ᒪᗩ丅 12

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Chapter 15

A temple was seen. Its structure and architecture made everyone feel awed.

Inside this very temple stood a man who had grey tint white hair wearing silver-coloured garments was Dharmesh Rao - the Kakaji of the girls' fathers and aunt.

"Arey Panditji!! How much time will you take? We need to start the aarti soon! The youngsters can't play Holi until the Puja is done!" said Dharmesh.

"Ji Sethji!! Just a few more minutes!" said the Panditji.

"Dharmesh Kaka, look who is here!" called Bhavna. Dharmesh turned around not expecting to see anyone special, only for him to be completely shocked.

Standing in the middle, wearing a white lehenga choli with a white dupatta having flower work on the sides was Sanchali, looking otherworldly. Her long hair was in a braid and red and silver simple jewellery shone on her. Her eyes were drawn beautifully by kajal enhancing her fiery gaze. She looked at Dharmesh, with a subtle smile playing on her painted lips.

On her left stood Anjali looking gorgeous in a simple white Salwar Kameez with a very colourful dupatta. Her hair was left open which kept ruffling in the slight breeze. A simple silver earring, silver bangles and a ring were her only adornment. Her head was slightly tilted as if evaluating the person whom her bua called Dharmesh Kaka.

On Sanchali's right, stood Archita looking beautiful in an anarkali suit, without a dupatta. Her curls and big silver earrings dazzled everyone watching. Her gaze held a wave of tightly coiled anger, waiting and watching for the correct time to unleash it. Sonakshi wore a simple red dress with silver accessories, her face slightly blank and eyes hard. A forced smile adorned her lips.

Ragini and Kirti both held a tight grip on each other hands, not wanting to let go in case they did something they should not. The twins looked breathtaking in simple yet colourful outfit of orange dupatta and white suit. While Ragini paired it up with two long earrings, Kirti kept it jewelry less.

"Recognize us?" asked Sanchi, a small smirk on her lips. Dharmesh blinked, his shrewd eyes cataloguing them before something clicked into place. His heart burned with irritation and fear at seeing them, but the smile on his face never wavered. He answered sweetly, "Arey Sanchi beta, how can I forget you all?"

Sanchi gave a very similar fake smile back to him, "I am impressed Dadaji! Even after all these years, you remembered us! How nice of you! Let me re-introduce you to them." She gestured at her sisters. Dharmesh interrupted, "Let me, my child! Let's see if this old brain recognizes his other grandchildren."

Sanchi gave a sarcastic smile as she nodded her head and came to stand beside Bhavna, who gave her a shrewd look.

Dharmesh looked at Anjali with a smile on his lips, " Anjali betiya! Mohit's middle daughter, correct?" Anjali nodded with a smile and did a namaste. Dharmesh said, "khush raho!"

"You must be Archita? Mukesh's eldest!" Archita nodded, with a sarcastic smile, "Wow, Dadaji! Your brain is so sharp!" Dharmesh laughed, "Eat badam every day! I eat even at this age."

"Now Dadaji you should take care of yourself at this age!" said Sonakshi, with a smile.

Dharmesh chuckled, "And you must be Mohit's youngest, Sona, correct?" Sonakshi nodded along. Dharmesh now came to stand in front of Ragini and Kirti, "My my you both of have grown up to be so beautiful!! Last time I saw you, both of you were babies!!"

Dharmesh had deliberately mentioned that to see if they react to it or not. If they reacted then they would remember, then he will have to eliminate them and if they did not, he can continue as usual.

Ragini smiled a saccharine smile, "Dadaji!! You are so sweet!" with that she pulled his cheeks. Dharmesh smiled heartily at that noticing none of them reacting to his words.

"So Bhavna was right all those years ago! She had no idea about what her brothers had unearthed. Good!" thought Dharmesh with a smile.

Sanchi placed a hand on his shoulder, "Dadaji, where are you lost?"

Dharmesh quickly handled himself, "Arey beta, I was just thinking that all of my gudiyas (dolls) have arrived on such an auspicious day!! Come along, the aarti of Shri Ram is about to start!"

