#20 Behind the scenes!!!

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This one will be slightly long because i love writing this so much. Enjoy ;0

Shot # 11~~~~

Lou began to walk away from the doll with a determined look in his eye "Today we are going to practice avoiding stains, smudges-" Lou looked at Y/n for second before bursting into giggles.

"Y/N YOUR LINE!" Gen shouted, causing the doll to shake out of her trance.

"SPILLS!" you whacked the teacup out of the boy's hands and watched it shatter on the floor. He covered his face and began to laugh as well. You stood in the glass shards so confused. "Again please." Gen pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

Lou walked again with the same determined expression saying, "Today we are going to practice avoiding stains smudges-"

"And spills!" You knocked the boy's teacup out of his hand. He then jumped on top of his desk and sang at the top of his lungs,

"MMm WATCHA SAY~~~" while running from Dirkbot.


"Enjoy the Big World!" Lou said in a commercial tone. You smiled brightly and ran to pull the curtain rope. When you tugged nothing happened so you you smiled nervously at the camera and tugged again. This time, the entire rope fell on top of you.

You managed to untangle yourself before shouting, "Prop fail! Sorry!"


Shot #13 

"I've never baked before..." Lou whispered to his teammate Ox who whispered back, "Neither have I. What about you Dirkbot?"

Dirk shrugged, "I'm barely given lines, now they want me to make a three layer cake?" 

"Were gunna die." The three whispered in unison.


"Oxy!" You ran from Lou's side and hugged Ox tightly. Lou glared intensely at the two people in front of him. "Oh look its Oxy, let's forget about this being a Lou book, the readers wont mind." Lou scoffed and kicked a small sprinkle on the floor. You managed to hear this and decided to play a small prank on him. 

"Hey Ox, wanna mess with Lou?" He chuckled lightly. "Thought you would never ask."


Lou was being dragged away by the tall security officers. But not before he saw Ox wrap his arms around you. Ox was able to see Lou's face and winked. Lou started struggling to get out of the officers arms for real.

"Hey this is starting to look real." Gen whispered to Nolan who was behind the camera. "Yea but what about that?" Nolan put his hand on her shoulder and pointed towards you and Ox laughing together. Gen looked at an angry Lou and back at the laughing duo. 

Gen covered her mouth with a hand and squeaked. "This is tea Nolan. Remind me to add that in the chapter." He gave a two finger salute and smiled, "Yes ma'am"


Shot #14

"Look at me! I'm in a uniform! It's UNATURAL GEN." Lou stammered as he examined the new wardrobe. He ran to a mirror and tried to comb the untamed blue streaked hair. Nolan watched his friends misfortune and decided to show off the new suit he was given.

"Lou look! I'm perfect now!" He said innocently. He smiled and pointed to his hair and eyes, and then at the perfectly ironed suit. Lou's eye twitched before make a strangled noise.

"Nolan. Buddy." His voice laced with anger. He gently patted Nolan's shoulder and laughed darkly, "You have five seconds to run before I destroy you." 

"GEN HE WANTS TO KILL ME!" Nolan screamed before booking it. Gen ran after them yelling "LOU YOU CANT KILL HIM HE MAKES GOOD JELLY!" She wouldn't usually run for anyone, but this was important. (honestly if a monster was chasing me after five seconds I would stop and accept my fate. Doesn't mean I'm slow or anything just lazy)


After the tickle session, You and Lou both laughed and sighed when everything was back to normal. Until you both realized he was still on top of you. You stared at him and he stared back. Gen slowly counted down "3...2...1..." and pointed at Lou to get up. But he didn't he just kept staring at your eyes.

Everyone was starting to get uncomfortable staring the scene before them so they walked away. Gen was confused and reread the script to herself. What on Earth is he doing?

