Do I Make You Horny Baby?

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Birth name: Delilah Rose Encise

Name: Delilah Rose Allote

Reason for change: Her mother got married when she a toddler

Pronunciation: Deh-lie-lah



Meaning: From Hebrew and Arabic Origins, Delilah means delicate

Nicknames: Lila, Lia, Dala, Deliah, and Rosey

For people she is intimate with: Mommy, ma'am, miss, and mistress

Age: 28

Birthdate: August 1st

Birthplace: Ilulissat, Greenland

Current residence: Osaka, Japan

Zodiac sign: Leo

Belief in astrology: She has a good amount of knowledge about it, mostly to engage in conversation with women that like it

Biological sex: Female

Gender/gender identity: Female

Pronouns: She/her or she/they

Preferred pronouns: She/her

Sexual orientation: Bisexual with a huge, like almost lesbian woman lean

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: Greenlander (Inuit)

Main Language: Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)

Languages known: Greenlandic, Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, French, Italian, English, and Spanish


Personality: Delilah is an extremely confident woman. she, without hesitation, would stand up to any and everyone as if she were ten feet tall and made of complete vibranium.

She is a smart, resourceful woman with huge amounts of confidence. She is a smooth talker with strong opinions that often get across. A lot of people have their opinions swayed just because of her confidence, even when she doesn't know too much about a topic.

There isn't too much to Delilah. She is upfront, open, and had one layer, which she shows proudly. Deliah doesn't have many layers to herself. She is pretty self explainitory in and of herself. She is a passionate person with a heart of steel. She somehow always has a smirk at the end of the day, her confidence being blown off as cocky to most men.

She is one of the girls that would let a man attempt to manslain something, only for her to tease them and hopefully break their spirits. She doesn't care about them or how they feel. If they have the audacity to try and over explain something to her she knows about, she'll destroy their hope and confidence.

She is extremely forward and loves to please whomever she is with, partner wise, almost acting as if she was their slave, only there for their bidding.

IQ: 123

Intelligence: 16/20

Common sense: 19/20

Reflexes: 15/20

Speed: 11/20

Flexibility: 19/20

Hand-eye coordination: 18/20

Upper body strength: 10/20

Lower body strength: 12/20

General strength: 11/20

Dominance: 17/20

Submissiveness: 2/20


~Soft girls
~Sugar Gliders
~Fairy lights
~Making her partner happy
~Fuzzy socks
~Avatar: The Last Airbender


~Her partner being unhappy
~Her period
~Having her hair too short
~Her hair too long
~Ice in her drinks (other than water)

Habits: She puts her chin in her hand whenever she is talking to a hot woman and she rolls her eyes a lot

Hobbies: She doesn't really have any, other than thrifting

Occupation: She is the CEO of a successful fashion company in over 70 countries, she also sells some designs out of her home.

Children: None and doesn't really plan on having any

Family: Father- Roman Melvin Allote: Deceased

Mother- Jasmine Lily Allote: Deceased

Other: If she is in a moving vehicle and isn't the one operating it, she'll usually fall asleep



Skin tone: Porcelain

Natural Hair color: Black

Hair color: Platinum Blonde

Facial hair: She has had her facial hair laser removed, she only has her eyebrows shaped with the laser as well

Body hair: All of it has been laser removed

Eye color: Very light green with brown flakes

Vision: 20/20

What's done: Nothing

Hearing: Perfect

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: Light, pale pink

Height: 5'7 or 167.64cm

Weight: 122.4lbs or 55.52kgs

Body type: She is tall and thin without many assets

Face shape: She has a diamond-ish shape

Age appearance: About 19

Scars: She has one across her lip, going from about 3cm qnover her lip to about 5cm below.
She also has one that goes from the top of her shoulder all the way to her wrist

Tattoos: She has the Aang's airbending arrows, including the one on her head. She also has 'Baby' on the inside of her lip

Defining features: None

Special markings: Her lip scar and the arrows on her hands. Her scar on her arm as well and the arrow on her forehead sometimes peaks from her bangs

Piercings: She has her tongue and her belly button pierced

Outfits: She doesn't have any one type of style, she dresses a lot of different ways, including all of the ones above in 'Looks'

Blood type: A negative

Other: She shaved her head when she was 16 and got the avatar tattoo. She doesn't regret it at all, and if she doesn't want to go out with them seen, she'll put on makeup to cover it, including her hands


Backstory: There really isn't much to Delilah's story. Her mother and father had her before they were married, so temporarily her last name wasn't the same as her father's. Once the two were together however, her last name changed.

