Chapter 41! Targeted! Heir To The Yukimura!

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The village lay in ruin, and it made a frown appear over my lips. I grunted lightly as I struggled to keep the bags of groceries firm in my arms. 'Stupid, Kakashi. Didn't even bother to come help me with shopping....' I grunted again, nearly toppling with the many bags in my arms. Before one could hit the ground, someone reached over and grasped it. "Ah, Shikamaru!" I cooed, smiling brightly at the lazy ninja.

"Need some help?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow with a cocky smirk.

"Jeez, did I make it that obvious?" I giggled, and continued walking. "I'm going to drop these off and go help rebuild some of the buildings around my neighborhood."

"Didn't the medical examiner tell you to take it easy?" Shikamaru scolded, taking another bag from me without asking.

I flinched a little, chuckling with a small smile. "I feel fine though. Actually, I've never felt better!" I grin, going to take a big step when my knee tightened up and sent a wave of pain up my back. I grit my teeth and turned back to Shikamaru. "S-See? Perfectly fine!" I say through my grinding teeth.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on. You need to elevate your legs for a bit. I heard everything from Sakura already." Shikamaru smirked.

"Okay, mom!" I teased.

We got to my house with Kakashi and we put the groceries up before Shikamaru made me lay down. He elevated my legs and took a seat by my bed, and relaxed. I gazed out my open window and sighed outwardly at the lovely breeze rolling in.

"Did you hear; there's talk about rebuilding the alliance with Suna?" I ask, looking over at Shikamaru.

"Hm? No, I hadn't heard that. I've been helping with the rebuilding." He admitted, pushing his finger in his ear. He hunched forward and laid his head on my bed with a smirk.

"Hey! Ren! You seen Shikamaru?!" I hear Ino shout from outside. I peer out the window and smile. "He disappeared over by the shopping district!" Shikamaru popped his head up and leaned against the window sill with me. Ino's mouth popped open while Choji kept munching on his snacks. "WHAAATT?!" She screeched, pointing up at my window. Shikamaru and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"You should probably go down there before she tears the door down." I giggle, pointing over at her.

"Man, she's such a drag sometimes." Shikamaru groaned. I giggled and watched him leave. As he disappeared from view, I quickly got up and into my ninja gear. I wanted to train really bad, and people like Shikamaru, Sakura, and Ino were always breathing over my shoulder about over doing it. I leapt out my window, wincing as my knees strained from the jump, and started running the opposite direction.


Sounds of fighting echoed out by the river as I ran through the forest. I peered out from the tree line, gazing at four figures fighting. Two I recognized. Asuma and Kurenai Sensei against two men in black cloaks with red clouds. I covered my lips with my hand as I fought back a yelp of surprise when Kakashi appeared. "Not that I'm not happy to see you," Asuma started as I inched closer. "But what are you doing here?"

"Well, you know. I asked you to take care of those two earlier, but I guess I got a little worried." Kakashi explained.

"Kakashi, it's you." The black haired man said. I couldn't see his face from here, but from what I gathered, he used to be a leaf ninja.

"Okay, talk." Kakashi ordered. "What's a rogue ninja like you doing in this village?" 'Rogue Ninja?' I inched forward a bit, and flinched back when the black haired one's eyes sliced towards my location. I couldn't give myself away. These guys were serious business. He turned back to Kakashi and I breathed out a collective sigh of relief.

"Well, well, what a surprise. That's how you copied my jutsu." The blue, fish looking guy said. "So there really is someone besides Itachi with those crazy eyes." I gasped inwardly. 'That Itachi? Itachi Uchiha?! Here?!' "You're Kakashi, aren't you? The Copy Ninja."

"You can imagine my surprise." Kakashi muttered. "I go to check out a couple of lowlife vagabonds in a tea house, and I find none other then Itachi Uchiha, and Kisame Hoshigaki, The scourge of The Hidden Mist Village."

"How about that. You know my name. I'm honored." Kisame said with a chuckle.

