Chapter 15

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Trunks woke up to the sound of a sweet voice whispering softly in his ear and warm breath tickling his cheek like a butterfly's wings. Slowly he blinked his eyes open and found an enormous pair of charcoal eyes barely an inch from his own.

"Yahhh!" he shouted, and scrambled backwards in terror. Then, a second later, his brain caught up with his body and he gave a huge sigh of relief. "Don't do that, Gohan!"

The wide-eyed chibi blinked at him innocently. "Do what, koi?"

Trunks have him a frustrated glare. "You know what I mean! Don't sneak up on me like that - you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Well, I'll have to try harder next time, won't I?" Gohan replied tartly, and scrambled further onto the bed to snuggle with his koibito. "Forgive me?" he asked pleadingly, changing tack in an instant to an impression of utter adorableness. The teenager's glare faded in an instant when confronted with the awesome power of the puppy-dog look.

"Grrrrr..." Trunks couldn't help a smile as his beloved demi-Saiyan kissed him on the neck. Gradually, the younger boy's lips travelled further up and Trunks felt a sudden heat spread throughout his body as Gohan's tongue glided up the outer edge of his ear. Slowly, teasingly, he explored all the curves and lines that made sweat stand out on the older boy's skin and tiny gasps escape his throat. Gohan ended his performance by taking the lobe into his mouth and lightly grazing his teeth over it.

A purr emanated from Trunks' chest and Gohan rested his head over the source of the sound, listening and absorbing the beautiful affirmation of his love's enjoyment. The way the other boy purred fascinated him and he found that he could lie still and listen to it for hours on end.

But long before either demi-Saiyan felt like moving, the door to Trunks' room burst open and Bulma poked her head around the corner.

Ignoring the bright red blush that instantaneously painted the faces of the boys curled up together on her son's bed, the cerulean-haired woman cheerfully announced, "Breakfast's out if you're hungry. I think you'd better hurry, boys, because I'm calling your dads next."

The two part-humans looked at each other and scrambled out of bed, all embarrassment forgotten in the threat of missing out on a meal. Bulma's laughter followed the pyjama-clad boys as they charged downstairs and raced to the kitchen. Speedily even for starving Saiyans, Gohan and Trunks slid into their places at the table and attacked the generous quantities of food laid out for them.

"Oh no, the Saiyans have arrived. Good thing I've already eaten."

Momentarily pausing in the act of stuffing their faces, the teenager and the eleven-year-old looked up to see Yamcha sitting across the table from them, smirking. They'd been so focused on food that they hadn't even noticed him, Puar and Oolong all finishing their own breakfasts in front of them.

"You think it's bad now, wait till my dad turns up," Gohan said to the black-haired human around a ridiculously large mouthful. Trunks had a sudden urge to squeeze the boy's cheeks (A/N: not those cheeks you hentais! At least, not at the breakfast table *smirk*) and see how far the food flew when he was forced to spit it out.

"Too late," said Oolong suddenly.

Sure enough, Vegeta and Goku were already entering the room, and with them came a scent that made Trunks almost snap his neck as he turned to look at them in shock.

That couldn't be right. They couldn't be smelling like ... like that. Chi Chi and Bulma had been grocery shopping for the last two hours, there was no way their husbands could be generating those kinds of pheromones without them around, it just wasn't right. Vegeta hated Goku, he wouldn't do that with him...

"Hey, guys," said Goku cheerfully, as he and the prince sat down. Although his shorter counterpart began to eat right away, the Earth-raised Saiyan restrained himself long enough to ask curiously, "Where's Krillin?"

"He's at Kame House," answered Yamcha, sipping his coffee.

"Yeah," said Puar, "with Android 18." In a lower voice, the floating blue cat added conspiratorially, "They're on a date."

"Aw, how romantic," Goku grinned. Nobody else seemed to notice the half-glance he and Vegeta exchanged as he said that and Trunks tried to convince himself he was imagining things. After all, not even Gohan had noticed the pheromones the two half-bloods had been producing...

"Hey Gohan," he asked his koibito later, as they flew over a savanna-like meadow dotted with clumps of trees, "can you smell pheromones?"

"Can I smell what?" asked Gohan, bewildered.

"Pheromones," the older boy repeated. "They're like, really subtle scents that people give off and they affect the people around them subconsciously." Seeing his love's confused look, he said, "You don't have a clue what I'm talking about?"

The onyx-eyed chibi shook his head solemnly.

"Oh ... ok..."



"Why did you ask?"

Flushing ever-so-slightly, Trunks looked away. "Ah, it's nothing."

"No, tell me!"



Trunks swallowed a little anxiously. He had to keep reminding himself that Gohan wasn't exactly a kis any more. "Well, it's our dads. When they came into the kitchen before, they smelled..." He hesitated. "They smelled like ... like they'd been ... you know..."

He couldn't really put his thoughts into words, the concept was just too weird. But he'd forgotten that Gohan could read his mind.

"Fucking?" the eleven-year-old blurted out.

