Chapter 17

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All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

Gohan couldn't suppress a shiver at Trunks' touch. As the teenager from the future embraced him, a tingle ran over his skin and he was reminded of the previous night, their last together. It was a memory that warmed him from the inside out and sent a hot buzz through his body.

But at the same time, it stirred an angry feeling of betrayal. His Mirai koibito was leaving him alone, even after they'd both finally admitted their feelings. Gohan's heart was breaking, and Trunks wasn't doing a thing to stop it.

Despite his best efforts to be strong, there was a stubborn wetness behind the demi-Saiyan's eyes that refused to dissipate. Even more infuriating, it escaped the flimsy barrier of his resolve to slide in tiny crystalline pearls over his cheeks as his azure-eyed beloved held him close, whispering in his ear. The teenager's warm breath tickled his cheek and Gohan fought back a sob as the grief-filled words wove their way into his heart.

I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly

"I'm so sorry, Gohan ... I don't want to leave you. I'd never want to hurt you, you know that, don't you koi? I love you..."

A lump formed in the eleven-year-old's throat at his aisuru's words. "You have a funny way of showing it, then," he muttered angrily into Trunks' purple mane. The teen drew back, a look of surprise and hurt on his face. Gohan wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, his charcoal brows furrowed, his pale cheeks blotchy, his obsidian eyes glittering with saline. As he continued, his voice was choked with unshed tears. "How can you do this to me?" he whispered, his face becoming twisted with sadness. "How can you say you love me, and then just leave? It's not right, Trunks. If you really loved me you'd stay here. I - I want you to stay, Trunks. Please?"

Why he had to go I don't know; he wouldn't say
I said something wrong now I long
For yesterday

Even as he pleaded with his lavender-haired koibito, Gohan knew it was hopeless. He'd tried the same tactics to convince him last night, but the results were the same - the pained regret on Trunks' face, the way his lapis lazuli eyes shimmered with sorrow, the way he looked down, or to the side, or anywhere that wasn't at Gohan's face.

"I'm sorry, Chibi." The older demi-Saiyan's voice was hoarse, the ragged tone eating away at Gohan's soul. "I wish you could come with me, but your mother needs you." He stroked Gohan's face, wiping away the tears with his thumb. "And my world needs me, beloved."

Trunks leaned forward and gave Gohan a chaste kiss, the younger boy melting into the cherished warmth of his koi's mouth. Slowly, reluctantly, the sapphire-eyed teenager pulled back and stood up.

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday

"I'll miss you, Gohan," he whispered, his own grief evident in his voice. The smaller part-human watched as his love walked away, every step he took a death knell to his heart. Angry, betrayed tears sprang afresh to his eyes to be brushed away furiously, the saline smearing over his cheeks. Blinking back the unwelcome dampness, Gohan followed the retreating figure with reddened eyes until it disappeared out of sight around the corner. There, the rest of the Z Senshi were assembled, awaiting the time-traveler's return from his private talk with his young friend.

"Never again."

Why he had to go I don't know; he wouldn't say
I said something wrong now I long
For yesterday-ay-ay-ay

Gohan wasn't even aware he had spoken until he heard the words slip into the silence left by his koi's departure. They seemed to have bypassed conscious thought, sneaking from his heart out his mouth without any intervention from his mind.

"I'm not going to fall in love again. Not with him, not with anyone. Never."

But the firm resolve of his vow only lingered for a moment, before the ebony-eyed demi-Saiyan fell to the grass and sobbed.

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday.


Ok i know you've noticed something weird while reading.. I've added songs in the story.. 😀

And yes I know something from the past changed, but that doesn't matter.. I know you've understood the flow..

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