Itona x Reader (Request)

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Requested by @ChocoFluffBalls

I hope you liked it! At first it was difficult to figure out a way for Itona because of his personality, but I tried.
" You have to!"
"Come on!"
"It been too long!"
"He might actually like you too!"

"Come on you got to tell him eventually, " said Kayano. "Eventually, not now." (Y/n) said angerly. "Well, it is best if you say it now or never." Nakamura stated. "I don't care! I am not doing it!" You apposed. It was lunch period and your friends, wait no, your whole class want you to confess to your crush, Itona Horibe.

Your two friends kept talking and forcing you to confess to Itona. (Y/n) got angrier and angrier till you stood up from your seat and stormed out of the classroom.

Nakamura and Kayano kept staring at you as you walked out of the classroom. Then Nakamura turned to Kayano and smirked at her. "What is it?" Kayano asked curiously. "Hmm..." Nakamura said as she put her hand under her chin. Kayano kept a puzzled face and tilt her head.

"Ne Kayano, " said Nakamura. " What?" said Kayano. " Did you know what's tomorrow?" Nakamura asked." Umm, it's Saturday," Kayano said. "And?..." Nakamura said. Kayano still puzzled then finally realize tomorrow is a parade at night.

"Nakamura are you thinking of doing that?!" Kayano said excitedly. Nakamura nodded then said " Who should we invite anyway?" "Well we have (Y/n), Itona..." "Hey Kayano, Nakamura." A familiar voice greets them. They turned and saw Nagisa, Karma, and Sugino came up to them and greeting them. An idea came to mine and Nakamura asked "Can you guys help us get (Y/n) and Itona together?"

The boys looked at each other and Karma answered "Sure, but what do we do tho?" Nakamura grins and said "Tomorrow is the parade and we are planning to make them hang out more and spendtime together. We all meet up at a cafe where Isogai works, mmkay?" They all nodded in agreement.


*Time lapse to tomorrow morning*

You finished your homework and just watching youtube in your computer. (Y/n) heard your phone is ringing, so yoy tooked up from your seat and went to your charger and unplug the charger from you phone then answered.

(Y/n): "Moshi moshi"

Nakamura: " Hey (Y/n)!"

(Y/n): "Oh hey Nakamura. What's up?"

Nakamura: " Ne (Y/n), today is the parade! Do you want to go?"

You stopped talking and walked over to you and look up the event for today. 'Nakamura is right. Today is the parade,' you thought.

(Y/n) went back to her phone and answered.

(Y/n): "Sure, who's going?"

Nakamura: "Well there's me, you, Karma, Sugino, Kayano, Nagisa, Isogai, Maehara, Okano, Kanzaki, Terasaka, and Itona."

(Y/n) blushed deeply when Nakamura mention Itona.

(Y/n): "I-Itona coming?!"

Nakamura: "Yep, Karma asked him."


Karma: " Hey Itona~"

Itona: ' What is it."

Karma: " You so mean~"

Itona: " Whatever get to the chase."

Karma: " Well, do you want to join us to the parade?"

Itona: " Who's coming?"

Karma" Well there's me, Nagisa, Sugino, Kayano, Nakamura, Okano, Kanzaki, Maehara, Isogai, Tersaka, and (Y/n)~."

Itona: "...I'm in."

Karma: " Great! Meet us at the cafe where Isogai works."

Itona: "Sure."


(Y/n) kept blushing while Nakamura finished the flashback.

Nakamura: " Mmkay, meet us at Isogai cafe, kay?"

(Y/n): "K-Kay."

After Nakamura finished the conversation, you were rolling around on your bed, while covering your face blushing face with your hands. "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHAT AM I DOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?" You panicked. (Y/n) quickly stood up and went to the closet. " I need to get ready!" (Y/n) hesitantly. You kept searching and searching until you found a really cute clothes and a cute hat. (Y/n) quickly changed and when you finished, you look like this:

(Y/n) look at the mirror and twirled then smiles. You grabbed your hand bag, money, and your phone then ran out o your room.

