A New Ally

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The next morning Yin & Yang along with their new friends tried on their new ranger keys, powers and upgrades on their mecha, thirty minutes later Yin & Yang's new friends decided to show Yin & Yang the land of Japan, they showed them the imperial palace of the Japanese emperor, sacred temples and Tokyo but mostly important they warned them to never enter the infamous Suicide Forest, for once they enter they'll never get out of there alive, since there wasn't any danger for now our heroes decided to the day off. They went back to Tokyo where Yin & Yang were amazed by the beauty of the city and it even reminded them of New York City back home.

While our heroes went to get something to eat, Yin & Yang saw a picture of their parents Lincoln & Emiko at a restaurant when they were teenagers.

Yin: Yang look it's a picture of mom & dad

Yan: Really wow they look so young & really in love with each other

Yin: Well mom did say that she fell in love with dad at first sight and they got married at the age of 15

Yan: Touché sis

Gai: Wait guys, you're telling that you're Yin & Yang Loud, Lincoln and Emiko's children, the two legendary heroes

Yin: Yeah

Gai: Awsome..!

Ten minutes after Gai's reaction of finding out that Yin & Yang are Lincoln & Emiko's children they got something to eat at that same but suddenly moogers came out of the shadows and corners to attack the innocent citizens of Tokyo, the Gokaigers went outside and saw teenage boy with a robotic arm fighting the moogers alone but they were too many of them.

The Gokaigers transformed into Shikenger form and helped their new friend. Now together the Gokaigers and their ally defeated the moogers but they went into a giant monster size, the Gokaigers hopped into their mechas but they also that they're outnumbered.

Gokai Red: If Japan has a lot of giant heroes than where's Godzilla and Mothra when we need him

Out in the distance they saw Godzilla and Mothra the king and queen of the monsters ready for battle and to help our heroes defeat the giant mooger it was an incredible battle. When the Gokaigers won and Godzilla went back to the ocean, Yin & Yan saw the teenager with the robotic arm again in the restaurant they were eating at.

Yin: Hey are you ok?

Michael: Yeah I'm ok, why?

Yin: Because I saw your arm and I feel bad for you

Michael: Don't worry about it my parents gaved me this robotic arm and they also told me to give you guys these

Michael got new eleven rangers out of his jacket and they that they're the ranger keys of the Hoverdudes.

Don: Hoverdude ranger keys!, where did you get these?

Michael: I'm Michael L. Wakeman, son of Jenny Wakeman and Sheldon Lee a.k.a Xj9 and the Silver Wolf Hoverdude

The Gokaigers were surprised to see that their new friend is the son of two famous superheroes.

Michael: I couldn't reveal my identity until you were ready and the reason why I'm here with Godzilla and Mothra is because we're here to help

The Gokaigers found Michael worthy to come along for the adventure since he did prove himself worthy of defending himself from moogers and together they'll win.

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