Freshmen 45

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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐋𝐂


Hampton University
Wed. Dec. 11th, 3:45pm
"Haters Gonna Hate"

"Gatorade...water bottle...socks...towel...snacks." Dess muttered under her breath as she packed the items into the duffel bag.

She was officially starting her basketball girlfriend duties. She thought it'll be nice to pack Shai gym bag with everything he may needed. She went out and bought a whole bunch of stuff, stocking up on items like Gatorade, energy bars, scrunchies, and first aid items. She was going all out but this was her first time doing something like this. She'll see how Shai react and whether she should continue or not. In the meantime, she rechecked the Nike duffel bag just to make sure she had everything.

Meanwhile, Freya wasn't having much of a happy afternoon. She sat on her bed, angrily typing on her phone as she sent a long paragraph to Axel. After the studio incident, the two of them have been arguing nonstop. Axel expressed his anger towards Freya for talking to another dude in front of his face. He assumed they were in a relationship and expected loyalty and honesty from her. Boy, was he wrong. Freya broke the news to him that they weren't dating. They were two young adults having sex with each other.

That's all. She wasn't looking for a relationship with anyone. Even if she was, she be damned if it was with Axel. His attractiveness didn't live up to his naive and annoying ways. His clinginess was all too much for Freya to handle. His extreme attraction towards her was worse. It was like he was obsessed with her and in a bad way as well. Freya wanted to be free and Axel was burying her inside.

She hated it. And yes, she should've been honest and told him upfront when things started to take a sharp turn. However, she found him easy to manipulate. Axel never questioned anything she did or what she said. He went along with everything Freya wanted to do and more. It was easy to get sex out of him as well even if they didn't plan on doing it in the first place. That was all Freya wanted in the end. Sex. There was nothing wrong with that either because she was young and was living her life. Just like everyone else on campus.

Why did everyone have a problem with her doing the same thing? She wasn't sure but she was about to find out.

"Such a fucking asshole!" Freya yelled, tossing her phone on her bed. She turned to Dess who was walking back and forth, tossing things in a bag.

"Do you know how pathetic a person has to be to write a fucking diss track on someone? Like Axel is a fucking bitch for that shit!" Freya said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Right." Dess agreed despite not hearing anything she said. She wasn't paying any type of attention to Freya or her problems. She zipped up the duffel bag after doing yet another thorough check. All that was left was for her to head to the gym. She searched for her shoes while Freya continued talking.

"His little stupid career isn't taking off so he's using my damn name. I can't stand his dumbass for shit. He really think shit is sweet just cause I told his whiny ass that I wasn't his fucking girlfriend. I never even mentioned wanting to be his girl to him. Ever!" Freya ranted. All her anger spurring out like hot lava erupting from a volcano.

Dess nodded her head again while she tied her sneakers. "Yeah, crazy." She said, still not paying attention.

Freya stopped and stared at her. She squinted her eyes, feeling as though she wasn't listening. The last thing she wanted to do was deal with Dess and her bull as well.

"Dess." Freya called her name.

Dess nodded her head, "Mhm, that's crazy." She responded, slipping her jean jacket on.

"Dess." Freya called her once again.

"Yup." Dess said.

"Dess!" Freya shouted, Dess finally looking up at her. "What the fuck!"

"What?" Dess obliviously asked. Freya scoffed, shaking her head.

"You weren't even listening to what I was saying. You're just saying stuff just to say it." Freya expressed angrily.

"Sorry." Dess responded. She grabbed the duffel bag, putting it on her shoulder. "I'm trying to get Shai's bag ready for practice. I know he's wondering where I am right now."

Freya scrunched up her face when she heard his name. Of course, that was what Dess was doing. Everything Dess did was Shai related and Freya was annoyed. She was over it and was finally putting her foot down.

"Jesus Christ! Will you ever get off his dick?" She raised her voice, making Dess furrow her brows in confusion.

"What?" Dess questioned, unaware of the sudden anger directed towards her.

Freya rolled her eyes, "Will you ever get off his dick?" She talked slower as if Dess was slow. "You're always on that man and it's annoying. Jeez, back up sometimes."

Dess scoffed, still having a hard time processing the attitude thrown at her. All she wanted to do was make sure Shai was good while at practice. She wasn't planning on hearing Freya's problems and she honestly didn't want to. She had that right.