"You have pretty eyes." Lou said absentmindedly. You were baffled by the sudden compliment and just nodded. "Thanks you too." You smiled before getting up from under him. You forgot he had the contacts. "What I mean is, you have nice blue eyes. Not saying the heterochromia doesn't work either because that's also nice. The red and blue clash. In a GOOD way of course! Either way your fine. IT'S FINE." You rambled trying to find the right words to say. You were pacing at this point, your hands making wild gestures.

Lou blushed at your weird compliments and tugged at his tie for more air.


You pretended to be asleep as Lou carried you bridal style and stopped. He looked at you and threw you up and down, as if weighing you.

"Dude, your light. Like I can throw you across the room light." He said. You opened your eyes and looked at him quizzically, "Please don't throw me."

"Eh. I'll think about it." He shrugged and grinned mischievously at you.


Shot #16

"LOU. NOLAN! DON'T QUESTION ANYTHING AND PUT THESE ON." Gen yeeted clothes at the very confused dolls. Gen skipped back to them and handed Lou a dagger. "Your gunna need this."

They walked out of the dressing rooms still baffled. Lou was wearing a stark white shirt with two pockets, along with matching white jeans and boots. He held the twisted dagger in his hand while smoothing his hair back.

Nolan wore a light green shirt with a tree at the center. He wore a yellow bandana tied to his neck and brown khaki shorts held together with a belt. He wore knee high socks and brown boots. More color than Lou but both suited each other.

Gen smiled and grabbed her sketchbook, sitting on the therapy couch and began to draw them. "This is great. Hold still."


"Oh my gosh Nolan what did Gen doooo." Y/n looked at the now Buff Nolan. He was slightly muscular before but now he was more toned. Nolan jokingly flexed and laughed. "Gen said it would make SilentReadersMatter laugh so she said 'why not'"

"Baby boy is still a bean though." Gen smiled and squished his cheeks. He groaned and swatted her hands away. "One of these days you have to make me the villain." "Maybe"


You walked with Lou to the next class but heard a loud commotion at the lockers.  You ran to the noise to see Nolan being shoved against the lockers. You gasped but dropped character when Gen began wheezing with laughter. Michael put Nolan down and looked confused at the director.

"Im sorry, there's a funny comment on this. Give me a moment. Take five." She waved and giggled to her room. Everyone shrugged towards one another and decided to go to the food court.

"I still can't believe were being ordered around by a fifteen year old." Lou sat with the cast and drank his smoothie.

"She starts to rub off on you though." Uglydog shrugged and ate his pizza slice. The one plus of being human, he had hands now.

"Wait how old is Lou?" Babo asked and nudged Wage. She smirked and looked at Lou. "Yea we all know each others ages except yours blondie. Why's that?"

Lou looked at the cast unfazed and still slurped his smoothie. Y/n poked his cheek. "No seriously how old are you." Lou smiled and snapped his fingers, which set off the alarm signaling that its time to get back.

"Wow look at that. Saved by the bell." He grinned and walked with the smoothie in hand. Moxy stared at the blond and finally stated, "We're going to pry it out of him right?"

"Yes." The entire cast said in unison.


Shot #18

Gen looked at the script then at the older Yakko. "Ok so your going to be the serious teacher. Very boring nothing crazy. Got that?" "Yes ma'am" Yakko saluted and watched as Gen walked away. He ran towards the beverage stand and chugged energy drink after energy drink.

"What are you doing?" You walked in on Yakko guzzling the 5th redbull.

"I've never followed a script for 23 years and I'm not about to start now." He giggled and was on the 7th can. You nodded in understanding and walked away.


You walked around the hallways of the library, searching for a good book. You gasped as you found a masterpiece of literature on the top shelf. You quickly jumped to try to grab it to no avail. You made a small whine noise and jumped again.

"Y/n get a book from the lower shelves." Gen whispered so she wouldn't ruin the cut. You shook your head and jumped again. "But I need this one!" you quipped and decided to stack books as a ladder. It was very unstable and would wobble if you breathed wrong.

You were on the tip of your toes at this point, barely grasping the book in time before the weak structure crumbled beneath you. You screamed and anticipated for impact but it never came. Lou struggled to balance you in his arms and breathed a sigh of relief when you were safe.

