Chapter 4 - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

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POV = Ambrose

It was just before 4am when I woke up in a jolt yet again from another nightmare. Although Lilly survived this one, Dalgliesh had kidnapped her and was holding her prisoner. I woke at the point where he was about to physically force himself one her. My whole body was tense and I noticed that my fists were clenched tight. I punched the pillow.

I knew there was no way I'd get back to sleep, so I got up, showered and got myself dressed for the day. Karim wasn't lurking in my kitchen this time as I'd ordered him to get a good night's sleep so that he was fully alert for Mr Linton's return to the office. Well, one of us had to be!

I decided to go into my office and check over the extra security plans that Karim and I had made yesterday. He had once again urged me to tell my secretary about our meeting with Dalgliesh. I am still considering what to do about that particular situation. He was right about not pushing her away any more. I had a much better chance of keeping her safe if she was close to me and I decided that it was time to properly apologise for being so distant and grumpy. Once that was out of the way, I could decided whether to tell her about Dalgliesh's threats.

At 5.30am I heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs towards my office. I wasn't worried. I knew exactly who it would be. 74 seconds later, my office door swung open.

"Sahib. Hard at work already? How much sleep did you get last night?"

There was no point in lying to Karim, especially after the talk we had yesterday morning.

"3 hours maybe."

"And... was there a ...?"

"Yes Karim. Not as bad as yesterday, but still..."

"I understand Sahib."

It was then that I realised his arms were full.

"Are those the item I asked you to get?"

"Yes Sahib, though I'm not sure why you need such a large box."

"I have my reasons. Put them on the couch for now and then come and sit down."

He did as I requested and then sat in the visitor's chair opposite me.

"So, let me hear your report. Did our men keep a close watch on Mr Linton yesterday?"

"Yes Sahib. The Ifrit met her friends from the party in Green Park at midday. Then they all walked over to Kensington Palace through Hyde Park with many other women to take part in a march."

"A march? Don't tell me..."

"Yes, it was a feminist march demanding that women are allowed to vote, Sahib."


"Well there were many, many people there, including some men, so our men were able to blend in with the crowd and keep a close eye on the Ifrit."

"Excellent Karim. Anything suspicious happen?"

"Not really. They marched around the perimeter of the park before gathering again near Speaker's Corner. Ifrit and her friends sat on the grass chatting. An elderly lady approached them at one point and chatted for a few minutes."

"Did she appear genuine?"

"After she left them, Bates followed her out of the Marble Arch exit. She was observed getting into a small carriage without talking to anyone else. He tailed her and she went to a house in the southwest of the city near Wimbledon Common."

"Did anyone else talk to her or did they see anyone watching her?"

"Apart from the elderly lady, no Sahib."

That put me at ease a little, but I wasn't happy about Lillian being in such a large crowd of people. It could give Dalgliesh an opportunity to get to her.

"Who will be following Mr Linton to work today?"

"Greene and Parker on foot, whilst Lewis will be on a bicycle."

"Hmm... adequate. Where did Mr Linton go after the rally?"

"Well, all four walked back to Green Park before going their separate ways. Ifrit walked the rest of the way home without incident and stayed indoors for the remainder of the day. The light in her bedroom was observed as being extinguished at ..." he consulted his notes, "... 10.25pm."

I breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment an image of a sleeping Lillian, as I had observed her yesterday, popped into my head. My Sleeping Beauty.

You still wished that you'd snuck into her bed though don't you?

There was no point denying it. I longed to spend every hour of every day with her. In a bid to keep her safe, I was determined to find a way to keep her in my company as much as possible from now on.

"Sahib... do... do you think your apology will work?"

That was a very good question and I wasn't sure I had an answer.

"Who knows how the female brain works Karim? Although, I think in this instance the little surprise might help."

Karim nodded in understanding before asking;

"Can I ask whether you've made a decision about the thing we talked about yesterday?"

"Yes. I have. I have decided that you are right about keeping Miss Linton closer to protect her."