"Ji Dadaji, today is a very auspicious day," said Sanchi, glancing at her sisters, who gave a smile back understanding her double meaning.

The Panditji called, "Sethji, everything is ready! Won't you do the aarti like every year?"

"Yes why -" Dharmesh got interrupted when Anjali said, "Dadaji, how about this year as we are here, didi can do the Aarti, no?"

Dharmesh smiled was strained, but he chuckled, "Of course why not!!" The Panditji looked baffled at the turn of events.

Sanchi gave a sweet smile, "How kind of you Dadaji! Thank you!"

Dharmesh said, "Arey beta, every year I do the Aarti, this year you will do, there is no need to say 'Thank you' for that!!"

The Panditji interrupted, " But Sethji, only the owner of the Haveli does the Aarti! This temple is also owned by them!"

Dharmesh replied with a slight glare, "Yes, I am aware! Sanchali betiya is the eldest daughter of Mohit Sharma, the late owner of the Ancestral Haveli!! She is the Heiress!"

Sanchi looked purely amused, as gasps were heard. Whispers spread that the daughters of the Sharma's have returned. Sanchi's sisters stifled their smiles. Dharmesh urged Sanchi,though his heart burned at seeing someone about to take his position, "Go ahead beta, do the Aarti!"

Sanchi gave a small smile as she neared the idols of Shri Ram, Mata Sita, Shri Lakshman, Shri Bharat, Shri Shatrughan and Shri Hanuman. It was placed in a beautiful throne-like wooden temple. Right in front of it was a small miniature figure of Ram, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman.

Before she could touch the aarti thal she stopped for a moment, glancing back at her sisters who smiled encouragingly, but she gestured them to come to where she was standing. The Panditji started the Aarti by ringing of bells, as Sanchali started to sing....

"Śrīrāmachandra kr̥pālu bhajamana haraṇabhavabhayadāruṇaṁ.

Navakañjalochana kañjamukha karakañja padakañjāruṇaṁ.

Shree Rama, jai Rama, jai jai Rama.

|| O mind! Revere the benign Shri Ramachandra, who removes 'Bhava' the worldly sorrow or pain, 'Bhaya' the fear, and 'Daruna' the scarcity or poverty.

Who has fresh lotus eyes, lotus face and lotus hands, feet like lotus and like the rising sun.||

Sanchali, Anjali, Archita, Sonakshi, Ragini and Kirti all did the Aarti together, while Bhavna prayed, "O Lord, protect them and give them the capability to fulfill what they have come to do."

Dharmesh was watching the sisters with jealousy clear in his eyes.

Kandarpa agaṇita amita chavi navanīlanīradasundaraṁ.

Paṭapītamānahu taḍita ruchiśuchi naumijanakasutāvaraṁ.

Shree Rama, jai Rama, jai jai Rama.

|| His beauty exceeds innumerable Kaamdevs (Cupids). He is like a newly formed beautiful blue cloud. The yellow robe on his body appears like delightful lighting.

He is the consort of the daughter of Sri Janak (Sri Sita), the embodiment of sacredness.||

Sanchali's voice was beautiful as she sang. It created a divine atmosphere in the temple. Something seems to stir within her as she sang. Her eyes weren't moving from the idol of Sri Ram and Devi Sita. Archita prayed, "O Lord give us the strength to fight for what is right! So that we can help di to the best of our ability!"

Bhajadīnabandhu dinēśa dānavadaityavaṁśanikandanaṁ.

Raghunanda ānandakanda kośalachandra daśarathanandanaṁ.

Shree Rama, jai Rama, jai jai Rama.

|| O mind, sing praises of Sri Ram, a friend of the poor. He is the lord of the solar dynasty. He is the destroyer of demons and devils and their race.

The descendant of Sri Raghu is the source of joy, a moon of his mother Kaushalya and he is the son of Sri Dashratha.||

The screen got divided in the middle, enlarging itself to show two portions side by side. One side it showed Sanchi and her sisters performing the Aarti together and on the other side it showed snow caped Himalayas.

