I'm Not Mean, I Just Don't Like You

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Birth name: Brandon Daniel Martin

Name: Brandon Daniel Martin

Reason for change: There wasn't one

Pronounciation: Br-an-done



Nicknames: Danny and asshole

Age: 18

Birthdate: January 24th

Birthplace: Findlay, Ohio

Current residence: Findlay, Ohio

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Belief in astrology: He doesn't even know what it is, so no

Biological sex: Male

Gender/gender identity: Male

Pronouns: He/him or he/they

Preferred pronouns: He/him

Sexual orientation: Bisexual and biromantic, he is interested in males and females

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Japanese

Nationality: American

Main Language: English

Languages known: English and a bit of Japanese, he couldn't have a conversation though


Personality: Brandon is the guy that doesn't care about other people or their feelings. If he thinks a shirt is ugly and someone asks his opinion on it, hell either tell them to fuck off or he'll tell them that's it's ugly.

Danny doesn't really have a filter, but he does have a pause button. It's when the button is pushed and he's on play that is the problem. He isn't the person to spare someone's feeling because it is dumb and a waste of time and energy.

He is smart, but lazy and while, if he tried, he could accomplish great things, he doesn't care so he just sits there and does the bare minimum. Brandon is a jerk to literally everyone. He will be an absolute asshole to any and everyone, unless he likes them. That one person that he takes a liking to, romantically or platonically, he will protect with all of his being. If someone decided to tease them, they'd be up agaisnt the locker with his knee in their stomach.

Brandon is pretty protective, but he isn't embarrassing. He won't go around being like, do you have your helmet for your bike? But he will put a helmet on the. For his motorcycle. He isn't controlling, but he does get very serious with those he cares about, having serious discussions about things he finds serious with them.

Overall, Brandon is a really straightforward, blunt guy with no regards to anyone's feelings, unless he cares about them, in which case he will be honest, but nice, and he won't let anyone hurt them without paying it back.

IQ: 122

Intelligence: 13/20

Common sense: 10/20

Reflexes: 17/20

Speed: 14/20

Flexibility: 5/20

Hand-eye coordination: 9/20

Upper body strength: 17/20

Lower body strength: 13/20

General strength: 15/20

Dominance: 16/20

Submissiveness: 5/20


~Listening to music
~Playing music
~Foreign television shows
~When people avoid him


~Annoying people
~People telling him he is rude
~Being around people
~When people approach him
~American tv shows

Habits: He doesn't make any attempt to hide his facial reactions, on purpose. He also folds his tongue, inside his mouth, when he is annoyed and trying to calm himself down

Hobbies: He plays the drums

Occupation: He is a highschool student and plays the drums in a band, Haters

Children: None

Family: Father- Kazumasa Tanaka; Deceased

Mother- Christina Ally Martin, Alive; 36, lives in Findlay, Ohio with her only son

Siblings- None

Other: He doesn't show his face when he plays gigs with the band, always wearing a mask with his hair in a shaggy way



Skin tone: Beige

Natural Hair color: Black

Hair color: Black

Facial hair: None other than his eyebrows

Body hair: He has hairy legs and armpits, but that's it

Eye color: Brown

Vision: pretty good; 20/30

What's done: He wears contacts

Hearing: Good

What's done: Nothing

Lip color: A pinkish peach

Height: 5'8 or 172.72cms

Weight: 152.63lbs or 69.23kgs

Age appearance: Like 19-20

Scars:  a couple from accidents as a kid, but none worth mentioning

Tattoos: He has a ghost on the back of his neck, he isn't proud of it

Defining features: None

Special markings: None

Piercings: He has his first and second lone on both ears, his left nostril and his septum, and his tongue pierced


Blood type: A negative

Other: His nails are almost always painted black


Backstory: Brandon's mom never got married. She and his father had Brandon and a couple months later he proposed, but died in a car accident days later.

His mom ended up raising him alone. Other than that he had a pretty normal childhood, he was never social or one to make friends and just went through school without a hitch.

Powers: None

Strengths: He is intelligent

Weaknesses: He is cold to everyone

Dreams: He doesn't really have any dreams, but it would be cool to be a professional drummer

Fears: The only person he is fond off hating him

Phobias: None

Best memory: His first concert

Worst memory: Taking his SATs

Wants in a relationship: Brandon doesn't really mind how his lover is. He wants someone that won't get on him about being mean to others.

He doesn't mind clingy or space-wanting. He's flexible and happy with whatever as long as it's the person he likes

Type of lover: He is a flexible lover, one that kind of mirrors his own lover. If he is with someone that is all about time together he will make sure they have a date everyday, if they like order that date will be at the same time and day, maybe different places though.

He isn't necessarily a 'people pleaser' but he does want to make his lover happy, otherwise why would he be in the relationship?

One thing they couldn't live without: He has a letter his dad wrote him before he was born. He wasn't planning on staying with the family so he wrote it for his 18th birthday and his mom still gave it to him even though he did try to stay


Position: He is a switch regarding both dominant and submissive and top and bottom, although he has a slight dominant lean, especially if it fits with his partner

Love language: His primary one is quality time and his secondary is acts of services

Turn ons:

~Watching his partner
~Sometimes toys
~Making his partner happy
~Gentle, sensual

Turn offs:

~Usually toys
~Other people
~When his partner isn't happy

Kinks: Slight orgasm control

Safe word: Pickles

Scenario 1
You and a close friend of yours were having a sleepover, but you guys were bored. You had done everything there was to do, and now you were on your phones, inattentive and bored. You remembered a paper you had seen at school the previous day and began to look for it on social media. You saw one person posted it on their Snapchat story and showed your friend. "Concert." You said with a smile. Immediately your friend agreed, no other context. You guys got ready and then headed out. It wasn't a huge you couldn't get in without a ticket concert, just a sort of underground take one leave one sorta deal. You guys got in and the bands were actually switching out at this point. You were a bit disappointed you couldn't hear the first band, but you looked at the new one coming on and got excited. Something about them was familiar. It wasn't the name or anything, but the drummer just looked like someone you knew. You brushed it off and listened them play for about 2 and a half hours before they took a break. The drummer walked out and towards the drinks, but you stopped him and realized it was Brandon from school. "Hey! Brandon! How have you b-" he put his hand up, telling you to stop talking and began walking away again.

Scenario 2
You and Brandon had been dating for a while and everything was great. The only thing that made you a bit meh was how he treated your friends. You knew it was just him and he loved you and wouldn't ever be mean to you, but you felt bad for your friends. One day y'all all hung out and one of your friends put a hand on Brandon's shoulder to get his attention. Could she have done it without touching him? Yes. But the point was that Brandon kind of snapped at her. He didn't raise his voice or call her names, but he did get a bit much for her just touching his shoulder. Y'all went through the rest of the day and soon you were at his place hanging out. He came from the kitchen with a drink for you and you looked at him seriously. "Do you hate my friends?" You asked. He just stared at you before he tilted his head and leaned closer to you with a confused look.

Scenario 3
Make it up

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