Freshmen 58

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Hampton, Virginia
Thursday, 1/1
"Dreams and Nightmares"

{Dear Mama by Tupac}

"That'll be $5.13."

Tay pulled out a ten and handed it to the cashier. He reached for his cup and took his change. Stepping out of the line, he walked over to the station where Bo was standing at.

"Okay, but you can't tell me you don't see it," Bo sparked their conversation back up. Tay shook his head while grabbing two sugar packets.

"I don't though," he answered. Bo smack his lips then leaned beside Tay.

"Come on now, Tay."

Tay shook his head again, "I can't lie. I haven't seen it."

"Aight, but like check it out. He's training with my pops. No one knew about my dad besides you and Adams. You can't tell me the nigga not tryna get some brownie points." Bo mentioned, throwing his free hand up. Tay shrugged, tossing his packets in the trash and grabbing two thin straws.

"Nigga, your pops was in the league. Anyone who's anyone is gonna know who he is." Tay said.

"Yeah, but this nigga knew information that's not on Wikipedia." Bo said, following behind Tay.

"What info?" Tay asked, searching for an empty table. He found one and made his way to it with Bo behind him.

"That my pops has cancer." Bo answered. He took his bag off, placing it in one of the seats and sat down.

"Is that stepping over a boundary?" Tay questioned once he settled down.

Bo shrugged, "Ion know, but he knew about it. All I'm saying is looking up my pops is some weird shit just to train with him." He held his hands up and leaned back.

"Ion think that's weird. He's just doing research which is more than anyone else has done on this damn team." Tay remarked, stirring his coffee so all the sugar at the bottom mixed.

"You also gotta remember, after we leave it's pretty done up from there." He added.

"Whatchu mean?" Bo asked.

"You know..." Tay paused. He looked around the cafe before placing his attention back on Bo. "After you and I leave, the team has no chance whatsoever to win anything." He continued.

"I mean I have trust in the team I do, but you gotta admit we're the ones holding it down."

"True," Bo agreed, nodding his head. "That's not our fault though. That's on Adams."

"Exactly. So, you being tight that Shai training with your pops is wrong."

"Nah, I'm not tight." Bo corrected. "I don't care honestly. But, we gotta admit when things are looking a certain way. And I'm saying that Shai is looking for brownie points for working with my pops."

Tay shrugged. "Does it matter though? I mean let's be honest here, everyone on the damn team need some type of training. Elijah and Ameer are completely ass and try to cover it up with trash talk. Skeeter is high majority of the time and barely plays."

"He doesn't care either," Bo chimed in. He chuckled as he thought about Skeeter and how happy he usually is when he's sitting on the bench. Majority of the time he was high and just clapping for everyone. Even the opposite team.

"Right," Tay agreed. "Then you have Dustin and he's trying his hardest. And then the freshmen are just hanging behind trying to find their way. They're too scared to put themselves out there. Shai has been the only one that really showed up and put in some effort to be seen." He continued.

"If he's putting in the effort then why did Adams kick him off the team?" Bo sarcastically asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Because we know that Adams does not fuck with Shai. We all saw that on multiple occasions with the way he treats ole boy. Shai can breath and Adams is coming at him." Tay replied with honesty.

He wasn't acting oblivious to the stuff that had taken place between Shai and Danny Adams. He tried speaking on it, but never found the right moment to do so. He wasn't feeling how Adams had been treating Shai. He thought it was a bit extra and beyond disrespectful. Though he felt all of that, he never spoke on it. That was a mistake on his end.

"And why is that?" Bo rhetorically asked, tilting his head to the side.

Tay sigh, picking up his coffee and drinking it. They ended the conversation there since it was unknown to them. What was the deeper meaning behind Adams and Shai beef? No one knew a damn thing and until they did, they kept their opinions and comments to themselves.

"We will never know."



Shai opened his eyes to complete darkness. He looked around to see where he was at and didn't see anything. Black. Darkness. Nothing. Seconds later, he heard multiple voices and then saw flashes coming from somewhere. He turned to look in the direction of where they were coming from. From afar, all he could see were figures. Multiple. Despite the white flashes that kept going, he could barely see who was standing there. That was until he clearly heard what they were saying.

