Chapter 2: The Flower Shop (Crush!Karma x Reader)

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      Saturday, (Y/n) were laying on her bed reading an fanfic from Wattpad, then someone called you in your phone. You looked at your phone and your eyes widen by the number. It was (bf/n).

   You hesitated if you should answer or not. You went chibi mode and think,' Well, I didn't know if I should answer or not. If i don't answer she may think i am ignoring her and think our friendship is over. But...she is dating my crush...Friend or love...(- ^ -)...'

    It took you a long time to think then you realize your phone is still ringing, so you just answer anyway ( wow...just wow...) When you answered, (bf/n) yelled "(YYYYYY/NNNNNN)!!!!!!" You felt your eardrum popped.

(y/n): "What is it!!!! Is something wrong woman?!?!?!"

(bf/n): " Oh, I yelled because I thought you were still asleep."

(y/n): "...really"

(bf/n): " Yeah...anyway since your awake~ can we hang out!? I just realize that we didn't have any 'bf' time, so I thought we can go today. Plus along with that, we can go visit the hospital and go to the carnival. So be proper and dress nice, bring some flowers, and see you at 12 pm at the park where we always hang out back then. BYEEEEE!!!!!!!

...and hang up

( Y/n ) eyes was wide. Hearing her so excited to have 'bf' time made you shivered a little. ' Is she going to play a trick on me or what?' you thought. But you smiled anyway and get out of your bed ( bye bed-kun T ^ T) to get ready. You aren't really scared of her tricks because it VERY obvious tricks, your fine~.

 (Y/n) walked over to her closet and open your closet doors. You tried to find a pretty outfit that looks formal, but good to play games and go to rides. And well you end up wearing a black mini flared skirt, black knee socks, and a light pink long-sleeved top. You grab your little purse, grab your phone, and went downstairs.

Your big sister, (bs/n), ( if you don't have a big sister, make one up - v -) greeting you , she was sitting on the couch with your younger sister, (ls/n), (again make one up if you don't have one ) watching her favorite show and turning to you. " Onee-chan looks pretty!!!," (ls/n) said while her eyes sparkles. (Y/n) looked at (bs/n) and walked toward her then asked" Can you braid two strains of hair and tie them together for me?" ( Asuna style from Sword Art Online)

(Bs/n) happily except an you sat beside her. She started braiding two strains of hair while (ls/n) started to awe of how pretty it was. When (bs/n) finished, (ls/n) was enchanted of how beautiful you were. Suddenly (bs/n) was right beside your left ear and whispered " Are you going on a date or something?" You blushed and immediately stand up and turned to glared at (bs/n). " I am just going to hang out with (bf/n). I am going to somewhere special," (y/n) said while puffing you cheeks out.

You looked at the clock. You have 45 minutes to meet her. So you went to the front  door and grabbed your black leather boot and left. On the way to the park, (y/n) saw a flower shop. You went in and immediately she was amazed by the amount of flowers in the shop.

A old woman greets (y/n). She came up to (y/n) and ask " What kind of flowers would you like young lady?" "I would like a tulip bouquet please?" you replied. While the old woman turned and walked to the bouquet session, she ask " Are you going on a date?" (y/n) cheeks heats up a little and replied " Sorry, but right now I am single." The old woman put her hand over her mouth and said " Oh dear, my apology for the sudden question. It just that you look very delicate, beautiful, and lovely in your dress you are wearing." ( y/n ) blushed even more. " A-ah, thank you for the complement, but I am wearing this because my friend ask if we can go visit the hospital and go to a carnival and I thought it would be nice to get a tulip bouquet to give every individual in the hospital an tulip," (y/n) sheepishly said.

 The old woman smiled and went to a door. " Well, you are quite a sweet heart young lady. Please would you follow me into this room?" She asked. You obeyed and followed the elder woman to the room. And when you went in, you saw a fancy table and two fancy chairs. On the table was two teacups and a plate of cookies and other pastries.

" Please take a seat?" the elderly woman asked. (Y/n) went and sat in a chair. You look through a window and saw a scenery of a beautiful garden full of so many flowers, no wonder why she have so many flowers in the shop. " Would you like some tea young lady?" The old woman ask." A-ah yes please," (y/n) answered.

While the elderly woman was making tea, (Y/n) glanced at her, 'Why am I here?' you wondered. After the elder lady finished brewing the tea, she carried the kettle with cooking mittens and went to the table then pour. 

While she pours, (y/n) asked "Umm, excuse me Miss-""Please call me Maryanne, young lady," The old woman interrupted. "Ah, yes umm...excuse me Maryanne, may I ask a question. Why am I here?" (Y/n) asked. Maryanne kept quiet after (y/n) ask the question. (Y/n) was confuse about why she so quiet all the sudden. ' D-did I say something wrong or something?' You thought.

When Maryanne put down the kettle on the table and sat, she put her elbow on the table and intertwine her small fragile fingers and put her chin on top of her intertwine fingers. "Ne child, do you believe in fairy tales and legends?" She asked curiously.

You snapped out of her thoughts and answer " Ah, no, sorry, but when I was child, my sister told me legends, fairy tales, folk tales, etc about Japan and I believe them until I gotten old enough to stop believing them," said (y/n).

"Ah I see, can I ask what's your name?" Maryanne asked. " name is (y/n) (l/n)," you answered. " Ah, so she was right," she whispered then smiled. "Huh, what did you say?" (y/n) asked curiously. " Oh nothing~" Maryanne said then stand up and went to a cabinet.

She opened it and in it was a chest with combination. She slowly put the combination code and popped open. When she opened it, there was a book and a necklace with key.

Maryanne came over to the table and place the two items in front of you. (Y/n) looked at the two items. The book was titled as " The Brave Ones, " it looked like a ordinary, well decorated book, but the key however looks very abnormal. ' Probably a pendant.' I thought. It was too well decorated to be a real key and it look a fantasy key. 

" Why you giving me these items?" I asked curiously." Oh dear, do you have enough time to stay a little?" Maryanne interrupted. (Y/n) checked at the time. Luckily it was 11:30 so you can ask about the two items. " Ah yes, " (y/n) replied. Maryanne smiled and said " Ah splendid." She sat down. " Then shall we talk?" She asked.


Cliffhanger there cause it's too much to write and I bet your bored of reading this chapter. So~ bye!!!!

-Wolf out saaaaaan!!!

Next chapter: The two items (Crush!Karma x Reader) ( Music for today:Transcendence by Lindsey Stirling)

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