"And the Dalgliesh meeting?"

"I... er... haven't made a final decision yet. I think I will see how the apology goes first." I tried not to make my voice sound hesitant, but the look on Karim's face told me that I hadn't been 100% successful.

"Sahib, I've remembered something that yesterday's patrol reported back about the Ifrit."

"Really? What?"

"Well one of our men took his sister to the rally and he managed to get quite close to the quartet. He couldn't hear all of their conversation but... they, er..."

"Spit it out man!"

"He says that he heard the Ifrit agree to help that Patsy woman to break into the Houses Of Parliament construction site."

"She what?! What on earth for?"

"Something to do with filling the foundations with feminist leaflets, Sahib."

I rolled my eyes and Karim nodded in agreement. This has to be a joke. Surely it was just overexcited posturing whilst surrounded by all those crazy women?

"It was just banter though, right? Not a serious plan?"

"Erm... our man said that they spent quite some time in the park, huddled together making plans. He thinks he heard that Patsy woman talking about Sunday."

"This Sunday? 6 days time?" 

"Yes Sahib." 

I took a long, deep breath. This woman will be the death of me.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! I will not let my secretary get arrested again because of her damn feminist views." I thought for a moment and made a decision. "Karim, I think it's time that we had an important business trip before the weekend, and Mr Linton will be coming with us."

"Yes Sahib." I saw him try to hid the traces of a grin behind his mammoth beard.

"And we can view some potential properties as well whilst we're at it. Kill two birds with one stone as it were."

"As you wish Sahib."

"Fetch me my map of the city & surrounding areas. Let's start narrowing down which places to start our search in."

For the next couple of hours, Karim and I studied the map laid out on my desk and made plans for a spontaneous business trip. I kept a close eye on my pocket watch, counting down the minutes until Mr Linton was due to arrive for work. I would only allow myself to relax a little once I knew she was safely in her office.

Really? Are you sure you wouldn't prefer her in your office? All day? Every day?

Of course I would, but she'd just get suspicious given my recent behaviour. She'd think I was up to something. OK, I am up to something, but she doesn't need to know that yet.

At 7.34am, Karim left my office to get ready to receive the report from the men following Mr Linton to work. I decided that it was time to put my planned apology into action. I grabbed the items that my loyal bodyguard had acquired on my behalf and made my way into my secretary's office.

First I laid the ribbon flat on her desk, placing the shallow, white box on top. I pulled off the lid and surveyed the space inside, mentally picturing the result I required. Next I opened up the two (yes two!) boxes of Lillian's favourite chocolates and emptied the contents into the gift box. I then proceeded to arrange the chocolates inside into the desired formation.

When did you get so arty and soppy Ambrose? Surely this is all just a waste of time and money?!

Normally I would agree, but this was different. This was... well... it was important.

Arranging the chocolates took a little longer than I anticipated, but I was satisfied with the result. I checked my watch again. If she was on time, my secretary should be here in 6 minutes and 27 seconds. I placed the lid on the box and tied the ribbon into a neat bow. I gathered up the empty chocolate boxes to hide... and then felt a strange flutter in my stomach as I returned to my own office.

Feeling a little nervous about her reaction, eh Ambrose?

Certainly not. I was probably remembering how much this apology had cost me after all your interference. Then I had another thought; knowing how curious my secretary could be, I had visions of her picking the box up and shaking it to try and work out what was inside before opening it properly. That would never do. She'd ruin all my hard work and then it really would be a waste of time and money.

I found a small piece of card in my desk drawer and walked back to Mr Linton's desk. I wrote some clear instructions about how to handle the gift in my best block capitals to disguise my handwriting. I placed the card on top of the box and then returned to my desk once more. I continued with my work whilst regularly glancing at my pocket watch.

* * * * 

POV = Lilly 

Oh no. Monday morning already. After a wonderful weekend with Ella and my friends, it was time to face the fact that I was about to spend a whole day with (though probably being ignored by) my miserable, tetchy, granite-faced employer.

