Chapter Two- Grieving is Boring

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Shaking loose feathers from her whiskers, Static watched them lay her mother's body in a clear patch of grass. Snapdragon had dressed her wounds, even though it would do nothing now, and covered them with flowers. A feeble attempt at hiding her death. It's part of life and they need to accept it. Her body would lay there for a day so every cat could say their goodbyes and then she would be buried in the cover of night. It was early morning still, so she would probably be buried that night.

Granite had left her body now and was going in search of a large rock or branch to mark her grave. Junco was still sitting with those kits in the den. Static licked her paw, running it over her face. I wonder if there is any prey around here, I could use a meal.

Sniffing the air she caught the scent of a squirrel somewhere in the rocks. As she made her way towards the source of the scent she noticed something else. Glittering blue eyes met hers as she recognised Blizzard, stalking the same rodent she was. Static smiled and motioned with her ears for him to move around to the side. Once he was in position, she leaped out at the squirrel. The frightened creature turned and ran directly into the white tom's claws. Leaning down, he quickly snapped its neck.

"Great catch! It never knew you were there."

Blizzard released the squirrel's neck from his jaws, "It would have been much harder to catch without you. Though why are you hunting?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I just thought you would be grieving or helping with the kits."

"I was never close with my mother and Junco and Oriole have the kits."

Blizzard studied her for a second before dropping his gaze to the squirrel once more. "Do you want to share?"


Belly now full from the squirrel, Static nuzzled Blizzard who was still sitting next to her. He looked around lazily, taking in the sleepy late leaffall air. The sun was high and it was warm outside. A moth fluttered through the air a few tail lengths away before coming to rest on some purple wildflowers. Blizzard flicked his ears and turned his head to face her, "Do you want to go... err... pay your respects and say goodbye to Amber? Most of the cats have already, I think we would be the last."

"I suppose."

They both stood up and Static stretched out. They padded from the shade where they had been sitting over to the clearing with her mother's body. The stench was terrible, not helped by the aromatic herbs and flowers scattered around her body. Static touched her nose to Amber's flank while Blizzard sat next to her body, seemingly whispering to himself. I suppose he is actually saying his goodbyes. I guess I should too. Muttering a simple goodbye to the corpse, she backed away.

After a few minutes Blizzard followed her. The two cats settled back under the shade and began to share tongues. "Who do you think will become leader after Branch?"

"What?" Blizzard looked confused.

"Once Branch dies, who do you think will secede him?"

"He's not going to die for a while right? I thought he was only a few years older than us?"

"Oh yeah, but things can happen. Answer the question." And say my name.

"I really don't know. Maybe Granite? Since he is the oldest after Branch."

"Maybe, but I don't think he wants the position." But I want the position.

"Well I don't know then."

Feeling mildly annoyed, Static got up again. Knowing she would have to help dig the hole for her mother later, Static padded over towards her nest in the tall grass to sleep.

"Where are you going?" Blizzard called after her, looking a little hurt.

"To sleep," Static snapped and instantly cringed. She hadn't meant to sound that mean, "I mean, it's going to be a long night." Burying mother, she added in her head.

Blizzard is Disappointed
By ClumsyCavalier on deviantART

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