Chapter One

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Disclaimer: As much as I want, I DO NOT own teen wolf.

For everyday of her life, Charlie got whatever she wanted except for one thing, hope. She got a nice Porsche, a huge house, money, a brother, popularity, and parents that seem to try to ignore her and her brother, Jackson. When your like Charlie you ask, do you need hope? If you have anything you could ask for, do you need someone to love you back? In Charlie's point of view, hope is the only thing you don't need.

Stepping out of her brother's car and into the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School, she felt a wave of excitement, unlike Jackson, who felt some guy hit his car door getting out. Charlie sighed and crossed her arms, knowing that this wasn't going to end well. Jackson doesn't even let her look at the car without his supervision.

"Dude," Jackson hissed, "watch the paint job." Charlie was going to say something when someone called their names.

"You comin'?" Jackson asked his sister.

"Yeah I'll be over there in a sec." She told him as she watched him walk over to the jock that called him over. When he was too far away to see her she turned to the boy he hit.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked approaching him. He looked behind him for a second to find out she was talking to him.

"Y-yeah." He said sounding surprised that she was talking to him.

"Don't sound too surprised that I'm talking to you." Charlie said while having him scoff. "I'm not exactly my brother." She could easily see that he is still nervous so she decided to change the subject. "What's your name?"

The boy looked as is Christmas came early as he answered "Scott."

"Scott what?"

"Scott McCall." Charlie then noticed the lacrosse stick sticking out of his bag.

"You play lacrosse?" She asked. His hand goes from his side, to the stick, then to the back of his neck.

"Umm, yes actually." He says with uncertainty in voice.

"Well then I will see you on the field then." Charlie says. She was going to say more until she saw the familiar face of Lydia walking toward the school " I probably should get going." She tells him. She didn't notice how his face dropped a bit. "Bye."

"Bye." He said as he watched her waltz over toward her friend. Charlie didn't know that she walked away from the boy that truly will ever love her.


"Hey Lyds!" Charlie said as she approached the strawberry blonde. Both of them couldn't help it as two big smiles formed on their faces.

"Oh my God Charlie! How are you?"

"Lydia we hung out at my house yesterday." Charlie deadpans. She loves Lydia to death but she needs to stop acting stupid. The way they became best friends was because they were always the ones with the best grades or answers. They were both brilliant and popular.

Lydia let out a puff of air before continuing, "A lot can happen since yesterday." She had no idea how right she really was.

The two girls continued to talk toward the school as we heard another boy next to Scott, "Since the birth of Lydia Martin." Charlie wanted Lydia to acknowledge but she does the usual and walks right past them. "And you look like your just going to keep ignoring me." The boy continues clearly frustrated.

Once they were inside the walls of the school, Charlie turned to her. "Why did you ignore him?" She asked slightly angry that she wouldn't take compliments from a lower class.

"Because he's a nerd." Lydia stated as if that was obvious.

"Look who's talking." Charlie accidentally let that slip out of her mouth without a filter. Lydia's pace faltered a bit but she shook it off. "Lyds I'm sorr-"

"No." Lydia interrupted. "If you feel so sorry for them go over there and talk to them." Charlie was probably the only person who could insult Lydia without getting in trouble but even without her brother on her tail she felt truly sorry even though she knew she was doing the right thing.

"Fine." Charlie said and turned her back on Lydia and walk toward the boys. She then taped their shoulders, knowing nothing else to do. She automatically giggled as she watched the both boy's eyes go as wide as quarters when they saw her.

"I'm sorry about Lydia ignoring you." She said to the boy who's name she have yet to hear.

"T-t-that's fine. Fantastic." Charlie saw how uncomfortable he got. Especially when his voice got smaller when he said fantastic. Geez! What is up with boys getting uncomfortable whenever I am around? Charlie asks herself.

"What is your name?" She asked the buzz cut.

"Me?" He asked like a complete idiot.

"No the invisible man standing right behind you! Yes you!" Charlie said getting frustrated.

"S-Stiles." He finally got out.