Śiramukuṭakuṇḍala tilakachāru udāru'aṅgavibhūṣaṇaṁ.

Ājānubhuja śaracāpadhara saṅgrāmajitakharadūṣaṇaṁ.

Shree Rama, jai Rama, jai jai Rama.

|| He wears a crown on his head, pendants on his ear, and tilak (crimson mark) on his forehead. All his organs are beautiful and well decorated with ornaments.

His arms reach his knees. He holds a bow and an arrow. He emerged victorious in the battle with demons Khar and Dushan.||

The snow caped mountains seemed to be shaking as somehow the song of Sanchali reached there on the other side, Sanchi's heart was beating fast. Anjali noticed her elder sister's turmoil, a soft frown appeared as even she felt a certain restlessness appearing on her own face.

Iti vadati tulasīdāsa śaṅkaraśeṣamunimanarañjanaṁ.

Mamahr̥dayakañjanivāsakuru kāmādikhaladalagañajanaṁ.

Shree Rama, jai Rama, jai jai Rama.

|| Thus says Sri Tulsidas – O Sri Ram, the charmer of Lord Shiv, Sri Shesh and saints,

reside in the lotus of my heart and destroy all the evils and their associates like desires.||

Śrīrāmachandra kr̥pālu bhajamana haraṇabhavabhayadāruṇaṁ.

Navakañjalocana kañjamukha karakañja padakañjāruṇaṁ.

Shree Rama, jai Rama, Jai jai Rama.

Shree Rama, Jai jai Rama, Jai jai Rama."

Sanchali touched the thali to her forehead, as she finished the aarti. She bent to keep the thali before the miniature statue a small tear slipped past her eyes and fell at the feet of the Lord. Sanchi looked at it in surprise, her restlessness somehow was calm. She had felt a kind of restlessness like never before during the aarti but she could not pinpoint where it originated at all.

On other hand in the Himalayas, a voice as roaring like the wind, yet as soft as the breeze, muttered, " Anujā "

"I believe you all are confused," asked Mahamaya as she stopped the screen.

Bhishma nodded, "We are, Devi. Who spoke? The language was in Sanskrit!"

"Indeed, Mahamahim. You will find out his identity soon. The starting of the Girls past will start in Kaliyuga, but it will end in Dvapara!" replied Mahamaya, glancing at Krishna, who gave a small smile. There was a slight longing in his eyes as he looked at Sanchali singing. Krishna smiled a sad smile, as he looked at Sanchi.

"Dvapara?" muttered Bheem, a slight confused look into his eyes.

Mahamaya nodded, "Their destiny is here, Rajkumar Bheem. Everything will be clear with time."

Bheem nodded, while Arjun asked, "When are we seeing the Basant Panchami celebrations?"

"How about now?" asked back Mahamaya. Gandhari commented, "Sanchali has a beautiful voice though!" Kunti nodded, "Yes, it held a divine quality to it. The peace was felt even here, right Jyesht?"

Dhritarashtra nodded, "Yes Kunti, agreed. Devi, please start again, I don't think the children can wait any longer." Mahamaya started the screen as requested.

Dharmesh commented, "What a sweet voice you have Sanchi beta!!"

"Thank you Dadaji!" replied Sanchi softly. She took a bit of red colour which the priest bought towards her. She touched the colour on the feet of Ram and Sita, then on Bharat, Shatrughan, Lakshman and lastly on Hanuman's feet. A shiver passed through her, which she controlled.

Her sisters came forward to do the same, all of them felt like coming home when they took the blessings of the Lord, by touching colour on their feet.

No one noticed as Krishna's feet was coloured with red colour, his smile soft and loving. He used his Maya to keep it hidden from everyone, other than Balrama who also smiled lovingly at seeing his own feet coloured with red colour.

"Come, won't you play Holi now?" asked Dharmesh, with a smile.

"Won't you play Dadaji?" asked Sanchali, an eyebrow raised.

Dharmesh gave a negative nod, "I am too old to play Holi! These old bones need some rest, beta. I will watch from the balcony of my house."

