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Chapter 11

The next morning brought with it a small hope for reconciliation. Kunti hadn't spoken to Karna yet, but she was encouraged by almost everyone to speak to him.

She had decided she will speak with him after today's future watching. She really should no hold it back any longer.

Her pace quickened as she strode down the hallways towards the lounge room, where everyone must be waiting for her. Her gaze was on the front and for the first time behind all the nervousness and fear, there was a need to speak the truth.

Another person matched her step by step. Kunti looked beside her, only for her lips to be pulled into a small smile, "Kanha?"

Krishna's eye twinkled and her mischievous smile stayed constant, "Haa bua?"

"What are you doing here?" asked Kunti again, allowing her steps to slow down but still walking towards the lounge room.

"Your and mine destination is the same, bua." answered Krishna, with a smile. Kunti laughed a bit before speaking, "I will speak with Karna today."

Krishna hummed, "Have dinner with him. This will allow you to speak and eat at the same time."

"Okay, if you say so. Do you think he will forgive me?" asked Kunti, nervousness clear in her voice and eyes.

"Bua, when the water is burning, we should wait for some time for it to cool down, before we can use it, no?" commented Krishna softly.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with my talk with Karna?" asked Kunti, eyebrows frowned.

"Everything and nothing bua. Come, we arrived." winked Krishna with a smile.

Mahamaya looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "Any reason for being late?"

"Not really. We got lost in the strands of time, Devi," answered Krishna, with a gentle smile.

Mahamaya looked amused but nodded, "Let's start, as all are in attendance."

"I wonder what we will see today." contemplated Duryodhan, thoughtfully.

"The machine is starting. Focus bhrata Duryodhan," said Nakul, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, right!" with that he straightened.

Everyone focused as the screen appeared and the mechanical voice spoke, "It's nighttime now. After the groom ran away, Bhavna hadn't spoken with any of the girls."

"That's not right. The groom wasn't the right one. What a coward!" protested Bheem, with a small frown.

Karna raised an eyebrow at that but did not comment.

"I am sure everything is alright," assured Yuddhisthir with a small smile. The elder simply exchanged a small glance.

The screen started.

Sanchi was going around the house, checking to make sure if her sisters have slept. She smiled, as watched Anjali and Archita snuggling to each other. Or even as Ragini and Kirti slept, turned to one side. Sona had also slept, too tired after the morning drama.

Bhavna bua hasn't spoken after the morning fiasco. She had barricaded herself in her room. The lights of the room weren't on, but Sanchi knew she hasn't slept yet.

Sanchi had assured her sisters that they could sleep and eat; she will make sure that their bua isn't too angry.

She opened the door of Bhavna bua's room, knowing it was unlocked.

She looked towards the balcony where a beam of moonlight illuminated the only rocking chair, where a silhouette can be seen.

Sanchi smiled and went towards the area.

Bhavna's face came into focus. She had an expressionless face and she was watching the moon rather than noticing Sanchi, who was standing before her. Rather she ignored her eldest niece.

Sanchi bent down to crouch in front of her aunt, "Naraz hai app mujh se?" [Are you angry with me?]

Bhavna gave her one penetrating stare as a response, before looking towards the moon.

Sanchi smiled a bit, before standing up and leaning towards the railing of the balcony, looking up towards the moon.

"Aap ko pata hai,[do you know,] Papa used to say that when our heart/conscience says 'no' then it is a wrong deed. If our conscience says 'yes' then we are doing the right thing." said Sanchi, softly as she turned towards Bhavna, who continually looked towards the moon.

"Today, whatever happened wasn't right but it wasn't wrong either. They did what they thought was right. In their point-of-view they aren't wrong either, buaji." said Sanchi.

"You have always taken the side of your sisters," commented Bhavna, with an accusing tone.

"Have I? I know what you wanted too. Where is the difference between your intention and my sisters?" asked Sanchi.

"I wanted what is right for you!" exclaimed Bhavna.

