Chapter Eight- Foolish Desire

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Static jumped on a low branch of a tree in the clearing to address the Wanderers. Even though most of them already know.

"Branch's body has been found in the river. It appears that he drowned, broke his neck, or some combination," she twisted her face with false grief before continuing, "He was a good leader and will be missed. We will bury his body tonight, and decide upon a new leader in the morning, as long as a place and a cat can be located."

The wanderers needed to have their ancestors approve the cat before they could be the true leader. That meant they would need to find a spiritual place, or somewhere close to the stars. The approval won't be a problem, I'm the only cat that will see the ancestors, so it won't matter what they say. Y'know, that seems like a flawed system.

No matter, they will say yes.

The wanderers also needed a cat to supervise the anonymous vote, a cat with no connection to any of them, and therefore no bias. That would be less of a problem, there were always cats to be found.

Just like with her mother, Branch's body was laying in a clearing, covered in herbs, and now spring flowers. Since he was a leader, and his only relative in the Wanderers was his adopted daughter, Oriole, every cat would help bury him. I hate digging holes and getting the grit under my claws.

She had been walking with Blizzard when he noticed Branch's body being pushed into the bank of the river by the waves. Once they had made sure it was him, Blizzard had run off to tell the others. Of course, I already knew it was him. He was always prone to accidents.

With Branch dead, the Wanderers would vote for the next leader. Anybody who wanted to position could run. I don't believe anyone else wants to lead us, so this should be no problem. She had taken charge of the arrangements for his burial so they would see that she was perfect for the job.

She could see Oriole and Junco at the body now, as she leaped from the tree, the gray she-cat comforting her friend who was shuddering with sobs. Weak.

Blizzard padded up to her. "I'm sorry we had to find that," he murmured, "It was terrible and I wish I could erase it from my mind."

"He should have been more careful around the river."

Suddenly with an edge to his voice, "Why are you so unfeeling about death?" Blizzard looked concerned but also mildly annoyed. Crap. Crap.

"Um, I'm sorry. This is just how I deal with um, grief. Externally. Internally I'm a mess," she mewed with a strained voice, "I've lost both of my parents and now Branch."

Blizzard ran his tail down her back, an attempt to sooth her. He looked like he had immediately regretted his last words. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry I questioned you."

Soon everyone will be sorry if they question me. He's so gullible.

"I'm just glad I have you," she purred, "Junco just doesn't understand me."

"I'm glad I have you too. You're so confident and, well, you seem far more sure of everything than I am."

"Natural talent!" Static laughed. She was glad she had him, despite his constant need to get in the way. I suppose he doesn't realize, and I also suppose it is best that he never does.

"You're going to run for leader now aren't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"I think most cats think so. You would be a good leader if–" he hesitated for a second, "Yeah you would be."

"I love you Blizzard."

He looked a little surprised but leaned down to touch her nose with his. Static wound her dark tail around his white one. Blizzard opened his mouth, as if to speak, but he turned and pulled his tail away.

Static felt anger flare and her fur fluffed up, but she kept her voice calm and cool, "What's wrong?"

"We shouldn't be doing this, I mean, someone just died! This isn't respectful and it's not the time," he sounded a little panicked, as though they might get in trouble.

It doesn't matter that Branch is dead, he was old enough! I am here! He should forget about the past and focus on me, here, now.

Sighing, she mewed, "I guess."

As Static walked away she could feel Blizzard's eyes on her. Rage burned in her heart and she struggled to keep her fur flat against her back.
She sat down a ways away from him and stared at the ground. Static glared so hard at a nearby leaf that she thought it should have begun to smolder. He dares reject me? The mouse brain! He will love me. He doesn't get to say no.

Death Stare
By KittyPeep on deviantART (me)

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