Chapter 47! The Aftermath!

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In a split second, Tsunade's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as I feel a sinister aura approaching from behind rapidly. Tsunade reaches out, grasps my shoulders and throws me to the side roughly. I gasp out in pain as I slam against the ground. My eyes flinch up and back to Tsunade taking a sword to the torso.  "Tsunade!" I yelp. Pain burrows into my stomach again. She spits out blood after a few moments of torture. Orochimaru leaps back, and the sword goes back down his throat.

"Tsunade, you are the one person I wouldn't want to kill." Orochimaru mentions. "Listen to me; If those brats are allowed to live, it will mean more trouble than you and your friends could ever imagine. Stay out of my way."

"No," Tsunade snaps back firmly. The quiver in her tone is prominent, but I don't think it's from the fear of blood anymore. "You listen to me. If I do nothing else, I will protect these two."

"Ha." Orochimaru scoffed. "And how do you plan to do that?" He asked snidely. "Look at you. Your body is shivering like a leaf in the wind. Besides, why would you, one of the Sannin, risk your life to save two lowly genin?"

She spat out blood after panting roughly. "By saving them, I'm saving my home, The Village Hidden in the Leaves."

"You really think you're protecting the village?" Orochimaru asked in disgust.

Tsunade looked back at Naruto, then over to me. "You see, this boy, this lowly little genin, has been chosen by fate to be Hokage someday. And if you've forgotten, she's my brothers only child. I will never stop protecting the last piece of Shun I have left." She snapped.

"What nonsense," Orochimaru laughed. "Even if it is true, what of it? Who cares about the Hokage? Only a fool would want that job!" I grimaced in pain as I started dragging myself towards Tsunade and Naruto. She sure has some power. I grasped onto her arm as I got to them, pushed myself behind her. She shakily grasped at my hand on her arm.

She finally started to lift herself off the ground as her gaze finally lifted from the ground. "From now on, I'm gambling everything, too." Tsunade mentioned. "I'm putting my life on the line."

"Well, if you're really willing to throw your life away for the sake of two insignificant brats, I'm happy to accommodate you!" The sword came back out. It sliced through Tsunade's torso roughly. She fell backwards as I shouted her name in agony. "Hmph, now all that's left is the two brats." Orochimaru mentioned as I gave him a harsh glare. Tsunade leapt over us and protected us from the blow of the next sword swipe.

"Tsunade!" I bit out.

"You really are determined, aren't you. I'm impressed." Orochimaru chuckled.

"Didn't I make it clear enough, you fool?" I hear Tsunade ask in a growl. My eyebrows raise. She must be in intense pain, but god- she was still maintained that pissed off attitude. "I meant what I said. "I will die before I let you touch them!"

"You're already half dead already!" Orochimaru growled out as he tried to curb stomp her. She flew over Naruto and into my body. I gasped out as I tried to help her back up. Her weight settled into my lap as she trembled in pain. "Ha, such brave talk. But look at you, you're still trembling all over. Poor thing. You just can't shake your fear of blood, can you? You see how pointless it is, and all for what? For the sake of an obnoxious little boy and you niece that you never bothered to visit- even after her mother had been killed. For the sake of a worthless village you left behind years ago?" Then, the shivering stomped almost immediately. "What? No!" Orochimaru bellowed as Tsunade bicycle kicked him into the air. "You stopped the trembling... How?!"

"I finally remembered something." Tsunade mentioned as she stood up effortlessly. "I've been chosen as the Fifth Hokage of the Leaf Village." She stated confidently. Goosebumps flew over my body as I inhaled in surprise.

"Wha-- What's that mark?" Orochimaru muttered as chakra ebbed through Tsunade, quickly healing every wound on her body. He got up slowly. "Whatever you call yourself, it makes no difference. You may have conquered your inner weakness. But what about the rest of you? You can hardly expect to defeat me in your condition!

"Are you blind?" I ask loudly as I get up. "She's using a regeneration jutsu- Her wounds are healing, stupid." I hiss and wrap my arm around my waist. 

Orochimaru chuckled. "It seems I'm not the only person who's been spending their time discovering new jutsu. This ones impressive. How's it done?"

"My chakra, for years, I've stored it up in a space behind my forehead, saving it for just such an occasion. With this chakra reservoir, my body's ability to create new cells is accelerated. The cells divide rapidly, spreading throughout my body and regenerating any damaged organs. It's like having the ability to reincarnate myself. You see, you can slash you way at me all you want, but I can't be killed." Tsunade explains confidently. She swipes her lip of any blood and smears it over her arm.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune shouts.

"Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto yelps from his spot. Tsunade starts forming seals rapidly, and suddenly, I'm sitting atop a massive slug. Besides the slug, a massive purple snake, and a massive orange toad. Naruto told me about this one- He managed to summon the Chief Toad only once, and he rode on the beasts back for hours until he passed out while still latched on. Jiraya told me he gained the respect of the Chief Toad.

"Summoning Jutsu!" All three Sannin exclaim.

"Holy-" I yelp as I grasp onto Naruto's body in shock.

"Take a good look kid, your father used to summon a squid twice the size of Katsuyu." Tsunade mentions. "But we'll talk about that later over a soak in the hot springs." 

"Manda, Orochimaru, Katsuyu and Tsunade," Chief Toad muttered. "Daiouika and Shun would complete the reunion." Smoke billowed out of Chief Toad's mouth slowly. The name of the squid summon sent Ameonna in a frenzy. I grimaced and shifted around in annoyance. "Did you bring a hanky, Jiraya? I think I'm going to cry."

"You old fool," I hear Jiraya quip. "I didn't summon you here after all this time just to listen to your stupid jokes." Jiraya commented. "This rivalry's gone on long enough. It's time to end it. Today, I'm putting Orochimaru out of our misery once and for all."

