Chapter 1: What Friends Are For

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

"Alright, guys, we're almost there. G-573 is about to land, over," the young man with the blonde hair said.

"Alright, you're free to land, over," a voice said through the headset.

I looked at him and he nodded. Then I pushed the steering wheel down. As a result, the plane started to lower. The blonde man started to push a few buttons and turn over some switches. The landing gear appeared and I could see the landing ground already.

"Here we are, Domino," he said to me.

"Another succesful flight, Joey," I said.

"And again, it was nice flying with you, Yug'," he said.

I smiled and at that moment we could feel that the plane had hit the ground. After the plane had slowed down, we drove it to its 'parking space', as how Joey liked to call it. Once it stood in its place he shut off the engines and unfastened his seatbelts. He grabbed his coat and waited for me in front of the cockpit's door - he usually never did that. I grabbed my stuff and turned my head so we could look at each other.

"Is there something wrong, Joey?" I asked.

"No, nothing, it's just..."

"You know you can tell me everything," I said while putting all my stuff in my bag.

He sighed. "It's my girlfriends' birthday tomorrow," he said, "and I promised her I would be there. But now all of a sudden I have to take an extra shift tomorrow."

"I will take that shift if you want," I said.

"Are you sure?" he said.

I nodded. "Sure."

"Thanks, you really saved me, Yug'," he said.

"No problem, Joey," I smiled.

I stood up from my seat and I hung my bag over my shoulder. Then we left the cockpit together.

"And by the way, congratulate her for me," I said.

"Okay, I'll do that," he said. "Thanks again, Yug'. You're the best."

"It's alright, Joey," I laughed.

We walked out of the plane and walked back to our 'office'. We went to our boss to switch the shift. He apparantly was okay with it and switched some things in his computer.

"Tomorrow you have to be here at 9, Muto," he said.

"That's fine. I'll be there."

We had to do another few things, but we eventually got to leave for home.

"Thanks again," Joey said while we started walking to the parking spaces.

He put on his coat and searched for his car keys in his pocket.

"That's what friends are for," I said.

We entered the parking garage and I had no effort finding my car. It stood on its usual space.

"Have fun tomorrow, Joey!" I yelled through the parking garage.

"Thanks!" I heard and I stepped in my car with a laugh on my face.

Joey is such a good friend, I thought while starting my car and driving away. We had been friends since kindergarten, and actually we never left each others side. I knew he felt a but guilty towards me because I took his shift, but he shouldn't be. I was glad to take his shift so he could be with his girlfriend. I lived on my own, and I actually liked it. Of course, sometimes I had the feeling there was missing something. Someone to share my life with. But, instead of Joey, I wasn't very good at romance or anything like it. He had had a lot of girlfriends already, but I had never even been in love before. I had always wondered how it feels to be in love.

I shook off my thoughts and focussed on the driving way again. This happened almost every time when I was heading home after work. Maybe it was because of the empty seat next to me, or because of the feeling of being alone again for a whole night... I sighed.

"Maybe one day," I said to myself.

Then I parked my car on the parking space in front of my house and stepped out of the car. I entered my house and went straight to bed. I stripped myself from my clothes and slipped under the bedsheets.

Maybe one day, I thought.

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