"Did you? Was that groom that you chose, worthy of me?" questioned Sanchi again, her eyebrow raised.

Bhavna did not answer the question, rather she spoke harshly, "What similarity did you find in between mine and your sisters' intention? Might as well tell me, as to how you will cover your sisters' antics again!"

Sanchi smiled took a mocking tint to it, "They wanted to make the groom run away and you wanted me to run away from the actual situation."

Bhavna did not answer at that, simply looking towards the moon, a displeased frown on her face.

"Sometimes, it's better to face the situation, before it goes out of control buaji. You can't run always," said Sanchi, as she turned to leave.

"What wrong did I do, when all I wanted was to make sure you and your sisters stay out of the entire mess back in the ancestral village?" questioned Bhavna with an acquiring gaze.

"Your want isn't wrong; but the need of the matter is different, buaji." answered back Sanchi.

"Oh? Was it wrong of Kunti when she asked her son Bheem to marry Hidimba when she saw the opportunity? Was it wrong of her to make sure her sons have strong allies?" questioned Bhavna, speaking from a mythological sect.

Sanchi smiled a sad smile at that, "Was it right of a mother to lose a son because the Kurus can't decide who get the throne? Was it right of a person who was not even related in the entire matter, who wasn't even accepted in the entire matter, lose her only child in the very midst of it?" questioned back Sanchi, referring to Hidimba losing her son during the war.

"Will it be right, if I ran when I could confront and do something?" asked Sanchi, still not turning towards Bhavna, who gulped.

"You have already made up your mind before I even came," stated Bhavna, knowing Sanchi won't budge on her point.

"I have." agreed Sanchi.

"What about your sisters? Anjali will probably remember a bit, while the rest won't remember at all," said Bhavna, with a small glance at Sanchi.

"They are old enough to know the entire truth," answered Sanchi.

"Hmm... Do what you want. You are their guardian." murmured Bhavna, eyes looking at the moon, a small disappointed look in her eyes.

Sanchi finally looked at her again, "I will be insulting my parents if I hide the truth. Papa and Chote papa never taught me to run from a situation, buaji. I am simply following their teachings."

With that Sanchi left the room, getting the final word.

The screen froze.

"That was one heavy conversation," commented Balrama.

"Indeed. I wonder what truth Devi Bhavna and Devi Sanchi was talking about?" asked Drona, an inquisitive gaze at the screen.

"Who is Hidimba?" asked Gandhari, squeezing Kunti's hands to say that she wasn't angry with her.

"I don't think any one of us knows, Putri," said Bhishma, a small frown on his temple, as the probability of war was clear in their way of talking. He was glad the probability was avoided now.

" I am wondering about what Devi Sanchi has been talking about. Is it something bad? Devi Bhavna looked perturbed and worried." said Arjun, softly.

"We can only find that out, once the screen starts again. Devi Mahamaya please, if you will restart!" requested Sahadev.

The trio - that is, Ashwathama, Karna and Duryodhan had stayed quiet, either lost in their thoughts [Karna] or simply observing others [Ashwathama] or agreeing with others, nodding along with them[Duryodhan].

Mahamaya smiled as she got a gesture from them. She waved at the machine, after poking something.

The screen started again.

The screen showed Sanchi in a yellow Kurti, with white leggings and dupatta, going down the stairs to open the main door of the house. She noiselessly got out on the porch, walked towards the gate of the house. She opened it and closed the door. It was still night, and the streets were silent as almost everyone in the colony was asleep by then.

" Where is bhabhishree going at this hour of the night?" exclaimed Duryodhan, with Ashwathama nodding along. Both of them turned towards Karna, who raised an eyebrow at them.

" How would I know?" came the dry reply from him.

"Right! How would you know! Devi Mahamaya.." Duryodhan turned towards Mahamaya.

"I don't know either," said Mahamaya, with blinking eyes. Duryodhan rolled his eyes, while Ashwathama patted his hand, getting a glare in return.

Krishna very amused said, "I think, he meant for you to restart the scene."

