Chapter 62! Mizuki's Transformation!

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"Well, well-" Shikamaru sighed out as pressed my palm against my stomach to heal the damage from that savage shot from Fujin. "It's a drag, but we came here on Lady Tsunade's orders."

"Grandma Tsunade sent you?" Naruto hummed.

"You two are going after Mizuki. Is that right?" Shikamaru asked with a smirk.

"Yeah-" I breathed out.

"So, who are the two big guys?" Shikamaru asked.

"They're Fujin and Raijin," I explain as Pakkun leaps back onto my head.

"Fujin and Raijin? Who're they?" Choji asks.

"They may be a little slow upstairs, but they've got herculean strength. They've been known to be stronger than the Sannin." I continue.

"No way!" Ino gasped.

"It feels like-" Shikamaru groaned as he started to struggle to keep the two brothers held. "She might be right!" The two brothers struggled angrily against the shadow possessions hold. "It's amazing. They're able to hold back my shadow possession just by using brute force. Great, looks like we've gotten ourselves into another annoying mess. Naruto, Ren- leave these idiots to us. You keep going after Mizuki."

"We can handle 'em." Ino added confidently.

"No problem!" Choji chimed.

"Got it. Come on, Naruto-" I held my hand out to the blond on the ground. He grinned and grasped my hand tightly.

"Be careful, okay?" Naruto stated to Squad Ten. "These guys are crazy. Like a couple of deranged monsters or something."

"Monsters- Yeah, I can see that." Shikamaru grit his teeth against the sheer force of the idiot brothers.

"Come on, you idiot!" I scolded the blond and lugged him over my shoulder. "Seriously-- be careful!" I snap at Squad Ten. 

"Gyeh! Ren!" Naruto yelped as I leapt from branch to branch, leaving my three closest friends to fight those idiots.


Naruto and I swerved around the bamboo through the grove in an attempt to catch up to Iruka and Mizuki. "It looks like they're going to the Jonin Exam building," I mention softly. "This way-" I push through a thicket of bamboo, and just as we come onto the building, an explosion destroys the upper levels. I covered my face with my arm and winced.

"Was that some kind of bomb?" Naruto gasped.

"What happened in there?" Pakkun barked.

"Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto gasped. We ran towards the building. In a matter of minutes, nothing but rubble remained of the old exam building. "No way," Naruto breathed out. "What happened?! Where's Iruka-Sensei!?"

"His scent tapers off here," Pakkun mentioned as he scratched at the ground slightly. "Well, come on. We'd better start looking."

"I swear, if anything has happened to you here, Sensei--" Naruto growled.

I laid my left hand over my right fist and knelt down to place my palms on the ground. Waters started to saturate the ground. My vision faded softly. Suddenly, I'm careening all over the destroyed building. A shifting boulder catches my attention, and I move into that. "I found him-- Pakkun, he's straight ahead, underneath that large slab. It looks like he's okay." I explain as I disable the jutsu. "I'll catch up in a minute," I mention as I start rubbing at my eye carefully.

"Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto called as he ran down the crater to help him.

"Ren, Kakashi warned you not to use that jutsu. You know it damages your eyesight." Pakkun scolded.

"I'm fine, Pakkun- I don't use it that much anymore. Just lead me forward for a couple of seconds," I snap back as we travel down the crater wall. My vision gradually started to clear up until it was back to normal.

"Thank goodness, you're okay," Naruto gasped as I knelt down to Iruka.

"Try not to move too much, I'm going to access the damage," I mutter softly.

Iruka groaned softly as I helped him lean back. "Somehow-- Mizuki was able to--"

"Sensei-- you're injured." Naruto muttered. My palms shimmered softly as I trailed them over Iruka's arms and body.

"Don't worry- I'll be just fine." Iruka grunted. He waved me off a for a second, and tried to move. He gasped out in utter pain.

"I said not to move too much, Iruka-Sensei!" I snapped. "You're injuries are not minor!"

"I'm fine!" Iruka gasped out. "Just a little wave of pain there."

"There's someone coming," Pakkun mentions softly as I start healing the damages in his arms. The woman stood at the top of the crater, and slowly walked in.

She pulled out medical supplies and assisted me with cleaning and bandaging Iruka's wounds. "The wounds are not too deep, thankfully, but you shouldn't push yourself any harder." I explain softly as I breath out a soft sigh. "Once this is all over, you need to check into the hospital for any other injuries that need a steadier hand."