Sanchali said, "Great then because even I don't play. I can give you company. It's been a while since I saw our house."

Dharmesh gave a strained smile at that, "What about you all Anjali betiya?"

Anjali smiled, "Dadaji, we play! But first, allow us!" with that she took some colour and touch his feet with it. Dharmesh blessed reluctantly, especially with people watching. Anjali moved to do the same to Bhavna, who gave her a kiss on the forehead, "May all your wishes come true." On the other hand, Archita, Sonakshi, Ragini and Kirti followed Anjali's lead and did the same. Sanchi also did the same after Kirti was done.

As Sanchi stood up after getting blessed by buaji. Anjali, Archita, Sonakshi, Ragini and Kirti came to her. She smiled as she watched her sisters bend as one to touch the colour to her feet. Sanchi smiled as she put some colour on their faces one by one, a soft and genuine smile on her face, "Happy Holi beheno!!" "To you as well didi!" with that a group hug was initiated by Kirti, causing Sanchali to laugh as they all dragged her in.

Bhavna smiled fondly while Dharmesh also gave a smile, though an annoyed one.

"Now go have fun! And please don't get drunk! Be careful!" instructed Sanchi, causing squeals to erupt from them as all of them nodded and ran down the stairs of the temple.

Bhavna smiled, "I will keep an eye on them beta. You go with Kaka." Dharmesh gave a small nod at that, "Come beta!! You must have forgotten the way! I will show you."

Sanchali smirked slightly, "I rarely forget anything Dadaji." Dharmesh turned back, "Did you say something beta?" Sanchali shook her head negatively, as she smiled.

Sanchi turned back to glance at the Idols feeling a connection she has never felt before.

The screen froze on her pensive face.

The five Pandavas followed Duryodhan to his room. All were alert and were hoping to forgo detection from Mamashree Shakuni. Ashwathama and Karna had gone to get dinner, though Kunti and Gandhari had said that they will send it. Instead Karna had asked them keep Shakuni busy till they manage to secure the room of Duryodhan. Later if Mamashree came they will handle it. Ashwathama had a glint in his eyes at that, as if understanding what Karna was referring too. Both Karna and Ashwathama had left first from the lounge room whispering to each other. No one knows what they were cooking in their brain.

As all six of the brothers managed to enter Duryodhan's room caused Duryodhan to sighed in relief, "We are here, thank goodness!"

The Pandavas looked around Duryodhan's room. In his room, everything was tidy and neat. There were lots of jewels and beautiful clothes strewn within a Sandook (treasure chest). Nakul made a beeline towards it as he said, "Bhrata Duryodhan, are all this yours?"

Duryodhan flushed but murmured, "Yea."

Nakul hummed, "They are beautiful. Where did those motifs in this angavastra from? I have never seen this before!"

Duryodhan came over to him and peered over his shoulder, "Oh, this is made by the Royal tailor. I saw this kind of motifs in one merchant's dress once, I think."

Nakul nodded, "I want one." Duryodhan blinked, "Okay. Take one."

It was Nakul's time to blink stupidly, "From here?" Duryodhan nodded, "Sure, why not?"

Nakul gave a beaming smile and continue browse. Duryodhan answered all questions he had.

Arjun - Bheem, Yuddhisthir - Sahadev shared a glance, complete disbelief written over their faces.

Arjun whispered, "Was Bhrata Duryodhan so into clothes before?"

Bheem glanced at the chatting Duryodhan and Nakul, still in disbelief "I can't belief this."

Sahadev smiled amused, "Well Bhrata Bheem, now that we are slowly actually getting to know each other, we will find out soon about what one likes or what one doesn't like!"

Yuddhisthir nodded, "Indeed. Sahadev is correct. Come, let us sit."

With that all four of them took a seat and the seating area of the room, still watching Duryodhan and Nakul chat about clothes.

At that moment, Ashwathama, Karna and Krishna entered with trays of food. Arjun literally jumped up at seeing his best friend, "Madhav!!"

Krishna smiled, "Parth, please calm down! I am not running anywhere." Arjun flushed with a tint of red, while Sahadev and Yuddhisthir exchanged a fond look.