I don't know what's been wrong with Mr Ambrose since we returned from the expedition in South America. It's as though that trip never happened. I stretched my arms and legs out before lying back on my pillow for a few moments, and my mind wandered back to our time in the jungle.

Yes, especially those lust-filled, stormy eyes, rock hard body and delicious lips. You've spent a lot of time thinking about those haven't you?!

No! No - I cannot let my mind think about that. Whatever happened, or nearly happened, in South America, it clearly didn't mean as much to him as it did to me. He's barely spoken to me since we came home, except to criticise my work or be generally annoyed with me. He is so short tempered these days.

You're worried that he regrets what happened aren't you?

What?! Why should I care about what he feels? It would just be nice to get through the day with at least a little polite conversation. Maybe I could get Patsy to whack him over the head with her parasol to knock him out, then we could bury him in the parliament foundations on Sunday! 

Really? I thought the only hole you were interested in with regards to Mr Ambrose was the one between his nose and his chin!

Oh no - I'm not thinking about that. I'm not thinking about the way he kissed me and made my lips swell. Or the kisses across my face... down my neck... across my collar bone... "

Too late Lilly!!

Aargh! I got my derriere out of bed, then washed and got dressed. I looked out of the window - good, it wasn't raining. For a moment I thought I saw a man staring at my bedroom window, but when I looked again there was no-one there. My brain was obviously running away with itself again.

I went downstairs for breakfast. Wow! Leadfield must be moving fast today as the porridge was still lukewarm! Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad day after all? That thought didn't last long though! My Aunt took great delight in informing me that she had a number of balls and suitors lined up over the next few weeks. She was still very annoyed that I had returned from my travels without a husband, or even a fiance.

Imagine what she'd say if she knew what you got up to with the richest man in the British Empire whilst on those travels!

I could feel my cheeks flush and was relieved that my aunt and sisters weren't actually looking at me at that moment. Lots of suitors and balls - great. Well, at least I'd have reason to be as miserable and short-tempered as my employer this week.

I left the breakfast table as soon as I could, promising my aunt that I was off exploring for a husband. I doubt she believed me, but I just don't care right now. I snuck into the garden shed and transformed myself into Mr Victor Linton: personal secretary to Mr Rikkard Ambrose, and started my walk to Leadenhall Street.

* * * *

I arrived outside Empire House at 7.52am according to my pocket watch. Good, I didn't want to give old misery guts an excuse to criticise me before I even got to my desk today.

Even though you're angry because of your aunt and you'd like to vent some spleen at you-know-who? Maybe a fight is just what you need.

Absolutely not. Frankly, I might end up smashing my chair over his head or throwing him out of the window! 

Then the questions came. Did I really want to go in there and spend the next 10-12 hours being ignored, criticized and moaned at? Especially after all the fun I had had at the weekend with the girls. Wouldn't it be easier to just walk away and go continue planning 'Operation Feminine Foundations' with Patsy? Do I even want to work for this miserable block of granite any more? Should I just hand him my resignation and walk away?

But how else will you get the money to buy yourself solid chocolate whenever you want? You need his money to help you avoid being married off to some rake that Aunt Brank forces upon you. Come on Lilly! You're a fiery Ifrit! You have to do this.

I turned around and took two steps. Then I took a deep breath, turned back the other way, climbed the steps and entered Empire House. I greeted Sallow-face and made my way to the staircase. I checked my pocket watch; 7.54am. Plenty of time to leisurely climb the stairs towards the demon's office.

Three and a half minutes later I reached the 7th floor and entered the reception area of Mr Ambrose's inner sanctum. I was greeted by Mr Stone who looked rather chirpy for a Monday morning.

"Good morning Mr Linton! Did you have a pleasant weekend?"

"Good morning Mr Stone. Actually, I had a marvellous weekend, thank you for asking. And you?"

"Most enjoyable thank you. Here is Mr Ambrose's mail." I took the bundle of letters from him.

"So, how is old gra... er, Mr Ambrose this morning?"

