Chapter 37! The Final Exams Begin

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Thirty grueling days, I spent day in and day out running around the village, punching and kicking trees, and walking on my hands until they bled. I got three hours of sleep a night, two hour naps in the middle of training after we collapse of exhaustion, and even got some practice with my Kekkei Genkai. All the while, Guy kept making my weights heavier and heavier until they were as heavy as Lee's. This was the last day that Guy will be able to train me, and I was glad that I didn't need to see that bowl cut ever again. Well, until the next time he decided to surprise attack me.

"Ren! Since this is our last day together, I thought we could spend it in style!" He grinned that mega watt smile, and I felt sick now.

"And by spending it in style, do you mean were going to be walking around on our hands again? My blisters still haven't healed, you sadistic-"

"Nonsense! We're going to relax today! Leaf Style!"

I raised an eyebrow, but that dissolved into fear as he grasped my arm and hauled me off. I still can't get over how fast this guy is. I let out a harsh grunt as I move my legs to keep up with him and start trying to push myself ahead.

"You're getting much faster! But you are not faster than I, Might Guy!" He shouts, speeding down the road as I quickly made a right turn and try to have a day to myself and basically sleep the entire time. I slam into a body as I exit the alleyway, and tumble backwards with a shrill yelp.

"Ren?" I flinch and gaze upwards, smiling after I see who it is. "Are you okay?" Shikamaru asked, holding his hand out with a coy smirk.

I slip my hand into his and start to laugh. "I'm fine. Spending a month with Guy really prepares you for anything." I start dusting off my butt, glad that I lost that lunatic. "I actually just ditched him. I didn't want another training session of walking around the village on my hands..." I mutter, holding my hands up and gazing at the white bandages covering them.

"You're covered in injuries, Ren." Shikamaru mentioned, looking over my body. I suddenly felt self conscious. Guy demanded that I wear the stupid spandex suit he and Lee wore, and since Kakashi was no where to be found, I couldn't exactly pull him into the debate and got forced into one. "Why are you wearing that?"

"It wasn't my idea!" I yelp, grasping his shirt and tugging him along. "Come on, I can't stay in one spot too long, Guy might find me!"

"Then lets go to our secret place and take a nap." Shikamaru yawned, making me grin.

"Oh, yeah! He'll never find me there!"


Just like I predicted, Guy never once came to our cloud gazing grove. The subtle wind caressed my skin as I gazed upwards at the sky as it morphed into beautiful shades of orange and gold. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I hum, looking over at my lazy friend.

He flinched, and his cheeks started to turn pink as I stare intently. I never noticed just how long Shikamaru's hair was. I smiled fondly and laid on my side. I reached out and started playing with his hair. "H-Hey, what're you doing?" He hummed, his cheeks turning dark red.

"Playing with your hair. And you never answered my question." I push my lower lip out. Shikamaru just groans and turns on his side, facing me and leaning on his elbow.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." He grunted. "Even if I'm going to lose."

"Oh hush, you're a genius! And even if I over power you, there's no guarantee I'd win. Your brains always overpower my brawn." I giggle.

"Jeez, it sounds so uncool to know that a girl is stronger than I am." He rolls his eyes and rolls onto his front, his shoulder brushing up against my chest. I don't think he realizes, considering he's already asleep. I smile and run my fingers through his hair once more before getting up.

"I'd better go find Guy Sensei before he turns the entire village over." I hum to myself and get up.


I sigh outwardly as I watch Guy run around the shopping area, screaming my name and looking high and low for me. I stop by a dumpling shop and stare at the crazed mad man. He runs up to a pregnant woman and her son and waves his arms around. "Have you seen my precious pupil?!" He shouts, gesturing wildly. "She's about this tall-" He holds his arm up to his ribs. "She's got beautiful blonde hair-" He starts fluffing up his hair. "And blue eyes! Like this!" He jabs at the balloon the kid was holding and it popped. I snorted and nearly busted out laughing as he gets a viscous kick to the shin. The pair walks off as Guy slumps to the ground, and acted like he was in one of those drama's, where the guy asked why god punishes him in the rain. I step towards him and lean over, staring at his distraught face.

"Guy-Sensei? Are you okay?" I hum, cocking my head. He flinches upwards and slams his head into my nose. I fly back, holding my nose as blood spurts out of it. "Seriously?!" I snap at him, holding my bloodied nose.

"Ren! Thank goodness you're okay! I thought something terrible must've happened to you! Lee would never forgive me!" He cried, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. It felt as if my ribs were going to break from the pressure, so I shoved him off.

"J-Jeez, you're such a spaz. What did you want to celebrate with?" I question, dusting myself off.