"OH!" said Mahamaya, smiling sheepishly.

Everyone shared a glance a bit amused at their antics before the screen started again.

Sanchi was walking or rather striding towards somewhere, with speed. She seemed to be a bit restless as she walked faster to somewhere.

After ten minutes walk, she arrived at a small temple in their locality, near to which there was a park.

She opened the temple gates and walked slowly up the temple doors. This temple stayed open all day and night. There were two priests who stayed at all times.

So, when Sanchi arrived; hearing the gate open, one of the priests came out.

"Arey, beta? Itni raat mei? Koi baat thi kya?" asked the priest. [Dear, so late at night? Did something happen?]

Sanchi smiled, "Not really, panditji. Just my mind was restless so I decided to spend some time in the temple."

"Of course dear. Take your time. Call me if you need me, I will be inside." said the priest.

"Yes, panditji." answered Sanchi. The priest smiled and went away.

Sanchi slowly went upwards to the temple, where the idols of Devi Gauri, Devi Lakshmi and Devi Saraswati was kept. She slowly rang the bell in the temple, before bending to touch the floor before entering.

She smiled as she felt the temple soothing ambience soothe her restlessness a bit; yet......a certain nervous and a very unknown feeling...fear perhaps was within her mind. Her soul was still restless, even though a certain calm had entered her mind.

She sat in front of the idol; in a lotus pose, her back straight and head straight.

The screen froze.

"I would like to tell you that, now whatever Sanchi will be speaking in the confines of her mind, will be heard here," informed Mahamaya.

"Is that not invading someone's privacy?" said Nakul, eyes narrowing a bit.

"Anything that is purely personal, and is not meant for anyone to hear will not be featured here. That I can promise," said Mahamaya, with a confident voice.

Krishna smiled at that; while everyone relaxed.

The screen started again.

"I don't know why, I am feeling rather restless whenever I think of speaking to my sisters about the matters in our past. I know why I did not tell them, earlier. They weren't ready to hear such truths. Truth needs to speak at the right time and at the right moment. I think....the time has come.

Today, speaking with Buaji, I am doubting my decision. My mind is not made up yet; even if buaji believes the opposite. Should I tell them?

You have always guided me, whenever I have needed your help, Maa. All of you have shown me a path. I am undecided here.

I know they are old enough to understand now. I should tell them. I am also getting closer to that one proof that will allow me to let that man rot in prison. Then, our case would be airtight. My lawyer, Kabir, my team....everyone had been working hard to get as much proof as possible. I can't fail them.

I have to go back to the place where the entire thing started - our ancestral village.

I don't know what to do, Maa. Please help."' thought Sanchi, with her eyes closed and sitting in that posture.

She meditated in that posture till the priest came to tell her that it was past midnight and she should go back home and get some sleep.

She smiled at him and nodded. She looked at the three idols, bend to touch the feet of the idols in blessings.

"I got my answer. Thank you for everything," spoke Sanchi, looking at the idols with a small half-smile.

The screen froze.

Mahamaya spoke softly, "Done! That's all for today. I think all of you should go and have your dinner. We will be progressing to the darker past of the sisters and some other matters regarding them as well. I don't know what it will be, but I can say the matter is divine."

Bhishma nodded, "Of-course, Devi. Your advice is wise. I also think whatever the truth is; it will be traumatic for the girls."

After that, some of the elders, i.e, Bhishma, Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, Vidur and Drona left the hall, to get some rest.

Kunti stayed back, still sitting for a while. Ashwathama and Duryodhan were trying to keep Karna from noticing Kunti was still in the room. But all their efforts went in vain, as Karna noticed and he got up giving an useless excuse.

Yes, he was running away from his birth mother and any confrontation with her.

Krishna had an amused smile on his face when Balrama turned to him in panic. Yuddhisthir nudged his mother, indicating towards Karna, who was going towards the door. Kunti's eyes widened and she turned to look at Krishna, who gave an encouraging nod.

"Putra Karna!" she called, as she stood up hesitantly.