"Well, Orochimaru, why have you dragged me here?" Manda questioned angrily. A shiver bolted up my spine as I stared at the giant purple snake. "You know I don't like being summoned." Orochimaru remained silent. "Maybe I should just eat you and be done with it!"

I couldn't hear their conversation with the snake unfortunately, but it sounded heated. To have a summon so defiant- how troublesome.

"Who do you think you're talking to, you little bug?" Manda hissed. "What would the likes of you have that I could possibly want? Bah!" Kabuto looked like a scolded child. "So, Orochimaru, when this is over, I'll expect 100 human sacrifices."

"Katsuyu- see to the boy and my niece." Tsunade ordered softly. "Take them to Shizune quickly."

"Yes, my lady." Katsuyu hummed obediently.

"I can get him down there myself-" I try to say as a smaller slug forms from Katsuyu's back.

"Your chakra is severely depleted. Please, do not move too much." Katsuyu's smaller clone muttered as I helped her pulled Naruto onto her back. I climbed onto it's back and wrapped my arms around Naruto's body and pulled him astride my lap as the slug literally leapt from Katsuyu's back. We landed with a harsh thud in front of Shizune. "Shizune, please look after the children."

"Naruto, Ren." Shizune muttered as I hissed again from slight pain.

"The battle to come promises to be a most fearful one. You and this clone of myself must take the children somewhere safe to see that no harm comes to them." Katsuyu says ever so softly. "This is the wish of your mistress.

"Let me take, Naruto." Shizune stated as she lifted the boy from my arms. "Hold on-" My vision warped as I feel my legs go numb. I wiped at my eyes hurriedly. My chakra levels weren't replenishing. Everything went black in a second.


I winced slightly as the sunlight burned my eyes. My eyelids slipped open to the sight of our hotel room's roof above me. I tried sitting up, but a wince contorted my entire torso. "Ah, so you're awake." I hear Tsunade mention. I turn my gaze onto her. She's sitting on my bed side with a friendly smile. "It may have seemed like you won that fight with Kabuto's clone, but he severed several chakra lines in your body. I'm surprised you survived as long as you did. Had it not have been for the medical ninjutsu training you started with Shizune, you probably wouldn't have." Tsunade praised. She flicked my forehead softly. "From now on, you're taking lessons from me."

"Yes ma'am." I giggle softly as I sit up. She cups my cheeks tenderly and smiles affectionately. I lean against her palm as an unfamiliar feeling swells in my belly.

"You look so much like your mother. Except your eyes- they're just like Shun's." She leaned forward again and pressed another kiss to my forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't come for you that night."

I shook my head softly and grasped her hand. "It's fine. I was found by someone who needed me as much as I needed him. His teachings made me who I am today." I explain softly. "I've dreamed about meeting you for so long, it's scary- I feel as if I might wake up and it would've all been a dream." Tsunade chuckled and wrapped an arm around me for a tight hug.


 I hum affectionately as I tenderly poke at the necklace around my neck- the one from father. "Huh?! The Fifth Hokage?!" Naruto exclaims wildly. Tsunade hummed with a smile over her lips. "Unbelievable." Naruto growled. "I'm out of it for a few minutes, and I wake up to find out she's the Hokage!"

"Who's better for the position, Naruto? Hmm?" I jeer as I lean towards him. "Don't diss my auntie~" I coo happily. "What's bothering you now?" I giggle again.

"Come on, Ren! Shouldn't the Hokage be kind and wise, and everything?" Naruto asked with a pout. "Like the old man used to be? And she's-- well, mean and greedy! And with a nasty temper! And she's not all that smart! Nothing personal or anything, but it's a big job, and I'm not sure if she's up for it."

"R-Right, well, Lady Tsunade, are you ready to order something?" Shizune asks shakily.

"On top of that, she's a fifty year old lady who uses jutsu to look like a young woman! I just wonder if we really want a Hokage like that?" Naruto drones on and on. I start snorting softly at the sight of Tsunade ready to beat the pulp out of him. "You know, someone who's living a lie."

"You want to take this outside, kid?!" Tsunade bellowed in his face as she leaned over the table.

"This again," I sigh heavily as I slap the side of my head.

"You better hope this doesn't run in the gene pool, kid." Jiraya commented as he patted my head.

We followed the two headstrong shinobi outside. Once again, they stand across from each other. "I may not be anyone's idea of perfect, but I am Hokage now." Tsunade mentions pridefully. "And even though I shouldn't dirty my hands on a little squirt like you, one finger's all I'm gonna need." She holds up one hand.

"Not this time, Grandma!" Naruto bellows like a child. "And stop calling me squirt! Right now, I'm just a kid, but I'll be Hokage myself one day!" I smiled at the blond knucklehead and propped my hand on my hip. After a moment of silence, Naruto finally leapt into action. "You asked for it!" He throws a punch. Tsunade ducks, knocks his headband off, and prepares a flick to the forehead. He winced and closed his eyes to prepare, but she just leans over, and presses a soft kiss to his forehead. Naruto's headband lands into my palm as I reach upwards.

Tsunade reaches over and presses her hand onto his chest with an affectionate smile. "You'll grow up to be a fine man." She admits happily.

"You bet!" Naruto giggles bashfully.

I giggle happily and walk over to Naruto and sling my arm around his neck. We started chuckling happily with one another.

"Okay! Let's go home, everyone." Jiraya declares. "To the Leaf Village!"

"Whoa, wait a second! I haven't eaten yet!" Naruto complains as he whirls around in panic.

"Sucks for you, loser!" I jeer, and yelp in shock as he lunges for me. I start running down the road with him hot on my heels, and everyone's laughter following.

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