"Sean! Allison! Look over here!" He heard from multiple people.

"What?" He asked himself. He looked around again in confusion as he tried to pinpoint his location. He still didn't know because of how dark it was. He could feel himself about to start panicking at any moment now. He was just waiting for it to kick up at any second.

"Sean! Allison! Bring the son!" People kept yelling all at once. That surely caught Shai's attention and now he was even more confused.

Taking a deep breath, he started moving from where he was standing. Slowly though. He was nervous, his heart beating faster than normal. The people kept calling out for his mother and father, telling them to look every which way. Soon as Shai approached, he could make everything out much clearer than before.

The yelling were coming from a group of shadows. No faces. No bodies. Nothing. That didn't stop the blinding white flashes that was coming from them. On the opposite side of them was his mother and father. They stood side by side, smiling and posing as their pictures were being taken. They changed positions every so often like they were being controlled. It looked weird and more importantly gave Shai a weird feeling.

"What is going on?" He asked himself as he kept watching his parents change poses.

He reached his hand out to touch them, only for his hand to go right through. He quickly snatched his arm back. His heart racing even faster now. He was going to question everything again but couldn't do so.

"Bring the son! Bring the son!" The shadow group yelled. Shai turned to look at them with a confused expression on his face.

"Me?" He questioned while pointing to himself. He didn't receive an answer and was still wondering if they were talking to him.

"Me?" He asked once again. "Are you talking about me?"

"There's the son!" Someone shouted, making Shai turn around quickly.

He ended up seeing someone approaching them. He squinted his eyes so he could get a good look. The figure was tall, dark until they came into light. Shai eyes widened to see who this person was that they were calling for. The dude stood in the middle of Sean and Allison, and they started to pose for pictures again. Shai stood there, staring at the person in front of him.

"What the fuck?" He spoke to himself, completely stunned at what he was seeing.

The so called son that these random people were calling for looked just like Shai. From head to toe. Same height. Same facial features and everything. The only difference was that they weren't the same person. They couldn't be. Shai was standing right here. And this person wasn't him even if he looked like him.

"This is the son! This is the son!" People shouted, Shai looking at them.

He shook his head, "No, this isn't the son. I'm the son." He told them, pointing to himself again. "I'm the son."

He turned back to the random double of his. "I'm the son. Not this dude." He said again. He was still being ignored by everyone and it was only pissing him off more.

"That's not the son!" He raised his voice, shaking his head.

Even though everyone was ignoring him, his double self made eye contact with him. Shai froze almost instantly, his breathing had picked up. His double self smirked and stepped forward while Sean and Allison kept posing. Shai swallowed the lump in his throat, keeping eye contact with this person.

"I'm the son." Shai muttered.

"There can only be one," his double self said, smirking at him.

"What-" before Shai could finish his sentence, he felt a intense and sudden pain in his stomach. He looked down to see what happened. To his surprise, he saw that his double self had stabbed him.

The pain excruciating and felt too real. Shai slowly looked up at his other self. The boy giving him a smile before pushing him back. As if the pain was already bad, it got worse as he fell through a black hole with no idea as to what was going on.

Shai awakened, his heart beating faster than before. He breathed heavily and looked around his dorm room. What he was experiencing was like no other but it was all a dream. It felt too real. As he attempted to catch his breath, he touched his stomach to see if there was anything in him. Nothing. He was good.

He shook his head and laughed the situation off. It was just another bad dream. He's been having them a lot lately and wasn't sure how to feel about them. Each starting the same, but the outcome very different. He couldn't explain why he was having them, but he was. Blowing out another breath, Shai got up from his desk and stretched. It was unclear how long he'd been sitting here but his muscles were sore. While he stretched, he heard a knock coming from his door.