Karna stopped, but did not turn back. He had been about to step out, but kept his foot back.

Kunti took a deep breath, "Putra, can we speak?"

Karna's face was expressionless but he slightly turned his head to the side. His half-face could be seen by the people to his back. He slightly nodded 'yes' after sometime, before leaving the room.

Kunti sighed in relief. She had never been this nervous and fearful in her life.

Duryodhan and Ashwathama exchanged a glance as well.

"You should take dinner with you, bua. I think the talk will go for long." said Krishna, with a small gentle smile.

Kunti nodded at that.

"Choti maa?" called Duryodhan, softly.

Kunti looked at him, "Yes, putra?"

"Don't make assumptions Choti Maa. Mitra doesn't speak his thoughts always. He tends to be closed off, until he knows a person. At least as far as I heard and understood about him." advised Duryodhan, with a small smile.

Kunti nodded, "Okay."

"Give him some time to assimilate whatever you are about to speak. If he doesn't say anything, then it means that he will think about it. Don't get worried, Rajmata." said Ashwathama, advising as well.

Kunti nodded, "Anything else I should know?"

Duryodhan and Ashwathama shared a glance, before Duryodhan said, "It would have been better if you had talked and met with Radha Kaki before speaking to mitra. She would have helped you better than us!"

"We don't have time for that." said a worried Sahadev, agreeing it would have been better.

"Now...don't make bua more worried than she already is. She will do fine. Angaraj is her son. Her motherly instincts will guide her." said Krishna, a bit amused.

Kunti looked down at that hoping she will be fine.

Duryodhan murmured to himself, "Yea, a son she abandoned. Where did all the motherly instincts exactly go then?" He knew he was being spiteful but he couldn't stop himself.

Kunti heard it though, but said nothing. He wasn't exactly wrong.

Krishna who heard it sighed, and urged Kunti with a small smile, "Don't get nervous, bua. Go, take food for both of you and have your chat."

Kunti nodded with a nervous smile and left the room.

"I hope everything goes well." prayed Ashwathama, the others also joining in at that.

Krishna and Balrama simply exchanged a small smile.

Karna's room wasn't darkened but instead it was dimly lit. He was sitting on the swing in his room, looking at the moon, deep in thought.

A knock on the huge doors of the room broke his reverie. He slightly turned to find the Rajmata there with two plates of food in her hand.

Kunti smiled slightly, "Can I come in, son?"

Karna got up at that and nodded.

Kunti walked in placing the food on the table beside the swing. She turned to look at her eldest.

" Why are you standing? Sit! We can have our food while speaking, can we not?" said Kunti, as she took a sit as well.

Karna's face was expressionless but he sat on the swing again; his expressionless face was making Kunti a bit nervous.

"Start, dear," said Kunti, gesturing towards the plate beside him.

"No, Rajmata. I will have my food later. You wanted to speak about something?" said Karna, his darkened, eyes turning hard. They seem to glisten in the moonlight.

Kunti sighed, " You must be wondering about everything that was spoken regarding your birth...am I correct?"

Karna spoke softly, "It's hard not to wonder."

"Whatever was spoken; It was the truth," stated Kunti, with a slight bowed head.

"I have realized that." said Karna, as he took a bite of the food, feeling too restless due to the conversation.

Kunti said, "It is my fault. If I had remembered then, there would have been no problem. I forgot about the child part and had to pay for my mistakes. I had no choice, son."

"What makes you think, I am upset about the 'abandoned as a child' part?" asked Karna, as he looked at Kunti, with a penetrating gaze.

"You aren't upset?" asked a shocked Kunti.

"Not really." shrugged an indifferent Karna.

"Then...you aren't angry at your brothers?" asked Kunti again, softly.

Karna's eyes snapped at Kunti immediately, "Which brother are you talking about?

Kunti did not answer immediately, sensing this topic will be a landmine.

"All five of them," she answered after a while.

"There is nothing to be angry about. They haven't done anything that I haven't dealt with before, devi." said Karna, his tone again indifferent.

