreover, where is Agarwal family?

What do you think, about which Vivian is talking about?

So, guys finally I did....and the next update will blow your mind as it's going to reveal a huge mystery of this story...so wait and keep calm for the next chapter...

I will be updating the sneek peak on my Instagram profile....so follow me on instagram too to get updates about my stories...

Secret will be revealed soon....and to know them...

Stay tuned....


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