"I know." murmured Arjun, sitting back, happy that Krishna took the seat beside him. The daasis kept the plates of food here while Karna closed the door when they all left. He sighed after that, as he took a seat coincidentally beside Yuddhisthir, who gave him a small smile.

Karna blinked but smiled back, before slumping down in his chair. Ashwathama on the other hand looked around the room to find Duryodhan and Nakula still engrossed in their clothes topic.

He rolled his eyes before calling out, "Suyodhana!! Madri Nandana!!"

Both of them jumped at the loud call and turned around to find everyone already seated and food plates in front of them. Karna spoke dryly from where he sat, "Ashwathama speak a bit more louder. I don't think the entire Hastinapur heard you yet."

Ashwathama opened his mouth to do just that with an impish grin only for a cotton pillow to land straight at his face. Snickers were heard all around the room. Ashwathama complained , "What? Why did you hit me? I was about to do exactly what you said!"

Duryodhan patted his shoulder as he took a seat beside Karna, "Poor you!! Now sit down please."

Ashwathama sulked but sat down grumbling. The Five Pandavas who haven't seen such comradeship and friendship between them were astonished to see an easy-going Duryodhan, relaxed Karna and a joking Ashwathama.

Krishna leaned beside Bheem, took a laddoo and stuffed it into the opened mouth of Bheem, who was staring at the three friends with wide eyes.

Bheem started to chew the laddoo completely unknowingly, while Krishna being the mischievous person he was continued to fed him laddoo after laddoo wondering when Bheem will realize he is eating.

Nakul nudged Ashwathama, who gestured the group to look at the antics of Bheem and Krishna. Yuddhisthir was purely exasperated and amused, a soft smile on his face. Karna raised an eyebrow at scene, a soft chuckle escaping him. Duryodhan blinked at the weird scene, wondering if this was normal for Pandavas. Arjun simply slapped his own forehead used to the mischievous antics of his best friend and the weird antics of his brother. Sahadev was muffling his amusement, while Nakul and Ashwathama was watching the show earnestly.

Bheem after sometime realized he was eating making Krishna stop feeding him laddoo's. He asked completely oblivious, "How did I get laddoos in my mouth?"

Nakul ignored his question, instead asking Krishna curiously, "How many did he eat, bhrata Krishna?"

Krishna gave an teasing smile towards Bheem who flushed red, "Twelve!"

Arjun and Duryodhan gaped, while Nakul and Ashwathama guffawed.

Karna spoke up, "Can we eat now, please?"

Every one straightened up at that while Krishna answered, "Yes, let's eat Jyesht Karna! I am very hungry."

Everyone forwarded their hand to eat while Karna froze for a few seconds at the term of address but shook himself off.

All of them ate without speaking for sometime, before Bheem spoke up hesitant to break the peace but too curious to not know, "Will the elders manage to keep Mamashree away?"

Yuddhisthir answered, "Have some faith, I am sure they were successful."

"I hope they were or we have a problem at hand," murmured Arjun. Yuddhisthir shot him a admonished look.

"Not wrong." agreed Karna, he looked at Arjun before glancing at Ashwathama. Arjun gave a hesitant smile at him, which was returned just as hesitantly. Ashwathama on the other hand hummed.

"We, that is, Karna and I have a plan," said Ashwathama whispering conspiratorially.

"What plan?" asked Duryodhan, hoping that it won't permanently scar his Mamashree. No matter what, Shakuni was still his Mamashree and he did love him. Though he is hard pressed to agree with him or his tactics now. He hoped his Matashree will handle this aspect, because he sure does not have the willpower to do so.

Ashwathama smirked a bit mischievously, "Let's play a prank."

"Prank?" Krishna's eyes shone just at the mention of the word, while Arjun send his best friend a very fond look.

"Yup!" answered Ashwathama asking all of them to congregate in between, as he whispered the plan. Just as Krishna's eyes started to sparkle, a knock was heard. He smirked, "Dronaputra, I think it's time we acted on the plan."