He looked at it confusedly. Checked his watch for the time and then went back to the door. He wasn't expecting company. Whoever it was though was not letting up and continued banging on the door. Shai sigh and walked over. He reached out for the knob, turning it, and opened the door. He tuck in his lips quickly after when he didn't see anyone there. He wasn't in the mood for the games.

He peeked out, looking up and down the hallway. There was still no one. Just as he was about to shut the door, a hand stopped it. Shai raised his brow as a person stepped out in front. Just like this dream, this person look just like him. His face more clear than before.

"What?" Shai questioned. The dude gave Shai another smile and before he knew it, Shai felt a sudden hit to the stomach again.

He look down to see that same knife from before was stuck inside of him again. He glanced up to look at his double self. The dude smiling still like he did nothing wrong.

"There can only be one," he said just before pushing Shai once more. He felt himself falling again in this dark bottomless pit, his body completely stiff. The pain overbearing, but there was nothing he could do. He was stuck.

The fall seemed to go by faster and before he knew it...

Shai jumped up out of his sleep. His heart pounding out of his chest. His breathing became faint. It felt like someone's hands were wrapped around his neck, choking him nearly to death. He was sweating uncontrollably. Extremely hot to the point where he needed to take his jacket off. He was unable to do so since his hands were trembling. The pain in his chest felt like someone was stabbing him. The tightness and heavy pressure causing intense pain. Pain that Shai was unable to speak on.

His hearing had gave out and he was unable to hear what his professor was saying. Or any sounds at that. His vision was blurry now. After gaining some of his strength, Shai struggled to get up from his seat. He stumbled a little, turning heads. His teacher spoke to him, but he was unable to hear what she was saying. He rested his hand on his stomach as that pain came back from his dreams.

He continued to stumble as he made his way down the stairs. He tripped, losing his balance for a second before catching it. His professor kept calling out to him but Shai still didn't respond. She approached him, Shai putting his hand out to stop her. He tried to speak but nothing was coming out. His vision went from blurry to completely gone and he couldn't see anything at all. He stopped breathing and before he knew his legs went weak, and he was going down.

What was wrong with him?


"And even though we had different daddies, the same drama. When things went wrong we'd blame mama." Shai muttered the lyrics to Dear Mama by Tupac.

He rested on his twin xl. Peacefully laying on his stomach with his head resting on his arms. As he continued muttering the lyrics under his breath, he enjoyed the small, soft hands that were massaging his back right now. He needed a good back massage after having his random breakdown hours ago. He wasn't sure what happened to him and why he passed out in the first place. The health service were no help either.

He did know that his dreams were out of control lately and quite unexplainable to him. It always revolved around his parents and some random dude. Today was the first time he actually saw the other figures face. He couldn't explain why he was dreaming of his parents and a dude that resembled him. He was all around confused. That was all his mind was thinking about as he laid there, receiving his wonderful massage from his princess.

"Dess," he broke the silence that was between them. He glanced back to look at her. Dess in her own little world as she ran her hands up and down his back. She was enjoying herself more than Shai knew.

Shai chuckled, laying back down. "Princess," he called her again by her nickname.

"Yes," Dess answered, Shai chuckling.

"No more Dess?" He questioned, noticing that she answered to her nickname.

She shook her head. "Nah. Only princess. Sometimes babe, but mainly princess. If you call me by my name then I'll think we're fighting." She answered.

Shai nodded his head. "Gotchu. You cool though, princess?" He questioned.

"Yup. Are you cool?" She emphasized, referring to his issue that occurred earlier today.

Shai tuck in his lips, not knowing how to answer that. Dess wasn't the only one that was worried about him. Axel and even Keith hit him up about the situation, making sure he was cool. Only folks in his class and his friends knew what happened and he was cool with that. He refused for the whole school to know about him passing out. The reason was still unknown to him and he didn't feel like doing any unnecessary explaining.

"Babe," Dess poked his back to his attention. "Are you okay?" she asked again.

"I honestly don't even know," he answered truthfully. "I can't explain the shit that happened earlier."

"Well, what exactly happened? You never went into much details." She mentioned. Shai moved his hand from under his head, patting the space beside him.

