8. Love u....

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Aditiya pov:
Yes I did it....I said it a bit loud...."I am leaving "....

What more I would've done. They are the people who made my life miserable, miserable will be a simple word it should be 'terrible'....awful..much more than that.
Well everyone must think what more terrible could've happen to that girl... Well you see.....

I always grew up knowing I was unwanted but didn't know why...well I oneday eavesdropping near door of my parents...well not intentionally but accidentally....while playing with the only used doll I found in my neighbourhood...abandoned by one of the kids.....well what I heard...I got stunned....

P: Laksh ji...you know what we should look for a nice apartment in delhi...

L: yes after all We have two children...we should have another apparent for their future..

P: Laksh ji I was thinking about Aditiya...

I got happy....but it was not long lived.

L: what?

P: what if she claim her share from our property?

L: Don't worry I will remove her from my every papers claiming she have our genes.
I don't know why she even exist...I mean we never wanted her...we only wanted our boy but this mutt...argh...

Tears flooded from my eyes...

I didn't understand half of the conversation about property and all that day as I was little but one thing I understood...they don't want me....well eventually from their conversations, curssing, hateful words...and lots of eavesdroppings for getting at least one satisfying answer about why I was unwanted? Then only I somehow managed to understood why?

Well my pathetic story starts when I was born well my parents were in too much love....they married after graduation🎓 from college.
They were both from rich family. So after they got married, Dad joint family business and Mom's dad gave her capital to start her business as fashion designer as her brother also gave her huge amount of money. She was soon successing.
Everything was going smoothly.
One day she got pregnant...she was beyond happy . Then she found she is having twins....well she was not ready for it but still decided to go with it.
The day my brother n me took birth.

Everyone was happy.....but I was weak...well too weak...my brother was healthy...

My mother was very happy...she was wishing that I didn't make it as she was not ready to manage two babies and work.
Well about dad...I don't know anything...I heard he was not bothered about it that much.

After 2 weeks I made through it...mom was not excited about it.

The day I recovered my mom lost her contract....no no don't think she is superstitious but yes she thinks I'm responsible as due to my weakness she had to overstay in hospital now due to it another party got the contract
Well she was angry but was unable to show...
They always gave love and attention to Adveet more..well they never misbehaved with me but never bothered about me.
Bhai always knew it...

when we both were 6 years old. I was playing with dolls.

Bhai rush into the house with his friend, well one of them was vivian.... Yes u guessed it right....the vivian Aurora.
He never talked to me but I kind like him.
I was playing with dolls suddenly Adveet snatched it now ran away.

Adi bhai please give back my dolly.

Ok take it...he ran away towards terrace.

I was chasing him and his friends were laughing at me. Vivian was not there. Vivian's elder sister Vividha was talking to someone in the phone. Near the edge of terrace, so she warned Adveet to not run like this...but she was not done warning him
Suddenly bhai lost his balance and by mistake pushed her...n she fell from the terrace...I quickly rush over to her holding her hands but my hands were too small to save her....the moment I lost the grip of her hand everyone entered their witnessing me to leave her hand....suddenly Adveet bhai started shouting...." Mom see I told u na she pushed Vividha di".

Nothing was clear after that....I just know everyone was shouting at me....n I kept explaining no I didn't do...no one listen that....Vivian's family called police...n they took me away at juvenile jail....to address me in front of the court. At court no one was their for me....court provided me with a lawyer who didn't do anything actually...I was very small to understand anything nothing was clear to me...I just confessed the truth...well after spending three months their....suddenly one day I was sent back to my home...where they first didn't accept me but later they took me anyways...but I lost my right to address them my family.

"I am leaving"....I finally declared.

Not so fast Adu...Vivian grabbed my hand...n pulled me back in his arms...
No no never again...I am not loosing you..my Adu.

My vision started to get blurred....I was suddenly consumed by darkness...
Doctor it she ok?... I heard someone asked....I slowly opened my eyes..only to woke up at an unknown place now surrounded by known people.

D: she is ok but....

L: but what doctor.....what happened...tell me...

D: Actually she is going through lots of stress...but something is strange....

Vivian-- V

V: what doctor? Tell me( in his cold voice ).

D: Actually sometimes human body shuts down due to extreme stress. But it only happens if the person is in constant stress. So sometimes due exhaustion or to avoid more stress the body shuts down like cell phone u know. But why she...? Did she suffered any trauma or was in stress.

Yes-- everyone replied in unison causing to get surprised.

D: well I will recommend full bed rest for her...no stress...I already prescribed medicines. N if she suffered any trauma I will recommend u to make her see a councellor or a therapist as it does happen due to normal stress. So try to keep her out of any stress.

N most importantly she looks a bit underweight u know....a Aditiya? What will be ur weight ? u know?

Adu was too tired to answer but some how manage to reply her head by pointing towards her bag lying in the near by chair...

Richa grabbed the bag and took out the biodata chart ... Prescribed by doctor.
What the hell is this.
The doctor quickly grabbed the chart n got shocked to see

Name- Aditiya Agarwal
D. O. B- 4/06/1998
Height- 5'2
Weight- 40


ealth conditions -
Exhaustion due to extreme stress.
∆ panic attacks due to sudden traumatic event.
Please contact on these numbers.
Thank u.

V: what happened doctor?

D: This type of charts are present in bags of people who usually and almost always get fainted and get panic attacks frequently. So that, people could help them. Well my doubt turns out true...she is underweight.

L: Doctor what should we do now.

D: well I have already given u the diet chart. So accordingly u all have to work.

Thanks doctor let me escort u outside....said by Vivian's brother vivek.

Adu pov:
Everybody's look towards me....dissapointed, anger, care....that only I can see.

Vivian was stroking my hairs....

Dad came close and hold my hands in his....

Sleep for sometimes my doll...after that u will have to eat...after u woke up.....dad said.

" I...I am le...lea..ving" With that I tried to get up but failed as Vivian stopped me.

V: no...don't. Sleep Adu...

I was too tired to fight back....slowly I got drowned into world of sleep. Before that I heard Vivian whispering the most poisonous sentence in this earth.....

I love u.....

After few hours....

Third person pov:

Adu woke up in same room. Still everyone was present in the room now, Vivian was still holding her hand n looking at her with adoring eyes. Laksh was still holding her other hand. Adu was looking at everyone with fearful eyes as she knows that everyone now knows about her conditions.

A: I am leavi..ng. Jesse will be wa..iting for me. (She didn't even dare to look into her eyes).

L: No, now you are not leaving....and that's not a request instead it's a command of your father (his eyes are red)

A: Butttt

V: no questions...you_are_not_leaving. Try one more time to say that...I am going to tie you to this bed.( with cold tone)

A: No! I am leaving, understand.(yelled)
Suddenly her head started spinning...

I_I_am lea....she again fainted.....


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