Iruka lifted his head and gazed over my head. "Naruto? What are you two talking about over there?" He asked loudly.

"Oh!" Naruto gasped as he and Pakkun put their limbs down. "Uh-- Nothing!"

Iruka hummed in confusion. "Anyway, let me introduce you," The two walked over hesitantly. "I'd like you to meet Tsubaki." Iruka explained softly. "She's Mizuki's Fiance.

"She's Mizu-- Wait! Fiance!" Naruto cried.

"My radar must be off." Pakkun muttered.

"Oh, you think?!" Naruto whispered angrily.

"This is the second time Mizuki has caused you trouble..." Tsubaki frowned. "You have my sincerest apologies."

"So, you know what's going on then, don't you?" I ask curiously as I clean my hands slowly. "You're aware that Mizuki broke out of prison."

Tsubaki looked away shamefully. "Yes." She whispered. "The other day, he came by my home. I realized immediately and tried to stop him. But in the end, I just let him go."

"But, the way he is now, there's nothing you could have done." Iruka explained.

"No," Tsubaki started to cry. "I should have tried harder to stop him. But I-- Iruka, Naruto, Ren! I'm begging you! You-- You have to take me with you."

"Even though Mizuki--" Naruto started softly.

"You probably think I'm crazy for asking. But this path he's on- no matter what happens, I have to stop him." Tsubaki explained tearfully. My heart clenched as an image of Sasuke appeared in my mind. I gripped onto my flak vest tightly and grit my teeth.

"Iruka-Sensei-" Naruto hummed.

"Tsubaki, I can understand how you must feel now." Iruka says softly.

"So, then--" Tsubaki gasps.

"I'm sorry," Iruka sighs. "But I can't allow it."

Tsubaki grasps her fight tightly to stop the shaking. "But, why?" She asks.

"How come she can't come with us?" Naruto cries angrily.

"Naruto-" I warn softly. "Look, there's no time to waste. We have to find Mizuki."

"You must understand," Iruka continued. "She would only hinder us from completing our mission."

"Yeah, but she- she-" Naruto stammered.

"Iruka, please-" Tsubaki pleaded. "If that's the case, then I believe I can be of service to you. I'm pretty sure I know where he's headed next, and I can take you there!"

"Is- Is that really true, Tsubaki?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"Yes, I'm almost certain." She confirmed softly.

"But--" Iruka tried.

"I beg of you!" She cut him off. "I know Mizuki. He has a thousand ways to cover his tracks. If you waste your time searching for him, it will all be too late!" Tsubaki explains as the rubble around us falls over after finally succumbing to gravity. "Please! Take me with you!

Iruka glances up at me, and I prop my head on my palm. "Don't look at me, you're the Jonin here." I mention dryly.

Iruka sighs heavily and pats my head softly before finally accepting Tsubaki's proposal.


"You're sure this is the way, right?" Pakkun asks.

"Yes," Tsubaki breaths out. "We just have to keep going in this direction."

"Tsubaki, you said before we'd be too late if we didn't catch Mizuki," I start softly. "Do you know what he's planning?"

"Probably," She answered. "Not everything, but--"

"You have to tell us anything you can, Tsubaki." Naruto cut in softly.

"He only talks about one thing now." She answered after a second. He wishes to seek out Orochimaru and get his hands on the Sannin's power."

"Are you kidding me?" Naruto gasped.

We landed in a small alcove among the bamboo. "The whole reason he wanted the Scroll of Sealing back then was to give it to Orochimaru as an offering."

"Tsubaki, you knew of this?" Iruka asked.

"I never told the village," She admitted. "Just removing the Scroll of Sealing is a serious crime. And I was terrified of what would happen if his real objective came to light. I was sure he would abandon the idea, mend his ways."

"Then you yourself are not free from blame," Pakkun explains gruffly.

"I'm prepared to be judged," She retorted.

"There's something I still don't understand," Iruka said. "If you knew where Mizuki was going, you could have gone after him on your own. But instead, you-- you--" Iruka trailed off.

"I don't want to go alone," She admitted shamefully. "I might not be able to stop him. His sins-- His sins are far too many now. I can't allow it to go on any longer."