"Well I'll tell her that you said hello." Charlie said trying her best to as nice as she possibly could.

Stiles eyes somehow got even wilder than before as his jaw dropped to the floor. "You will! Well of course you will you just told me you would but oh my God my life dreams are finally coming true." Charlie watched him ramble on for a moment before turning to Scott.

"Is he always like this?" She asked, a little stunned he would act like this over a hello.

"You have no idea."

"What tells me that I don't want get one?" Charlie asked as Scott chuckled. "Well I'll see you around McCall."

"You too Whittmore." They shared one last smile before Charlie went in. The last thing she expected the boys to talk about was happening behind her back.

"This is amazing! I somehow will get a girl to notice me and you got Charlie to like you." Stiles said excitedly.

"We shared a smile. I don't think she likes me like that." Scott said, but had a tiny flame of hope lit inside of him. What if she did like him? "I don't think that qualifies as something about her liking me."

"Dude listen." Stiles said, his arms flying everywhere before pulling Scott to the side. "I might not be a love expert-"

"No kidding" Scott interrupted to only get a glare back.

"Anyway this is how romance movies start. The girl starts to like the guy, she smiles back, and boom! It's a Romeo and Juliet story from there." Stiles says, his hands flying everywhere.

"How do you know how romance movies start?" Scott asks with a smile forming on his face.

"Okay that was only once I watched a movie like that!" Stiles protested.

"Then how come you said movies as multiple?" Scott said digging some more.

"Okay smart ass I see how it is." Stiles said while readjusting his strap. "Come on we need to get to class. I needed to know how to ask out Lydia by the way."


Charlie payed no attention to class as she tried to find paper somewhere in her bag. She decided to sit in the back which meant behind Scott and next to Stiles. She really hated to think that someone was torn apart and hid in the woods. "Come on. There has to be a piece of paper in her somewhere!" She said quietly so she barely heard it.

Almost automatically, Scott went through his notebook and tore out a piece of paper out and slid it towards her. Charlie looked down at the paper then to him in confusion. Instead of questioning she said a quiet thank you but before she could stop herself, a small smile broke out on her face.

Before she could replace it she saw both Scott and his friend, Stiles staring at her with victorious grins plastered on their faces. "What?" She asked when they look at each other their grins never fading.

Clearing their throats, they try to turn around inconspicuously before Charlie could start questioning them. Sighing she looked back at the paper and the tiny grin can't help but show itself once more.

She felt someone's eyes on her once more and was met by they eyes of Scott McCall and Stiles once more. "What?" She asked annoyed a bit this time. Once again the boys turned back around pretending to mind their own business. "Boys." She say to herself as she looked up to the front as a new student stood there.

"This is Allison Argent." The principle tells the class. "Treat her well." Everyone watches as she moved around the room looking for a spot until she finds one next to Charlie. She waited until the teacher starts talking again before Charlie lean and talk.

"I'm Charlotte by the way but people call me Charlie." Charlie tells her as she turns toward her. "I can show you around later after lacrosse practice if you like." Charlie offers her.

"That would actually be great." She tells her as Charlie smiles at herself proudly. All shes have been doing all day was making friends, unless you count Scott and Stiles friends.

Before Charlie knew it, the bell signaled the end of class and she grabbed Allison's hand and walked her to where her locker would be. Charlie couldn't help but notice that Scott was straight across from Allison's.

Scott must've noticed she was there too because they were looking back and forth at each other like they couldn't keep their eyes off of each other. Allison noticed too but couldn't say anything because she was suddenly in favor with one of the most popular girls in school, making the second one to do the inspecting.

"Come on Charlie!" Lydia yelled over her shoulder, Jackson, Allison and her making their way over to the lacrosse field.

After one last glance at each other Charlie replied "I'm coming." And made a desperate dash to catch up.


A/N:So I know most of you guys found out already that wasn't edited. I also kept putting I in there for some reason soooooo idk? I am sorry and can't wait to keep writing. I wanted Charlie to be Jackson's sister so she can listen to everything he says about him. Thank you :D


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