Nagisa x Karma (Requested)

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Requested by: XxMrPerfect10xX

Sorry if it's been SOOO long! I was at vacation ╮(─▽─)╭. Anyways the inspiration for this chapter is "The King Game" Yes, I know it's actually a adult game, but~ WHATEVER! So~ I hope you guys like the chapter and the music I chose for a random reason!
Enjoy! O(≧∇≦)O

The atmosphere was intense in the classroom. The whole class was in a circle, staring at one box in the middle...
Isogai opened his mouth,"Who's the king!" He put his fist up into the air.
Everyone cheered. "Maehara, explain the rules!"

"You got it! Each player will get a number from the box and there will be a single king mark mixed in. Whoever draws that king mark can call on numbers to do anything they want. For example: number 13 and 14 have to slap each other as hard as they can or 20 and 16 have to date each other. The king can pick how many players to do the dare, but remember this. Whatever the king say, you must do it. No. Matter. What!" Maehara explained.

"Let start then!" Kurahashi said. Everyone cheered and passed the box around.

Nagisa sweatdropped. "How did we ended up playing this game?" Karma wrapped his arm around Nagisa neck. "Don't be a spirit killer Nagisa-chan~." Nagisa got irritated when Karma said "- Chan" at the end of his name. "You already know I am a guy!" He said. "So~! You look like a girl!" Karma tease. Nagisa got more irritated and grab a number out of the box.

Isogai announced "Now then!"
"Who's the king!" Everyone shouted out.

"Oh look! I am the king!" Yada said out loud as she shows the king mark. Some student awed with disappointment. "Well, I choose number 27 and 24 to-....umm...uhhh.....oh! To cuddle with each other until the games over!~❤" Yada ordered.

The students looked at their number. Hayami was shocked along with Chiba. Some of the students snickered as the two was blushing.

Some of the girls pushes Hayami over to Chiba. She crawled over to Chiba area. Mimura tapped on Chiba shoulder and whispered something. Chiba sighed and spread his legs apart a little as Hayami blushed more. She crawled between his legs and sat down. Chiba blushes and wraps his arm around her waist, hugging her from behind.
(This is for the Chiba x Hayami fans ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°. You're welcome~)

Some girls squealed as Nakamura and Karma took pictures with a devil face. Chiba and Hayami was blushing A LOT !
"Ok! Let's do it again!" Megu said out loud.

The whole class puts the numbers back in the box. Isogai shook it up and grabbed one mark as he passes it down.
Everyone eventually grabs one.
"Now then!"
"Who's the king!"
Everyone checked their marks. "He he! I am the king!" Okajuma shouted proudly as he raises the king mark up in the air. Some people let out an "ugh" or "tsk"

'Mmm, I choose number 8 and 15 to dress as maids!" Okajima ordered happyily with a pervert face/ Lenny face (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Nagisa looked at his mark and blushed. Karma peeked over his shoulder and smirked evily. He immediately grabs Nagisa's hand that had the mark. "Nagisa has number 15!" Karma raised Nagisa hand. Okajima jaw went down. Nagisa was shocked and embarrassed.

Karma looked at Nagisa evilly while Nagisa trembles as he look at Karma. "But who's number 8?" Maehara asked. Everyone went silent and looked at each other except for Itona. Terasaka noticed, "Hey Itona, you are beening quieter than usual...".Itona just stayed quiet and try not to make eye contact. Terasaka tries to see Itona mark, but he just tries to avoid him. Until, Yoshida grabs Itona mark. Itona tries to grab it back, but he been pinned down by Terasaka (*Ahem*OTP*Ahem*) . "Itona is number 8!" Yoshida announced out loud. Itona blushed red.

"Luckily, I got two maids outfits." Nakamura said as she hold two maid costumes. Karma and Terasaka dragged Nagisa and Itona out of the classroom.

A few minutes later...

Nagisa and Itona came out wearing maid outfits, while blush red.

Nakamura, Karma, Terasaka and some of classmates smirk and took pictures of them.
"I feel bad for you...." Itona muttered to Nagisa. Nagisa made a sad smile as he cries a little.
They sat back down and plays another round.

The whole class kept playing the game for a while. Many students done embarrassing things. Like Mimura and Okajima have to dance in front of the class without a shirt (...why did I think of this?...) Or having  Yada and Kanzaki tell the whole class their embarrassing moment. And there are many students who have to face pain. Like Terasaka and Yoshida who have to eat a whole tube of wassabi without water or milk or Maehara and Kimura who have to be shot with the BBs by the king, Muramatsu and some other students. Even though those things happened, everyone had fun and enjoy the game.