Kunti winced minutely at that, before again speaking, "What about me?"

"I did not understand Rajmata," stated Karna.

"I....have you forgiven me as well?" asked Kunti, almost hopefully and naively.

"There is nothing to be forgiven, Rajmata. I understand that as a Princess, a Queen and as a Queen Mother, you reputation is your priority. A mistake will always remain a mistake." said Karna, his tone completely reserved.

Kunti seemed to be wince hard and wilt like a flower. Her face downtrodden, "Don't say that, son. You had no fault in your birth. It was purely mine. I understand that it will take you time to forgive me or even come to see me as a mother. I will wait for that time."

Karna did not answer. He knew he was been unrelenting, but pain and anger were rarely rational. He was striking out; yet he hasn't spoken anything truly too harsh to her; he had managed to keep his hurt, anger and pain in tight binds. He hoped that would be enough.

Kunti now knew the meaning behind Krishna's words. Her eldest son needed a bit more time. He was like the water that had been boiled; he needed time to cool down. Her instincts and belief in her nephew said that Karna will forgive her, but it will take time; time which she had to give him.

Both had their dinner in silence that night; even though both were together.

The chasm between mother and son might have been immeasurable just days before; but know it has diminished even if it was a negligible amount.

"Time will handle the rest", thought Kunti as she walked out of her eldest's room.

Chapter 12

The next morning bought with it a bit anticipation and curiosity.

The Pandavas, Duryodhan and Ashwathama had learned from Kunti about what had happened during their talks, which made them a bit anxious about Karna's behaviour; wondering if he was going to ignore everyone and brood.

While Karna was completely chilled out like he had said nor done anything monumental. He had behaved normally with everyone, not saying a word regarding what he was thinking.

All of the chosen people were seating in the lounge room, ready to start for the day.

Mahamaya said, "Why is everyone so silent?"

"No reason Devi. We were just waiting for you to start," said Ashwathama, glancing at Karna.

"Of-course, just a few moments," said Mahamaya, as she went to tinker with the machine.

"What happened Mitra? You seemed a bit worried," said Duryodhan, giving a curious look.

Of-course, his words bought the entire attention of everyone in the room to him. Karna gave him an annoyed look in return of his question, "Maa isn't well in the past few days. I haven't managed to visit with all these going on. I decided I will go there after we are done for today."

Duryodhan blinked, "I will come with you. It's been a while I visited Radha kaki."

Karna shrugged in response to that.

"I hope your mother gets well soon, Angaraj," said Krishna, with a small and genuine smile.

Karna nodded in response to his wishes, "Dhanyavad Dwarkadeesh. (Thank you Dwarkadeesh)"

Mahamaya clapped stopping any more talks, "We are ready to start, so concentrate here everyone!"

Everyone turned toward the machine; as a screen appeared in mid-air.

It was morning time. Everyone was sitting for breakfast, expect Sanchali. The girls were happy as their Bhavna but weren't angry on them. The atmosphere was peaceful and calm.

"Buaji, where is didi?" asked Kirti, as she munched on toast.

"I don't know dear. I checked her room; but she wasn't there," spoke Bhavna, with a small cease on her forehead.

"Di must have gone out; she does that time to time. No need to worry. She will be back soon." said Archita, with a casual shrug.

"Hmm..." hummed Kirti, with a nod as she continued munching.

After a while, when breakfast was almost over, the front door opened and Sanchi walked in.

Anjali asked as she noticed, "Di, where were you?"

"At the temple. I need to speak with all of you. Gather the other four and meet me in my room." said Sanchi, her face serious.

Anjali blinked but nodded, wondering what happened.

Sanchi sighed before moving up the stairs to her room.

Bhavna looked on at the disappearing figure of her niece and thought, "This girl! She is so stubborn; but perhaps, she is right. It's time they find out the complete truth or be reminded again. She can't keep them protected for the rest of their lives, no matter how much she wants to do that."

The screen stopped there.