"I assume that bizarre excuse for a sword is one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist? The one called, 'Shark Skin'?"

Kisame laughs and holds up the hilt a bit more. "I heard that you and Zabuza had it out a while back."

"Yes." Kakashi reaches into his ninja pouch. "We did."

Kisame raises his sword again, growling a bit. "Go ahead! I'd love to cut you to ribbons."

"Kisame. Stop it." Itachi says clearly. I peer out a bit more, curiosity taking over. "If you take this man on, it won't be without cost. Furthermore, it will take time, and the commotion is liable to bring more shinobi running. Your way is inefficient, and unnecessarily risky. Don't lost sight of our goals."

"Lets hear it. What is your goals, exactly?" Kakashi asked. The clone by Asuma disappeared into smoke.

Itachi turned to the real Kakashi. "We're looking for something, and we know it's here."

"And what would that be?" When he didn't answer, Kakashi raised his kunai. "What is this thing your looking for?"

"My way is more efficient than Kisame's." Itachi said plainly, before pulling out shuriken. The fight began. An explosion rang out, and the water burst up, blasting is everywhere. I gaped in shock as the water rained down on them.

"Are you all right?" Kurenai asked as Kakashi panted in front of her. Itachi stood behind him, just a few feet away.

"Stay on your toes." Kakashi ordered. "This guy was made chief of ANBU Black Ops when he was only 13."

"All right, he's tough." Asuma snapped. "We get it."

"Tough?" Kakashi huffed. "You haven't seen half of what he can do."

Itachi finally spoke. "For someone who is not of the Uchiha Clan, you have mastered the Sharingan well. However, not being one of us, you lack our physical strength. And that's something you can't copy." Itachi mentioned. 'He's right... Kakashi gets so wiped out when he uses his Sharingan...' "Why is it that the Uchiha Clan is known by all, and feared by all? I'll show you what the Sharingan can do when it's wielded by a true heir of their bloodline." I kept staring, and when he opened his eyes, I had to look away. Kakashi had told me many times. The Sharingan could do some powerful, even fatal Genjutsu.

"Close your eyes! Don't look in his eyes!" Kakashi commanded very sternly. Kurenai and Asuma immediately closed their eyes. "Listen, both of you. Whatever happens, don't look. If you meet his gaze, you're finished. I'm gonna have to do this alone." Kakashi spoke, a waver of emotion I'd never heard in his voice before.  "My Sharingan against his."

"Indeed, your abilities are impressive. They might even be enough to resist the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there is something they can't defend against-- this special Sharingan jutsu called Tsukuyomi. Only someone with the Sharingan and Kekkai Genkai can defeat me." In that instant, Kakashi's body stiffened.

"Kakashi!" I muttered softly, gripping tighter onto the tree before me. Kakashi fell forward, panting harshly.

"After all that, the fools spirit is still intact." Kisame stated. "Meanwhile, you risked overusing those eyes of yours. You know that's dangerous."

"These things you've come for..." Kakashi panted, looking ready to pass out. "Is it Sasuke?"

I gasped inwardly, and peered out more. "No." Itachi answered. "The legacy of the Fourth Hokage and the heir to the Yukimura."

I gasped, and threw myself behind the tree more, grasping onto the fabric of my kimono. 'M-Me?' "What's he talking about? What's he after?"

Kakashi gasped outwardly. "The Nine-Tailed Spirit inside Naruto, and the Ten Tailed Spirit inside Ren. That's what your after?" He asked. "You're not the only ones, are you? There are seven more of you out there, searching. Hunting. I know all about you. You call yourselves the Akatsuki, right?"

"Akatsuki?" I mumble, biting my lower lip.

"Kisame. We'll take Kakashi with us, but we don't need the others." Itachi ordered. "Get rid of them." Kisame ran forward, ready to slice Kurenai and Asuma in half. I jumped out of my hiding spot and screamed.


