Chapter 58! A Daring Rescue!

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I watched in stunned silence as the Sakon threw a kunai and paper bomb towards a bush. I made a desperate shriek as a cold feeling settled in my belly as the explosion shot two bodies out. "Shikamaru! Neji!" I cried as I tried to leap forward, only to be tugged back by the rope.

"Well, Well," Sakon hummed. "I thought I was flushing a snake out of the bushes. But all I got was a couple of mice."

The big one looked ready to leap into action. Shikamaru stood up and held his hands out. "Uh, wait a minute! Calm down!" He yelped. "We're here to negotiate, not to fight! Can't we talk this over like reasonable people?"

"Heh," The multi armed one scoffed. "Let's not forget your friends, shall we?!" With a heavy tug of his arms, Naruto, Choji, and Kiba were pulled in. A smoke bomb went off.  "What good's that gonna do?" He sneered as I tried moving again. The Kunoichi kicked me back and pressed her foot against my hip to keep me down. "Throw all the smoke bombs you want, I've still got you. These threads are so fine they're almost invisible, but they're stronger than they look. You may have already encountered them in the forest.

"So that double trap of trip wires you set, in fact, was actually a triple trap." Shikamaru hummed. He scoffed. "That was clever. So I guess that makes you the smart one of the group."

"You're about to be the dead on," The multi armed ninja retorted.

"No!" I barked and flopped onto my stomach.

"Stop squirming!" The Kunoichi snapped and kicked me. I gasped out in pain.

"My body-" I smirked up at the Kunoichi as her body went ridged and stood stock still with her comrades. "What's happening?!"

"Man, that was perfect!" Naruto cheers. "Kiba distracted him and you nailed him with your shadow possession jutsu!"

"Yeah, that's right." Shikamaru breathed. "You're not the only one who can spring a trap. Thanks for making me look good in front of the squad. Appreciate it. You all right, Ren?" I breath out a response before struggling to get up. I limp past the sound four, and slowly make my way over to the others. Just as I think I'm in the clear, a thread pulls me backwards immediately.

"Very impressive." Sakon smirked as I land astride the shadows. I struggle against his hold and try to escape. "I'd be even more impressed if I hadn't mastered that technique as well." Shuriken flew out and narrowly missed Shikamaru as he leapt out of the way.

"Earth-Style Barrier." The big one hummed as he slammed his hands on the ground. "Earth Dome Prison!"

"No!" I shrieked out. Sakon grasped my hair and lifted me over his shoulder. I struggled angrily as I kicked my legs around.

"Since I'm the one who caught them, I get them." The big one mentioned as he pressed his hands against the dome. "Anyone else have a problem with that?"

"Heh, go ahead, but we're not waiting." The multi armed one stated. "When you're done with them, catch up with us."

"Stop! No- No!" I shrieked as they left the big one with my friends.

"Shut up, and eat this," The multi armed one snapped as he shoved a pill passed my lips. I started coughing and trying to spit it out, but it dissolved into a disgusting taste on my tongue rapidly.

"Don't take all day," Sakon said before hauling me up higher.


Tears were dripping down my face as I tried to hide my harsh sobs. "Stop crying already, you're already on my nerves." The Kunoichi snaps. "And they let you be a ninja. It's a wonder how you became a Chunin while being such a crybaby."

"Tayuya, quit pestering her. As long as Orochimaru wills Sasuke our leader, we will respect his wishes." Sakon snaps. He turned his gaze over his shoulder. "Jirobo's late. He should have gotten here by now."

"Well, you know how enormous his appetite can be." Tayuya shot back. "He's probably squeezing out every last bit of chakra."

"Man, I wish I could be in his shoes right now." The multi armed on mentioned.

"Don't under estimate them," I bit out. I lifted my gaze and watched the forest whiz by. "They're stronger than any of you, and they'll come out on top."


A sick feeling spread through my belly as I thrashed around. Bile rose up my throat as Choji's charka started to dwindle. That intense chakra power I had felt- he used his chili pepper pill. "Ch-Choji-" I whimpered. "Why?" I fought against Sakon again.