"Where you going (Y/n)?" Your mom asked. " I am going to hang out with some friends then go to the parade. " (Y/n) replied." Mmkay, make sure to be careful." Your mom said. " Kay!" (Y/n) shouted. You grabbed your sneakers, open the door and left.

*At the cafe *

(Y/n) arrived at Isogai work and came in. " Hello?" (Y/n) said. " Oh (Y/n)! Over here!" A familiar voice shouted. You turned and saw Kayano waving her hand up high. (Y/n) walked toward her and saw an empty sit next to Itona.

You blushed and hesitantly sat at the seat. Isogai came over and gave you a menu while holding a plate of beverages. Your eyes sparkled and you blushed a little. You have such a cute aura around you that Nakamura kept taking pictures of you. (Y/n) didn't notice that Itona was watching your reaction while blushing a little that no one notice it.

(Y/n) finally ordered something and waited patiently. You notice that Isogai has a lot of platesin one hand and a frappe in the other. You awed in amazement. "Ikemen" you all said out loud except for Itona.

Itona saw you and clenched his fist. Kayano saw his action and grin a little. " (Y/n) looks so cute in her outfit, don't you agree with me Nakamura?" Kayano said. Nakamura smirked and said " Yeah, she does Why are you so dressed up ? Are you trying to make someone notice you(Y/n)?" (Y/n) blushed deeply. " I-I thought since it's summer and this dress is very flowing, I thought it would be ice to wear it that's all." You lied.

"Oh~ is that so~" Karma said out of no where. (Y/n) turned and answered " Yes, it is. " Maehara looked at (Y/n) and said " (Y/n) look too adorable then usual, so she must be-" Maehara was interrupted because Okano kicked his knee cap under the table.

Maehara fell to the table, faced down. Everyone except for Okano and obviously Maehara sweat dropped. Nakamura looked at Itona and asked " So how do you think (Y/n) looks?" Itona glanced over to (Y/n) and you tensed up. " I think she look nice." he said. (Y/n) was blushing, but disappointed that he said " nice " instead of cute or beautiful.

Finally, the food came and they all enjoying their food till 16:00 pm.

*Time Lapse *

They decided to go to the mall. First off the arcade, you guysgo get some tokens and go play some games. (Y/n) saw a claw machine with a (favorite animal) with a cute red ribbon around its neck. (Y/n) immediately went to the machine and put in one token.When (Y/n) controlled the claw, You kept missing the stuff animal. Nakamura saw you struggling to get your (f/a) and went over to Itona.

" Oi Itona! Nakamura said.

"What now." Itona said.

" Do you mine helping (Y/n), she is really struggling with that claw machine." Nakamura pointed at (Y/n). Itona looked at where Nakamura was pointed and saw you banging your head on the glass. Itona sighed and walked over to you.

(Y/n) was still struggling to get the (f/a) till you felt tap. (Y/n) turned and saw Itona. You blushed so hard that your face is the same color as Karma's hair.

"What are you trying to get?" Itona asked. You pointed at the stuff animal. " Move away." He demanded. You obeyed and move away. Itona then insert a token then started to move the claw to the stuff animal.

The claw dropped and grabbed the arm of the stuff animal then carried it up. (Y/n) jawdropped and eyes widen. The (f/a) finally dropped to the hole and dropped it. Itona grabbed the (f/a) then gave it to you. (Y/n) blushed deeply and hesitantly grabbed it.

The edge of your mouth curved, you hugged the soft, fluffy (f/a) to your chest and laid your head on the (f/a) neck. " Thank you Itona!" (Y/n) smiled while your eyes closed. Itona blushed and sracthed the back of his neck.

From behind, the rest of the group was grinning as they watched what's going on.