"Quiet. He hasn't asked for you to report to his office first today."

"Typical as I am early this morning! Right, I'll go to my own office and get on with things. Thank you Mr Stone."

"You're welcome Mr Linton."

I unlocked my office door and walked in whilst flicking through the day's post. It looked like there were plenty of business letters, quite a few handwritten ones - probably social invites and charity requests, and ... yep, there it is; another fragrant pink envelope from Mr Ambrose's mother.

I was about to lean down and add the pink envelope to the growing collection in my bottom drawer, when I noticed a box on my desk. It looked... it looked like a gift. It was even tied up with a bright purple ribbon.

The box wasn't addressed to anyone, but there was a card tucked just under the ribbon. On it, in bold capital letters, was written 'Fragile. Do not shake. Do not drop'. This must surely be for Mr Ambrose. I left my office and returned to the reception area.

"Mr Stone, have you seen anyone enter my office this morning?" I knew the answer would most likely be 'no' because my office had been locked.

"No Mr Linton. Is there a problem?"

"Nobody has been in with a box?"

"There have been no deliveries apart from the mail since I arrived at 7.30am."

"Thank you Mr Stone."

I returned to my office and sat at my desk, staring at the gift box. If my office had been locked and Mr Stone hadn't seen anybody enter, then the only other explanations were that;

a) Someone with a key had left it before Mr Stone arrived, or

b) It had arrived via the door connecting my office to Mr Ambrose's.

The only other person with a key was in the office next door, and he could just enter through the connecting door. So, both possibilities led to Mr Ambrose, but why would he leave a gift on my desk? It wasn't my birthday.

And then it hit me. Of course it's not for me! It must have been sent to Mr Ambrose, by some persistent female who was trying to catch his attention. Knowing how he deals with most of his correspondence, he probably wants me to dispose of it. Yes, that had to be it.

Are you totally sure? What if that miserable block of stone did leave it for you as a gift? You'd love that, wouldn't you?

A gift from him? Ha ha! There was more chance of Karim doing the Can Can down the middle of Leadenhall Street whilst wearing a frilly tutu! I decided that I'd better check with my employer about what he wanted me to do with the box.

I knocked on the connecting door. As I hadn't seen or heard from Mr Ambrose since I arrived, I guessed that he wouldn't be happy if I just barged into his office.

"Mr Ambrose, Sir... can I come in for a brief moment?"

"Enter." One word eh? It looked like it was going to be yet another day in paradise. 

I tentatively opened the door and walked inside. Not surprisingly he had his head buried in a pile of paperwork.

"Er, Sir ... there is a large white box on my desk."


"Yes Sir. What do you want me to do with it?"

"Why are you asking me Mr Linton?"

Oh, so I'm expected to be psychic as well now am I?!

"Well Sir, as my office was locked when I arrived and Mr Stone hasn't seen anyone arrive with a package today, I assume that the box was sent to you and you want me to deal with it. What do you want me to do Sir? Dispose of it?"

"Mr Linton, I have had no packages or boxes delivered to me. If there is one on your desk then it must be for you."

"For me?!" That came out a little higher pitched than I had intended, causing Mr Ambrose to finally tear his eyes away from his paperwork and look at me.

Hmm... eyes like the ocean. You could look into them all day couldn't you Lilly? Lose yourself in them?

Not now! I have to get this sorted without incurring the wrath of 'frosty features'.

"But why would someone send me a gift? It's not my birthday and I don't remember doing anything to earn anyone's gratitude or generosity."

"Well you'd better figure it out Mr Linton, and be quick about it. I don't pay you to waste time on frivolous activities."

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir."

Did you just apologise to that miser? Come on Lilly, you really must be distracted!

Not properly paying attention to Mr Ambrose anymore - yes OK, I was distracted - I returned to my office, closing the door behind me. I stood in front of my desk, staring once again at the box with the expertly tied ribbon. Who on earth had sent it and why was it fragile and unshakeable?

