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(Lura's P.O.V.)

The Uruks were gone, completely out of sight. I couldn't see them, and I sensed they were already far, far, away.

Good, I thought, now I can rest, and live in peace without that hobbit bothering me all the time.

"Who was on watch?" Aragorn asked.

"Lura was," Legolas said crossly.

"Lura, you should have been able to see those Uruks from miles away! You should have sounded the alarm!" Frodo said angrily.

"You gave 'em the upper hand!" Sam nodded.

"Lura, you should have known better." Gimli growled.

"They could have killed someone, and now they have Pippin!" Aragorn said.

"Lura, how could you do this?" Merry asked.

"I-I'm sorry...I..." I trailed off.

"It's not enough to be sorry," said Gandalf, "you have to mend what you have done!"

Aragorn nodded. "You must go find Pippin, and bring him back to us. We will give you three days, then we will be forced to move on without you."

"I'll go with her," said Legolas, "to make sure she doesn't double back and follow you guys."

My heart sank. My own brother, the same one who gave me his blanket not an hour before, couldn't even trust me.

"Good idea." Gandalf nodded.

I sighed. "I'll start at dawn."

"No, you start now." said Gandalf.

"UGH FINE!" I shouted. "Come on, Legolas, let's go." I grudgingly moves forward, taking up my pack with food and water in it, and my bow, arrows and quiver.

Once we were out of ear shot of the rest of the Fellowship, Legolas spoke.

"I'm very disappointed with you, Lura," he said.

"Yes, ADA," I snapped at him.

"Lura, I trusted you on watch, I trusted you to sound the alarm if danger was near!" Legolas replied.

"I was busy!" I answered simply.

"Busy. With what?"

"Arguing with Pippin."

"Your judgment is clouded because you insist on one-upping that hobbit! This is not the sister I know!" Legolas scolded.

"The brother I knew would have stood by me!" I said.

"I am!" he replied.

"You know what I meant." I scowled. "I hate that hobbit. I hope he gets killed before we arrive."

Legolas was suddenly close to me, almost touching me.

"Do not be so quick to deal out death and judgment! Is it you who chooses who shall live and who shall die? If you think that, you're no better than the Uruks who captured Pippin,"

Silence. I stood there, shocked, speechless. I've never seen Legolas angry with me before, and I didn't like it.

He pulled away and walked on, and I followed. We traveled in silence, not even our feet on the ground made any noise. The landscape was barren, nothing was or was to be as far as even an elvish eye could see.

The sun rose, and still, we walked on, and on, and on, on further than I thought was possible to walk in a day. We didn't eat, didn't drink, didn't rest, just kept going.

Soon, it began to get dark.

"Let's take a break," Legolas said, stopping.


"No. I don't trust you on watch anymore." Legolas snapped.

Hurt, I lay down on the ground, and fell into a troubled, restless sleep.

(Pippin's P.O.V.)

They shoved me into a stone cold cell. The walls were cracked and it looked like a tomb. I shivered as they locked the gate and stormed away. I was locked in Isengard, far away from home, I had no one there to sing with.

A tear rolled down my face, as I remembered Merry's argument with me. I knew no one would come for me, no one cared if I lived or died.

Sadly, I sang the song that my mother had sung to me, so many years back. It had comforted me as a kid.

"When you're going on adventures...
And having the time of your life...
All good things come to an end...
And soon you'll find yourself astray...
But when you do...
Look up to the stars...
That will guide you by...
Remember the old Elvish take...
They are spirits of those who have died...
Know they're always there...
Watching over you...
Striving to protect you...
Driving to save you...
So when you think your...
Life is over...
Think about the...
Stars above you...
That they will always be there...
For you...
For you..."

But unlike when I was a kid, it did not comfort me. It just reminded me of how alone I really was, how close to death I was...how no one loved me, not even the stars. I was alone. I would die here. I sat and cried, and cried, and cried, knowing that no one would ever save me...

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