Chapter 3

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Jackson was upset with Charlie because she didn't choose his side and she knew it. Before Jackson could launch into a speech about sticking together, she took her car keys and left the house before you could even call her name.

She drove aimlessly around for about an hour before she got a text from Allison. Quickly typing in her password, she didn't notice a stray dog wander into the middle of the road. The poor dog didn't get his attention until a thump was heard against her car from the impact.

Charlie quickly swerved and put her foot to the breaks. Exiting from her car and onto the desolate road, she noticed a dog lying a few feet away from the place she hit it. "Oh my God! Oh my God! I just killed a dog!" Charlie kept repeating in shock.

Not caring that the ground was wet because of the rain, she lowered herself to the dog's level by putting her knees on the asphalt, she tried to reach out and touch it but didn't get to far when a snarl but whimper erupted from his mouth. "Oh thank God you aren't dead!" Charlie said in relief.

She did her best the haul the animal into her trunk and sped down to the road toward the Beacon Hills Animal Hospital.


As soon as Charlie arrived at her destination she frantically banged on the wet glass, praying that someone was in there.

When she saw the face of Scott McCall coming to answer her cries, she felt butterflies in her stomach, but not enough for her worry to disappear. As soon as the door was open she launched herself into the explanation while letting all of the emotion she was holding back out. "I swear I didn't see it!" Charlie explained in between gasps. "I only looked off the road for like...two seconds to look at my phone...and this dog came out of nowhere!"

"Whoa, Whoa!" Scott made an attempt to calm her down. "It's okay. Do you remember where it happened so Animal Patrol can find it?"

"No, no, no!" Charlie said before thinking. "I mean yes. I know where I hit it but it isn't there! It's" Charlie said referring to the wounded dog in her trunk.

"Wait so where's the dog?" Scott asked confused.

"It's in my car." Charlie says while stepping back into the rain, leading him to her car. As soon as she open the trunk, the dog went wild. She couldn't blame it anyway. If she was that dog she would've wanted zero interaction with humans.

"Don't worry," Scott tried to reassure her. "its just frightened. Let me give it a try." When Scott got closer the dog barked, making Charlie grabbed Scott's hand from instinct.

"Sorry." She said, quickly letting go.

"No its fine." Scott reassured and their hands intertwined once more. He came toward the dog once more. This time there was a different reaction. The dog's growl immediately turned into a whimper. Taking the advantage, Scott delicately carried the dog and set it down on a metal table.

"Its leg is broken. I can make a splint, I've seen it done before." Scott said as Charlie tried to warm herself up. "I have an extra shirt in my bag." He said as he saw how cold Charlie was with a cold, wet shirt on.

"No I don't think I can do that." Charlie said half tempting. She finally gave in when he held the shirt out in front of her.

She quickly left into the next room but had no idea that a set of eyes were on her.

As quickly as she could, she took of her shirt, followed by her bra. The dog growled at Scott as if he was giving him a warning. "I didn't see anything!" Scott tried to convince it.

Once the shirt was on her, she stepped out into the room once more. "Well the good news is, she's gonna live." Scott told her happily.

"I'm sorry." Charlie said looking embarrassed at the ground.

"For what?"

"For coming here so late and disturbing you by acting like the biggest girly-girl." Charlie said bringing herself down.

"But you're a girl" Scott found himself saying to try to lighten the mood.

"But that doesn't mean I should act girly over what just happened." Charlie said in disapproval. Jackson trained her so she could back spot for him when their parents weren't home. He taught her how to play lacrosse so he could practice against someone. Charlie was probably someone who didn't fit the title: girly-girl.

"If it makes you feel better then I would've been crying, and not in a very manly way." Scott confessed. "In fact I would've been crying like the biggest girl-girl you have ever seen."

"No you won't."

"Yes I would." Scott kept pressing until he noticed something on her cheek. "You have an eyelash on your cheek." He pointed out.

"Probably from all of the crying." Charlie concluded while wiping the bottom of her eye.

"Here." Scott said as he noticed the eyelash still there. He laid his hand on her cheek and used his thumb to wipe if off. Scott gently stroked her cheek until it was knocked off.

Suddenly before either of them could comprehend what was happening, some of the space closed between until there was only an inch apart from their faces. Their lips were almost touching until Charlie's phone started to beep in her pocket.

"Its Jackson." Charlie explained after checking her phone. "I've been out a later then I should be." Both of them backed up at the name for similar reasons. Imagine how he would act if he saw his sister and the new lacrosse star kissed...or worse: dated.

"Before you go, you should try to pet it. It should let you do it." Scott said, wanting her to stay a bit longer.

"Should?" Charlie said uneasy.

"Will." Scot tried again.

"I don't know. I was never that good with dogs." Charlie said with a little fear in her voice.

"Just try." Scott reassured. Slowly Charlie to touch the animal but she found herself holding her back.

"I-I can't." Charlie found herself saying out of fear.

"Here." Scott said as he took her hand and softly put it on the dog. Charlie let out a smile that wasn't directed toward the dog. He gently moved it up and down until Charlie turned her head around to see him.

They looked into each other's eyes for a long time. It must've been to long for the both of them because they immediately sprung away from each other. "Jackson is going to get worried." Charlie thought up an excuse.

"Yeah." Scott said while looking the other direction.


Scott decided to walk her out to her car to ask her a question he had been dying to ask. "Um...I know I am probably too late to ask you this and your probably going with some other jock but...well, um.-"

"Whatever you have to say spit it out." Charlie found herself trying to calm down his nerves

"W-will you go to the party with me?" Scott let those words slip out of his mouth.

"If I said yes then would you be happy." Charlie said while trying to hid how excited she was.

"Yes." Scott said a little nervous.

"Then definitely yes." Charlie let out the smallest smile she could make while answering the question.

"Yes?" Scott asked a little excited.

"Definitely." And with that Charlie got into her car and drove off grinning like a madman.


"Where were you?" Jackson asked as soon as Charlie stepped through the door.

"Off to somewhere that could be far enough to ignore your questions." Charlie sassed back.

"Go to your room!" Jackson suddenly commanded.

"You aren't mom or dad." Charlie said frustrated. She hated when he would act like he was the parent.

"But I'm the oldest." Jackson found another comeback.

"By one month!" Charlie shouted back. She put in the anger when he interrupted the almost-kiss she could've had with Scott in that sentence.

"Just go to your room!" Jackson repeated.


"Fine!" Before he could finish, Charlie slammed her door shut with a loud bang.

Once she had privacy, she recapped what happened between her and Scott and let a giggle she was holding onto loose. Charlie did a trust fall onto her bed, not knowing that her crush was doing the exact same thing while thinking of her.

Charlie let the thought of seeing her crush's face tomorrow and let herself slowly drift away into the darkness that was calling her.

OH MY GOD! SCHARLIE ALMOST HAPPENED! You guys probably hate me for having Jackson interrupt their almost-kiss. PLZZZZ don't come into my house and kill me

Plzz comment and vote for next chapter. PLZZZZ tell your friends about this book too! I will love you forever and dedicate the chapter too you guys.

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