"We should get going," I mention softly. "We'll really be too late by then."

The other four nodded and we left the small alcove. "What sort of power does he seek from that madman?" Iruka asked as we leapt from tree top to tree top.

Tsubaki was silent for a moment. "I wish that I could tell you. I'm not even sure when he crossed paths with Orochimaru. But I'm positive those answers lie ahead of us." She turned her head back to us. "You must be angry, Naruto, for what Mizuki did to you back then."

"I couldn't care less at this point," Naruto answered. "I gave that jerk what he had coming right there on the spot. What's done is done. But--"

"But what?" Tsubaki asked as Naruto trailed off.

"If he's still got himself mixed up with Orochimaru, then I have something I need to ask the guy. Because there's somebody I have to find, and no one's going to stand in my way." Naruto growled. Another image of Sasuke flashed through my mind. My heart wrenched painfully at the image. When was it going to stop hurting? I shook my head as we landed on the ground and continued on foot.

"It's up ahead of us!" Tsubaki called out.

"Then, let's get going!" Naruto cheered.

We came upon the large mouth of a cave on the mountain side. "This place is--" I gasped out softly.

"That guy is up to no good in there," Pakkun explained softly. "The smell on the wind around here is giving me the creeps."

"The smell?" Iruka asked.

Mizuki's laughter echoed from the cave as he came into view. "I was wondering who that was. You guys sure are persistent, huh?" He's holding a beaker full of a strange, red liquid. "This is perfect. I was going to take you down, anyway. Now's my chance."

"Mizuki-" Tsubaki whimpered.

"You lousy--" Naruto growled as he tried to go after him. Iruka quickly grasped his jacket.

"Mizuki! Your twisted ambitions end here!" Iruka snapped.

"Pompous as ever, eh, Iruka? Too little, too late, though. Same as always." Mizuki held up the beaker.

"What is that?" Iruka asked as he eyed it suspiciously.

Tsubaki gasped in horror. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Mizuki asks as he peers at it lovingly. He chugs the entire glass, and drops the beaker.

"Oh, no--" I gasp softly.

"You know, you pathetic ingrates should consider it an honor to be my first prey." Mizuki explains before he starts groaning in agony while his body contorts and shifts wildly. It expands, and those familiar, poisonous curse marks appear over his arms and body.

"What one earth--" Pakkun barks.

"Mizuki!" Iruka cries.

"That's almost the same as--" Naruto gasps. "So this is what he was after..." Naruto breathed.

"Orochimaru's curse mark?" Iruka asked.

"But that's--" I gasp. "That's impossible!"


Mizuki chuckles as a wide, sinister grin slips over his face. "His level of chakra is unbelievable." Iruka gasps. "It's so much that my skin is crawling."

"I feel the same thing in my nose," Pakkun adds.

'My- My legs are shaking-' I can remember that awful chakra from the Sound Ninja Four- I could feel the pain of the toxin's Kidomaru used on me- I could feel Tayuya's raw power cracking against my face over and over again. I shook my head violently and bit into my lower lip until blood oozed down my chin. With a breath of relaxation, I prepared myself for the fight.

"What's the matter?" Mizuki asked. "Too chicken to make a move?"

"Oh yeah?" Naruto barked. He ran at Mizuki.

"Naruto! Hold on!" Iruka shouted. "Stay back!"

Mizuki was quick- Quicker than he used to be. He sucker punched Naruto.

"Naruto! You okay?" Iruka shouted. Mizuki appeared behind Iruka. 

"If I were in your shoes, I'd be more worried about myself." Mizuki strikes him across the face as I leap to the side a bit. He stares at his hands in admiration. "This must be the power Orochimaru promised. I've become unstoppable. I almost scare myself. Well, aren't you impressed?"

Just as he takes a step towards Iruka, Tsubaki wraps her arms around one of Mizuki's. "Mizuki, please! Don't do this!" Mizuki gazed down at her in annoyance. "I beg you!"

"Tsubaki, don't!" I yelp.

"I don't care what might happen to me. I'm begging you, you have to stop now before you take this too far. Please, Mizuki. Come home to the village." Tsubaki pleads.

"Tsubaki, I'm touched," Mizuki starts before tugging his arm from her grasp, and wraps his hand through her vest and hauls her up. "But if you truly care what much about helping me, why don't you be useful, and get out of my way?"

