Part 3

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1. Daniella

2. Cassandra

3. Bela

Tell me if you want me to do another Resident Evil x Loud House fanfic (can be Lincoln x Daughters & Lady Dimitrescu or just Lincoln x Dimitrescu..I can even do another female resident evil character x Lincoln as well)

Bela POV:

I was watching our prey try in vain to escape their chains. To be honest, I didn't mind if they escaped since it would be more fun hunting them down. I can just imagine how tasty their blood tastes and how they'll scream as they're eaten one by one until there is nothing left.

"Bela, Why are you wasting time looking at them?" My sister, Daniella asked.

"I wanted to see if any of them would escape and try to make a break for it. I figured it would be so much more entertaining then seeing them desperately try to break through those chains." I said.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but those pests have a better chance making our ears bleed than escaping. Besides Mother wants us to prepare them for tonight especially since we have guests coming our way." Daniella said. I mutely nodded and wondered how we were so fortunate to get this large feast on our laps. Which almost reminds me of that meeting that Mother housed.

I was standing near Mother when the other three lords walked into our house. The first being, Donna Beneviento who carried her beloved puppet, Angie. We never ask why she hide her face away from others since it was her personal business. Besides Mother told us to be polite and proper. The second was Karl Heisenburg who Mother hates with a passion. We hate him too yet there is little we can do against him since Mother Miranda says that he's important for our survival. Lastly, Salvatore Moreau walked in with his usual clothing. It covered his entire body because it is unappealing to look at. (Not telling what it looks like under there since spoilers)

"Daughters, Keep an eye on Karl. We never know what his nasty hands will touch." Mother said. We all nodded and watched as Mother Miranda walked in. She is the woman with the highest amount of influence in the town and no one speaks up against her. Unless they seek a gruesome end of their pathetic lives. 

"How are things coming along Alcina?" Mother Miranda asked.

"Things are going swimmingly and I know that *******'s family will come over to try and save him." Mother said.

"Which means more people to play with." Angie said.

"That's exactly right, Angie and maybe there's some new allies to gain from the group." Mother Miranda said. 

"New allies? Aren't we powerful enough as it is?" Karl said.

"Be quiet child, Let Mother Miranda finish speaking." Mother said.

"Thank you Alcina. There are always hidden secrets that most families try to hide and some are more scandalous and looked down upon than others." Mother Miranda said.

"So you're saying that a couple of his sisters love him?" Karl said.

"Yes. A fact that can be used to gain allies and possibly recruit his wife along as well." Mother Miranda said.

"What a brilliant plan Mother Miranda, but what of the child?" Mother said. 

"The child will be captured as soon as possible and brought here. He will surely enjoy having his son back with him along with several women to love." Mother Miranda said. 

"And the others mother?" Salvatore asked.

"I want them captured and brought back here alive. Then we will feast on them one by one." Mother Miranda said. 

"Of course Mother Miranda." Mother said as the others quickly walked out of the estate. As they did, we kept an eye on Karl and breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone.

"Mother, When you want us to capture the child?" I asked.

"Bela. Capture him as soon as possible then we will await Mother Miranda's orders going forward." Mother said.

"Of course Mother." I said as she walked away from the room. My sisters and I stayed there for a bit before checking on our guest. He was not to be touched by anyone or else they will face Mother's wrath. 

I was shocked out of my flashback when Cassandra gripped my shoulder. I turned to look at her before she mutely handed me a knife. It was almost time for them to suffer and I was sure to enjoy every bit of it. Mother always liked it when we make it really hurt. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter..Bye :)

PS: I will add more pictures once I find some that are different from the ones in Lady Dimitrescu's husband (I don't own the pictures)

Mother Miranda

Donna Beneviento & Angie 

Karl Heisensburg 

Salvatore Moreau

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