Well get on and open it! For someone who's usually so nosy and impulsive, you're making a right saga out of this!

It's true. Normally I'd be ridiculously excited at receiving a gift, but there was something about this box. I don't know why, but it was giving me a strange feeling.

I took a deep breath and tugged on the purple ribbon. It easily unfolded and flopped onto my desk. I placed my hands on the lid and gently pulled it off. Then I realised that my eyes had closed as I did it.

"Come on Lilly! Just open your eyes and take a look. This is ridiculous!" Oh, I didn't mean to say that out loud! I opened my eyes and leaned forward. Then my eyes focused and took in what was in front of me.

Inside the large, white box was the word 'Sorry' spelt out in chocolates! What on earth was going on? Was I still at home in bed dreaming?! I took a closer look. The word was spelt out very neatly, with a row of yet more chocolates underlining it.

Then I realised that they were my absolute favourite type of chocolate ... lots of them, spelling out an apology. My brain was racing at a ridiculous speed. Who? Why? How?

"Anything interesting?" a stone cold voice said behind me, making me jump and drop the lid of the box on the floor. I spun around to see Mr Ambrose looking at me. How the hell had he gotten in here without me hearing him?

Because he's the master of silence, quieter than a Japanese ninja of course!

Of course he is. How could I forget?

"Mr Linton, you look like a fish. Your mouth is opening and closing but no sound is coming out."

I turned back to face my desk feeling embarrassed, and looked at the chocolates again. They were still there and they still said 'Sorry'.

"It's... well... the box contains some solid chocolates Sir."

"Really? How fortunate for you."

"But... they spell out a word Sir."

"A word Mr Linton?"

"Yes Sir... they... they say 'Sorry', but I don't understand why or where they have come from."

"Really Mr Linton? No-one has been ... mean to you recently?"

"Well my aunt obviously... and Anne and Maria haven't been very friendly at all, but there's no way any of them would send me chocolates. They certainly wouldn't apologise!"

This was totally bizarre. What was going on?!

"Nobody else?" Mr Ambrose enquired. Why was he still here and why hadn't he chastised me for wasting his precious time? I mean, he's been such a grump lately that I'm surprised ... oh no! That's. Not. Possible. No, no, no, no, no! The 'Supreme Commander-in-Chief of all Misers' would never waste his time and money on such a thing. Would he?

Well, why don't you just ask him?!

"Erm... well... I guess I can think of one more person ..."


"Well... er... "

"Go on."

"Well... to be frank Sir... er... you haven't exactly been very... er... tolerant or ... well... " I took in a deep breath and braced myself for my impending doom. "Mr Ambrose Sir, you have been a complete and utter arse since we got back from South America."

I waited for his response or my demise. Silence.

Maybe he's gone back to his office?

Yes. He's probably fed up with pointless time wasting, or he's gone to fetch his sword-cane to finish me off. I decided not to turn around and find out.

"But there's no way the 'King Of Misers' would spend a penny of his precious money on something like this." I sighed, still feeling very confused.

Suddenly I felt a presence right close behind me and a voice whispered in my ear;

"Wouldn't I?" I gulped quite audibly. "Turn around Mr Linton."

Slowly I turned around, looking at the floor with embarrassment. Then a firm hand gripped my chin and pulled it up until I was looking into my favourite pair of stormy, sea-coloured eyes.

"I'm sorry Lillian."

What?! He apologised and called me by my given name? I must be dreaming!


"I've treated you badly recently and... well... I truly am sorry."

I stared at him with my mouth open. I just didn't know what to say.

"Come into my office... " he said, holding out his hand, "... we need to talk."


Author's Note:

Well, well! Who knew that Mr Rikkard Ambrose could be so thoughtful and romantic? What do you think of his apology then? I know they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but with Lilly I'm sure that chocolate would definitely be involved!

The next chapter features the conversation between Ambrose and Lilly. Will he tell her everything or just the edited highlights? Find out in chapter 5 - coming soon!!

All the best,

JP x

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