"Come here," he told her. Dess got off him, sitting in the spot that he patted. Shai turned around, so he was now laying on his back.

"So..." Dess dragged out, placing her legs on his chest. "What happened?"

"I can't explain it well," he began, placing his free hand on her leg.

"Try. For me at least."

He nodded his head, doing it for her. "Okay, lately I've been having these weird ass dreams. Likes these dreams are fucked up, but it's the same thing with different outcomes. Somewhat. It's completely dark then I hear voices and they're shouting my parents name. I recognize that they're photographers, I guess, and they're taking my parents pictures. Fast forward, they start calling out for the son. And knowing me, I'm they're only son so I thought they were talking about me. But, some dude shows up instead and he looks just like me. Like just like me."

"Like same facial features and every fucking thing. And the people taking the pictures are steady calling him their son which isn't true because he's not me. Obviously. Then he steps out and says 'there can only be one' and the next thing you know I'm being fucking stabbed in my stomach. And I wake up, but instead of actually being up for real I'm still in a dream. In my room alone and then someone knocks at my door, and it's the dude again. He repeats the same saying and stabs me again in the stomach."

"And that's when you actually wake up in class." Dess finished the story for him, Shai nodding his head.

"I couldn't breath. It felt like someone was choking me. My chest was hurting. I was stumbling all around. My body was numb. The shit was crazy and then out of nowhere I passed out." He responded.

"Ion really know what was up with me." He added.

"Have you thought..." Dess paused, waving her hand around. "...that maybe those dreams are telling you something. Like something deep and significant?" He asked.

"So, someone is going to end up stabbing me? That's wicked," he dragged out dramatically. Dess rolled her eyes, lightly hitting his chest.

"Not literally." She hesitated. "I really hope not, to be honest."

Shai tuck in his lips, not liking her response. He could hear the hesitation in her voice and that worried him more than it needed to. He felt his chest cave in, that tightness from earlier coming back. Dess noticed his chest rising faster and quickly placed her hand on him. Shai turned to look at her, Dess giving him a reassuring look.

"Relax," she told him in a calm tone. "I'm right here and no one is going to hurt you." She reminded him.

"Breathe with me?" She asked. Together, they inhaled then exhaled. They did it a few more times until Shai calmed down completely.

"I'm good," he told her. Dess smiling at him.

"Good." She said. "But, back to what I was saying. You don't think your dream is telling you something?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. It's a weird dream that's all over the place. No real clear conclusion." He said.

"I mean, from what you told me I think I do hear a clear conclusion." Dess mentioned, Shai raising his brow.

"What do you mean?"

Dess looked around the room, trying to figure out how she wanted to say this. She didn't want to scare Shai and make him have another panic attack. But, she did believe in dreams telling messages. Some of those messages were extreme. And some where the truth. They could be both as well. It all depended on how the person wanted to interpret it. She had a feeling he was going to take it the bad way.

"Princess," Shai pinched her thigh to grab her attention. "What's up?"

"Okay, so please don't get scared or anything because I'm not trying to scare you at all." She started. Shai hesitated at first but then nodded his head. He trusted her.

"Aight. Go on." He urged her.

" great-great-grandmother is from New Orleans and her family also comes from Haiti. And she kinda, sorta, maybe practices voodoo."

"Oh nah," Shai shook his head, sitting up quickly. Dess placed her hand on his chest, forcing him to lay back down.

"Relax, please."

"Princess, I'm a Christian. Even though I don't go to church often and don't pray a lot, I'm still-"

"I'm a Christian as well, so chill," she interrupted him. "I'm just trying to help out." Shai sigh, laying back down. He relaxed and listened to what she had to say.

"Aight, continue."

Dess continued, "Like I was saying, my great-great grandmother practices voodoo. She also believes that your dreams are messages along with your reality. And that every time you have an intense, detailed, and extreme dream then that's their God trying to get to you through possession of some sort. I think."