"So, she is about to reveal what happened in their past," stated Bhishma, with a sigh.

"Yes, I wonder what happened.."trailed off Duryodhana, with a shrug.

"I am wondering about the last thoughts of Devi Bhavna. She was speaking of protection..but against what? Who can be after the girls and why?" wondered aloud Ashwathama, making everyone exchange a glance.

"We can find out, only if we watch again. Devi, please if you will..." urged Drona, with a look.

Mahamaya nodded and the screen started again.

Sanchi was sitting on the single couch of the room, with her legs crossed and fingers intertwined together, with arms resting on the armrest.

A single knock sounded, as Anjali stood there with a nervous smile on seeing her sister's tired yet serious face. The other four was gossiping in the hallway.

"Come in all of you. Take a seat. Kirti close the door before sitting, please." waved over Sanchali, with a serious look in her eyes.

Seeing her serious demeanor, Archita, Sonakshi, Ragini and Kirti sobered up quickly as well. Any hint of a smile disappeared from their faces.

Anjali sat on the other single couch, with Sonakshi, Ragini and Archita seating on the floor near the center table. Kirti also joined them, after closing the door.

"Di?" Archita's confused filled voice broke the silence that had descended between them the moment they entered.

Sanchali sighed with her eyes closed, before she opened them. A tired yet a grim determination was present in her eyes, which made her sisters exchange a nervous look with each other.

"I am going to tell all of you a story. None of you will interrupt me, until I finish. Is that understood?" asked Sanchi, with a reserved tone.

All five of them nodded, exchanging another glance. Sanchi sighed again, before letting her head fall back as she started to speak, with her eyes closed and voice soft.

"Once in a small village, there used to be a family. This family had a very prestigious and old background with some relation to a royal family. But as the times changed they adapted themselves with each generation bringing a new change in the traditions and rules of the family.

The current generation of the family had three people - two boys and a girl. They used to live happily. But a tragedy struck the happy family. In one accident - the parents of three children died, leaving them alone. All three of them struggled to make ends meet. The girl as the eldest, left school to educate her brothers and earn money so they could get a basic education.

In such a tiring time, a friend of their father came to stand by them. What they did not know was that this friend was a gold-digger. All he wanted was to take advantage of the brilliance of the boys. The eldest was a very intelligent person in business, while the youngest was no less, but his interest was in arts.

Time sped by and slowly but surely, the two brothers managed to gain scholarship in a prestigious school of the big cities and left to pursue higher studies. The eldest sister, was married off to a self-made man in the village to make connections for the cunning man.

This side of the man was not known to anyone, other than a selected few. He was cunning and a sly person, who never showed his real face to anyone. He showered love and help on the three children - even getting them married to well off families.

Everything was going well - on the surface as well as under the surface. The children trusted the person who literally raised them and loved him selflessly. He continued to shower love and continued to take money away from the children - from the bank as well as from the money that they kept locked away in the house.

With time, children was born to them. Both the boys had three children each - all girls. On the birth of the first child of the house, the eldest man started a business in the village. Within the next five years, the business prospered to a very big size.

This made the cunning man very happy as he could steal more; but he did not count the eldest man to check the accounts book himself and notice a suspense account as the calculations were not matching. He had started to keep a track of the matter, as this could cause loss in the business.

The man did not know that the eldest man was keeping an eye out. He started to be reckless and steal huge amounts from the business by bribing the accountant and the cashier who would also take part in the stealing.

When the eldest man find out; he was heartbroken at the betrayal by someone whom he saw as a father-figure. He spoke to his elder sister and younger brother. Both were shocked and refused to belief at first; but with proof they had to believe the truth as it is."

Sanchi took a deep breath, as she made herself stable for the rest of the story. Anjali had a disturbed look on her face, as if feeling that she knows where this was going. Archita, Sonakshi, Ragini and Kirti simply looked intrigued at the story, though somewhere in the deep confines of their mind, a forewarning was knocking.

Sanchi continued, her voice going even more soft, "One day....one night was all it took to change everything.