" Stage one completed, now stage two." Nakamura said as the group nodded.

At the rest of the time, they all go around the mall trying new stuff. The whole group tries on new clothes, Nakamura and Karma forced Nagisa to wear girls clothes, Itona teased Terasaka, Sugino is being over protective to Kanzaki because there were a bunch of guys who kept on flirting at her, a bunch of girls fangirl about Isogai, Okano got mad at Maehara for flirting with girls, Kayano and Nakamura forced you to wear more girls clothes along with Nagisa. This kept going till 20:00 pm. The time of the parade.

* Time lapse to the parade *

The group went to the rails of the sidewalks and waited for the parade to start.

"This is a perfect spot to see the parade." Kayano said excitedly. Nakamura took around the area around them. Very few people was around the area they areright now, which is perfect or a confession. " Well then why don't we leave, there aren't much room here," said Nakamura. "But there is a lot of room?"(Y/n) objected. " Nah, why don't you and Itona stay while we find another place, kay?" Nakamura said.

Before (Y/n) could say anything, the group left leaving you and Itona alone. "Well the parade is going to start I guess," (Y/n) said blushing. Itona just nods and watched the parade.

It was beautiful. As you guys watched, the group was a distanced away from you guys watching you and Itona and the parade at the same time.

You can't stop blushing because Itona and you are alone together watching the parade. (Y/n) remembered that Kayano or Nakamura said that Itona might actually like you. So (Y/n) glanced at Itona. As you saw Itona watching the parade, you hugged the (f/a) tightly and slightly opened your mouth to speak.

"Hey Itona." (Y/n) spoke. "Yeah?" he replied. You stuttered a little and blushed as you about to speak. " Well...umm...d-do you like someone?" (Y/n) stuttered. Itona glanced at you as you hugged your (f/a) tightly closed to your face. " Well I do have one crush," he replied. (Y/n) squeezed even more on the (f/a) as he said he liked someone. " W-Well who is she?" (Y/n) asked sadly.

Itona looked at you. He saw you looking very sad at what said. His face darken then grabbed your (f/a). You snapped out of your trance and tried to grab your (f/a)back. You felt a arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you forward.

Itona wrapped his left arm with the (f/a) around your waist. At that very moment your lips touched his. A firework just went off, (Y/n) shyly kissed him back and you guys kept like this till you heard flashes and squeals.

Both of you pulled away and looked at where it coming from. You Nakamura, Kayano, and Okano squealing and taking picture along with Karma ( taking pictures, not squealing). Terasaka and Maehara gave a thumb up and a smirked. The rest just sweatdropped.

(Y/n) just blushing and nuzzled in Itona neck to cover your blushing face. Itona let go of your wrist and gently touch your cheek turning your face to face his. He smiled at you and you did the same. You guys kissed again ignoring the flashes and squeal in the background.

For the day forward, you and Itona became a couple.

Wolf: I DID IT!!!

Kawaii-sama: *claps*; Good idea Wolfy, I never knew you have a romance side.

Kawaii-sama: Your so mean...T ^ T

Wolf: You know what kind of wolf I am. That's why my name is wolf at the first place.

Kawaii-sama: Yeah...*sweatdrop* anyway who is Itona or any of these characters? do know what is assassination classroom right?...

Kawaii-sama: Nope

Wolf:*whisper* why did i hired you again... anyway how about we do our first reaction chapter about assassination classroom, kay?

Kawaii-sama: Mmkay!

Wolf: * sigh *...that means I need to reschedule the requests then.

Kawaii-sama: well you can't have a co - author that don't know the anime.

Wolf: or I can-

Kawaii-sama: no

Wolf: ...fine, bye wolfies

Kawaii-sama: cha ne minna~!♡

- Wolf out saaaaaan! !!

Next chapter:
Reaction #1
( Music of today: Kisetsuwa Tsugitsugi shindeika from Tokyo Ghouls)

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