9. Kuro's Death

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Y/n POV :

I was personally surveilling the bases of Kuro and Kaito. Based on my research I believed that the next attack would be on one of those and that too today or the next day.

I remembered the days from six years earlier. All four of us were all doing different jobs but we build a family bond and lived together.

~Seven Years Earlier~

Y/n POV :

I walked inside the unfamiliar cafe scared of everything around me. I felt as if people were staring at me as if I had killed someone. I was trembling due to fear.

My heart was pounding so hard that it could pop right out of my chest. What could anyone expect from a person who had recently lost their parents?

Tears constantly streamed down my cheeks and my vision blurred. I lost my balance and was ready to fall but felt a strong grip around me.

I opened my eyes to find myself in the embrace of a man in his twenties. He helped me get on my feet and took me to a table where two people were already sitting.

"Are you alright?" he asked concernfully.

"Yes and thanks Mr." I thanked him but my voice was too low.

"You can call me Dazai, Dazai Osamu." he introduced himself.

"Ok Osamu, I'm Akira, Akira Fujiwara." I told him my name.

"We're also here." the other two said in unison.

"My name is Mio. And this dude sitting right beside me is Daiki." the beautiful lady introduced.

"Why are you down? You can share it here freely, we three here became friends because of sharing similar problems." Osamu said which made me feel a little better.

I told them everything which made them look at me pitifully. "We're right here for you Aki, don't you worry." Osamu said which made me smile for the first time in a month.

~Flashback Ends~

Fuck, I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. They were the ones who saved me from the severe depression and Osamu was someone I cherished so much. Yet he became the reason I lost my family.

I couldn't stand crying so I wiped my tears rapidly in anger. I wanted to kill that bastard so bad. The murderous intent in me called out but I shushed it.

Dazai POV :

This time I had hired a professional hitman for the destruction of the base while I pursued Kuro.

I would not fail this mission because I was the great Dazai Osamu after all. Too much praising now was time to work.

Y/n POV :

I looked closely because I noticed someone break into the base of Kuro. I quickly shut of the computers showing Kaito's base and diverted all my mind to this one base.

I realised his killing style was different. It wasn't that bastard because I had seen the pattern of his killing style. I recognised it.

I checked the monitor screen of Kuro's room where he was laying carefree. How were my team members so pathetic?

Guess I'd have to sacrifice Kuro if I wanted to know that man identity. Kuro was not that strong anyways.

This camera was well hidden so I was sure that my dear enemy won't be able to sense it unless he had great sixth sense which I know he didn't have.

I looked at them fight but I could only see the back of my enemy. What made my breath hitch was that those clothes were what Osamu wore when he had missions.

Come to think of it the killing style was also exactly the same. It couldn't be him, the person I loved, the person who became the cause of Dai and Mio's death.

Tears again started constantly flowing from my eyes and they seemed to be never ending. I let them flow and then those tears turned to sobs and hisses

I looked at the screen and finally saw his face. Was the Dazai Osamu I met the Osamu I had hated for five fucking years?

That face, it was innocent, different. There were a lot of coincidences but no solid proof of him being the Osamu I knew.

But now I knew this Dazai was the person who killed my team members and destroyed bases.

My head couldn't process the current situation.

To be continued...

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