Chapter 11! Supposed Sneak Attack

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Naruto finally made his appearance. I looked over at Sasuke with a raised eyebrow. "He's basically screaming sneak attack for a sneak attack." I state to Sasuke.


"So, you want me to leave this to you? Is that it, Haku?" Zabuza asked as I focused on the outside. "As usual, you're too soft."

Haku's head went down. "Forgive me."

I perked up a bit. 'He's right.... These wounds aren't serious. We're basically just getting acupuncture. He's not hitting anything vital on us....' I thought to myself, wishing I knew Medical Ninjutsu.

"I'm warning you!" Naruto screamed. "One way or another, I'm gonna rip that mask off and take you apart!"

'There's no way Naruto could match him. Sasuke and I can't even keep up with him.' I hiss again as I pull out a senbon from the tender muscle on my shoulder.

"That mask! And your bogus story!" Naruto kept shouting. "You were with Zabuza all along! You think you can get away with a stunt like that?!"

Haku's head once again went down. "I'm sorry. But as your sensei said, deceiving your opponent, catching them off guard. That is the art of a shinobi." Haku explained. "Please, don't take it personally." Sasuke threw a kunai, hoping to catch him off guard, but he moved his head back, evading the kunai. He turned to us. "I haven't forgotten about you two. Not for an instant." Haku hummed. "Some warriors accept defeat gracefully, they know when they are beaten. Others do not. So be it. Let us finish our battle then. To the death!" Haku walked back into the mirrors.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Naruto screamed.

"It's alright, Naruto. We'll have our fight next." Haku assured him, making me growl a little.

I clasped my hands together. 'Tiger-snake-rat-snake-tiger!' "Water Style! Water Wall!" I declare, my cheeks puffing up. I spewed out water and created a barrier all around Sasuke and I, but that didn't stop the senbon from reaching us. And with each senbon, the wall fell just a tad bit more. The wall dropped completely and I fell to the ground, covering my head as more and more senbon pierced me all over. I looked around from my position. 'If we can just get Naruto to attack on the other side while Sasuke and I-'

"Hey! I snuck in here to save you two!" I yelp in shock as Naruto appears in my field of vision. It was like fire had been lit underneath my belly.

"You... You idiot!" I scream, punching him over the head.

"OW! What the hecks your problem! You two should thank me for coming in here to save you!" Naruto screamed back at me.

"Naruto! If we're all inside here...." Sasuke stopped, a growl working out of his throat. "Forget it! I've had it with your mistakes!"

"And I've had it with your attitude!" Naruto shouted back.

"You're both being stupid! Let's just try to get out, alright?!" I scream at them, standing up. I clasp my hands together in the tiger formation. "Water Style! Liquid Bullets!" My cheeks fill up again, and this time, I shoot out water projectiles as Sasuke uses his Fireball Jutsu on the mirrors opposite from me. The mirrors cracked underneath the bullets force, but it didn't shatter.

"You'll need much more than that to destroy this ice." Haku said, the area filling with a bright light. Once again, pain flies over me and I'm getting pelted with senbon.

"Where is he!?" Naruto shouted. "Where is the needle attack coming from?! Are they clones!?" Naruto got up. "We've gotta find the real one! Which one is it?!" Naruto shouted.

"Look into every mirror as hard as you like, you'll never learn the secret." Haku droned.

"Oh yeah?! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted. A dozen clones appeared.

"No! Don't!" Sasuke and I shouted.

Water coated half my face again, and I could suddenly see Haku's shadow jumping from mirror to mirror. It was like everything slowed down for me, but I wasn't fast enough to comply. I placed my hands on the ground, breathing out a heavy sigh. "Sasuke, did you see that?" I heard him hum in agreement.

"I couldn't break through." I hear Naruto say as I keep my eyes open for the masked ninja. "So what? He's not gonna stop me!" He continues. "I'm not giving up and I'm not gonna lose here! Cause I have a dream and no ones gonna take it away from me! Someday, I'll be respected in my village! That's my dream! To be the greatest Hokage!" I sighed out, calming my heart and locked my eyes onto the real Haku. He couldn't hide from me anymore.

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