"Well! Since you asked! I thought we could go visit Lee in the hospital, and then go out for some  food! And get to bed early for tomorrow's matches!" Guy exclaims, grasping my arm again. "This time, I shall keep a close grip on you, so that you will not get lost again!" I groaned outwardly and followed along diligently.

Lee immediately tried sitting up in bed as we entered the room. He had a thick white cast on his arm and leg. I remember when Naruto told me what had happened, and I bawled like a baby. It still brought tears to my eyes, staring at my friend. "Ren! It is so nice to see you again!" Lee cries enthusiastically. "Sakura tells me you've been training with Guy-Sensei the entire month!"

I rubbed the back of my head gently, chuckling at the duo. Guy winked and held his thumb up to his pupil. "Right, Lee! She has seen the world we live in, and it's just a matter of time before she falls for you, my devoted pupil!"

I inhale a bit, then let it go with a chuckle. "Guy, for the last time. Lee's like my big brother. And that's not going to change. I hate to be the bearer of bad news Lee, but I have someone I like." I say confidently. Lee's smile drops just a bit, and I find myself feeling flushed. "W-Well, at least I think I do... I'm still not to sure what these feelings are..."

"Do not worry, Ren. I understand! Sasuke will make a wonderful match for you!" Lee declares, holding up his thumb with a wide grin, but that smile, it made me queasy. And I just wanted to take it all back so he wouldn't be so disappointed. "I will just have to work harder to win your affection!"

I flinched a little, wondering why I wasn't attracted to such a hard working guy. He got down about things, but I've never seen him mope for more than a minute. He was very admirable. I smiled warmly at him and sat at his bed side, and reached over to grasp his hand. "Lee, you do that. We never know what the future will hold, but as long as we remain friends, no matter what, I'll accept any feelings you might make me feel." I say gently, and press a kiss to his cheek. "Guy-Sensei, if it's alright with you, I think I'll just go home for a nap." I say bashfully. Guy just starts bawling with Lee, and they both embrace as I awkwardly back out of the room.


The next morning, I stood in the arena alone. I had woken two hours ahead of time, and I wanted to get here super early. I was full of nervous jitters, and I was ready to give it my all. "Yukimura...." I hear a soft voice say. I flinch and jump at least three feet into the air. I whirled around and gazed at the red hair and sea foam green eyes before me.

"G-Gaara..." I mutter in response. A slight burn on my stomach has me queasy again.  His eyes just stare into mine, and I fight myself to not start shaking. Kankuro and Temari were behind him. "Good luck, in your match, I mean...." I stutter.

He just stares before nodding and stays put. I let out a sigh of relief as Shino shows, so I trail over to him, completely getting over my fear of his bugs. "Good morning, Yukimura..." Shino acknowledges, nodding his head.

"Good morning, Shino..." I say softly before turning my head to look back at the Sand Trio. Gaara just gazes as me, and I fight not to freak out. I shook my head and turned back to him. "I hope you brought your A-Game, because I'm not losing!" I grin, bumping my fist against his arm. He looks down at his arm and nods.

"I don't either." He simply says. I sigh just a bit and turn to the stands of the arena.

"Just think. Some of us might actually become Chunin." I state.

"Or all of us. But, I think in terms of skill; Shikamaru, Neji, you, and myself, are probably going to get the title."

"That'd be neat, huh?"

"It would indeed."

I giggled a bit and we started chatting normally. Soon, everyone had arrived, and Shikamaru joined our conversation. The arena started to fill with people and feudal lords. The only people missing were; Dosu, Sasuke, and Naruto.

"Have any idea where your team mate could be?" Shikamaru hums to me.

"I have no clue...." I sigh. We both flinch as a shout echoed through the lower half of the arena, and Naruto bursts through the doors and skid on the ground. "Found him." I say gently before going to help him up. "Jeez, Naruto, you trying to make us look like freaks or what?" I hum, tugging him upwards.

"The entire village''s bulls..." He mutters. "The bulls are going to go after everyone."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, cocking my head.

"I'm serious, Ren!" He snapped, grasping onto my kimono. I held up my hands and backed up. "There were so many of them!" Naruto then looked around. "Huh? Where's Sasuke?"

"You're missing Sasuke after the bulls? Anyway, it's not just him missing. It's that Dosu guy too." I state, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hey, you three." Genma snapped, breaking me from talking to Naruto. Shikamaru, Naruto, and I turned to look at him. "Stop walking around. Stand up straight and show your faces to the crowd." We all looked up at the crowd. "You guys are the heroes in this competition." He says to us as the crowd roars in cheers.

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