"Freya...I don't understand-"

"Of course, you don't understand cause your brain is only focused on Shai. Get a grip." Freya cut her off, hopping off her bed.

"No it isn't." Dess defensively responded. "I just decided to be a good girlfriend-"

"Girlfriend?" Freya cut her off then began laughing. Dess stared at her, knowing Freya was laughing at her and not with her. Why? She wasn't sure but she didn't like it.

"What's your issue?" Dess asked, putting the duffel bag on the floor. Though Shai needed it, she had to handle this first and foremost.

Freya stopped laughing then placed her attention on Dess, seeing the serious look on her face. Freya snickered, debating if she wanted to really do this at the moment. She was already on go from Axel, so she figured she let it all out now. She shook her head then crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well?" Dess questioned since she didn't get a reply. "What's the issue?"

"What do you think my issue is?" Freya retorted. She figured she let Dess begin the conversation so she could end it.

End it well.

Dess shrugged, "Oh, I don't know, maybe jealousy. You have some type of jealousy towards me and Shai for some reason that I can't seem to figure out. Which is weird since you were all for us in the beginning. You literally helped me talk to him and now you're acting like..." Dess paused as she tried to find the right words. As she stared at Freya, she noticed the look she was giving her. And it clicked. Sadly.

"You..." Dess scoffed, shaking her head. "So, that explains why your sudden turnaround. You like Shai." she said once she put two and two together. Freya tuck in her lips, keeping her comments to herself.

"You're acting like a bitch towards me because you want Shai!" Dess raised her voice, getting pissed the more she realized it. Everything was coming to her now, making more sense than it did before.

"You really are a jealous bitch." Dess cursed hard, letting it come from the deepest part of her anger.

Freya scoffed, "Oh please, Dess. You're not all that to be jealous of. Let's be honest with ourselves now." She remarked.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Dess asked, Freya rolling her eyes.

"It's not that hard to comprehend. I was very clear. You're not all that to be jealous of, Dess. What do you possibly have that I can't get?" Freya sarcastically asked.

"Uhh..." Dess looked around purposely. "Oh, I don't know, maybe Shai!" she responded, rolling her neck.

Freya waved her off then spoke, "That's how I know you don't know me. If I wanted Shai, I could have him wrapped around my finger within seconds. Shit, I could get him this very second if I wanted to."

"You couldn't though. Shai would never date a girl like you." Dess remarked, looking Freya up and down in disgust. To think their friendship was going downhill over a boy was bizarre to her.

"But, he'll date a girl like you?" Freya sarcastically asked, tilting her head to the side.

The room went silent as the two girls stared each other down. Freya clenched her jaw, getting herself ready to end this entire argument and beef they had going on. She will admit she was to blame for it ever starting but Dess was too. Their friendship wouldn't be the way it was if Dess never left Freya hanging. They promised each other to stick to one another as the newbies, and Dess didn't stick to that promise that much. It was like once Shai got into the picture, that was all Dess dedicated her life to. It pissed Freya off and she was going to tell it.

"Might I remind you that we promised to be with each other this entire school year because we were new. College was new for the both of us and we discussed that it was best for us to stick to together. Did you forget that?" Freya rhetorically asked.

She shook her head and continued, "I ended up seeing Shai first and I wanted to talk to him. I really did. But, I backed off because of your weird obsession with him. Who goes around telling people they've been following someone for five years? You obviously had some type of delusional moment that no one could take you out of, so I let you have him. I thought nothing of it, but you started acting different and became distant. Do you know how many times you bailed on hanging out with me because Shai wanted to sit in the lounge? Four times, Dess, four."

Freya began walking towards Dess. As now stood in front of her face.

"You spent all your hours with him and if you wasn't around him, y'all were texting and talking on the phone. You still do it too. Y'all see each other five minutes ago and the next thing you know y'all on FaceTime with each other once you get to the room. It was annoying to see y'all hugged up on each other everyday when it could've been me. You think because you know basketball slang and have this fake behind confidence in your body that that makes you this special breed? No. We both know that if we were in the real world, Shai would never look your way. Every guy at that matter."

"You're not that much of a sight to see for some people, Dess. You said it yourself that back in high school boys were dared to say they like you. That's the real world, not the world you're creating in your head because of Shai. So, enjoy your little moment while you can because once it's up you'll realize that it was all fake. Shai doesn't like you for you. He just thinks you're easy because of your naive thinking and insecurities. Men like girls who don't think highly of themselves because it's easy to get into their pants. That's all he's hoping to do." Freya concluded.