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"What I'm trying to say is that your dream, sadly, is a message telling you that someone you may know is going to stab you in the back eventually." She explained while waving her hands around in attempt to help him further understand.

It wasn't helping at all. Dess noticed the confused look on Shai's face and sigh. She tapped her thumbs together as she thought of a way to simplify it for him. Once she got it, she snapped her fingers and smiled.

"Alright, basketball. A sport that you enjoy a lot right?" She asked, using a topic that she knew he would get.

"Definitely!" Shai exclaimed, knowing all of this right off the back.

"Good. So, speaking on that, you have a team and that team is ran by a coach. Now, we all know that the coach pretty much controls the team and their every move. What the coach says, the team does. What my great-great-grandmother believes is similar to that. She's apart of a team and that team listens to their coach. That coach uses his spirits to control and maybe even manipulate human experiences, and that's typically through dreams." She explained further in details.

"So, is he trying to recruit me because I'm not feeling that at all," Shai mentioned, shaking his head at the thought.

"No. At least, I don't think so. I really don't know, and I can't confirm nor deny that either." Dess spoke, not knowing much about the whole process. Just of what she heard from her family.

"All I'm saying is that these spirits are trying to send you a message about bad energy around you."

"I mean I get that, but damn!" Shai exclaimed. He thought about his recent dreams he'd been having and how crazy they've been. Uncontrollably. Unnecessary. Ridiculous and torturous. Being stabbed not once, but twice by an individual who look just like him didn't feel good.

"A nigga getting stabbed in his dreams twice is fucking crazy," he dragged out. "But, I thought you only have one dream and then you wake up. Like I never heard of a dream within a dream."

"I never heard of that either. My guess? The spirits are trying to make their message known as best as they can. It's like they really need you to understand that someone around you is going to hurt you." Dess told him.

"It's a bit excessive, I know. I don't have much knowledge on the whole religion because I don't believe in it at all. But, my grandmother made sure to tell me all about my history, so that's how I know." She added with a small shrug.

"That's cool," Shai mumbled, looking up at the ceiling. Though this whole dream stuff scared him a bit, knowing what was up was better than being clueless. Now, he had to watch out for folks around him and watch his back every where he walked.


"Umm, now that we opened the door for that conversation, what's your background?" He switched the subject off him. He wasn't feeling comfortable speaking on himself any more. It was a topic that he didn't enjoy all that much since it just lead to sadness and disappointment on his end.

"My background?" Dess asked for clarification.

Shai nodded. "Yeah. Like where did your people come from if you know that." He cleared up.

"Oh! Well, my dad has Haitian in him and he's black too. I'm not sure about my mom, but I do know that she's white. Pure white, I think," Dess hesitantly answered since she didn't have much knowledge.

"Why'd you ask?" She asked out curiosity. It wasn't a weird question but it did catch her off guard.

"Ion know. I just want to know more since I never asked specific questions like that. Plus, the whole knowledge with the voodoo made me curious." He said.

Dess hummed, slowly nodding her head. "Makes sense. My grandma made sure to tell her kids and grandkids about our history, so we didn't grow up without knowing. She found that it was best for our sake, growing up as black kids. It is what it is though. What about you?"

Shai blew out a breath, scratching the back of his head. Dess raised her brow as she waited for a response. She could feel the sense of awkwardness that came over him. She grabbed his chin, turning his face towards her. She gave him a smile, Shai returning one back.

"You don't have to stress. You also don't have to answer," she reminded him since she could tell he was overthinking it.

"I'm not stressed. I just don't know anything about my family. We never been close. I don't know my grandparents since my parents never spoke on them. And if I did meet them, it had to be while I was young. I have no recollection of them at all to be honest. I met family, but they were my uncles family and not biological mine. So...yeah, I don't really have people like that," he responded with a shrug.

"Mhm, well you have me so don't worry," she leaned towards him as if she was about to kiss him. Shai was ready too, wanting to taste her juicy lips.

Soon as Dess saw Shai pucker his lips, she placed her finger over them. "Not tonight," she joked and started laughing.

