#27 Among Us

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Lol I'm pretty sure you all know the game ;) Also to whoever out there, I really want everyone drawn in the suits, I beg of you O^O I have had the urge to write this for a while XD ALSO IM INTO DUCKTALES NOW YASSS- (I wrote half of this before hiatus so....)

Among Us Au (this takes place in the Skeld ship)

"Alrighty everyone. Ya'll know your tasks. Stick to codenames. And goodluck." Ox's authorative tone was heard through the lime suit. You nodded with the rest of the crew and walked off to begin your tasks.

You were trying to connect some wires but couldn't see through your helmet. After an annoyed huff, you took off the tinted hunk of metal and let your face cool. That is until, the air supply stopped. You gasped between shallow breaths and with all your might shouted, "Head to Oxygen!" 

You bumped into LuckyBat...Or Red, as your were supposed to call him and told him the situation. The two of you ran to O2 as fast as you could. By now the alarms were going off from the low air supply. Many colored suits were running towards the station before the alarm turned off. You walked into the room and saw both Ox and Moxy fixed the tank.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and went back to doing tasks. You wondered how the Oxygen tanks broke in the first place. You shrugged it off and walked towards the navigation room. Barely a few minutes after, someone reports a body.

'How? Who?' You thought to yourself before running towards the cafeteria. Everyone had gathered and murmured among themselves. You noticed someone was missing. "Where's Lucky? I mean, Red?" You slowly came to the realization. Ox cleared his throat and addressed the crew.

"I just received word from HQ that the alien sample inside this ship has been breached and taken control of one of us. The specimen gives murderous tendencies to the host but doesn't affect their personality or appearance." He said somberly. Nolan raised his hand. "Yes Green?"

"Does this mean any one of us is a killer?" Green speculated. He seemed nervous, but you couldn't blame him. Lime nodded. A visible gulp was heard from Green.  Blue leaned on his chair, "Where was every one when the Oxygen went off? Me and Meghan were in admin swiping cards."

Orange coughed mockingly, "..And numbers" You and White gave a small chuckle. A blush was seen through Purple and Blue's helmets. Pink tried to free the duo from embarrassment, "I was doing a scan before the O2 alarms went off." 

Slowly but surely, everyone gave an alibi to where they were. Wage (Orange) in Nav so a bit of suspicion was thrown at her for being close to where the body was reported. Ox was the first in Oxygen. Nolan was in electric doing the wires and Tuesday (Cyan) was blasting asteroids.

"Black where were you before Lucky was found dead?" You panicked at the sudden change of spotlight. You took a deep breath and answered calmly, "After Green and Pink fixed O2, I was heading to Nav." Ox seemed to be analyzing your response before turning to Lou.

"And where did you report the body White?" All eyes were on your friend. He crossed his arms, "After going to O2, I found Red behind the wall in Shields." was all he gave to elaborate. No one wanted to vote out an innocent crewmate so they came to a consensus that everyone would skip.

The avatars on everyone's tablets proved that all voted to skip. A few warnings were exchanged before splitting up again. The faster everyone finished their tasks, the faster you would be able to go home. You began to make your way through Navigation and down to Storage where you saw Michael run out of comms. You glared at him and followed the blue crewmate. You saw him go next to the garbage chute and decided to wave it off.

You walked to shields and saw Lou standing next to the window. He stared out the ship's small glass and sighed. "Hey White. What are you looking at?" you tried to spark a conversation. He looked towards you and you could see a smile behind the tinted mask. "I'm just looking at the stars. Back in perfection they weren't nearly this beautiful." You hummed in acknowledgment and linked your arm with his. He sighed and placed his head on top of yours. There was a comfortable silence between you two. It nearly made you forget the rest of the world and it's problems.

An alarm blared which startled you two. Instantly, the both of you separated and ran back to the cafeteria. No one had to know about the two of you. Once everyone had gathered you noticed purple was missing. You swallowed your feelings and stared blankly at the rest of the crew.

(oh no im running out of motivation help---)

"It was Michael." You stood from your seat and crossed your arms. Immediately he lunged at you and tackled you to the ground. Ox jumped from his side of the table to stop the fight.

"Liar! You killed her! Murderer!" He threw of your helmet and was ready to swing if Lime hadn't tied his arms behind his back. The helmets have been long discarded from the two of you. Tears were in his eyes and blood was near yours. You wiped your cheek and growled. White helped you up and you walked around everyone.

"Look at him! The sample has made him blood thirsty and aggressive. Don't you see? He needs to leave." You desperately tried to gain the support of your once friends. They stayed quiet except for the silent cries of Blue. You stood your ground with a stoic expression, "Make your choice." Everyone looked at their tablets and began to chose.

A few voted for you, a few were too scared and voted to skip. The majority had voted for Blue. His yells and protests against your were held against deaf ears. With a heavy heart, White, Lime, and Green held Blue securely and locked him in the evac chute. He pounded against the glass cried louder than the alarms for the space chute opening. Everyone looked away except you. 

Once, his body was thrown into the depths of space, everyone hoped that they guessed correctly and walked back to complete the rest of their tasks. White stared at the cafeteria glass and sighed. He placed his hand on the glass and noticed a bit of your blood on his suit. He was going to wipe it off so people wouldn't assume him to be the killer but noticed something.

Your blood was ink black.

Just like the sample that went missing.

Nope its too late haha its a two parter now. Remember you are loved <3

just in case I didn't get the colors and people across:

Ox- lime / Lou-white / Wage-orange/ You-black  /Moxy- pink    / Meghan-purp  /   Nolan-green      Michael- Blue /  Tuesday-Cyan  / Lucky bat- Red

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