character sketch/part 1

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Love addict RagLak (SS) character sketch
Character sketch:

Laksh Maheshwari  young business Man well known very popular. Lives for his family loves his family especially loves ragini the most in the family possessive does not allow her to go out without his permission doesn't like it when other me. Touches or speaks to her except family men.
Ragini Laksh Maheshwari  A very loveable person no one can resist her in the family especially Laksh loved her a lot. She also loves Laksh but hates his possessiveness but also loves it at the same time to know that her husband gets jealous seeing her with other people. Cannot I've without her Laksh!

The Maheshwari family:
Durga Prasad  DP – loveable father loves all the siblings and daughter in laws the same
Annapurna  AP – kind hearted when it comes to Laksh and Ragini she is very caring she loves them both more than the other Maheshwari's
Ram Prasad  Rp – very quiet man loves his brother and sister in law like his parents and always supports Laksh in his decision
Sujatha  Suji – Same as AP but LOVES Laksh (her bubblu) the most
Sanskar  Sanky
Swara  Swara and Ragini are not sisters in my concept they are from a different family Swara Hates Ragini as Swara first liked Laksh but little did she know that Laksh was already married to his love and didn't not like her back and wanted to get rid of Ragini so she can get Laksh to herself but unfortunately that did not happen as Ragini was the life of the family and no one would anything happen to her, she got married to Sanskar, but when her alliance came she thought it was for her and Laksh, that's why she liked Laksh so much but her dream was shattered as she mistook the groom to be groom Laksh when it was Sanskar. (She is the villain, the family knows that Swara does not like Ragini)
Ardhash  brother of Laksh
Pari  wife of Ardhash

Mithra (2)  the heart of the house, Pari and Ardhash's daughter.
Here we go:

It was a wonderful morning the birds were chippering, the sun was shining, we see our two love birds sleeping in each other's embraces Laksh wakes up as the sun light is falling on them, he slowly gets up from the bed covering himself as you know what wold have happing last night ;). He goes near the window and closes the curtains as he didn't want Ragini to wake up as it was a late night for them, then he went back to sleep.

Then two hours later...

Our heroine wakes up and looks are her cute sleeping hubby and kisses his back and gets up but then found herself in his shirt and thought to herself my naught handsome obviously put me in his shirt, she went sat next to him but the next moment she was on the bed and her hubby was on top of her looking at her lovingly...

Laksh: my dear wife why are your staring at me and making me lose control over you again and again so should I start my work again?
Ragini: Laksh it's too early we need to go down everyone must be waiting for us...
Laksh: okay we will go, but we will have shower together

He picked her up and walked to the bathroom
Ragini: Laksh no please
Laksh: I wouldn't take much time, just quick shower.

After what an hour they both came out and was getting ready...

Ragini: see Laksh you said not long and now you took one hour to have shower with me, like seriously you're getting naughty day by day.

They go downstairs and everyone started teasing them...
And the day gets usual and everyone

Too be continued...

I know you guy may be waiting for me to update on 'Ragini Life' I will soon I promise, as that is on my laptop and I am updating this on Phone so bare with me thanks &&
also leave me your valuable comments xx
Love you all 💋

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