"Severe Leaf Hurricane!" A familiar voice screams, and in comes Guy, getting directly on the mark with Kisame. Itachi and Kisame glanced towards me, a smirk on their faces as I raced towards the railing and leapt over.

"Well, who have we here?" Kisame asked as I knelt down to Kakashi, ignoring that glare.

"The Leaf Village's fiercest beast of battle. I'm Might Guy!" Guy announced, shooting that mega watt grin.

"You're Might Guy, huh? Mighty stupid looking Guy." Kisame jeered.

"Don't underestimate him." Itachi ordered, gazing straight at me. I glared harshly at him. I yelped and caught Kakashi before he could sink into the water and threw his arm over my shoulder. Guy turned to us.

"What they must've put him through." Guy sighed as I situated him enough to stand. He was heavy, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. My knees felt like they were going to buckle, but I had to be strong.

"Close your eyes, don't look at Itachi." Asuma said. "You'll get caught in his jutsu.

"Relax. I know what I'm doing." Guy said. "After spending this much time training to fight Kakashi, I know all about the Sharingan. All right, both of you, open your eyes, now." Guy ordered.

"But, if we--" Kurenai started.

"Don't worry, just don't look in his eyes." Guy recited. "That's the key to fighting an opponent who's using Sharingan. Focus on his feet. You can read what he's gonna do from his feet."

"All right, but that trick sounds a lot easier said than done." Kurenai mentioned.

"We haven't had all your training." Asuma added. "We're not you, Guy.

"True. It takes skill to anticipate an opponents moves merely from watching his feet, but I don't have time to teach you now. You'll just have to do your best." Guy says. "Ren, you take Kakashi to the medical corp, pronto. Kurenai, you assist her. Asuma, you'll be my backup."

"Got it." Asuma nodded.

"All right. I sent word for the ANBU Black Ops, but until they get here, we hold them off. Just you and me." Guy said.

"Interesting. I'll give you credit for guts." Kisame jeered again.

"No, Kisame. We're pulling out." Itachi ordered, never taking his eyes off of me. "We're not here to fight a full scale battle. Tempting as it may be, it's not the way to do this. Let's go."

"That's too bad. We could've had one tailed beast in the bag already. And it was just getting fun. They don't know how lucky they are." They disappeared after that, and I let out a collective sigh of relief.

"What did you think you were doing, Ren?" Guy asks after a moment of silence, slicing his eyes down to me in a glare. I looked down a bit, biting my lip.

"I was... looking for a quiet place to train... and I heard the fighting..." I admitted truthfully. Guy just sighed and knelt down to me.

"Intentional or not, you are one of their targets. It's good they didn't find you earlier." Guy sighed and placed his hand atop my head. "Come on. Kakashi needs medical attention." We all nodded and followed after.


I gazed at Kakashi from his bedside with a sigh, feeling a bit worn down. My knees throbbed painfully, but I wasn't about to leave Kakashi's bedside. Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy were all surrounding the bed with me, watching in anticipation to see if he'd wake. I sighed out looking over at Guy. "They're trouble. But from the look of things, it doesn't appear they've found Naruto yet. Unfortunately, they did find Ren. It's only lucky we were there with her." Guy comments, making me feel a bit uneasy.

"That's what's crazy." Asuma said, taking a seat on Kakashi's desk. "It doesn't add up. I mean, they had already infiltrated the village. It should be easy for them to find Naruto around here. Besides, Itachi knows Naruto's face already."

Guy shushed him, looking towards the door. It swung open, and a familiar boy popped in, surprising me. "Kakashi," Sasuke called, stepping into his room. He gaped at Kakashi in his bed. "Why's Kakashi asleep? And why is this room full of Jonin? What are you doing?" He snapped, stepping in further. I paled a little and gazed at my lap as he cast a look in my direction. "What the hell is going on here?!" He snapped to me.

"Uh, not much, really." Guy stammered.

"Hey! Is it true that Itachi has returned?!" A random Jonin called, bursting into the room. "And that he's come here to get Naruto and Ren?!"