Her mom didn't seem to like her as much as her dad did, she was distant and a bit manipulative, leaving whenever Delilah would be home, but that was about it. Other than that she had a normal, only child-childhood with a loving dad.

Powers: None

Strengths: She is confident and can almost always keep a cool head

Weaknesses: She is a bit of a tease and can sometimes have an attitude problem, usually only with men. She also can be a bit flirty with women sometimes.

Dreams: She doesn't really have any, other than to live happily with her partner

Fears: Making her partner unhappy

Phobias: Trypophobia

Best memory: Getting her avatar tattoo(s)

Worst memory: Her first girlfriend breaking up with her

Wants in a relationship: She wants nothing more than to please her lover. She wants whomever she is with to be happy and loved. She'd like them to communicate their needs and wants, but if they aren't good at communicating Delilah doesn't mind. She'd be happy to make her best guesses until her partner is happiest.

Type of lover: She's a huge pleaser. There isn't anything that Delilah wouldn't do should her partner ask. She isn't at all a people pleaser, she'd rather slap everyone in the world than sacrifice herself for another, unless that other person was the person she loved.

One thing they couldn't live without: Nothing really

Other: She started her company when she was merely 19 years old and by the time she was 22 it was a Nationwide company.


Position: Dominant, but will switch bottom or top for their partner, whichever they want, is usually a top though.

Love language: Yes; She doesn't have a specific one she is most attached to, it's whatever her partner prefers

Turn ons:

~Giving-In any way
~Sometimes receiving
~Taking away senses
~Being gentle
~Orgasm control

Turn offs:

~Anything her partner doesn't like

Kinks: Mommy/Mistress kink

Safe word: Dynamite

You cannot want kids if you're going to rp with this character

Scenario 1

You were fresh out of college, in at least two mountains of debt, and just wishing you had been a stripper through college. You were walking around town, in Osaka, Japan where you were freshly out of college, and you accidently bump into someone. You stumble back and after a second look over to her, tilting your head.
"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," you mumbled to her. She had platinum hair that was a bit below her shoulders.
"That's okay." She said and put her hand out to you.
You, gently, put your hand out to her and when she took it, she kissed it softly, rather than shaking it like you assumed she would.
A blush slowly came to your cheeks and you looked away awkwardly.
"Your name darling?" She asked suddenly.
You weren't sure how to, or even if to, respond and just stood there, running your ankles together.
"My name is Delilah. If that makes you feel any more secure," she spoke softly, letting go of your hand.
"My name is y/n," you said softly.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful person," she responded. "What's a little kitten like you doing in a big city like this?"
You began to explain how you were just sight seeing, only to ramble on about your debt.
She looked a bit surprised, but didn't hesitate to smile kindly at you. "Come beautiful. Allow me to take you for dinner."
It was already 5:30, and you usually were an early eater. You weren't sure if you should feel greatful for weirded out, but soon you agreed.
"Okay," you spoke softly.
Delilah smiled and took your hand again, escorting you to a fancy restaurant nearby. It was two stories and just quite impressive. As the two of you walked in the man at the seating stand slightly bowed his head, to which Delilah smiled and nodded, walking past and up the stairs. You weren't sure how to react since, as you walked in there was not only a line, but also everyone was in such fancy clothes.
You two soon got to the second flood and walked right past all the fancy seats that had gold trips saying- VIP. You felt very out of place, awkwardly hiding your face as best you could before a door was opened and closed, another seat with another gold trim writing Ms. A in front of you.
"Where are we?" You asked softly as she sat you down.
"What did you study in college?" She answered, avoiding your question.
You wanted to know who Ms. A was and why you guys were sitting in her booth.

Scenario 2

You and Delilah had been friends throughout highschool and you watched as the relationship she put as much of herself into it as possible, fell apart like it was nothing. She was devastated. She was more than devastated. She was heartbroken. You were support and that was it. For years. She wasn't really the same after that relationship, much more flirty and kind of had an attitude.
Years later, when you were both put of highschool and college, having your own lives and whatnot, but still friends, you watched her grow her business, become successful, and not once fall in love again. You however. You feel and you fell hard. Almost everything Delilah would do in a relationship, she did with you. You soon fell in love with her, trying to understand whether or not you should say anything.
Today was the 9th year anniversary of her opening her company and you decided that it was now or never.
The party wasn't anything fancy, just her treating her Japan employees out to a nice dinner. You joined, of course, and when it died down a bit and you two were alone, you know it was the time to tell her.
"Hey Deliah," you spoke softly, quickly getting her attention.
"Yes darling?" She asked suddenly, a happy smile on her face with a piece of chicken between her chopsticks.

Scenario 3

Make it up

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