"Aw thanks Lou." You smiled and kissed his cheek as appreciation. He shook his head and stared at you, "What was so important about this book that you were willing to fall for it?" He huffed.

You showed him the cover and smiled, in your hands was the greatest book known to man. His eyes glowed with wonder "I forgive you." He says.


"Hey Y/n wanna see something funny?" Tuesday asked slyly. You looked around at the students who were fighting the bots and nodded.

"Teachers comin'!" Tuesday sang and screwed a bolt in her machine. As if on cue, all the students scrambled from the floor and put the robots back in the cupboards. You laughed at the crazy faces they made and how they pretended they were still working.

"Oops false alarm." Tuesday was beyond hysterical at this point, barely making a sound as she laughed. You two high-fived as the class glared at you.


You, Mandy, and Nolan walked around in the finest Gucci you could find. The trio posed in front of the camera with you in the center. You were given a microphone and stared directly at the camera with the shades and sang,

"They tried to put me on the cover of vogue-" You began and you three kicked the air and they picked you up on there arms, forming a sort of pyramid.

"But my legs were tooooooo long." You kicked the air again as Mandy sand the song and you and Nolan were dancing like idiots.

Lou facepalmed and whispered to himself, "Why are you like this? Why did I fall for you?"


Shot #19

"This chapter implies way too much." Ox gulped and looked at poor innocent Y/n. You found a way to make a flower crown and put it on Dolliver's head. Whos smiled and hugged you in return. Ox grabbed a walkie-talkie and called into it, "Y/n protection squad, we need a meeting."

"Roger that heading over there now." Nolan answered.

"Me too." Mandy said.

"On my way." Gen replied

"Amateurs I'm already here." Lou smirked.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' lol the uglies are stuck as humans rn

"Hello dear readers! Glad you made it this far. As you know I asked for questions and you answered with question to answer and-"

"Wait hold on you lost me say that again." Shawn pleaded. Gen laughed ," No its a bit its supposed to be confusing. Anyway i'll put the picture on the screen and we'll answer as best we can."

"Alright first question..." Lou tapped on the tablet and a picture appeared.

Y/n and Lou glanced at each other and smiled. "To be honest, when we were told we were going to be all lovey-dovey towards each other it was somewhat awkward. For me at least." Y/n explained.

 Lou nodded, "Same goes for me. But after a while of getting to know each other both in front and behind the scenes we became good friends."

"That's cute and all but we need to answer more" Wage rolled her eyes and clicked the screen.

"First off, le gasp." Gen did a dramatic hand over her heart and laughed. "And second, I tried to focus on what characters from fandoms I knew would be goof for the job. The first three were easy, Dirk, Indi, and Seamie. Keith from Voltron would push everyone to their limits, making him the tryhard teacher." Keith scoffed but held a small smile.

 Yakko is history because the nations of the world that's literally the only reason (not a new character to obsess over nope) Mr.Shawn Hunter for French because he was known as the idiot savant who knew french although I really wanted to make David from camp camp the teacher. And finally Katie Holt from Voltron as the tech teacher because she's very good at all sorts of technology and would be laid back." Gen gave a small salute and put the next question.

Yakko was the first to answer, "Well it's certainly different than what I'm used to but all in all, the cast is amazing and unique."

"Even though some of us only appear as names, the main crew is always so welcoming and very wholesome." Daniel smiled as Keith and Katie nodded.

"There would always be pranks and jokes everywhere and no one was ever excluded." Adrien smiled while Lila sat silently.

Lou spit out his drink and coughed vigorously before clearing his throat. "Well acting in love is quite fun actually. I always get cuddles on and off-screen so that's a bonus. It's always a blast to have her by my side." He pulled you closer to him and nuzzled against your shoulder.

"Next question." Lou smiled. "But you didn't-" "I said next question." He glared at Gen and put the new question on screen.

