Chapter 14

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I enter the garage and spot Trayi immediately with a group she is teaching dance steps. My eyes gaze around to find another person with certain piercings, however she isn't there.

Trayi looks at me and I motion my head to a corner so we can talk in private as some things need privacy. She crosses the distance and we come out of the garage.

"What do you want?" she asks.

"Well, I've changed my mind. I'm in this thing called make-yourself-a-fool program you're hosting."

She nods and eyes up and down like she isn't sure if I'm talking sense or not.

"However..." My phone buzzes with a ping and distracts me from our very private conversation.

"Wait a second." I bring out my phone from my pocket and along with it comes out my dazzling white cigarette packet and drop on the cement floor like an upcoming bomb blast.

We both look at it and I tilt my head to Bratati whose eyes now have a sparkle in them. She has caught me red handed.

'Fulo ka taaro ka, sabka kehna hai, ek hazaro mai, meri behena hai...'¹ the song starts from the garage and she opens her mouth with, "Mom..."

"Wait! Wait!" I hush her.

"I'm going to tell mom."

"No! You can't. Okay, what do you want?" I try to bribe her and like a little devil she is, a sinister grin appears on her face.

"You have to participate in dance."


A coat of sinister aura surrounds her and she says, "Actually, you have to dance in two songs."

"What? No! I'll only participate in one dance!"


"Okay! Fine!"

"Then you'll have to dance with Shantipriya."

"What? No!" Shantipriya is one of her friends and mom has been trying to match me with her. Even her parents are still trying to pursuing the idea however, I have already said I don't like to marry, now. Maybe, not ever?

"Why? She likes you and you are her crush for a very young age."

That I knew all along. She is beautiful with big brown eyes and straight hair and the other traits of a beautiful girl. She's smart and is quite good in cooking (my mom made her cook for me to impress as the way of a man's heart is his belly - which is ridiculous). However, I have always seen her as a sister as she's Trayi's friend.

While I have no care or have any time to think about it, my mind is forming some other plan. Plan that can persuade Agni to become my partner.

"But I don't like her, you know very well. I see her as a sister."

"Oh! Then..." the grin still plays on her lips, "with whom you want to dance a duet?"

"Err... Anyone could be fine but not from your group of friends."

She raises a brow, "You could pair with Agni then..." My heart thumps with cats and dogs running in my belly.

"However, I've already paired her with Amit." And the cats and dogs have halted abruptly.

I want to tell her that at least let Agni pair with anyone other than Amit, however, cat gets my tongue.

"But, I can regroup them."

"So..." I ask trying not to show my heated cheecks, "Am I going to be paired with Agni or not?"

"Why? Do you want to be paired with Agni?" she asks immediately after my question.

"I was just asking for general knowledge."

She nods with a crooked smile like she has been expecting this conversation and I enter the garage while Agni appears before me as if she's leaving.

"Who stole your bird?" she asks.

My brows cease together, "I'm afraid, I don't have any birds as I don't like birds to be in cages."

"That's a metaphor, silly." She chuckles her red kurti sticking to her body. She's been rehearsing for a quite while.

"Trayi did."

"Because, you don't want to dance."

"Quite the opposite, actually."

Agni's dark eyes broaden with a shrug on her lips, "What changes your mind?"

"No one. I just thought, I would try this as I'm really bad at Dancing." My eyes fell on Amit, who has gotten himself another prey. "Even though I'm going to make myself a fool," I mutter under my breathe while Agni chuckles again.

"Why don't we do a simple dance just like the old actors and actresses did on the legendary songs?" She suggests as it grabs my attention. It is easy and the songs are pretty enjoyable too.

I bite my lower lip and nod, "That sounds like a plan. Will you dance with me?" I ask before I can realise the words that leave from my mouth.

"Yeah, why not?" She smiles and it also brings back my fallen kingdom.

"But what about your other dances?"

"I'm just in one dance that's with the group."

I raise a brow, "And, with whom did you pair up?"

She gives me a look that says 'What do you mean?'

"No one. Just us, the ladies."

"What? But I heard you're assigned to do a couple dance as well."

"Yes, Trayi wants me to. However, I've refused it but now, I guess I'm paired up with you." She smiles violet locks hanging both sides of her face. There is something euphoric about her smile as every time I see it, every time I feel a bad electricity runs through my veins. Then it snaps my euphoria, "Wait! What about Amit?"

