chapter -6

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Bulbul hugs her and express her excited… but pragya was lost in an another world.. the world in which she can see only abhi… abhi too was in a world which is only with her…
Bul: di… where are you lost.. shakes her.. oh… I knew you too in an excitement and in shock.. do you knew di.. how much reality in your and jijus acting.. bulbul drags pragya too abhis place..
Bul; jiju.. you rocked it.. do you knew when the time you drags di in bus.. wow kamal ki scene.. jiju..abhi look at pragya.. pragya is not looking to him…
Purab comes… Bhai.. can we go for next shot..
Ab; k..
Pu; bhabhi.. are you comfortable for that..

Pr; yes..
Pu; so action.. this scene starts from pragya sitting on her seat turns and looking at abhi who is admiring her..
Mridhu: shalini (pragya).. look how he is looking at you.. sure from tomorrow onwards he will trouble you..
Sha; he.. no way..

Mri; no shalu… sure he will..
Sha: if you are this much sure.. k let me check.. she gets up from seat and goes near to abhi.. who is standing at doorstep.. as pragya comes abhi just act as he is looking somewhere..
Shalini forward his hand saying hello.. abhi too give his hand..
Sh: hello I am shalini.. can I ask you one thing..
Ab; to me.. of course..
Sh; will you follow me from next day onwards..
Ab: what?
Sh; yes I am asking you will you follow me next day onwards..
Ab; (thinks ) till now I don’t knew that she is abnormal.. but really she is..
Sh; hello Mr..

Ab; prem…
Sh; k prem.. actually my friend has a doubt that’s why I just came to clear that she is telling that you are admiring me in that way..
Ab; ( in mind ) no prem you really mistaken her she is too much clever.. she conveyed what she wanted to tell.. actually she is gaving me a warning..
Sh; hello prem.. where are you lost..
Ab; lost in you..
Sh; what??
Ab: nothing… I will not.. she smiles.. actually is that a real smile or not.. suddenly bus gave a sudden break.. which makes pragya to fall on him.. not only on him.. which make pragya to kiss him on his face with out her intention.. ( yes this was abhigyas first kiss In their real marriage life and in film too )
Both abhigya ( premli) get shocked by that.. whole person in that bus.. place hand on their mouth.. abhi (prem) who don’t knew what to do get out of bus and goes down in that shock..
Pragya who sees this calls him.. prem.. prem.. bus is leaving.. prem..
Bus leaves.. pragya turns and sees a book which he lose at that shock.. she take it with her..
Pu: bhabhi.. now that two scenes have shooted now you both go and change your costumes..
Pragya goes quickly.. as she don’t want to face abhi…
Pragya gets inside her changing room.. and look at mirror..
She is sweating a lot too.. and a smile is forming in her face..
Pragya hears someone knocking the door.. she thought it may be bulbul.. haa bulbul just come in.. I don’t look the door.. she slowly remove bangles and chain..
Pr; bulbul bolo.. suddenly she get shocked by a touch on her shoulders… she turns… ya it was abhi…

Pr; abhi tum..
Ab; yes..
Pr; why are you here?
Ab; I just want to talk with you.. you are the director and script writer right.. it’s your duty na.. to tell me that heroine got changed.. you knew I was so much thrilled to work with tanu.. because it was after a long-time..
Pr; so you knew tanu well right..
Ab; ya.. of course.. don’t you knew who she looks.. damn cool.. hot.. every boy’s will fall for her..
Pr; I just ask you do you knew her not or not. I am not interested to knew about how she looks..
Ab; ya.. you will not have interest in it.. because you feel jealous…
Pr; jealous for what?

Ab; jealous about her beauty..
Pr; look Mr. Abhi.. I don’t knew what’s your problem.. from morning itself you started to make me irritate.. look Mr. I have no shock to act with you.. not only that I am not interested to act with you.. but it’s my fate make Me to do that.. I don’t knew what happened to your So called hot and beautiful tanu.. as she cancelled assignment today.. and as producers are not willing… it’s purab who suggested that I will act.. they agreed.. as it’s my dream work.. I can’t make it lose otherwise I will not work with you.. abhi smiles.. abhi ( in mind ).. poor fuggi.. she don’t knew its me who stopped that tanu.. as I don’t like her and hate to core and I don’t like anyone to come between us.. but I didn’t expect that today shot will happen and you will be my heroine.. actually I planned more tortures for you.. but your luck all got spoiled.. but I really enjoy.. this closeness.. I wish it may happen in real..
Pr; hello… waves her hands in front of his face.. why are smiling like an idiot.. don’t you knew I feel irritated with your smile..
Ab; if that so I will smile more and make you irritate more..
Pr; oh god… I don’t knew what is his real problem.. I can’t understand.. sometimes he looks cool and lovely sometimes he will be most irritating person.. actually what he is.. ( she thinks)
Ab; now who is lots in thoughts?
Pr; so you get to knew about the sudden change right.. then for what are you waiting for..
Ab; actually I came here to return you what you has given to me..
Pr; what return something which I given to you.. actually I don’t give you anything..
Ab; no chashmish.. you gave me something.. actually I don’t like anyone’s gift or something for me.. I am a kind hearted man.. so I will always returns what I have got..
Pr; (in mind ) why I feel some insecurity in his words.. some inner meaning in his a words..
Ab: so I am going to give you that back..
Pr; what?

