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Siddharth : Ruhi, those we love don't go away. They walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always still loved.

I Miss You


Ruhi : You're right, Papa. I love you.

Siddharth : I love you more.

At Night

The armchair cushions take the form of Siddharth's body and it was such bliss. The hours will pass, just him, the memories and Reem's Picture on his mind. This stupidly comfortable chair was the hug he needed when there was no Reem to hug him, when the best he could do was enjoy some quiet time thinking about Reem by taking her picture on his hand.

"Oh Reem, I don't what they are called, the spaces between seconds but I miss you in those intervals.
I hide my tears when I say your name, but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I smile and seem emotionless, there is no one who misses you more than me"

He recited the poem.

Thank you for your endless love,
That helps me through each day.
And thank you for memories,
That never fades away.

You're the woman I have ever loved,
And I was happy to be called your husband.
And everyday in small way,
I celebrate your life.

And though it's sad to think about,
The way things were before.
When we are reunited,
It will be forever mate.

There was a knock on the door.

Siddharth : Come in.

He quickly wiped away his tears.

Farida dadi : Sir, I must urgently go back to my village.

Farida dadi was the baby sitter of Ruhi who had treated Ruhi just like her grand daughter. She was more than happy to be the Baby Sitter of Ruhi when Reem died.

Siddharth : Why Dadi? You know I can only trust you with Ruhi for her safety.

Farida Dadi : I know, sir. But it's really important. I will baby sit for Ruhi until you get her a new baby sitter. Please sir.

Siddharth : OK.

Meanwhile In India's Airport.

Girl : Phew. I escaped from there in time or else I will be....... No. You shouldn't think about that. You should be positive that you escaped and now, you can start your life in here. Achieve my dreams and I can show my dad that I can do anything with my talent.

Who do you think was the girl in airport?
What did she mean by she "escaped"?
Why did she escape?

A Short Chapter but next will be bigger.

Thank You For Reading ♥♥

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