6 - Poem (The letter)

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(Poem - The letter)


She was crying over this cruel world,

For what it did to her

And for what it made her.

She despised this world

And herself for everything.

Everything that had happened 

And everything that she did.

Regret and guilt were the only things

That she could feel.

Her body was drained

From that emotional and mental pain.

She couldn't bear it anymore

About that she was sure.

On the verge of giving up,

She closed her eyes

Only to see her mother's face 

In front of her eyes.

Then her mind took her down the memory lane

And she remembered the letter

Which her mother wrote.

'This world is meant to break you,

To shatter you into pieces

And to make you fall and and hurt you even. 

But remember my dear,

Never give up.

It breaks you to make you stronger.

It shatters you so that

You can be mended back by gold.

It makes you fall so that

You can stand back up with experience.

And it hurts you because

There is lack of kindness in this world.

So be the kindness that it needs,

And stand back up when you fall. 

And pick up your broken pieces

And glue them back with gold.'

She opened her eyes

Coming back to reality she looked around.

Wiping her tears she stood back up

Her body fresh and her mind made.

She wasn't going to give up, no matter what.

She couldn't let this world ruin others life. 

Maybe she can't do much,

But she decided to do what she can 

To make this world

A better place.



Be kind always, we don't know what others are going through and maybe that little kindness that you showed made their day or encouraged them to stay strong because there are still good people in this world. Or maybe it even encouraged them to do kindness. We never know!

Take care, stay strong, stay safe and keep smiling!

Love you all!

Thank you!

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