chapter 7: fern's adoration for winter

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chapter 7: fern's adoration for winter


       The first thing I do when I wake up and feel awake enough to get out of bed is open the window's curtain to see if it had snowed at night. There had been reports that it might snow, so I was very hopeful at night. I absolutely love the snow. It looks so beautiful to me.

       Sure enough, it did snow at night, enough to cover the ground completely. It's still snowing right now, giving me a sense of happiness. I'm glad it's the weekend so it gives me time to spend in the snow. 

       I still like building things in the snow despite almost being seventeen, but I don't think that people should stop building snowmen and forts just because they got older. If it makes them happy, there's no reason they can't build anything.

       I walk back to my bed and grab my phone off of my nightstand. Kiro has already texted me; i know you want to go outside in the snow, so let me know when you're awake so i can come over. I smile at the fact that Kiro knows me well enough to know I'd want to go out in the snow first thing in the morning.

       I text Kiro back, letting him know that I'm awake and he can come over. As soon as I text him, I get changed into some warm clothes that I can wear outside. Before heading downstairs, I give Apple her breakfast.

       Dad is the only other person in my family who's awake since everyone else would rather sleep in on the weekends when they don't have anything else going on. He's getting breakfast for all our animals right now.

       It doesn't take long for Kiro to come over since he does live a five minute walk away. He must have already been dressed and ready to go since he knows I wake up early and would have been up shortly after him sending the text.

       When Kiro walks inside he's not waiting outside while I got my outerwear clothing on, Dad says, "Thank you for coming through the front door, Kiro, and not through Fern's window."

       "I haven't gone through her window in a long time," Kiro points out.

       "You did two weeks ago," Dad says.

       "Okay, but in my defence, it was in the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake everyone."

       "Marius, Harlow, and Forest are all heavy sleepers so you wouldn't have waken them, and you probably wouldn't have woken me up just by walking through the front door."

       Kiro used to make a habit of coming in through my bedroom window, especially in the middle of the night when I needed his comfort for whatever reason. When my parents caught wind of it, they didn't exactly get mad at him but told him they would appreciate it if he would just come through the front door instead.

       Kiro would do both, come in through the window or through the front door depending on his mood, until my dads gave him a spare key. He know limits the time he'll come in through my bedroom window.

       Once I'm ready to go outside, Kiro and I head out to the backyard since there's a lot more space to build whatever we want. We start off building a snowman. Just doing something so small is making me so happy.

       We only stack two snowballs since I find it easier than doing three. I don't want to leave the snowman just like this, so I go inside to grab a carrot for the nose while Kiro looks for some pebbles by our pond. Knowing the my family's pet ducks love carrots, I grab two; one for the snowman and one to give the ducks.

       Sure enough, when I walk back outside, the five ducks waddle over to me seeing that I have a carrot. I put one in the snowman for the nose before breaking up the other one for the ducks. I feed it to them and once the carrot is gone, the ducks wander off. One of them wanders off to Kiro to see what he's doing; he's still looking for pebbles.

       I head towards the apple trees in our backyard, which are not in season but have a bunch of sticks surrounding it. I look through the sticks and find two that I like for the snowman's arms. Kiro has finished finding pebbles for the eyes and mouth and is putting them on the snowman.

       I put the sticks into the snowman's sides for the arms and once Kiro is done with the eyes and mouth, we step back to look at them. I smile. "I like it," I say.

       "Me too," Kiro says. "But, uh... You sure the carrot for the nose is safe from the ducks?" One of the ducks has noticed the carrot and is trying to grab it, but the snowman is too tall for her.

       All of our pet ducks are rescues and likely can't live in the wild on their own. The particular one trying to get the carrot, Paddles, can't fly, so she won't ever be able to reach the carrot.

       "No, she'll give up soon," I say. I just hope one that can't fly won't fly up and get the carrot, but the other ducks don't seem to notice.

       Kiro and I stay outside a bit longer before heading inside to make some hot chocolate. At this point, Forest is awake eating breakfast, but I think it's only because he has figure skating practice soon. On the days he doesn't have practice, he'll sleep in until one in the afternoon.

       Kiro and I make some hot chocolate before heading deciding to try to work on the song for our music class, so we head over to the piano with our hot chocolate. We still have time to finish the song, but it's best for us to work on it whenever we can so we're not rushing to finish it in the end only to end up with something mediocre. We both love music, so we want to write the best song we can.


kiro and fern are my favourite pair of besties <3 

(kiro also isn't allowed to climb through fern's bedroom window anymore because forest's best friend saw kiro do it once and started doing it too)(except sometimes forest would see aleks coming and would just lock the window lol)

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