Chapter 19! Chunin Challenge: Rock Lee Vs. Sasuke!

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Sasuke released my hand as we exited the stair case to join our team. We entered a great hallway. Poles lined up before us, and the light shimmered inwards. "Hey you! With the attitude!" I hear someone shout. I turn my head and deadpan again. 'Seriously, Lee?' "Hold on!"

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked, clearly agitated. I crossed my arms again and sighed.

"I want to fight!" Lee exclaimed. "Right here and right now!"

"You wanna fight me here and now, huh?" Sasuke quipped, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Lee replied, jumping down. He stood up and jut his thumb towards himself. "My name is Rock Lee. You said it was common courtesy for a challenger to give his own name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha?"

I roll my eyes. "Hmm. So you know me." Sasuke hummed. Lee got into a fighting stance.

"I challenge you!" Lee declared. "Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha Clan and how great they are! I want to see if it is true! I figured you would be a good test for me!" Lee stated, then turning his gaze on me. "And also...." His cheeks turned bright red as I sighed. "Oh my lotus...." He sighed out. "I love you!"

Sakura screamed in mortal terror for me as I just sunk downwards, hating this attention. "Those eyebrows can't be real! NOOOOO!" She continued. "Your hair style is horrible too! You're such a weirdo! Poor Ren!"

"She is an angel, sent from heaven!" Lee exclaimed, winking and sending imaginary hearts towards me. I sighed as it smacked my cheek and fell limp towards the ground. "It seems to be ineffective, but lets see these fail!" He started winking and sending more and more hearts towards me as Sakura screamed in pure terror again. Sasuke and Naruto were engulfed in the rage of fire. They all just fell to the ground as I stood my ground, eyebrow twitching in annoyance. Sakura raised her fist. "She's gonna have to shower for a week now!"

"You do not have to be so negative, Sakura." Lee hummed.

"You've heard of the Uchiha Clan, and you're challenging me?" Sasuke asked, his eyes depicting pure rage. "You must be even more psycho than you look... if that's possible. You wanna know more about my clan? Then I'll teach you. The hard way!"

"Bring it on." Lee said confidently. I sighed once again, hating the odds of this fight. Sasuke was a great fight, yeah, but Lee was an even greater fighter with speed to match.

"HOLD ON!" I flinch a little as Naruto screeches. "I get him first! This weirdo is mine!" Naruto shouted.

"Go for it." Sasuke droned.

"Naruto, I'd seriously reconsid-" I was cut off.

"What, it'll take me two minutes to have this guy begging for mercy!"

"No thank you. Right now, the only one I want to fight is Uchiha." Lee replied calmly.

"Yeah? Well I got news for you!" Naruto shouted, running towards him. "Sasuke can't compare to me! Believe it!"

It was over in two seconds. Lee used his Leaf Whirlwind, sending Naruto crashing into the wall. "Just accept the challenge, Sasuke. He won't quit until he's gotten what he wants." I state besides Sasuke.

A smirk wiped over his face. "This'll be fun. Maybe you could learn a thing or two, Ren." Sasuke quipped. I stamped my foot on the ground and huffed in annoyance. Sasuke started towards Lee. Before Sasuke could even land a punch, Lee disappeared and reappeared behind him. "Leaf Hurricane!" He shouted. He kicked Sasuke in the mouth as he tried to block.

"Sasuke!" Sakura shouted.

A smile slipped onto Sasuke's face. "I've been waiting to try this out." Sasuke hummed, his eyes turning crimson red. I felt a flush crawl up my neck again as I stared at him. I could never get used to how cool he looked. I shook my head as I tried to stop those thought. Sasuke went for it again, but I knew his Sharingan wouldn't stop Lee's speed.

Lee kicked up, sending Sasuke into the air. Sakura looked shocked. "He's not using any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu." I state to her as Lee jumped up to finish Sasuke. "He's one of the best Taijutsu specialists in the village."

"You get it now?" Lee asked, turning to Sasuke as they landed. "I am using Taijutsu. That means no tricks, Sasuke...." He disappeared and reappeared once more. "It's just straight martial arts. Nothing more." Sasuke tried to hit him again. "I know your technique. You get it. It will not work. Not with me. I know you can see through your opponents jutsu. That Sharingan gives you the ability to read chakra and decipher hand signs and movements. You can guess what he's going to do almost before he knows himself!" Lee explained. "The problem is, Taijutsu is a little bit different!"