The eldest man had three daughters - his eldest daughter was 10 years old, his second oldest was 7 years old, his youngest was 4 year old.

The younger man also had three daughters - his eldest was 6 years of age while his youngest daughters were twins who were just born with the age of few months.

The eldest man made sure all the children were asleep before confronting the man who was stealing from them.

The eldest child of 10 years woke up at the frantic knocks on the door. She opened it only to find her mother standing there with a tear-stained face and blood-stained clothes.

"Child, I am so so sorry. I should not do this, but I have no choice. I refuse to get you all exploited or worse killed. Sweetheart, take your sisters and get out of here." was one of the last words spoken to her by her mother."

Sanchali stopped, not being able to continue anymore; needing a moment to stable herself.

Anjali looked horrified, with tears running down her eyes, "Di...what is this? Why are you telling this?"

Archita, Sona, Ragini and Kirti were teary-eyed but none of them understood what was happening yet...though their hearts had started to beat faster.

Sanchali showed a 'stop' sign by her hand.

"Let me complete."

"There is more?" asked a horrified Kirti, looking at her eldest sister with wide eyes.

Sanchali let her head rest on the back of the couch, " Let me finish please. The mother gave her eldest child a bunch of keys showing her the key to the backdoor. Her younger sister-in-law, brought the other children and together they all left through the backdoor.

Her mother told her , "My dear, no matter the situation never give up. Be safe and be kind. Remember, your sisters are your family. Protect them; you will have to become their shield. Never do anything at the expense of your self-respect and teach the same to your sisters. No one is there to protect you; you will have to learn how to protect yourself along with your sisters. A-nn-dd remember like your father said, if you ever feel that you don't know which path you should take, then close your eyes and listen to your heart- your conscious...it will always show you the way. I love you dear. I love all of you! Go, now! Run!"

Sanchali quieted again, her breathing coming a bit harshly as tears left her closed eyes. Kirti and Ragini were openly sobbing. Archita and Sonakshi were crying as well, but they made no sound. Anjali had tightened her grip on her Kurti, with her head bowed.

"The younger aunt of the elder sister, carried the two newborns while the eldest had the 4 year old in her arms. The rest of the sisters were still sleepy-eyed, as they stood all around.

What the eldest child did not notice but her mother did, was that the cunning man had sent hired goons after them. Her mm-o-t-her stayed behind to delay the goons while she told the children to leave with her younger sister-in-law going with them.

As the eldest child ran as fast as she could, she heard a gunshot. Her younger aunt let out a quiet sob, before urging the children faster. Somehow they managed to go more than halfway to their elder aunt's house.

The younger aunt felt that the goons will catch up soon. So, she hid her newborns as well as the rest of the children in the nearby area, before running to the opposite direction. She led all of the goons away from the children.

The eldest watched as the last adult in the family made sure their lives were safe; till her last breath, while she could do nothing.

Another gunshot announced her death as well."

Now almost everyone was sobbing openly, except Sanchi, who looked too tired and exhausted.

"Who were the children, didi?" asked Archita, as the story somehow clicked.

"Yes...why did you tell such a sad story, di? What was the purpose and the reason behind it?" asked Ragini, her eyes red with crying.

Anjali snapped her head, eyes swollen and red. Her stare begged Sanchi to not say anymore; she remembered the night very hazily. Sanchali had made sure that the incident always stayed in the dark confines of their mind and that none of them even thought about it.

Sonakshi and Kirti also turned towards their eldest sister, eyes begging an answer, while their heart beats quickened in anticipation and dread.

All five of them felt their instincts went haywire at the dead and exhausted look in their eldest's eyes. What their heart and soul understood, their mind refused to belief.

Sanchali whispered, her voice hoarse, " The 10 year old child was....me."

Rajkumar Arjun, the middle brother among the Pandavas, Parth of Sri Krishna was in a deep thought as he sat on the swing in his room.

These past few days have been hectic and world-changing for him. So many changes, so many perspectives and life-changing truths. He felt them choking him yet liberating him. Quiet a contrasting feeling!