"You idiot!" I snapped, throwing a wad of paper at him. Guy sighed in disappointment as Sasuke turned to the Jonin. Sasuke ran out, and I knew what he was after. "Sasuke!" I yelp, getting up to follow. Guy held his arm out, blocking me.

"You're not to leave this house without an escort, do you hear me?" He snapped at me, making me cower. "Aw, why does this always have to happen?!"


My leg bounced around as I sat patiently in Kakashi's room, grinding my teeth. "Jeez, you'd think they'd at least let me walk around the village..." I groaned, gazing down at Kakashi's still form. I flinched as a member of the ANBU Black Ops popped his head in.

"Ms. Ren." He said softly, stepping in. "I've been instructed to escort you to Master Jiraya. For your own safety." He recited softly.

"B-But, I can't leave Kakashi-"

"You shouldn't worry about him. The medical corp is on the way. Now, please, gather a traveling pack." The ANBU followed after me diligently as I journeyed to my room and packed up my bag. "Before we leave, we must meet with the Grand Elders." I nodded hesitantly and followed after him.


The Grand Elders gazed at me softly, keeping their eyes trained on my figure as I sat on the chair before them. "For your safety, Ms. Ren, you are going with Master Jiraya and young Naruto to search for Lady Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin. But before that, we must promote you in rank." Lady Koharu mentioned, pulling out a dark green Chunin Vest. "Before his passing, The Third Hokage recommended you by name to be promoted just after your preliminary battle had been finalized. Wear it with pride, and continue to strive within our great village."

"Thank you, milady." I stood up and bowed deeply, feeling a sense of giddiness wash over me. I took the vest and slipped it on, and tugging at the bottom for a second before standing up straight.

"Now that, that's taken care of, please escort her to the trading village. Master Jiraya has been informed of his new tutelage." The ANBU member bowed deeply and grasped my shoulder. We disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and when it cleared, I gazed at the back of Naruto and what I assumed to be Master Jiraya. Guy had just left carting someone on his back. It was best that I didn't ask.

"Master Jiraya, I have brought Ren Yukimura. She will be traveling with you and Naruto to look for Lady Tsunade." The ANBU member recited as Jiraya turned around. I felt my stomach churn. He didn't look like an all powerful sage. As a matter of fact, he looked like a dirty old pervert. The ANBU member disappeared as I tightened my hands around my backpack.

"Ren! What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Same reason you are. Tsunade." I say gently, avoiding the gaze of the old man. He finally spoke after a moment or two.

"Say, don't I know you from somewhere?" He hummed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"N-Not me.... b-but you know my dad, I guess..." I stutter, gazing downwards.

"Not ringin' a bell. What's his name?" He jeered, leaning down to cup his ear.

"S-Shun Senju..." I kept stuttering. This guy was creepy. Jiraya remained silent for a moment before launching back and screaming.

"N-N-Now I remember!!! The Squid Kings Daughter!" Jiraya screamed before looping an arm around my head. "Say, that means Tsunade is your aunt! Won't this be a family reunion. I don't think she's seen you since you were a baby!"

"WHAAAT?!" Naruto screeched, pointing at me.

"Ah, shut up, Naruto." Jiraya scolded, ruffling his hair. "So, you're a Chunin?"

"What are you talking about, Pervy Sage? She's just a Genin like me!" Naruto said cheerfully, not noticing the fact that I was indeed a rank higher now.

"Actually, Naruto, before I left the village in the search for Tsunade, the Grand Elders promoted me to Chunin." I say sheepishly, and Jiraya starts laughing heartily at Naruto's dumbfounded expression. "Lord Hokage recommended me for the promotion after the preliminary rounds."

"WHAAATT!?" Naruto screeched, sending Jiraya and I into a fit of giggles. "W-w-w-wait a minute!!" Jiraya and I had started walking away while laughing hysterically at the dumbfounded blond. "Ren! Pervy Sage!"

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