Ashwathama smirked back, "Of-course Dwarkadeesh. Who should go first?"

"Bheem," replied Karna nonchalantly.

Bheem looked startled,"Me?" Karna nodded, "You are the last person he would expect. He will think it's his vibrant imagination." Everyone nodded along with the pranksters beaming at him.

Bheem nodded hesitantly, as the knock sounded again with Shakuni calling, " Mere bacche!!"

Bheem got up and went to open the door slightly, at the urging of everyone. He poked his head a bit, "Ji Mamashree?"

Shakuni looked at Bheem dumbfounded. He blinked but still found Bheem poking his head out looking at him completely puzzled.

Shakuni gave a puzzling smile, "Putra Bheem, what are you doing here in Duryodhan's room?"

Bheem blinked as he said simply, "Mamashree, I am in our room."

Shakuni blinked rapidly nodding, "Okay if you say so, putra. I might have lost my way, as unlikely it is."

Bheem nodded back not saying anything and watched as Shakuni turned round the corridor.

He closed the door immediately and sat down.

"What happened?" asked Yuddhisthir curiously. Bheem shrugged, "He thought he lost his way."

Krishna and Ashwathama glanced mischievously at each other.

"He will be back in a few moments," said Karna continuing to eat. Duryodhan nodded along agreeing. Just then a knock sounded again.

"Who will go next?" asked Arjun, curiously.

"You," answered Krishna teasingly. Arjun nodded not really listening, before his eyes went wide.

Krishna nodded seriously while Arjun huffed, but he did get up. Everyone watched his antics with hidden smiles.

Arjun opened the door slightly, peaking out. Shakuni blinked, "Putra Arjun?"

"Ji Mamashree? Did you need something?"

"No putra, absolutely not," answered Shakuni as he shook his head went to start over again. He murmured to himself, "How did I reach Rajkumar Arjun's room?"

Arjun stiffed his laugh and came back to his seat.

"What happened?" asked Duryodhan now, curious about his Mamashree's reaction.

Arjun smiled, "He wondered how he reached my room."

Chuckles erupted. Duryodhan though laughing asked worriedly, "He won't be harmed right?"

Karna gave a small smile, "Other than being confused, no he won't be harmed, Suyo. Do not worry."

Duryodhan nodded with a small relieved sigh now that his dearest friend/elder brother had assured him that everything will be fine.

"Okay, who will go next?" asked Nakul curiously.

Ashwathama hummed glancing at Karna who looked at him with a pointed glare. Ashwathama blinked, "You want me to go?" Karna nodded.

Ashwathama shrugged, "Alright!"

A knock sounded on cue, causing smiles to be exchanged.

Ashwathama got up to open the door. He instead of peaking came out of the room, closing the door before Shakuni could go inside.

"Putra Ashwathama!!" said Shakuni happily, relieved that he was in front of the correct room.

"Ji Gandhar raj?" said Ashwathama in a polite yet soft voice.

"I wanted to meet Duryodhan...he is inside right? Let me go and check!" with that Shakuni went to open the door, only for Ashwathama to stop him.

"Gandhar Raj, Pitashree is meditating now. He will get very angry if someone disturbs him now. He could give some curses too, if he is furious enough." explained Ashwathama patiently.

Shakuni gave a frustrated sigh, murmuring to himself, "What is happening to me?"

He went away before saying something while Ashwathama called "Gandhar Raj!! Gandhar Raj!!" only for it to go unheard.

Ashwathama entered the room laughing.

Karna asked, "Why were you yelling outside?"

Ashwathama continued laugh a bit before settling on his seat, "He was so frustrated!"

"That caused you to laugh?" asked Yuddhisthir with a raised eyebrow.

Ashwathama nodded, "You should go next."

Karna nodded negatively, "No. I think this is the last time he will return. After this most probably he will go to Maharani Gandhari."

"Then who should go next?" asked Duryodhan looking at Karna, who smirked looking at Krishna,"Why Dwarkadeesh, of-course."

Krishna's eyes lit up as he nodded with smile, "It would be my pleasure Jyesht bhrata. But I have a condition."