"Jirobo's pretty late, isn't he?" Sakon stated as he resulted into grasping the rope around my torso to carry me.

"He was, but he just arrived." The multi armed one stated.

I stared at Jirobo in silent horror, but his chakra wasn't normal. I knew that chakra. I hid my excitement as 'Jirobo' cast a glance at me.

"Well, it's about time. You were gone a while." Sakon snapped.

"Sorry. It took longer than I thought to eat all that loser's chakra." Jirobo. "I ate-- Toss me the girl."

Sakon scoffed. "Here. She's getting on my nerves." He tosses me over to Jirobo, and I'm carefully settled over his shoulder.

"Listen, Fatso. Don't slow us down so you can eat more." Tayuya stated snidely. "You see that coffin? You're the one who's supposed to be carrying it. So do your job, you slob!"

"Okay," Jirobo retorted. 'Oh, no- he's blowing it!'

"Well, Well, Jirobo. Aren't you awfully easy going today?" Sakon stated.

"Yeah, so what?" He snapped back.

"Well, it's just that I'm not going to be handing over this coffin to you, because you're not the real Jirobo!" The multi armed one shouted as he threw the coffin to Tayuya. "Let me take down this one, fellas. Sakon, Tayuya, go on. I'll catch up." The fake Jirobo set me down gingerly and I backed up against the tree.

"What about the girl?" Tayuya asked Sakon.

"A miscalculation on my part, but I was getting tired of her. We'll let Kidomaru take care of her, too." Sakon smirked.

The two left as the fake Jirobo attacked Kidomaru. "The real Jirobo is always scolding Tayuya for her rather coarse language." Kidomaru explained as he caught the Kunai aimed at him.

"You got me," Shikamaru stated as he reverted back to normal.

Kidomaru spat out a wide web, and Shikamaru stuck to a tree. "Shikamaru!" I gasped. I leapt up to the tree and stood just above him. "Are you all right?"

"I should be asking you that." Shikamaru breathed as I leaned down and tried kicking at the web to break it down. While Naruto tried to attack, Kidomaru shot out another web, restraining Naruto and his clones.

"Fang over Fang!" I hear a familiar voice shout.

"Kiba!" I cried in relief.

"I won't let you get away!" Kiba declared after Kidomaru moved out of the way.

"You stole my line, punk." Kidomaru scoffed. The ropes around my torso and wrists loosened unexpectedly.

"Neji-" I gasped as he landed besides me. He pressed his finger to his lips and smirked.

"You should look down at your feet!"

"You coward!" Kiba roared. "Do you really think you can stop us that easily?"

Kidomaru scoffed softly. "Why don't you shut up?" At that moment, Neji disappeared from besides me, and appeared on the other side of Kidomaru and leapt in for an attack. He was easily wrapped up. "It's useless. My spider silk is so powerful, nothing can break it. And since Sasuke's little girlfriend is still under the effect of my venom, she won't be using any jutsu any time soon." I gasped out softly as I gazed down at my palms. "Did you think I would just let them allow that seal to wear off? Let me just take care of these brats, and I'll bring you back to your beloved Sasuke." He started spitting out yellow thread. "Since you'll be my first victim, let's make this entertaining. I'm going to play a little game to find out which one of you is the real one."

"What did you just say?" Naruto snarled.

"Contestant one, let's try you at the end-" He threw the first thread.

"Naruto!" I cried out.

It destroyed a clone. "Oh, well, looks like he was a clone. No problem, let's try another!" He threw another. Another clone disappeared. "Whoever you are, you're pretty lucky! Next, let's try two at a time! The odds will be doubled in my favor!" Two more clones down the hatch. Kidomaru chortled. "You are a very lucky guy, you know that? But this time, I got a 50-50 shot! Here it comes!" He threw another, and Naruto's last clones was destroyed. "Well, somehow he made it all the way to the bitter end. Well, weaklings, it was fun playing with you, but unfortunately, the game's over for you now." I gripped onto the tree in silent fear. The hardened thread hit Naruto. "One down, four to- Wait, where did he--" Naruto's last clones disappeared. Naruto appeared over head and tried to throw a punch at Kidomaru, but he leapt out of the way at the last second. Naruto had a thread attached to his wrist, and just as Kidomaru pulled him in, Neji leapt into the fray, easily slicing through the thread.