She tossed her head back dramatically, laughing loudly and being extra. Shai smack his lips, getting off the bed. She walked to his desk where his speaker was sitting and turned it up. He noticed Dess laughter had died down and saw that she was now laying on the bed. He hummed to himself then walked to the door, locking it quickly.

"How you feeling?" He questioned, making his way back to his bed.

"Good," Dess replied lowly. Shai climbed back on the bed, opening her legs so he was in between them.

"How you feeling?" He asked again, Dess playfully rolled her eyes.

"I'm good. You?" She asked, grabbing his chain that was hanging in her face. She wasn't a jewelry expert but knew that what he was wearing was real gold.

"I'm straight," he responded. He lick his lip then smirked, Dess biting the inside of her mouth to hide her smile. He grabbed her legs, pulling her closer to him. Dess letting out a squeal and then a giggle.

"Whatchu on?" He asked, leaning over her.

"I'm on whatever you on," Dess replied quickly, still playing with his chain. She was only doing this to avoid whatever it seemed like Shai wanted to do. She wasn't scared, but was a little nervous.

"Princess..." he called her, moving his chain from her hand. "Did you hear me?"

Dess reached for his chain again since she wasn't done playing with it. "I told you that I'm on whatever you on. So, what are you on?" She questioned.

Shai lick his lips, moving her hand from his chain again. Dess groaned in annoyance but Shai ignored her. He was on a wicked type of timing that came out of nowhere. He was ready for whatever as long as she was too.

"You want head?" He bluntly asked, Dess eyes widening instantly.

"Like head head?" Dess looked at him like he had three heads. "Like you going down on me type shit?"

"No. Like me going down on you type shit," he sarcastically said, pinching Dess thigh. She smacked his hand which didn't cause much of a reaction.

Shai proceeded to lift her shirt up, but Dess stopped him midway and lowered it. He gave her a look and she shook her head. He slipped his hands underneath her shirt instead, feeling on her body. She was warm, her skin soft and smooth. He felt her tense up once his hands went up to her breast, making him pause.

"You uncomfortable?" He genuinely asked, moving his hands back to her legs. Dess shook her head. Her response not enough for Shai.

"Words, please." He told her.

"No," she answered verbally. "No, I'm not uncomfortable."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive." Dess gave him a reassuring smile.

Shai nodded his head, moving his hands to the waistband of her shorts. "You still never gave me a safe word." He brought up just to ease their way into everything.

"Why do you need one?" Dess spoke lowly while she watched Shai's every move. She noticed how gentle he was being with her. Never forced anything and took his time.

"In case I do something that you might not like, I wanna know." He answered as he slowly pulled her shorts off.

"Isn't stop and no just good? I mean I don't want to be difficult." Dess turned her head, following her shorts that he tossed on the floor. She turned to look back at him seeing how focused he was. It turned her on more than Shai knew.

"I mean yeah those are fine. Hearing anything that sounds concerning, I'm going to stop though. I just wanna hear some funny shit coming out of you." He admitted, going for her panties now. He started to lower them, taking them off completely and throwing them on the floor.

"Did you lock the door?" Dess asked, facing the door. She feared that someone would bust in while they were having fun.

"Stop worrying. I got you." Shai mocked her voice, leaning towards her. Dess chuckled, placing her hands on his face.

She rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks, staring in his eyes. Her heart beat fast and she grew a pulse in a peculiar area. She broke eye contact to look at his lips. She so badly wanted him to kiss her. Asking was normally what a person did, but she didn't need to. He already knew. Shai kissed her passionately while he caressed her thighs.

Though his touch was light, it still sent a tingling sensation down her body. Nothing else mattered during this moment. Her mind was clear. Her body was open and ready for just about anything. Their lips moved as one in perfect harmony. There was passion and love on their kiss. Calm with no sense of urgency since they had all night long to handle each other properly. And he was doing just that.

Their kiss broke, but the intimacy was still there. Shai kiss her cheek and moved down to her neck. He continued with the passionate kissing with a little bit of aggressiveness. Dess bite her lip, moving her head to the side so he had more access. A giggle came from her once he hit a ticklish spot.