She felt relieved. As if a boulder was lifted off her shoulders. She knew she hurt Dess feelings but it needed to be said. Dess didn't have much of a solid support system that'll tell her what she needed to hear. Freya was a witness to that. Her father sugarcoated everything for her, making Dess an easy target. Freya was trying to be a friend. She may have taken her role a bit too seriously, but she thought she was helping. She was.

Dess nodded her head. She couldn't say anything because she knew her voice would crack. To hear her friend say those things about her reminded her of high school. That moment she experienced filled with sadness, depression, and hatred. She promised her dad and herself she would never have that moment again. Dess had a feeling she was about to break that promise.

Freya was expecting a response but didn't receive one. She stepped back when she saw Dess lean down and grab the duffel bag. She rolled her eyes. It was as if what she said went in one ear and out the other. She was over it. It wasn't her battle. Tossing the strap on her shoulder, Dess made her way out the room. She hurried to the elevator before the doors shut. Once she got on, she pressed the lobby button then leaned her back against the wall. Soon as the doors closed and she stood alone on the elevator, she let out a shaky breath.

She couldn't help the tears that cascade down her cheeks fast. It's been a minute since she cried this hard before, she couldn't stop the tears if she wanted to. And she needed to before meeting Shai. But, she going to enjoy her loneliness since she might end up like that in the end. At least that's what Freya claimed and Dess didn't think she was lying either.

Dess strolled into the gym with red eyes, a sad expression on her face, and feeling exhausted. After crying in the elevator and on the walk to the gym, she was all dried up. She tried to get herself together before seeing Shai, so he didn't ask any questions. She think she was good but only Shai could determine that. Dess scanned the gym for Shai and ended up seeing him sitting on the bleachers on his phone. She figured he was about to text her, so she suck it up and approached him.

"Shai." She called his name, making him turn her way. Dess noticed his face lighting up at the sight of her and that made her smile on the inside.

Shai sat up and put his phone away. "I was just about to text you to see if you were good." He said, looking her up and down. That smile that was on his face faded when he noticed her red eyes.

"You alright?" He questioned, standing to his feet. Dess chuckled nervously then took a step back, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Dess answered, nodding her head. "I'm alright. Anyway, I packed your gym bag for you like I said. I struggled closing it which lets you know how much I stuffed in here." She changed the subject, walking around him and placing the bag on the bleacher.

Shai turned around and look down at her. Dess unzipped the duffel to show how stuffed it was. Shai gave her a small smile. He appreciated the thought Dess put into it and loved it. However, he couldn't embrace that much since he got that weird feeling in his stomach. Something was up and he knew that.

"So, I bought a lot of stuff yesterday when I went to the store. I got several energy bars because I wasn't sure which one you wanted. I did the same with the Gatorade flavors as well because I wasn't sure either. I also bought Nike socks and shorts and first aid items. A cooling towel that stays cool and a water jug that also stays cool." Dess said while taking out the items she was talking about.

She glanced back at Shai and saw he was staring at her. She playfully rolled her eyes, thinking he was looking something else other than the bag.

"You have plenty of time to look." She joked, crossing her arms. Shai let out a small chuckle then shook his head.

"Right. Anyway, thank you for all of this, D. I appreciate it but it seems like something is up. You alright?" He asked, changing the subject.

Dess tensed up at that question. She prepped herself in the elevator earlier in case Shai asked her that question. She knew she would possibly break out and cry just by those two words which would lead to her having to explain everything. And she didn't want to do that.

"Dess." Shai called her name, reaching for her hand. Dess came out of her daze and gave him a forced smile.

"Ehh...I' know...I'm cool." She stumbled over her words, trying to play it off. Shai wasn't dumb, therefore, he wasn't taking it.

"Yeah, I don't believe that." He told her. "What's good?"

Dess took a deep breath. She glanced back at the rest of the boys on the court. It didn't seem like practice was taking place since they were all shooting around. No coach in sight. Shai knew what she was thinking about. He grabbed her chin and turned her attention back to him.

"Coach running late because of family problems. He not here, so you don't need to worry. Now, answer my question." He demanded in a tone that wasn't too forceful. Dess stared in his eyes then let out a small sigh.

