#37 New Girl pt. 3

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I might have to speed up the process for this fic oop. *toots my b-day horn* Also I have a BIG question at the end

"And where do you think your going?"

You stared wide-eyed at the large man, paralyzed with fear. Nolan was the first to shake out of his stupor, rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to throw hands. The man's expression changed from intimidating to a gentle giant. 

"You were supposed to be here half an hour ago! New make-up artists always get lost. I'll show you where to go." He smiled and tugged you towards the tent. You looked back at your friends, who were very worried about where the man was taking you. You turned to the man again. You were no expert in the human mind, but he seemed like he wouldn't hurt you.

(This is going to turn into a lecture my bad-) Nevertheless, you pulled away. The man looked at you curiously as you pulled in as much bravery as you could.

"Actually sir, is it ok if my friends tag along? I'm not supposed to be alone...with someone I don't know." You stammered and fumbled with your hands. It may have seemed childish, but the words of caution your mother told you were ringing sirens in your head. You backed away from the man and closer to your friends, who held your hands to make you feel safe.

The security man looked at the three of you in understanding and nodded. "That's a very wise thing to do. As long as they don't interrupt your work." He waved his index finger as a caution. Your trio sighed with relief and nodded.

The man led the way inside the tent and showed you to your station. It was more makeup than you have ever seen. Some of the brands were very costly, like Fae, Huzzah, and even Le'real London. (I'm cackling at my offbrands-)

"New Girl! Quickly you have to prepare for the next shoot! Help this one-" A man with a thick French accent yanked you away and into a trailer, leaving you inside. You mumbled in dismay and turned to see Lou shirtless. You screamed and covered your face, making him scream back and cover himself.

"Y/N?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" The familiar voice screamed.

"WHY DONT YOU HAVE A SHIRT ON?!" You yelled back, your face a dark crimson.


"I DO MAKEUP APPERANTLY!" Your voice cracked and you tried to open the trailer door.

"STOP YELLING." He nervously ran his hand through his hair, still covering his chest.

"YOU STOP FIRST." You were panicking at this point.

"Ok! Ok! Since when do you do makeup?" He was genuinely curious, he didn't see you as the type.

"Since today when a tall man told me I did." You sighed, finally looking him in the eyes.

"Why didn't you tell him he got the wrong person?"

"Because I blanked out and he already made a mistake the first time I didn't want him to feel bad." You uncertainly rambled. You were honestly to awkward for your own good. Lou smiled at this and put his shirt on.

Although you were supposed to be helping him, he ended up helping you. He showed you the basics of the bases and brushes, what goes better with different skin tones, all that jazz while you listened silently. He seemed to be happy teaching about something.

You realized you were staring at him a little longer than you should have. You cleared your throat and smiled. He turned to you, a gleam in his eye.

"You seem pretty excited about makeup. And here I thought you were a regular ol' jock." You snickered and playfully punched his shoulder. He rubbed his arm and laughed with you.

"No no this is just like some side thing I do. Modeling and stuff. Parents forced me." He gave a saddened expression and looked away. You placed your hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back. For a moment anyway.

He cleared his throat and looked away again, "Well y-yknow that's just the price for looking this amazing I guess." He closed himself off. You frowned but said nothing. The silence felt like the air was getting thinner, harder to breath in. You decided to change the subject.

"Hey at least the job's easy. Snap and pose amiright?" You gave your best Vogue pose and winked at him. He laughed. And laughed and laughed, practically wheezing on the floor. You were pretty sure it wasn't that funny.

"You- You think it's that easy? Oh my goodness I can't breath..." He slowly picked himself up and sighed. "Listen doll, its not as easy as that. You have to be elegant. Grab the cameras attention. Like this."

He sat on the couch casually and stared directly in front of him with a smirk. You followed his eyes, not finding anything there. "What are you looking at?"

"The invisible camera. But I held such a confident stance I bet you thought there really was a camera. Now you try." You shrugged at his comment and stood next to him, imitating his pose. He hummed.

"Is it ok if I move you?" He asked gently. You nodded slowly as he began to help straighten out your pose. He tilted your chin higher and your shoulders more back. You tried not to flinch at the ticklish feeling growing in your stomach. He smiled with satisfaction at his work, "Tada. You got the gist of it now."

"Yep. Pretty soon I going to be out there with you by my side." You giggled but stopped when his eyes widened. You realized your mistake and tried to clear it up. "No not me and you together I meant like side by side-"

"No that's not it. I completely forgot I have to be out already! Ah geez uh see you after the shoot!" He ruffled his hair in front of a mirror and slapped himself to give his cheeks a brighter color. You stared dumbly at the weirdness of being a model and learning these tricks. He opened the door with ease and ran out of the tent in haste.

You decided your image of being a makeup artist was over by now so you stepped out of his trailer, looking around to see if anyone had spotted you. You sighed with relief and stepped out, looking to your right where Lou ran off. A smile lingered in your face.

Not a step forward and you heard a voice bark at you.

"What are you doing in Lou's trailer?" You turned and faced Kitty, with her hands on her hips and a death glare.

This was sloppily done and for that I apologize.

My big question is if for the behind the scenes, would you like the questions to be open again? Like the interview thing that happened in #20. 

As usual, you can ask anyone (ex. Lou, Y/n, Gen, and even the side characters cuz they also need love) ALMOST anything. 

If you ask more than one question, can you put it in a comment thread por favor? So I can crop easier. (Ya'll can ask as many questions as u want)

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