It would be hard to say who was more taken aback, Gohan for saying what he'd said, or Trunks for hearing it. The two stared at each other for a minute, not moving a muscle, not making a sound, before bursting into the kind of wonderful laughter that comes so easily when tension is released.

"Oh Kami, I needed that..." said Trunks a long while later, wiping his eyes. Catching Gohan around the shoulders, he ruffled the younger boy's hair affectionately. "You're a naughty little boy, Gohan," he said mock-sternly.

"Yes, I am," agreed the darker demi. "I deserve a spanking."

"I think I can arrange that," Trunks murmured into his hair, and swatted him sharply on the rear. Gohan squirmed, giggling, and the teenager repeated the action.

"C'mon," said the eleven-year-old, grabbing his koibito's hand. "I know a better place..."

The two part-Saiyans flew down to the spread of green foliage below them and Gohan dragged Trunks to the ground right in the middle of the field. Knee-high grass rose all around them as the younger boy wrapped his arms around his lavender-haired counterpart's neck.

"This - this is your - better place?" Trunks gasped, the unexpected fervour of Gohan's kisses stealing his breath as he was pushed onto his back.

"Uh-huh," the charcoal-maned chibi replied. There was silence for a long moment except for various pants and moans as their bodies melded together, only a few layers of material separating them. Eventually Gohan paused and pushed himself up on his elbows, looking down at his beloved. "Trunks?"

"Yeah?" The teenager's hair was a mess, lavender silk falling in all directions, and his sapphire eyes glittered enticingly with need.

Gohan twiddled a blade of grass between his fingers as he spoke, sudden nervousness dusting his cheekbones with crimson. "Uh ... I wanted to ask you something - a favour..."

"Anything for you, beloved."

"Well ... you remember when we - you know ... were together..."

Trunks smiled. "How could I forget?" Stroking Gohan's face, he asked, "Is that the favour? You want to make love again?"

"Well, yeah..."


"But I want to ... be the one who..." Gohan searched for the right words, unable to think how to phrase his request. "I want to ... to, you know..." Giving up, he transmitted an impression of what he meant telepathically to his koibito.

Trunks was silent for a few seconds, then a smile began to creep over his face. "You want to fill me?"

"Yeah..." The younger demi-Saiyan's face now resembled a ripe tomato. Looking at the teenager sideways from under the bony chaos framing his visage, he asked shyly, "Is that ... okay? Do you mind?"

Trunks took Gohan's face in his hands and brought him in for a lingering, close-mouthed kiss. "Of course it is, my precious."

"I'm not a piece of jewellery, you know, Trunks," grinned the younger boy.

"No," Trunks agreed. "You're more wonderful than any ring. I love you, Gohan." Lowering his voice from a murmur to a whisper, he added, "And I trust you."

Gohan felt extraordinarily light-headed as he and Trunks undressed. They spread their clothes on the ground and soon the teenager was guiding his younger counterpart and telling him, between gasps, what to do to prepare him. The darker demi's heart was pounding and his breath catching in his throat. Every second his skin contacted Trunks' his ardour heightened; every delicious moan that emanated from the shaking body beneath him intensified his arousal.

But his heart leapt into his mouth when, as he at last entered the older boy, Trunks gave a groan that had nothing to do with pleasure and everything to do with pain.

"Trunks?" asked Gohan, freezing immediately. "Aisuru, are you all right?"

"Yeah..." panted the teenager, but he was biting his lip and his eyebrows were drawn together in discomfort. "I'm okay, Gohan, don't worry ... I'll be fine..."

The black-haired part-Saiyan had to firmly suppress an urge to push on regardless of Trunks' pain. "No, Trunks, I don't want to hurt you," he said stubbornly. Every fibre in his body screamed at him in frustration, but he clung tightly to his resolve.

"It's all right, koi," the older boy insisted. Ignoring Gohan's doubtful look, he wrapped strong legs around the other demi-human's slender waist and pulled him in closer with one motion, dragging a cry from the dominant boy as he was sheathed completely. Trunks gritted his teeth, forcing himself muscle by muscle to relax and accept the presence of another within him. After a long moment, he rocked his hips upward, prompting his koibito to move.

It was like nothing Gohan had ever experienced. The heat centred around his pulsing length was so extreme as to be unbearable and addictive at once. He felt so turned on it was unendurable. Tears, scalding even to his flushed cheeks, snaked down his face and he gasped helplessly for breath, everything around him further away than Trunks' body fading into a swirl of bliss.

He reached his peak just a moment before Trunks did. The feeling of his koi's muscles suddenly clenching around his sated shaft forced another release on him barely seconds after the first. For what seemed like a century Gohan was caught in a whirlpool of ecstasy, feeling as though he could drown right there and then and die in peace, swallowed whole by a release exquisite to the point of pain.

When at last Gohan came to himself he was lying limply across Trunks, having collapsed in utter exhaustion. Both he and his koibito were breathing as if they'd only just remembered how. Already a foggy veil of sleep was being drawn through Gohan's mind, but before he succumbed, he somehow found the energy to give Trunks a single, heartfelt kiss.

"Aishiteru, Trunks-koi," he murmured, and sensed, rather than heard, the matching reply.


So?.. 😀

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