Karna blinked, "A condition?" Krishna nodded, "Yes. I want Rajkumar Duryodhan, Dronaputra and yourself to stop calling me Dwarkadeesh."

Duryodhan looked stumped but nodded exchanging a glance with Ashwathama who also nodded with a smile. Karna answered after a while with a hesitant smile, "Likewise."

Krishna smiled and at that moment a knock sounded.

Krishna got up at that as everyone exchanged a secretive yet amused smile.

He came out after opening the door behind him softly while smiling at Shakuni with the most enchanting smile.

"Yes, Gandhar Raj? How can I help you?" asked Krishna in the most innocent voice of his.

Shakuni continued to look at Krishna in one stare. Krishna gave an amused smile as he clicked his fingers in front of Shakuni's face, "I am aware I mesmerizing Gandhar Raj. But, may I know your reason to visit?"

Shakuni stammered a bit, frustration and confusion clear in his face, "I apologize for disturbing you Dwarkadeesh. I will take your leave now."

Krishna nodded with folded hands as Shakuni limped away muttering under his breath.

Shakuni entered the room of Gandhari who was sitting and speaking with Kunti. Both the sisters were gossiping and talking about how things were changing slowly for the good. Gandhari spoke of Dhritarashtra's silent nature and his thoughtful words while Kunti also spoke about the changes she saw is her sons - how they are patient and they always analyze before forming immediate opinions. Both of them mussed how they were happy with the changes in their family.

Both looked up when Shakuni entered, making Gandhari blink while Kunti stood up.

"Behena!" cried Shakuni, as he went near her, by passing Kunti who looked on baffled.

"Bhrata?" Gandhari looked at Kunti exchanging a glance with her at her brother's frustrated voice.

"Gandhari, tell me did Putra Duryodhan change his room?" asked Shakuni, holding on to his sister.

"No, why?" asked Gandhari confused.

"Then why can't I find him in his room! You know when I went towards putra Duryodhan, I met putra Bheem!" said Shakuni turning to look at Kunti, whose brows were furrowed.

"Gandhar Raj, are you sure you did not go to Bheem's room accidentally?" asked Kunti cautiously.

"That's what I thought too Rajmata!!" answered Shakuni.

"What happened then, bhrata?" asked Gandhari.

"Then when I went where putra Duryodhan's room again, I met putra Arjun!!" he again looked at Kunti, who was frowning. Gandhari asked, "Bhrata, what will Arjun do in Duryodhan's room all alone? You must have gone the wrong way again!"

"I thought the same, behena!" agreed Shakuni, sitting down on the bed.

Kunti asked curiously, having an inkling the children were up to some mischief, "Then what happened Gandhar Raj?"

"Then?"Shakuni blinked a bit, "Then, I met Dronaputra who said that his father was meditating!"

Gandhari blinked confused, "Bhrata, Guru Drona's room is at the opposite side of both Pandavas and Kauravas's wing!"

"I know!!" slurred Shakuni, completely tired on making the same journey so many times, "I was so confused. And do you know whom I met last?"

"Who?" asked Gandhari and Kunti together.

"Shri Krishna, Dwarkadeesh Shri Krishna!!" answered Shakuni before slumping back on the bed and curling into himself and falling asleep.

Gandhari settled her brother properly on the bed with the help of Kunti and some daasis. She kept the duvet on top of him and came out of the room with Kunti and send the daasis on their way.

"Kunti?" called Gandhari. Kunti hummed in response.

Gandhari mussed, "I think our children played a prank on bhratashree."

Kunti nodded, "Yes Jiji. I think so too. All of them were in Duryodhan's room tonight for their dinner."

Gandhari hummed as she stated, "Well they will music tomorrow."

Kunti chuckled making Gandhari snicker too, "Let's see how afraid our children are of their mothers?"

Kunti answered, a chuckle still escaping from her lips, "Sure jiji."

Karna and Yuddhisthir had left for their early morning talk which was dubbed as bonding time.