Gen looked around the cast members and pretended to think about it. "I don't really have a favorite but I definitely love hanging out with Nolan and Ox. My buds." She giggled and did finger-guns to the two of them, who returned the gesture.

"As for least favorite I don't have one. Everyone is really nice and poli-" She was cut off by a phone ringing.

"Oops! Sorry I have to take this!" Lila walked away to answer the phone. After a few minutes, she walked back in the studio.

 "Its the prince saying he needs me to help him in the meeting. You know how it is. Bye." She waved farewell to the members and left. Gen forcibly smiled and snapped her pencil in half. "I love them all." Everyone was silent as Lou clicked the button.

"We do not." The uglies said in unison, like a bunch of creepy dolls. "But the cast from miraculous will appear in this book from time to time." Adrien winked.

You straightened your posture and beamed. "As for the other question, in half of these me and Lou barely make it together so that's something Gen is trying to work on. So me and Lou getting married is a long stretch away." You pointed towards Gen who blushed in embarrassment and nodded.

"Ooo yes that's good." Gen marveled at the question and looked towards the cast.

"I did this because acting has been a passion of mine." Lou stated.

"I did this because the pays alright." Ox joked.

"I did this because my parents wanted me in medical school and said acting is a terrible career." Nolan announced proudly. Mandy patted his shoulder, "I'm his best friend and told him to do it."

"We're a package deal." Moxy spoke and pointed towards the gang who cheered in response.

"Yes I do." You smiled  looked at Lou, who's face was sheer shock and as red as Luckbat, continued, "We wouldn't be amazing friends if I didn't." Everyone including Lou facepalmed.

You shrugged and clicked the button.

Ox poked Y/n 's ribs and laughed. "Me and Y/n are amazing friends, though that scene was very difficult to do for different reasons." He stood up and stared at Y/n with a glint of trouble in his eye. "You see, Y/n here is very ticklish so if I would grab her like so-" He picked you up and hugged you tightly. You laughed at how his arms brushed your sides and tickled you.

You took a few minutes to regain your breathes before answering, "Acting in love with Lou is very fun, we sing, we dance, we cuddle. We're both affection starved so we like to think of it as a close friend thing so yes, my feelings are very real." You smiled proudly. Lou's smile faltered but he tried to act natural. You pressed the button.

"My favorite would have to be the scene where me, Mandy and Nolan go to the mall. My favorite picture is the one of me and Nolan after we won a Moxy doll." Y/n nudged Nolan and high-fived Mandy.

"Mine would be the baking show when me and y/n had fun moments and the picture of human Moxy singing with Lou." Ox winked at Y/n who rolled her eyes and shoved him playfully.

"I liked the scene where me and Lou got to know each other more. Character development check~" Luckybat teased. "And my favorite sketch is the one where Y/n is doing puppy eyes."

"Favorite would have to be the Spy Au where I'm the bad guy. It's new also favorite picture is dazed off Lou patting my head." Moxy giggled and pointed at her head.

"My favorite was the Spy one because I took a lot of props that day." Babo laughed at the memory. "Favorite sketch is human Wage."

"Favorite scene is the baking show because I was able to show off my skills and favorite sketch is human Babo because he looked like a dork." Wage mumbled.

"Favorite is me and Y/n being broskis all the time and sketch of me and her with the Moxy doll." Nolan smiled.

"Every time me and Y/n are together and favorite sketch is me and Nolan in the camp camp outfits." Lou said shyly.

"Since I can't write everyone's responses I'll just say mine. My favorite will always be behind the scenes and favorite sketch is of Tuesday in the New Girl getup." Gen replied. Lou whispered in her ear as she looked at him confused. "What do you mean I haven't put that yet? How about the Human Wage and Babo sketch?" He whispered again. "Haven't done it? Oh. They didn't hear anything anyway."

Ox and Lou looked at the camera and winked, "We love you too. Everybody now."

"WE LOVE YOU!" They all screamed at the same time.

Remember that you are loved <3 bye

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