"What do you mean by what about Amit?"

"Err... Well, isn't he your partner?"

She looks at me with a questioning eyes and says, "No! I'd rather stay away from him as Sneha likes him."

"You aren't paired with Amit?" I ask for the second time to be sure I've heard it right.

"No! Who said that?"

"But..." then my eyes avert from her and fall on Trayi. Beside her, a tall brown haired person is standing: Amit. However, both are giving me wide twisted grins from a far. That devil's minions!

With a tight lipped smile, I say, "Let's go select our song."


It's almost dinner time and my muscles are paining.

Mom has called us already and all of us gather in the dining hall. The table is decorated with the dishes while each of us take our seats as the aroma of chicken and spice engulf the room. Bratati has taken a seat beside Agni, Angshu can't come here. Poor boy!

"What's in the menu today?" I ask, however, I already know.

"Biriyani with chili chicken and payes for desert."

Agni's eyes shoot up as the realisation hits it is her favourite foods and a smile curls the side of her lips. Bratati looks at Aunt Laxmi and they nod at each other.

"Wow! I love biriyani!" My dad says however, mom slaps his hands away from the bowl.

"Biriyani is not for you. You have diabetes, remember?" It's like hundred volts of electricity struck my dad and his face becomes grumpy. He says, "I'll not eat then."

Dad sometimes acts like a child however, Agni and the rest of us chuckle at them.

"Fine! Only two tablespoon," mom agrees but dad's still not convinced. He loves to eat. Since diabetes, he's in restriction. Mom never let him eat or drink that can harm his health with the only exception of important occasions.

"Alright, everyone. Tomorrow is a big celebration and we all need to wake up early."

Yes, tomorrow is reception of the newly wed couple and one day before Agni leave for New York. My appetite evaporates with the realisation and something in me is saying, I don't have enough time. But for what?

"Also, tomorrow Bratati needs to cook for everyone as it's bou bhat*." Bratati coughs and looks widely at everyone. She gives a tight smile which says it's not from her heart.

"What happens, beta? Have some water." Laxmi aunty hands her a glass of water.

"I-" She looks between our mother's and says, "I don't know how to cook."

"We know that. You don't need to cook, you'll just serve the payes. All the cooking will be done by the cook."

She releases a sigh.

"However, there are one or two rituals before that so, we need to prepare."

We nod as we have been already waking up early and all of are tired. Now with the added program, I feel like my muscles are screaming and exhaustion etches on every pores.

A yawn escapes from my mouth as I head to my room after dinner with the growing tiredness. The stairs seems like an old enemy looking at me with angry glares. Each step feels like my legs are tied with boulders. Agni'll sleep with Bratati in Angshu's room and their room is opposite of mine.

I bring out my phone to see the messages as I have been quite busy with everything and find I three missed calls from my manager Ashok. It must be something important as he never calls me more than one time. That is if he needs my assistance. I click the green button and it turns into a voicemail.

I hear my dad's calling me and turn while takes the call without noticing Agni is just behind me. We collide and she loses her balance.

"Agni!" I try to hold her hands before it slips away and her legs couldn't balance her anymore. Her body hangs backwards and she falls.

My heart hammers against my chest and muttering a curse under my breath I run toward her.


Her small body tumbles down on the stairs and she stops at the turning but hit her head with a thud.


As I reach, I kneel beside her, my pulse rises at a pace as if every ounce of blood will ooze out any moment. She let out a moan.

"I'm so sorry! Shit! I didn't see you coming." I say as my eyes start to find for any injuries.

"It's okay, it's nothing." Her face and her rigid body says it otherwise. Then I see a bruise forming on her right temple. It's already bluish purple.

"Can you get up?" I ask as I wrap my hand around her waist and pulls her up.

"Ouch!" She winces.

"Wha-what happened?" I look at her waist if she is injuried.

She closes her eyes as if the pain has reached her head and with a ragged breathe she confirms, "I think, I broke my ankle."

No shit!


- Glossary -

Bou Bhat- It's a custom where the new bride will cook for everyone and serve them as well. However, nowadays, no one can cook for that many guests and family, the hired cooks do the cooking while the bride just serve.

- Songs -

1- Fulo ka taaro ka sabka kehna hai, ek hazaron me meri behna hai(1971)- sung by Kishore Kumar & composed by Dev Anand


17th October, 2020

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