I leap up, and catch her easily. I feel a presence behind me. 'What?' I gasp as I turn my head.

"You're too slow, kid-" Mizuki sneers. He kicks me roughly, sending me into a tree. Moisture coats my back, and softens the fall. I peer open, and large tendrils of water are swaying around my body and slowly tugging my body from the caved tree as the smoke clears.

"Ren!" Naruto cries. I'm a bit away from the clearing, but I can clearly see the fight. I lean Tsubaki against a tree as the tendrils slink back into my skin. The tendrils slid down my arms, and I vault myself forward as Mizuki launches the demon shuriken at Iruka. Just as Naruto covers him, my hand wraps around into the circular handle of the shuriken, and the water submerging my hand freezes instantly. 

"What-" Mizuki growls.

"Mizuki, don't you lay another hand on my sensei!" Naruto snapped angrily.

Mizuki starts laughing manaically. "This is all so perfect. Nothing ever changes, not even down to the smallest detail. With two exceptions; The pathetic Ten-Tails is refusing to use her true power, and I'm using this power to it's full extent." Mizuki growled. "The only reason I was defeated in our last meeting, was because I underestimated that conniving demon fox." He gasped out, and started transforming again.

"What is he turning into?" Iruka gasped.

"I won't let my guard down again," Mizuki snarled. "I'm calling on all my strength to crush you. Now, let's all have some real fun."

"Move," I snapped to the other two, and the three of us jump out of the way as Mizuki leaps up, and slams his fist down onto the earth where we just stood.

"I don't get it! His force is even greater than it was earlier!" Naruto gasped. Mizuki ran out of the smoke, and kicked Naruto to the side before thrusting his arm down to catch me. I quickly avoided him, and made some distance.

'He's slowing down--' I breath out a soft breath as I focus my brain to remember where each chakra point was. Hopefully, they hadn't shifted on Mizuki during his transformation. 'If he's slowing down, maybe I can avoid those monstrous strikes to stop the chakra flow.' As he's beating on Naruto, I rush in, keeping as low to the ground as possible, and breath out a breath before slamming my fingers against each chakra point in his right leg. Chakra expels from the tips, and stops the flow of chakra. 'That's one leg--' I roll to the side as Mizuki roars out in pain. He throws Naruto at me, and tumbles on his leg.

"You little brat!" He snapped angrily. "Listen to me, you stupid fox, don't you ever lie to me like that again! And you- I don't know how you learned to stop the flow of chakra, but I'm not going to let you get that close again!"

I grimaced at that agitated face before my eyes catch something shining off the sun in the forest behind him. Naruto stands up slowly as I grasp his wrist once for good luck. The two of us run at Mizuki, and at the last second, duck under his arm. "If you're so great, why can't you catch us, huh?" Naruto jeered as we sped up.

"Come and get us, little kitty~" I cooed over my shoulder. Naruto and I shared hysterical giggles as Mizuki's face contorted in absolute rage.

"Okay, jump now, you two!" Iruka commands.

"All right!" Naruto and I shout, and leap upwards and onto the tree.

"No-- This is-" Mizuki gasps as Iruka activates the trap he set up.

"Seal and Capture Perimeter!" Iruka chants.

"Capture and arrest Jutsu?!" Mizuki gasps. Mud tendrils shoot from the ground, and wrap around each limb to keep him in place as Naruto starts building up his Rasengan.

"Rasengan!" Naruto shouts and slams it against Mizuki's torso.

"Amazing! That jutsu is-- he learned the Fourth Hokage's jutsu?" Iruka gasped as I leapt down besides him. "That was Rasengan!"

I giggled and lightly tapped Iruka's shoulder with my fist before running up to Naruto and wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. "Hey- you all right, Iruka-Sensei?" Naruto asks as he grasps at my forearms.

"Naruto, that was fantastic!" He praises. "What an incredible job!"

"Sensei- this guy didn't know the Hidden Sound Village was abandoned." Naruto explained. "So, that makes me think he's not really with Orochimaru."

"More of your filthy lies," Mizuki groaned. He literally dried up immediately as the potion wore off.

"Thought so-" I mention as I prop my hands on my hips.

"I don't understand, this is the ultimate body given to me by Lord Orochimaru." Mizuki whined. "I'll go to the Hidden Sound Village and he will--" He start vomiting on the ground.