"Freya and I had a big argument before I came here. She was upset that I wasn't listening to her rant about Axel that she ended up coming at me over you. And then I realized that-"

"She likes me." Shai cut her off. Dess opened her mouth to speak but shut it since no words came out.

Shai shook his head. "No, I didn't know the entire time. I mean I had my speculations though a few times because of the way she was acting. That's it though." He explained since he knew he might've upset her.

"Oh," Dess muttered, tapping her thumps together. "Well, she said she saw you first and all of that. Then proceeded to tell me that you don't really like me for me. You like me because I'm naive and have insecurities, and to a guy that's an easy way to get into a girls pants. She also mentioned that a guy like you wouldn't even look my way in the real world because I'm not really a sight to see cause I'm a big girl. I guess dudes aren't too fond of women like me. And then she also said that she wanted you then you could get you. Pretty much saying that she can take you away from me at any time. It really hit me because this is my friend saying all of this, so yeah."

Shai hummed to himself, staring down at Dess. He would've never guessed that was the reason why she was upset. But, it wasn't a surprise either. He had a whole lot to say about Freya that he kept to himself because of her and Dess friendship. But, since that didn't seem like a thing anymore, Shai had full freedom.

"Do you believe her?" Shai questioned.

"Which part?"

Shai shrugged his shoulders then took a seat on the bleachers. "Everything. But, mainly if she could take me from you. Do you believe that?" He asked again.

"Umm," Dess hummed, Shai raising his brow. "I don't want to believe it but if you could hear the way she was talking it sounded like she could go ahead and do it."

"You do know for anything to happen, I have to also be willingly to participate. I don't like Freya. In a romantic way and a friendly way. She's not attractive to me. Her attitude is terrible. She's loud and does too much. She's an attention seeker and disrespectful. We known each other for four months or so, so I know for sure that you know she's not the type of chick I would even take the time to look at. It would never happen." Shai explained to her.

He had more to say, so he continued. "To add to that, I'm not with you because you're naive and have insecurities, and that's an easy way to get into your pants. Dess, if I was worried about sex then I would've already done it with you. But, my virgin ass doesn't know anything about sex so I can't possibly be using you for that. I told you before that your size doesn't mean anything to me. You're extremely beautiful just the way you are. Don't let some woman like Freya tell you otherwise. Seriously, she's not even all that to be talking about other people."

"She's not ugly." Dess mentioned.

"But, she's not you." Shai responded. "She could never be you. No girl could ever be you. There's only one girl for me and that's the one I'm dating. Don't worry 'bout what others say cause it's irrelevant. I like you for you and no one will ever take me away from you. And vice versa."

Dess gave him a small smile, nodding her head. "Yeah...yeah, you're right. Sorry for thinking that way. It's just...people have a way of getting to me and I need to learn how to handle it better." She admitted.

Shai nodded, agreeing with her. "I do too. Which is why I don't want anyone else." He mentioned, standing to his feet. He wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"There's no one else in this world that'll understand what I'm going through besides you. We're growing up together baby. You got me and I got you. Always." He told her.

"And forever?" Dess questioned, wanting to hear those words coming out his mouth as well.

Shai nodded his head again. "Yeah, and forever." He answered, making Dess smile ear to ear.

Shai leaned towards her, getting ready to kiss her. He was interrupted quickly after when he was called.

"Carter!" Coach Howard shouted his name. Shai and Dess turned to look at him and he waved him over. "Come on!"

"Aight." Shai responded then placed his attention back on Dess.

"I should probably get going. I don't want to be a bother." Dess mentioned, taking a step back from him.

"Nah, you should stay. Coach won't mind and neither do I. I just wanna make sure you're good." Shai told her. Dess nodded her head and just accepted it. Shai was going to win this either way and she was fine with that.

Shai placed a kiss on her forehead before jogging to the court. Dess smiled to herself then took a seat on the bleachers. She zipped up the duffel bag then placed it at her feet. She sat there thinking about everything. She knew she had to learn how to not take things to the heart. What Freya said broke her but she had to remember that things happen for a reason. This was a lesson in all of this.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.



Discussion Board:
1. thoughts and feelings on Freya and Dess argument?

2. After this no more of Freya and the drama for a minute...yk

3. Both Differences and The Other Her are on hold until otherwise.

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