Abhi suddenly drags pragya closer to him by holding her waist.. and he moves his lips into her lips and gave a passionate kiss to her which makes pragya to remain in shock.. actually abhi is really enjoying her upper and lower lips.. when abhi feels that pragya get suffocation… he takes his lips back from hers and smiles victoriously…
Ab; I will always return more than what I got and goes from the room and pragya was still standing like a statue..
Bulbul sees abhi going from pragyas changing room and peeks inside where she sees her di who was standing like a statue..
Bul; di.. di.. she is not responding.. bulbul shakes pragya… she came to sense.. and looks around..
Bul: di I was calling you for more than 5 minutes.. you are looking around the room.. to whom you are searching.. are you searching jiju…the time bulbul tells jiju at that instant itself bulbul gets a message whose beep sound is kissing sound.. which shocks pragya again remembering what happens just now..
Bu, this girl’s na.. di why are you looking like this its my bestie who messaged me..
Pr; is this sound you got to give for message..
Bu: what happens di what’s the problem of this kiss sound.. bulbul place her hands in Pragyas shoulder and give a kiss on her cheek.. which shocks pragya again..
Bu: di why are you so shocked with this kiss…
Pr; vo… vo.. nothing.. you just leave.. I need to change.. pragya forcibly make bulbul out of the room an locks the door and look herself in mirror.. the scene shifted to abhis caravan.. in which abhi is talking himself through mirror in too much anger..
Ab; abhi what have you did man.. are you mad… is this the way of behaving with her.. what must she thought about me.. ya it’s sure she May misunderstands me… she will make a bad image of mine in her heart.. abhi… are you out of mind.. is there any need of giving back that.. giving a kiss to her that too in her lips.. flashback of kiss scene shown. A smile came in abhis face.. abhi.. do you see na.. how she look like after that.. I don’t knew how will I face her now.. abhi.. you must control na.. all the emotions which you have for her.. for you she is your life and you feel for her.. don’t you think is this for her.. ya your are a husband.. and you have the right too… but what you did was not worthy..I can’t think what’s going through her mind…
Screen shifted to pragyas room..

Pr; he… he kissed.. that too.. how Can he behaves like that with me.. what is the reason for that sudden action.. I didn’t expect this action from him.. oh I can’t imagine that scene.. the way he kisses me and the way he broke that kiss.. I can’t face him now… why not? It’s not me who kissed him. And that’s right I kissed him.. but it’s just an acting right. Pragya suddenly thinks.. but in acting too how can I kiss him.. if there is any other one instead is I will able to do that.. pragya thinks.. no I can’t.. but how I can do it with him.. pragya remember all the scenes shooted with him.. actually I was not at all acting… I feel like I did all that in real… may be he too.. the way he look at me.. it’s not like that before.. I feel some connection in all that.. but what’s that connection…oh
my brain will break by all this question… pragya it’s better to not think about all this.. and just forget what happened now.. and gets ready.. she gets ready and reaches the location.. and waist for abhi.. actually she was in full tension.. abhi too came and sees pragya but they don’t look into each other..
Pu: so can we go for a shot..

A college is shown.. pragya along with mridu… is entering college..
Mridhu: shalini.. do you knew what you did.. and the way all are staring at you..
Pr; ya.. mridhu.. I knew but I don’t do that intentionally.. when bus suddenly applies break.. I. Just..
Mri; poor prem.. he get stunned and goes down leaving all his belongings.. it was doing that time pragya get noticed about the book which is in her hand..
Suddenly college bell rings..
Mri: shalini come let’s go to class..
Pr: you just go… I will come.. pragya sits under a tree.. and started to flip the pages..
Episode ends..

Precap; abhi and pragya alone… both are too tensed.. actually pragya is sitting near a pool.. and abhi on its steps.. both are hidingly looking each other..

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