4. Pain and past...

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"P: hello! Beta....actual....ly(the voice
trailed off)

Adu recognized the voice...

A:hello! Mrs Agarwal....

A: hello! Mrs Agarwal....why d...id u cal...l..I..mean...suddenly...

P:why a mo..ther can't (shobbing) call her child...h..ow r u bachha....ca..(shobbing)..ll me maa...please..

A:I am get...ting late(nervously)...I have to go....I mean if u really have something to sa..y than we may talk later...okbyetalktoyoulater... hmmm.. I mea...n b...yee...(foooooo) 😯😟😣

She quickly cut the call....started thinking " What the hell just happen"

Why they are calling now....w.. hy...why nowwwwww(crying)

She buried her face in her palms.....(thinking about past)
"You worthless...why don't you just die...n don't u dare again call me maa in front of my friends...or else I will kick u outside of the house...u know what just get out....that freezing cold will make u learn a lesson"-Preety

" But ma..I mean ma..m achhoo! I mean my he..ad achhooo! Acheeee...I freezing....my bo...dy acheeeeachoo!
I neeeeee...d a blankeeettttt(she said shivering from cold)
Richu tore my blanket..t...with scissors I don't have a..ny acheeee! Plea...smack again she received in her right cheek...

P:don't u dare blame my Richu...(she again slapped her....
Aditiya fainted....

Maid came rushing towards the Hall...

M:what happened madame...

P: nothing this idiot is doing drama....she thinks fainting will work here....veemla do one thing....sent her to the out house....I don't want her in my house...Laksh ji will be coming soon....u know na his mood get destroyed after seeing her face....

M:but madame blanket ka kya....chara doon(what about a blanket....should I put it on her)
P: jarurat nahi she is fine...mujhe Richu ne bata diya hai ki isne khudhi apni blanket faari hai...saaja to milni chaahiye (no need she is fine....Richu told me that how Aditiya herself torn the blanket....she should get punishment "
Aditiya didn't lost her consciousness fully...she was just tired to respond...
So she heard everything but after everything she was wishing that she should have lost her full consciousness..."
Flashback ends.......
A:Why God whyyyyyy? Why nowwww(with shaking voice)

J:(came running towards her) what happened babe why the hell u r crying....
A: I don't know....I just don't know anything (crying)
J:shh what happen just tell(holding her in arm)

J:don't worry everything is gonna be okay...sh shhhh...

A: They want me back....Jasu they want me backkkkkk(screaming)

J: Don't worry now u have me and shan...we will always have ur back

A: I know but...sti....(she was cut off by another phone call)

But this time it was none other than shan...

S:where r u both?..I am waiting...

A: yeah...hmm...we r coming...

A: let's go...shan is waiting for us...

J: yeah let's go....n please cheer up ur mood

Adu and jasu went outside....hopped in shan's car to go to college...

In college
Adu and jasu entered the college....n whispers starts...(wow look at those chicks man....look at those legs muaaaa....yup those chicks r too hottttt...) Jesse went to one of boys n slapped one of them..)

J: u bastard....how dare you...(Adu start dragging her back from the boys n some how succeeded)
A:leave them...they are not worth...lets go to class)

Adu and jasu r just entering their class but Mrs kapoor stopped them..

MK: mmm Aditiya principal sir was asking for ur presence in his office....

A: what happened mam..is there any issue...?

MK: Well I have no idea...

A: ok...I am going...

Adu quickly ran towards principle office and knocked...

Come in...-principal

A: sir u called...

P: yes...

Adu fully entered his office n saw another man other than principal facing his back towards her...n his front towards principal....

Hearing the arrival of Aditiya...the man turn towards her....Aditiya got shocked....after seeing his face...."why he is here....w.. hy? Wh..y....

The man: well hello!... my.....

͡° ͜ʖ ͡ -
I know I am evil...but u all have to wait for the revelation of the man...

#any guess who will be the man...?
#n why he is in principal office..?

Well u all will get answers in the next chapyyyy

So before my next update please vote and comment ur guesses...n also follow....😊😊😊

Nabani💓 ✨🌟✨
👩 ✨ 🍬 ✨
👚👉 🍬🍰🍡
🍡🍥🍬🎂🍧 💗
so sweet!!

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