#28 Blue

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Had a dReAm about this Au so here I go! Also trying to write in 3rd person so tell me how that goes-

Soulmate Au!


The only stinking color Y/n could see and it sucked.

 Although she was still pretty grateful that her soulmate hadn't left to the Big World yet. You see, when a doll is first made, they can only see the color of their soulmate's eyes. Their entire world is seen through different variations of the same color. The moment you first lock eyes with them, every other color will rush at once.

There is a catch.

If your soulmate leaves to the Big World before you get a chance to see them, all color will leave your world. Leaving you with dull gray colors or in worst cases, completely blind.

Y/n had stayed quite a long time in Perfection waiting for her soulmate. With each passing day the Big World become so much more tempting. A small knock interrupted her thoughts. Y/n quickly composed herself and opened the door to find her friend Meghan. 

Her usual baby blue eyes were now a dark navy. Y/n looked at her excited friend. "Y/n I found them!" Y/n screamed with joy and hugged her. "I knew you would find them! Oh where are they I wanna meet them!" you were just as excited if not more. Instantly, Y/n stopped in her tracks and dragged her friend to the couch.

"But first tell me what colors you see! As much as you can describe." Y/n rested her chin in her cupped hands and waited with glee. Meghan laughed, "I'm learning the colors too so bear with me. I think my hair and eyes are purple. It looks like blue but darker and..." she tried to find the right words to describe it. Y/n closed her eyes and tried to imagine what 'purple' would look like.

"Y/N I HAVE AN IDEA-" the apparently purple-haired doll screeched. Y/n tilted her head in confusion. "I can see the differences in colors now so i just have to find you someone with blue eyes! WHY HAS NO ONE THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE-" She jumped from her seat and helped you look your best.

Your soulmate might be out there waiting.

Y/n and Meghan ran from house to house to find her other half. But it seemed they helped other instead. One example being this odd doll the duo found. He had two different colored eyes so Meghan said. The two of you had a lot of questions for him. 

"What color does your soulmate see? Do they see both? What color do you see? Can you see both?" the poor doll was confused. Just as he took a step back, he tripped on a girl passing by. She managed to grab his hand before he fell. You saw it for a moment. Their eyes changed colors. Both were dumbfounded. The boy smiled shyly. 'My names Nolan." The girl moves a curl from her hair and beamed. "My names Zara." Not wanting to interrupt this precious moment, you grabbed Meghan hand and dragged her away before she could ask the soulmate what color she would see.

It seemed as if the universe loved torturing Y/n. As if it saw the longing with every couple they accidently created. By now the sun was beginning to set. Y/n had waited years for her soulmate, where could they be? Everyone had gone back inside their homes and the plaza was empty except for you and a stricken Meghan.

"I'm sorry Y/n. Maybe tomorrow we can try again-" You cut her off curtly. "I'm done trying. It's been nearly a decade and the portal is still open. Maybe living with only blue isn't such a bad thing." your heart felt heavy and you began to walk towards the portal. Meghan tried to talk some sense into you. She described colors and the feeling of finding the one you loved. All you could hear was things you were never going to have.

You stared determined at the glowing sapphire. Slowly, you took a step forward. A numbing sensation shot through your body. You let the tears fall freely and waited for the sweet embrace of a child. A small cry was heard behind you.

"Wait! Please!"

You turned to see a doll running in your direction. He was practically screaming for you to stay while he ran towards you. You felt the portal tug you inside. First, your leg then  your arm. You yanked yourself away and tried to reach the boy. He skipped as many steps of the stairs as he could before tripping on the last one.

Desperate to reach you in time, he crawled and grabbed your arm, holding you closely. You screamed as the white light began to envelope you. With all your might, you hugged him tightly and tried to bring him inside the portal. Instantly, the portal shot you two out before shutting off.

You opened your eyes and tried to register what exactly happened. The doll laughed and still held you close, "I have never been more happy that the portal shut me out." You looked up at the unknown dolls eyes.

Hundreds of colors instantly appeared everywhere. The yellows and reds of the sunset, the black of the dolls suit. But the thing that you loved most was the blue from his eyes. (not to ruin a beautiful moment but I'm so cheesy-) You smiled, "My name's Y/n." His crystal blue eyes sparkled with the sun, 'I'm Lou."


"Lou what color is that?" You pointed at the rosebushes near his mansion. It had become a daily thing, to walk around the institute with arms linked together and name all the new colors you see. "I think the color is red. How about the color of Tuesday's hair?" He had a smug look on his face. "It's blue."

"And what about Michaels eyes"

"Also blue."

"The water in the fountain?"


"the portal-"


Lol remember you are loved <3 This was fun to make! what other soulmate au should I do?

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