Fuwa looked at the time, "It's almost time for class." Everyone awe in disappointment. "Well, why not do a final round!" Kayano said. Everyone agreed and Isogai once again shook the box. He grabbed a mark and passes the box. Once everyone got a mark, Isogai opened his mouth.
"Now then!"
"Who's the king?!"
Everyone was suddenly silent as they check their marks. "Haha! I am the king!" Nakamura smirks with her eyes are closed as she shows the king's mark. Some student groans and sighed.
"Well~ I chose number 1 and 11 to do a kiss~!" Some girls squeals and some boys snickers. Nagisa looks at his mark again and blushed red with wide eyes. Karma also looked at his mark and started blushing also. Nakamura noticed the two boys are blushing and walks over to them. She sneaks behind them and smirks more. She hold both if their wrist and raised them up.

"Look like we have two boys who's going to kiss!" Karma and Nagisa looks at each other with shock. Everyone was shock also yet some student took out their phones or smirks.

Karma and Nagisa stared at each other. Nagisa felt cheeks burning and his heart beating faster. ' my heart beating faster all of the sudden.' He thought to himself. Everyone cheered them on a little.

Nagisa kept refuses to kiss Karma face darkened a little and he lets out a sigh. "Guys, stop it already...if Nagisa don't want to kiss me, it's fine. You can't force someone to kiss if they don't have feelings for you..." Karma forced a smile.

Everyone was disappointed a little and agrees with him. Nagisa looks back at Karma and he could tell that isn't too happy at all.

He first looks away for a sec and blushed a little more. Karma stood up from his spot, "I'll be out" just before he's about to leave the classroom, Nagisa then grab his sleeve. Karma turns around and felt a pair of warm lips on his.

Karma was shock for a moment that Nagisa is actually kissing him, but slowly calms down and kisses back. The two of them ignores the flashes from their classmates phones or the squeals from some of the girls. They are only enjoying this very moment right here and now.

They pulled away for air and turns their heads away from each others. Nakamura wraps her arm on Nagisa's shoulder. "Hehe, Nagisa I never thought you like Karma that much~❤." Nakamura devilishly smirks and shows him pictures of the kiss. Nagisa just blushes and tries to avoid looking at her phone.

Karma blushes red and narrows his eyes at the grounds a little him, but Karma grabs Terasaka collar and pulls him down then started kneeing him on the stomach.

Some student giggles and watches the action in front of them while others just sighed and shrugged it off. Without no one noticing.....a certain yellow octupus was spying on them while writing down something on his notebook.

"Nurufufufufu, looks like my ship is sailing. (Mine too ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ )" Korobane- I mean -sensei said while focusing on his notebook while blushing.

Bitch-sensei noticed he was too focus on his notebook, so she too the opportunity to stab him. She snuck behind him and quickly try to stab, but he went to the other side. Bitch-sensei gets angry and tries to stab him repeatedly. In the classroom, the students watches Bitch-sensei trying to stab Koro-sensei and sweat dropped.

                           The End


Sorry if this chapter sucks. Writer block (╯︵╰,).....BTW school just started about a week ago, so I will be a little busy. But I'll try to do all  of my requests O(≧∇≦)O!!!

And for people who asked about  chapter 3 of Crush! Karma x Reader, it will be a while for me to be able to doReader know. But if you guys like, I could make another book for it! (。・ω・。)

Oh and thank you everyone for reading my book! We have reached 9.1k reads!

Well, that is all! Bye bye! (〜^∇^)〜

(Music for today: King's plan from No Game No Life)

Next chapters (Requested):

Nagisa x Reader
Karma x Rio (Lemon) (My first lemon (#^.^#) )
Nagisa x Kayano (Lemon)
Chiba x Hayami (Lemon)
Chiba x Reader (Lemon)
Itona x Reader (Lemon)
Daddy! Karma x Mommy! Reader
Gakushuu Asano x Reader
Karma x Asano Gf! Reader
Yandere Karma x Reader (Lemon)
Nagisa x Reader
Reader x Karma x Okuda
Nagisa x Reader (Lemon)
Nagisa x Shy! Reader
Cheater! Karma x Reader

*Note: If you don't see one of your requests, please tell me in the comments below! Thank you! ♥(✿ฺ´∀'✿ฺ)ノ*

- Wolf out ⊂(ο・㉨・ο)⊃

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