"Hey, Ren- what's going on?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"It's just as I suspected," I hear a familiar voice call out as I open my mouth to explain.

"Grandma Tsunade!" Naruto gasped.

"Lady Hokage?" Iruka questioned.

"Ren," Tsunade smiled as she approached us. "What do you think?"

"Well, it's a concoction from Orochimaru's lab-- his body's celluar structure is disintegrating." I explain.

"You little bast--- what have you done to me?" Mizuki groaned.

"It's not his fault, stupid- This is caused by the formula you carelessly drank." I explain plainly.

"What?! That's impossible!" He snapped back.

"You're getting a taste of your own medicine," Tsunade hummed. "You see, that potion wasn't fully developed yet."

"Guess it goes to show you shouldn't probably follow after a ghost, huh?" I grin as I fold my arms behind my head. Tsunade laughs and pats my head tenderly.

The sun started to set as everyone started checking in. "We've recaptured the last prisoner, ma'am. And we looked after Shizune," A medical corp ninja explained. "She was injured quite badly, but there's no threat to her life."

"I see. Thanks for your hard work," Tsunade smiled.

"That's a relief," I sighed out a huge breath.

"You're tellin' me, it's nice to hear Shizune's gonna be okay." Naruto explained.

"Orochimaru probably discovered that potion by accident while he was trying to develop some illegal jutsu. All we know is that, that substance absorbs the DNA of animals and combines it with the human genome. It draws huge primal power of the body, but it only lasts a short while. As it works, it puts an incredible strain on the host's body cells-- stress that far exceeds the limits of the human body. It's too dangerous for anyone to use."

"But why would Mizuki do that?" Iruka asked.

"I don't know all the details of his involvement. It's safe to assume Mizuki and Orochimaru had joined forces at some point. However--"

"Now that bond is broken," Iruka hummed.

"Yes. Sadly for Mizuki, Orochimaru only used him as a play thing. It was all a joke to him, letting his ally march off with some useless potion." Tsunade explained.

"I feel kinda bad for him," I hum.

"Well, he is one lucky guy. An average shinobi would have certainly lost his life." Tsunade explained.

"It's all pretty unfortunate, isn't it?" Iruka asked Naruto as I walked with Tsunade.

"So, one of the medics let me know he had a few chakra points blocked-- It's good to know your hard work is paying off." Tsunade smiled as she ruffled my hair.

"It's a work in progress, I had to concentrate harder than I ever have just to make sure I could hit those points." I explain bashfully. "I still have a long ways to go, but Hiashi is very forth coming with my training."

"Yes, he let me know. He's pleased to teach such a gifted kunoichi." Tsunade hummed. "You remind me so much of my brother," I smile sadly and lean against her arm for a moment. "It kinda pisses me off- He was such a perfect prodigy, too."

"Hey, I've had some pretty good teachers." I explain.

"Damn right, kid," She sighs as she stares out at the sunset. "What a beautiful sunset." She coos. "Well, let's get back to the village."

We met up with Squad Ten on the way back, and Shikamaru and I were walking together and talking about having another Shogi match when we get back.

"All right!" Iruka calls loudly. "Since you all did such a terrific job today, I'm gonna treat you guys to a meal at Ichiraku Ramen!"

"No way!" Naruto gasped. "You're so awesome, Iruka-Sensei!"

"Hey, don't go breaking his wallet just yet, Naruto!" I scold. "On that note, I want a big order of Takoyaki!" I cheer.

"I want a big slice of barbecued pork!" Pakkun cries as he leaps onto my head.

"I want all three kinds of ramen noodles-- butter, soy sauce, and miso!" Choji cheers.

"Hold on, Iruka. Before that, you need to get Naruto to the Leaf Village Hospital." Tsunade snaps.

"Why? I told you I feel okay, and Ren's a medical ninja, right? Can't she make sure I'm okay?" Naruto complained.

"Don't argue with me," Tsunade scolded.

"Lady Tsunade!" I hear Sakura. I hum in confusion. "I did it! I mastered the first level!" Sakura panted as she ran up to us.

"Hey! Sakura!" I cried happily. "You're still a ways behind! You won't beat me!" I called out to her. She leapt into my arms and the two of us started laughing happily with one another.

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