At first when he had heard of the Future-Viewing Machine, he had thought it was a hoax, after all it was rather far-fetched and hard to believe. But when he had learnt it was bought by Madhav, his dearest friend, he was interested to know more, yet sceptical.

He had been very indecisive about the inclusion of a Angaraj amongst them, but he kept quiet and simply decided to observe.

The topic Angaraj...who turned out to be his own elder brother. Arjun was conflicted. At one side there was the rivalry that had spark among them. On the other hand, he was also the eldest among the children of Mata Kunti. He could not, in his conscience, be disrespectful to him. His upbringing won't allow him that.

Karna was a Suryaputra, like he was an Indraputra. Both were demigods. Yet one had been abandoned while the other wasn't. Though both had a somewhat peaceful life. Perhaps it wasn't a very happy one, but it was filled with peace.

His specific feeling regarding Angaraj Karna was still in the undecided grey area. He did not know what to say or think. After all, the person who turned out to be his elder brother was also the best friend of Duryodhan. This relation perhaps was either confusing him or making him think twice.

Shri Krishna, the ever-charming person smiled as he entered the room of his beloved Parth, his Nara. He knew that his best friend, who was also his cousin was in a very contemplative mood.

"Parth!!" called Krishna lovingly, as he entered with two plates in his hand.

Arjuna was startled out of his thoughts at the sudden call of his best friend.

"Madhav!!!" he called out just as lovingly. He took a plate from Krishna's hand and kept in on the table.

"Come, take a seat. You missed dinner time. Bua was worried." admonished Krishna, gently with a smile.

Arjun smiled a bit sheepish, "I was lost in my thoughts. Haven't noticed the time!"

Krishna smiled mischievously, "Oh? Thinking about someone very special?"

"No, I wasn't thinking about her at all!" said Arjun a bit too quickly, before biting his tongue.

Krishna smirked, "Her? I never mentioned any 'her'!"

Arjun flushed before quickly taking a bite of the food so he did not have to answer any questions. Krishna let him go, for now, starting to eat himself.

After some time, Arjun asked, not being able to stop his curiosity, " Madhav, why did you suddenly bought food here? You could have called me to the dining room!"

Krishna hummed softly, "I could have...but I felt you were busy in some deep thoughts. What is in your mind Parth?"

Arjun looked at his food, million of thoughts passing by, "I...not something very important, Madhav!"

Krishna smiled gently, "What we think as unimportant, can become very important later in life, Parth! By the way, I heard Bua spoke with Angaraj...oops! He is Jyesht now...I forgot!"

Arjun spoke almost reflexively, "Jyesht is bhrata Yuddhisthir, Madhav!"

Krishna raised an eyebrow at that, making Arjun realize what he uttered.

Arjun looked down before saying confused and slightly guilty, "I am confused. He is a rival, I suppose. But now, everything is messed up! Angaraja turned out to be my own brother....but, but, Madhav...he is also the best friend of Duryodhan! How can I forget that? The same Duryodhan who had once tried to kill Bhrata Bheem and on top of that he doesn't like us either!"

"Us or You in particular?" asked Krishna, with small sparkle in his eyes.

"Me? No...it's us, as in Pandavas!" said Arjun, though a bit confused at Krishna's question.

"Aha! Not us...As far as I heard and understood, Angaraj has no personal grudge against any of you. Why do you think he will be against you?"

"Duryodhan befriended him, surely he had heard things against us already! Otherwise, why would he not say anything concrete to Mata?" said Arjun, a lost look in his eyes.

Krishna smiled, "Parth, Life is much simpler without prejudice. Give a chance before making a decision. You don't know Angaraj, Parth. All you have regarding him is your own impression during the Kala Pradarsan. First impressions are rarely right. Who knows, he may have similar notions about you! After all, he met you first in the field, not Duryodhan!"

Krishna's Parth gave a thoughtful hum, as he pondered over his best friend's words.

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