Chapter 2 - Replacing The Secretary.

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Ishita Hassan

A month had past and I'm getting well with the new Vice Secretary position. I had found a new companion here besides Mrs Lau, she is also sweet and lovely but a shy person. Her name is Sandra but she loves to be called as Sand. I don't know why she love to be called that way but I being myself started to make monkey of that name.

We became close instantly and we felt good to be around each other. Talking about her, my own best friends began to mock me sarcastically that I'm forgetting them and started to make time to only Sandra. My best friends were the one who knew me very well than anyone else because we were like the 'Fantastic Four' in the high school.

Two boys and two girls that rock the school with amazement and fun. We are still the same and since Sandra is new to the town, she doesn't have any friends so I decided to introduce her to my gang.

Knowing them, I knew that they would be welcoming her with their open arms because they knew that I won't easily get along with people but if I do the person must be something special. I'm not an introvert but I just love to keep limited people around me.

Skip pass to today, the morning doesn't give a good vibe so there must be something that going to put me down or to make me bad. Cursing at my own thoughts, I parked the car at the parking lot and head to my cabin which is located next to Mrs Lau's. I sat on my desk and started to check some files that placed on my table. Later, I heard the knocking twice on my door and it was Mrs Lau.

"Good morning, dear. How is your day today?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"It's good, madam. And how was yours?" I lied probably because the same bad vibe thoughts keep on haunting me and I motivate myself to be brave to face whatever awaits.

"Mine is good too. And dear I have to tell you something that maybe a good chance for you to learn more about the company and also the CEO." she said the last part with a wink.

You guys know what, she started to ship me with the CEO after that one day.


I was arranging the pile of files according to their dates in a office file rack which is on the third floor. When I couldn't reach the top row of the rack, I get a stool and picked some files on my left hand. I wear a flat wedges so I decided to stood on the stool with my wedges on. I don't like to wear high heels because I'm not used to and I'm already tall enough. I put my right hand on the side of the rack to maintain my balance with the files on my left.

After I got balanced, I started to arrange the files according to their dates. I heard a loud thud on the front door that make me to stumble backwards in surprise and at the moment I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get hurt on my back.

But what happen next surprises me even more because I felt like I was floating on the air with two big hands holding me as bridal style. I opened my eyes to see the saviour of mine and I almost lost my breath to know that the saviour was the CEO.

He put me down when he saw me having trouble in breathing and he patted on my back. I took a step back when I acknowledge that he was too close to me. He looked away with a sigh when I looked at him to convey a big thank you but then he just walked away without expecting anything from me. This scene was already been watching by Mrs Lau and she approached me with a big smirk on her face.

"That was an amazing view, you know." she told me with the same smirk on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her and that earn a giggle from her.

That was the day when she started to ship me with the CEO and I, on the other side started to wonder why he just looked away when I looked him. He also walked away without a word like he was only there to save me from falling on the ground.

"I wish to know the source of the loud thud that made me stumble that day. " I said while rolling my eyes and she laughed.

"Okay so what was the thing that you wanna tell about, by the way? " I reminded her so that she would get ridden of the current topic now.

"Okay, I'm going back to hometown with my family for two weeks so I won't be around here. The thing is.." she stopped when her phone started to ring and she gestured me to wait a second as she attended the calle My mind started to find words to fill in the sentence that stopped incomplete.

And that's when she said "You are going to be my replacement and you have to meet the CEO all the time if he asked for you to rescheduled his plan on this two weeks period. Make sure to stop being clumsy around him. " At the last part, she teased and I only fake glared her.

So, I had to be around him for the two weeks and I don't want what holds for me in future. Oh God, please save me from any other embarrassment.

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