While yesterday night's antics had managed to lessen the tension between Pandavas and Karna - it hadn't completely made it disappear. No one was in a hurry to do anything in case the matter became worse. Since, Karna himself seemed happy to mingle with them - the Pandavas promised within their mind to connect to their eldest brother. Of-course it hasn't been long when such truths had come out and all of them had accepted it. But hurrying could create problems in the long run. As it is, from the start the thread of relationship had created a knot of dislike which was easily unraveling, though none of the brothers knew where to start. Yuddhisthir was lucky in this case being on talking terms with his elder brother - hesitantly but still.

Currently though the four Pandavas, Krishna and Duryodhan were in for a good scolding from their mothers/aunt. Ashwathama had woken up at the same time as Karna and Yuddhisthir, managing to sneak themselves out before anyone from their group woke.

Kunti opened door of Duryodhan's room with Gandhari beside her. She blinked as she watched all of her children sleeping in various positions all around the room.

"What happened Kunti?" asked Gandhari softly. Kunti whispered, "Our children are still sleeping jiji."

"I see. Let's wake them up then." answered Gandhari. Her chief maid guiding her to where her nearest child was. This was the best thing about Gandhari and Kunti's relationship. Both loved each other's children equally.

The nearest one to Gandhari was Nakul. He had fallen asleep by resting his head on the stomach of Bheem, who himself was sprawled out cozily on the floor. Before Gandhari could wake them up, Kunti stopped her, "Wait jiji! I have an idea." Gandhari smiled at the excitement in her sister-in-law's voice, "Alright Kunti. What is the idea?"

"A bucket of water is a good idea, no?" asked Kunti mischievously.

Gandhari giggled, "Go ahead."

Kunti gestured to one of the daasi's. The Daasi gave her a pot of water, which Kunti splashed on her two sons.

Nakul got up hurriedly and all of a sudden only to fall down slipping on the water. He had fallen on the lap of Arjun who woke up at the sudden weight on his lap. Bheem got up groggily.

Kunti giggled while Gandhari smiled in amusement, "Putro? Awake yet?"

"Badi maa!!" said Nakul as he got up hurriedly thankfully not falling this time.

Arjun mumbled, "Maa, feed Nakul less. He has gotten fat."

"What did you say bhrata? Repeat that again." scowled Nakul, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Bheem snorted from beside, "Low blow Arjun."

Arjun gave an annoying glance, turning beside him to wake up Krishna, "Madhav wake up!!"

"Let me sleep Brihannala!! You go back to sleep as well." answered Krishna, turning his back to him.

Arjun blushed as well as scowled, "Madhav!!"

Krishna gave him an mock angry look, as he turned bleary eyes at him "What?"

"Krishna!!" called Kunti who though was amused at their antics knew they were getting late.

"Ji bua?"

"Wake everyone up and get freshened, alright?" instructed Kunti. Krishna nodded shakily, still wanting to sleep.

"Ma?" called a sleepy voice from the bed. Duryodhan had just woken up.

"Yes putra?"

"Where is Jyesht Karna?"

Gandhari frowned, "I don't know putra! Kunti, do you know?"

Kunti replied, "No jiji. Yuddhisthir and Ashwathama are missing too!"

Duryodhan frowned, pouting "They left!!"

"Yes they did my bhanje!!" said Shakuni who entered only to be shocked by the scene.

Kunti stopped her smile, "Gandhar raj do you know where Angaraj, Ashwathama and Yuddhisthir is?"

Shakuni immediately gave a sickly sweet smile, controlling his astonishment in seeing all the Pandavas and Krishna with Duryodhan, "Ji Rajmata. Angaraj and Rajkumar was seen going out of the palace while I saw Dronaputra with his father."

Gandhari nodded, "Alright. Children?"

"Ji Badi maa?" answered Sahadev, who had woken up from all the commotion in the room.

"Get ready and meet me in the lounge room. We are getting late." ordered Gandhari authoritatively.

Everyone nodded. Kunti looked at Shakuni, "Come Gandhar Raj! Let the children be."

Shakuni hid his displeasure but nodded as even his sister looked at him for a 'yes'.

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