"Right? So what's your point?" Sasuke asked.

"I do not try to hide or disguise my moves." Lee replied. "I do not have to! Even if you can read them, you cannot stop them! You are too slow! Your eyes may be able to stay one step ahead of me, but your body cannot keep up!" Sasuke growled in anger at the boy. "You know what? Here is what I believe. There are two different kinds of ninja; those like you, who are born with talent and do not have to work at it," Sasuke charged at Lee again. "And there are those like me, the ones who have to train everyday of our lives." Sasuke aimed another punch, but no matter how much he tried, he would never touch him. "The fact is, your Sharingan is the worst match for my extreme Taijutsu. Here is what I mean!" Lee flung his leg up again, sending Sasuke up. I watched in horror as his bandages unraveled as he flew up besides him. "You're finished!"

I took out my kunai and threw it, pinning his bandage to the wall as I ran towards Sasuke and caught him. Lee landed in a crouch. I helped Sasuke sit up, then turned a glare on Lee. "That's enough!" I shout just as a red tortoise appeared with a leaf headband around his neck. My team stopped and stared at the creature in curiosity. "You know as well as I do; That jutsu is forbidden!" Lee started to apologize profusely to the tortoise as he stood a step towards him.

"Just shut up. Are you ready to accept the punishments for you actions?" The tortoise asked sternly. Lee looked to the ground and nodded shamefully. "Alright then. Please come out, Guy-Sensei!" Tortoise shouted. I palmed my forehead and sighed.

"You have got to me kidding me....." I drone, making everyone else look over in wonder.

In a flash cloud of smoke, a tall and creepy looking man appeared. One that I knew all too well....

With a green jumpsuit, orange legwarmers, a shiny bowl cut, and huge eyebrows that outdo Lees, Might Guy stood atop the tortoise in his signature pose. "Hey! What's shaking!? How're you doing everybody! Life treating you good?!" We all stared in utter shock, our jaws dropping.

"He's got the biggest eyebrows yet!! They're almost alive!" Naruto screamed. I shivered as his teeth sparkled like they did in the movies.

"Too weird...." Sakura jeered.

"So that's where Lee gets it from. Same soup bowl haircut and even bushier eyebrows!" Naruto cheered. Lee turned to snap at Naruto.

"Hey! Do not insult Guy-Sensei! He is one of the greatest men in the world!" Lee screamed at Naruto, who screamed back in response.

"Well, excuse me for not noticing earlier! I was too busy watching him crawl out from underneath the turtle!" Naruto shrieked.

"He did not crawl out-"

"Give it a rest, Lee." Guy spoke up, calming him down. "Now, for your punishment." He took a deep breath, and pulled his fist back and slammed it into Lee's cheek, sending him backwards. "You fool!!!" I winced gently at the power of that punch. Guy stepped up to Lee, sending me a wink before kneeling down to his pupil. I shivered in repulse. "I'm sorry, Lee. But it's for your own good!" Guy said gently, his voice shaking as if he were close to tears.

"S-Sensei..." Lee spoke, his voice an octave higher than usual. They had tears in their eyes as they gazed at each other.

"Oh, Lee...."

"Oh, Sensei! I am so sorry!"

"It's okay. It's over. You don't need to say any more!!" Lee launched himself at Guy, who pulled him into a seemingly loving embrace. They both cried in each others arms. I let out another deep sigh as I felt incredibly bad for Kakashi to deal with this creep.

"You're too good to me, Guy-Sensei!"

His sensei turned and pointed to the large opening in the room. "Now take off! I want you to give me one hundred laps around the practice field! Show me what you've got!" Lee agreed with strong determination. "Run into the setting sun! Run suffer! But don't mess up your hair! Let us go!" With a flick of my wrist, a wall of water stopped them.

"Hold on," I snap, standing up. Guy turned to me, smirking. "He's in the Chunin Exams, remember? You don't have time for your stupid antics."

Guy scratched his cheek gently, an embarrassed flush sinking into his features.. "Oh! Er.... Yeah. I forgot about that." He coughed a little, turning to Lee with a serious expression. "Ahem... Lee, you not only disobeyed the rule about fighting, but you disrupted the Chunin Exams. I think that warrants a slightly more severe punishment! Don't you!" Lee nodded with a, 'Yes, sir!'. "Let's say five hundred laps! How does that sound?!"

"Outstanding sir!"