"I like that," she whispered close to his ear. Hearing that, Shai kept going, assuring that he left a hickey for her. It was his way of officially unofficially marking his territory. She was his.

He gave her one more kiss on the neck before moving away. Dess sat up, leaning her back against the pillow.

"You give me permission?" Shai asked, kissing her cheek.

"Yes, sir," she giggled, saluting him. Shai shook his head, pecking her lips twice.

He moved down, repositioning himself. The bed was small but he made it work. He moved her shirt up a bit then spread her legs open. Dess bite her nail nervously. She wondered how Shai would react to officially seeing her private area for the first time. She assumed he had a certain expectation and didn't want to disappoint.

"Did I disappoint?" She bluntly questioned, Shai looking up.

Shai smiled, "You're beautiful down here."

Dess felt her cheeks getting hot as she blushed hard. Shai put his head back in between her legs, spreading them wider. Dess went back to nervously biting her nail while she watched him kiss her thighs. His lips against her skin created butterflies in her stomach. Every time he got close to her vagina, they fluttered uncontrollably. She was more than ready.

"I didn't think you knew how to do this," she muttered.

"It seems pretty easy, princess. You good?" He asked for confirmation.

"I'm go-" she took a deep breath she a kiss on her clit. "I'm good." she continued saying. She could only see his hair move and figured he nodded his head.

It didn't matter all that much since her focus went back to the kiss that was on her clit again. It was something about his lips that just did for her all the time. His hands held her legs open and he gently licked her. Dess jerk her body and quickly covered her mouth to keep her composure. She stayed calm, despite those butterflies coming back stronger than ever before. Shai went back at it again, licking her throbbing pink clit.

He was no expert, but got the gist of things pretty quickly. He rubbed his thumbs against her inner thighs while he continued licking her. He kept things real simple and calm so he didn't scare Dess. He could hear her humming which let him know that he was doing fine. With assurance, he shut his eyes and did his work.

With her hand moved from her mouth, Dess couldn't help the small moans that came out. She took a deep breath. The way his tongue flicked against her clit sent sparks through her body.

"Oh..." she inhaled deeply, holding that breath in as she tried to process everything. They were really doing this. She never thought they'd even get to this point, but they were here. And she was enjoying it. She finally exhaled then started giggling.

"Okay," she said through her giggles. "Jeez."

She licked her lips, slowly shutting her eyes and smiling to herself. She moved her hands down her body, placing them on his head. She started to play with his hair a little bit as she felt the comfort.

"Uhh, uhh, Shai," she lowly moaned his name while her breathing picked up a bit.

Shai continued to do his best. He could feel Dess hands run through his hair, lightly grabbing it once he accidentally sucked her clit. Just from her reaction, he knew that was something she enjoyed. He ended up spreading her legs open since she had started to close them. Every so often, he went from licking all of her slowly and passionately to lightly sucking her clit. Both caused such an intense reaction of hair gripping, moans, and moving.

Shai had thoughts of taking it further, wanting to slip his fingers in her so he could feel just how wet she was. He could see, but preferred touching better. Pulling away from her area, he gently rubbed his fingers against her vagina. His eyes focused on how good she looked down there. Just as he was about to insert his fingers in her, Dess interrupted.

"Wait!" She exclaimed, making him look up.

"Are you-"

"I'm about to cry." She cut him off, covering her face with both hands. Shai turned serious quickly. He wiped his face with the hand of his hand, keeping his attention on her.

He was about to speak but stopped when he heard her crying. Balling actually.




Discussion Board:
1. I believe this is my FIRST chapter that's over 4,000 words on this words. That's crazy and also a big accomplishment for me

2. I did do my research on the whole voodoo. Didn't get much information, but still tried my best. If, for any reason, someone is offended or it's misinformation then I have no problems switching this chapter up. I thought it'd be something cool to introduce. But, again if there's any problems please let me know and it's gone.

3. Anyway, let's continue...

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