"Thanks for stalling him for me." Neji commented as he caught Naruto.

"Neji!" Naruto cried.

"I trapped you," Kidomaru snapped. "How did you get free?" Shikamaru leapt up to the tree branch I was on and knelt down to let me onto his back.

"Your spiderweb had a chakra base. And chakra build substances don't stand a chance against my Gentle Fist attack." Neji explained smoothly. He stared back at Kidomaru for a moment before speaking. "Go on, you guys. I'll take care of him."

"Neji," I started weakly. I got off of Shikamaru's back and placed my palm on Neji's shoulder. "He's stronger than he looks. He's much stronger than Jirobo."

Neji remained silent for a moment. "We're going to have  to go one on one to have any chance for success. Isn't that what you said?"

"Yeah," Shikamaru breathed out. "That's what we agreed."

"And besides, if we all stay here, we won't be able to catch up with Sasuke." Neji explained.

"But what about Choji?" Kiba asked. "He hasn't come back." That cold feeling magnified in my stomach.

"We all embarked on this mission to find Sasuke and Ren, and bring them back home to the village. But that's not the only reason that we've come. We are on this mission to protect a fellow shinobi, to defend the bond of the Hidden Leaf Village. At the Third Hokage's funeral, when Iruka spoke, do you remember his words?" My mind wandered back to the funeral as Neji spoke. And Iruka was right. When someone passes away, it's the end. The persons past and future, all the dreams they've had, they disappear with the deceased. Even if they were to die honorably in battle. All the ties that bind them to the living are severed. All but one, the most important of all-- the People. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers. The people who were important to them. These people, the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle by their shared memories of the deceased. A circle of friendship, trust, and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. "Sasuke's out there right now, heading toward Orochimaru. We can't allow such evil to take someone from our village. That is not our way. What's more-- Naruto." Neji says as he turns to the blond. "Sometimes your eyes are even better than mine. Where ever he is, Sasuke is in the darkness. Now, get going." Neji ordered. "I'll be right behind you."

Shikamaru stood up straight. "Well, all right. Let's do this thing." Shikamaru stated. "You ready, Ren?" I nodded bashfully and climbed onto his back.

"When you catch up with us, make sure you bring Choji, too." Kiba stated confidently.

"Of course I will." Neji retorted.

My arms wrapped tightly around Shikamaru's neck as I buried my face into the familiar scent. "Thank you, guys..." I mutter aloud as I hide my face from them.

"Hey, just one more reason that you'll fall for me, right?" Kiba jeered. Akamaru barked in response.

Shikamaru smirked and tightened his hands around my thighs. Tears flooded from my eyes again as I kept my face hidden.


"Well, guys, it looks like it's just the four of us left now." Kiba declared from up front.

"I don't think you have to worry about that." Naruto stated cheerfully. "Choji and Neji are going to catch up in no time!"

"Shikamaru?" I hum quietly. He hums in response, as if he knew what I had wanted to ask.

"Choji's got his trump card with him! And don't forget-- I fought Neji in the Chunin Exam, so I know." Naruto continued.

"You know what?" Kiba asked.

"That guy is a true genius." Naruto answered confidently.

I smiled and gazed down at the ground below. "I think I can keep with you guys, now." I mention softly. We stopped for a moment, and let me trail ahead to see if I can indeed control my chakra enough to keep up. The refreshing flow of Ameonna's chakra started flowing through me, and my muscles started loosening up. My stomach churned after a few moments, and the memory of the pill dissolving on my tongue caused my mind to whirl. 'Just what did Kidomaru give me?'

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