We look at the duo with worry. "They're insane....." I mumbled.

"Probably, but ever mind them! What's the deal with the turtle anyway!" Naruto asks.

Guy turned to me and grasped my hands in his and knelt down. "Tell me, how is Kakashi-Sensei?" I snatched my hands away and backed up a fraction. Sakura asked how he knew Kakashi. "Do I know Kakashi? Well, people say he and I are arch rivals for all eternity...."

"Literally, no one says that." I drone, yelping in surprise as he flung his arm out and wrapped it around my shoulder.

"There's just no way!" Naruto and Sakura shout in unison.

"My record is fifty wins and forty nine losses. Which is one better than his, by the way!" Guy smirked as I kept struggling. He grasps my shoulders again and knelt down to me, giving me his best, 'I'm sorry' look. "I'm sorry for all the trouble Lee has caused you. It must be hard to forgive your future husband at this point, but at least look into my eyes, and accept my sincerest apology. Also notice my manly features.

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance as Lee started stuttering out apologies. "I AM NOT MARRYING HIM YOU CREEP!" I shout at Guy, snatching my hands away. "AND I'M NOT ACCEPTING THE APOLOGY NOW!" Guy and Lee both scream in agony, much like Naruto did the first day we were Genin. Guy bid Lee a farewell as a literal spirit escaped from his body. I turned back to my team, still seething with anger. 

"Hey, Sasuke!" Lee shouts just as we start to leave.

Sasuke turned to Lee, having his attention caught. Lee had wrapped his hands back up and he now seemed to be back to normal. "I have no been totally honest with you. I said I wanted to test my skills and this is true enough. But you're not the one I really wanted to test them against. I lied to you when I said I am the best Genin here, but there is another top ninja. Someone on my own team. I came here to defeat him. You were just practice. Now you are a target. I will crush you!" Sasuke started glaring at Lee, and if looks could kill, Lee would be dead by now. "There you have it, consider yourself warned." Lee jumped back up onto the balcony, and ran off to check in for the Chunin Exams with his team.

The others looked to Sasuke. Sakura's eyes filled with sympathy as Naruto's gaze lowered. "Meh, how about that? Looks like the Uchiha's aren't as great as everybody thinks they are."

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled at him as he looked at her with an uninterested and unsympathetic look, showing his lack of care for Sasuke's feelings.

"Just shut up!" Sasuke growled lowly. "Next time, I'll drive him to his knees!"

"Yeah right! Who just got his butt kicked!?"

Sakura began to scold Naruto as Sasuke growled in anger. I sighed slightly.

"He's right you know." I say to Sasuke, receiving the glare of a life time. "Lee's trained till he passed out every single day to get better and better at Taijutsu. He trains harder than anyone I know. That's all Naruto is saying. He's put in the blood, sweat, and tears. And more." I say softly, crossing my arms over my chest. His glare lessened a bit as he stared at me. He turned his back on me afterwards.

"Fine.... Hm! This things starting to get interesting. The Chunin Exams... I can't wait to see what's next!" We agreed in unison. "Let's get started! Naruto, Sakura, Ren!"




We started walking forward, heading towards room 301. When we arrived, we caught sight of Kakashi standing by the door, waiting for our arrival. He greeted us in his usual manner. "I'm glad you came, Sakura. For your sake, and for the others." Sakura questioned him, asking what was on all our minds. "Now you can all formally register for the Chunin Exams.

"Why? What do you mean?" Sakura asked softly.

"You see, only groups of three are allowed to take the exam, but in your case, it has to be a group of four. Since there are four genin, all four had to register for each one to take the exam. That's the way it's always been."

Sakura was beyond confused now. "But, Kakashi-Sensei, you said the decision to take the exam was up to the individual."

"Yes. That's right, I did." Kakashi answered plainly. "Sort of. It is an individual decision, but it affects all of you. I didn't tell you before because I didn't want the others to pressure you into it. At the same time, I didn't want you to feel obliged to take the exam due to any feelings you might have for Naruto, Sasuke, or Ren. I wanted you to come to a decision of your own free will." Kakashi explained. I cocked my head. 'So, if Sakura decided not to come, we wouldn't be able to take part.... That's actually brilliant.' Kakashi exclaimed he was proud of us and I could feel any better than his moment.

"We won't let you down, sensei! Believe it" Naruto shouted before entering the exam room, grasping onto our hands and tugging us in.

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