Chapter Fifteen- And So They Leave

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"Let me check you over one last time before we leave."

Oriole sighed, "Snapdragon, I appreciate your concern but I'm okay!" Physically that is. She's so worried all the time. With reason, I suppose.

"No, get up. We are about to go on a long journey and you need to be in good health."


Oriole got out of her nest. Though the sun was barely up, Junco was already awake and watching them argue from her nest. Snapdragon turned to her.

"You too! Let me look at that claw again. Both of you come out to the clearing."

Now it was Junco's turn to sigh. Still she got up, and with a nod to Oriole, she walked to the healer. Nobody can say no to Snapdragon. She may be tiny, but she's persistent.

Oriole stretched, she could feel anticipation for the journey gathering in her legs and was anxious to get going. To see the Ancestors. To see Branch. To be judged.

She walked out into the open. It was still dim, but all of the Wanderers were rising. This seemed to be mostly Snapdragon's doing. As she looked at Junco's paw, Estacado was checking over his brother. Blizzard and Static were waiting their turns nearby.

The area seemed muted, little noise and no breeze, with only the quiet murmuring of the healers to the wounded. Even the nearby woods were quiet, so one could hear the swishing of far off grass if they tried hard enough. It was not an uncomfortable silence, as many had been recently. Everyone was simply quietly waiting to leave.

Oriole took her place with the cats waiting to be checked over one last time. Static was staring at the back of Blizzard's head. He refused to look at her, though he clearly knew she was watching him. They've had a fight.

She turned her attention from them to look at the mountain in the distance. It's immense size made it appear as though it was not that far, but she knew better. It would take them some time to get to the base, much less the peak she needed to climb for the ceremony.

Again she shifted her view, this time to Junco. The gray she-cat was padding away from Snapdragon now, to the small prey pile. Oriole watched as she picked up a mouse and walked away a few paces to eat. Junco finished the small animal quickly and began to lick her injured paw.

Now she was the only one waiting, Blizzard had gone, and then Static. Estacado and Llano were grooming each other, finished with the check-up. With how peaceful it is right now, it's easy to forget what has happened.

Oriole cringed, she wouldn't think about that now. Llano and Estacado are happy, Blizzard and Static are, still alive. And Junco, well Junco likes me back!

A quick, giddy rush came with the memory of their confessions. Should I talk to her about it more? Should–

"Oriole. Come please."

Snapped from her thoughts, Oriole shook herself and went to Snapdragon.

"Anything in particular hurt?"

"I'm still sorta sore all over but other than that, no."

Nodding, the old healer poked a few small scratches, from small twigs, sharp rocks, and big paws, when she was trampled.

"Okay, it looks like you're good, don't overwork yourself on the trip though."

"Thanks!" Yep, I'm fine. Kind of her to check though.

She walked across the clearing to the prey pile. All that remained was a small bird. An Oriole. Her namesake had been bitten across the neck when it was caught. It had been a painful death. Oriole shuddered. It's just a bird, just prey.

Still she had lost her appetite, and decided to go to Junco. The gray she-cat was still licking her paw, digging out grit from the wound. She was frowning, seemingly lost in thought. Junco didn't notice when Oriole approached, and she kept licking her paw until Oriole poked her side with her tail.

"Oh, hey."

She seemed sorta down, and Oriole could guess why. "Are you okay?"

Junco's voice was faint, "Yeah, just thinking about them. You never really recover from that."

I can relate. We were distracted for a bit, but there is nothing now. "No cat is expecting you to recover."

"I know."    

Oriole started grooming Junco, and they were quiet for a while.

"Why do we live?" Junco asked, her voice soft, melting into the hush.


"If we are going to die and spend eternity in the perfect afterlife, why live?"

"Oh," she hesitated. "So you can see what kind of cat you really are? In the face of hardship?"

"I suppose. Though it seems like we shouldn't have to endure anything like that to prove who we are."

Nobody said life is fair. What a terrible fact.

"I know. There are parts of life that are worth the suffering."

"Maybe. I'm glad I'm living through it with you."

"Me too."

I love her so much. Once our trials are over, we can live forever. In the end. When we are dead.

"We should leave," Snapdragon had walked up to them, "We need to get a good start before it gets really hot."

The pair got up. Oriole went to find all the Wanderers, but every cat was already waiting, nobody had left.

"It doesn't seem like any more preparation is needed, so let us leave."

And off they went.

By KittyPeep on deviantART (me)

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