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(Lura's P.O.V.)

I raced across the barren landscape with the Fellowship of the Ring. For I was in it. The 10th companion. But that did not waver me as I ran alongside my brother, Legolas. Yes, I am a Princess. A Mirkwood Princess. Lady Lura of Mirkwood.

We only had one task: to take the Ring to Mordor, and it wouldn't be easy. Time was running out.

"How far so we have to run?" Pippin cried out from somewhere behind me. I did not look back. I had. I time for whining hobbits.

"Much farther than this, Peregrin Took," shouted Gandalf, "so I suggest you keep up!"

This time I did look back to see Pippin way behind us, all four hobbits huddled together, not used to running. Gandalf took the lead, then Aragorn, then Legolas and I, then Boromir, then Gimli, then the four hobbits.

I rolled my eyes. They should be good at running by now. Hobbits really need to get out more.And all they've been doing is complaining.

We ran on, not caring if they were falling behind. They were hobbits, who cared about them anyway?

After a while, Pippin spoke up again. "Can't we..." he trailed off as we all stared at him after Turing around, huffing. "Can't we stop for the night and start eatin'? I'm starvin'!"

At this point, I had had enough of this hobbit thinking of his stomach.

"Can't you sop talking and start running? I'm annoyed!"

(Pippin's P.O.V.)

I stared at Lura. "I was only trying to help the Fellowship by a suggestion." Who does she think she is? The queen of all Middle Earth?

"No," she snapped, "you were only trying to slow down the Fellowship by thinking of your stomach."

"Alright, alright, enough arguing," said Aragorn. "Lura, you shouldn't be snapping at Pippin, he's only trying to help."

When everyone was looking at Lura, I stuck my tongue out at her. She only glared.

"And you, Pippin," Aragorn continued, "stop thinking of your stomach, we've got a Ring to destroy!"

When everyone was looking at me, Lura stuck her tongue out at me. I glared back at her.

Gandalf nodded. "Thank you, Aragorn. Now let us be off!"

Lura glared at me, and I glared at her. We held eye contact until she whipped her hair around, and continued running.

"She-elves." I muttered under my breath before starting to run again, stomach growling all the way.

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