Chapter 21! Start Your Engines: The Chunin Exam Begins!

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"I am Ibiki Morino. Your test proctor. And from this moment on, your worst enemy." He smirks at us. All the candidates start murmuring in concern. "First!" He snaps, pointing at the back where we stood. "You candidates from the Village Hidden in the Sound!" I shiver under his anger. "Knock it off! Who told you, you could fight!" He screamed. "You wanna be failed before we've even begun?!"

The middle one wrapped in bandages turned around. "Sorry, it's our first time. Guess we're a little jumpy.... Sir."

"Hmph." He grunts before speaking. "I'll say this once. So listen up!" He snaps. "There will be no combat between candidates, no attacking each other without the permission of the other proctor! And even then, the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified, immediately. Got it?" We all just stared, silently agreeing to it. Well, most of us were. The other sound guy grunted before speaking.

"No fatal force? That's no fun." He said with a smirk.

The proctors began to chuckle. "Now, if we're ready. We'll proceed to the first stage of the Chunin exam. Hand over your paper work, in return, you'll each be given a number and this number will determine where you will sit." Ibiki commanded. "We'll start the written test once you're all seated."

"The what?" Naruto mumbles. "Did he say.... Written?" Naruto asks. And at that moment, one proctor held up a stack of papers. "Noooo!" Naruto cried. "Not a written test! No way!!!" I rolled my eyes and patted his shoulder like the pathetic dunce he is.


My eyebrow twitched as my body shook in actual fear. Of course I'd be sitting by the one guy here that I actually feel like would kill me if I breathed wrong. I nervously glanced over at him, flinching as he stared back, his face emotionless. "Everyone! Eye's front!" I hear Ibiki call as I have a mini melt down. "There are a few rules you need to be aware of. And I wont answer any questions! So you better pay attention the first time around!" He taps the chalk against the board menacingly. 'No questions? Seriously?' "Alright, Rule Number one is this. The written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system. Contrary to what some of you may be used to, you'll all begin the test with a perfect score of ten points. One point will be deducted for every question you get wrong. So, if you miss three, your final score will be seven." I sigh through my nose. 'Seems simple enough, but if feels like there's more to it...' "Rule Number Two! Teams will pass or fail based on the total scores of all three or four members!" Ibiki added harshly. 'YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME?! WE'RE THE ONLY TEAM HERE WITH A KNUCKLEHEAD WHO ABSOLUTELY FAILS EVERY WRITTEN EXAM HE GETS! NO MATTER THE DIFFICULTY!' I bang my head on the desk, groaning in anger.

I sling my head up. "What?! Wait a second!" I scream. "You're saying we all get scored as a team?!"

"Silence!" Ibiki shouts back. "I have my reasons, so shut up and listen." I pout and sink into my desk a little. 'You salty, old, bastard....' "Rule Number Three. The sentinels you see positioned around the room, are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating. And for any instance they spot, they will subtract two points from the culprits score."

"What?" An unnamed genin yelps.

"Huh?" Sakura hums.

"Be warned. Their eyes are extremely sharp. And if they catch you five times, you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored." Ibiki comments. 'Wow, talk about strict. What's the point of being ninja if we're unable to gather data.... wait....' "Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating by the sentinels don't deserve to be here!"

"I've got my eye on you guys." One sentinel says. I smile to myself. 'I see what this is, you crazy coot....'

"If you wanna be considered Shinobi, then show us, what exceptional Shinobi you can be." Ibiki explains. 'Okay, so if Sakura, Sasuke, and I get through this test, and Naruto gets Zero points, we should be able to pull through this....' I think to myself, bracing my head on my crossed hands. 'I mean, Sakura and I are good at written exams, and Sasuke is smart enough to hold his own....' "And one more thing. If one member of your team should fail the test, then the entire team fails."

I slammed my head on my desk again as Sakura screams. "WHAT'D HE SAY?!" As if on que, all three of us start glaring at Naruto. He started shivering underneath our gazes.

"The final question won't be given out until fifty minutes before the end of the testing period." Ibiki states. "You'll have one hour total." He finishes. I look at the clock, watching the second pass down to the very end. Once it hit sixty, Ibiki shouted once more. "Begin!"

We all flipped over our papers and started our exam. I stared down at the paper, cocking my head. 'Deciphering a code is first huh? And then a math problem?' I start twirling my pencil around. 'Guess I'm gonna have to cheat. Time to use that jutsu Kakashi got mad at me for making....' My lay my hand on my lap and discretely make the snake sign. 'Water Style: Water Vision!' My eyes dimmed down, and I completely lost my sight. I closed my eyes and focused on the humidity in the air. My vision regained through the classroom. I zoomed in on Sakura's paper, watching her write down the answers quickly. My own hand followed her own and started writing down answers. I moved away from her and went to Naruto, and the jutsu nearly failed as I see him freaking out. Soon, all my answers had acceptable answers, all except number ten. I let out a sigh as I release my jutsu and opened my eyes, blinking away the blurriness. I blew out a soft breath of air and rubbed at my eyes. I glanced over for a moment to see Gaara holding a finger over his eye. I look around at the sentinels, and smirked when they looked at me. The sound of a kunai hit a desk, making me look away in shock. A boy I didn't know stood up. "W-What was that all about!" He squeaked.

The proctor just smirked. "Five strikes and you're out." He recited. "You just failed the test."

"Wh-What?! It can't be!"

"You and your team mates leave the room immediately." The proctor snaps, pointing at him. Two other guys got up and left. And soon after that, more and more people started to fail for cheating. My mind suddenly went blank for a moment and I'm staring at Ino. 'Oh, you jerk, don't use my answers! I got these from Sakura!' I screamed internally as I watch her chortle. She picks up my paper and skims over the answers before releasing me from her Mind Transfer Jutsu. I shake my head and frown a little. 'She's so dead.' I look over again and watch Gaara jotting down some answers.

"Uhm, excuse me!" I hear someone call. I look over to see Kankuro stand up.

"What is it?"

"Gotta use the can." He admits rather bashfully. The proctor who cuffs him looks a little strange, but I just watch them leave before deciding to use my jutsu again to pass some answers to Sasuke and Naruto. I close my eyes again and form the snake sign 'Water Style: Water Vision!' I keep my eyes closed as I travel to where Sasuke is sitting and start writing out answers on the wood with moisture. He locks his gaze on it and smirks before jotting it down. I then travel to Naruto to see him so panicked, he doesn't even notice the answers I put down for him. I release the jutsu with a sigh, rubbing my eyes vigorously and blinking away the blurriness. I look down the rows at Naruto, furrowing my eyebrows. 'Let's hope this tenth question is easy enough for Naruto to at least get one point!' I sigh out and close my eyes. 'It's all riding on this last question....'

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