chapter 32: harlow is very shocked

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chapter 32: harlow is very shocked


       I've been observing Viktor and his friends the past couple days after I stuck the I'm onto you letter in his locker. It's very subtle, but I can tell they're on edge. Viktor isn't, but his friends are. Judging by the conversation Sera overheard, Viktor is the only one in his friend group not scared of Kiro. If the rest are, then maybe they think Kiro gave Viktor the letter, which would make them even more scared.

       All in all, it feels like I'm close to finding proof that they're behind it. I don't even need tangible proof. If I overhear them talking about it, I can go to Mrs. Bender and she'll likely believe me.

       I still haven't told Kiro yet that Kaylee and I know who's behind the list, and I don't even know if I will tell him. Now that he's dating Fern, he's a lot more protective over her and I don't need him to threaten Viktor and his friends without proof.

       When lunch rolls around, I walk around the school for a bit, trying to see if I can find Viktor and his friends. Right as I'm about to give up, I find them at the back of the school. I stay hidden behind a corner, hoping I would hear them talk about the list.

       So far, they're just talking about some game they have been playing. I wait it out to see if the conversation will change. Eventually, one of them says, "So how are we going to find out who put that letter in your locker?"

       "We don't," Viktor says. "We don't even know what it was for."

       "Dude, I'm pretty sure we know what it was for," another one says. "And what if it was Kiro? You know he has been looking for who's behind the list. I don't want to take any chances with him." So close to admitting it. Just a few more moments longer and we will finally be able to get rid of it.

       "Kiro is all talk," Viktor says.

       "He's a fighter. I heard he fought five guys at once around Halloween and won."

       "That's just a rumour."

       "Either way, I don't want to risk it. We already made three lists. We don't need to update it again. Let's just let it die out before we got caught."

       And there it is. I should really thank Forest since it was his idea to leave the note in Viktor's locker.

       Since I heard all I needed to hear, I walk away to head to Mrs. Bender's office. Soon after, I hear some footsteps follow after me, but I ignore them until I hear Viktor say, "Hey, Harlow." He didn't hear me walk away or see me, did he?

       "Oh, hi," I say once he catches up to me.

       "You didn't hear the conversation I was having with my friends, did you?" he asks.

       "Nope," I say. 

       "So what are you doing out here alone?"

       "Am I not allowed to wander the school alone? I'm looking for my friend, anyway."

       "You can always text your friend instead of wasting your time looking for them." He doesn't believe me at all, but I don't care. I heard what I need to hear, so that's all that matters. It's not like he'll be able to stop me from telling Mrs. Bender.

       "Good to know."

       Viktor grabs my wrist to stop me from walking to the principal's office. "You know, it would be very bad for me and my friends if you tell anyone what you hear."

       "Why, I didn't hear anything," I say, this time in a very obviously sarcastic tone since it's clear he doesn't believe me.

       This only seemingly annoys Viktor. "If you know what's best for you, you'd keep your mouth shut. Besides, shouldn't you be flattered that you were ranked high?"

        "No? Why would I be flattered? That list objectifies girls. It butchered a lot of girls' self-esteem. But I've got to say, I'm glad that my little letter to you scared your friends enough into admitting you're behind the list."

       Viktor's eyes darkened. "That was you? Oh, you're definitely going to regret it." Still gripping my wrist, he starts to pull me back to where his friends still are. I fight against him as much as I can, but I'm unable to get him to release me.

       "Let me go," I say.

       "Not a chance."

       I keep pulling so he can't drag me to his friends as fast, hoping that any student will see and step in. Someone does eventually, but he doesn't just pull me away from Viktor. He punches Viktor across the face.

      "Get your fucking hands off my sister," Forest says. I don't say anything. I'm in complete shock that Forest of all people punched someone. He's not a violent person at all. He's not even an angry person.

       "Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" Viktor asks, holding onto where Forest punched him.

       "What's wrong with me?" Forest asks. He shoves Viktor. "What's wrong with you? Don't touch my sister, you disgusting pig."

       Viktor steps towards Forest as if he's about to fight him, but Aleks pulls Forest away and steps in between them. "Get lost, dick," Aleks says.

       Viktor realizes it's a losing fight, so he walks away. Thank goodness. If Forest and Aleks didn't step in, I probably would have resorted to kicking Viktor in the nuts. It just would have been a last resort because I've been told I can't do that anymore.

       "Are you okay?" Aleks asks.

       "I'm fine," I say. "Thank you. But I finally have proof that Viktor and his friends are behind the list. Kind of. I overheard them, but hopefully my word is enough for Mrs. Bender."

       "Even if it's not, Forest and I did witness Viktor putting his hands on you," Aleks says. "An innocent man wouldn't have done that. Let's finally get that list taken done once and for all."


forest may be quiet but you don't mess with his family >:(

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