Chapter 1: Decision

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I sat on the side of the counter and look at the all known bartender, Junior.

"You know what I want." He sighs at this and turns around to grab a bottle of plain old whiskey.

He puts a glass in front of me and pours my drink. I slowly drank it before putting the glass down and sigh again.

"So what's the problem?" Junior ask as he looks around.

"Just dealt with someone I used to be friends with."

"What happened?"

"Oh you know, family problems. That idiot just can't control his anger issues." I said gripping the glass.

"Sorry to hear that, well all people are just different. Including you."

"Do you really have to say that?" I look at him with a raised brow.

"Don't blame me. I just like saying that. Heh, anyway you want more?"

I look at my glass and didn't notice that it was already empty. I let go of it and hum letting him know I want more whiskey.

He pours them on my glass and I took a drink.

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"Probably find a place for the kids to call a home."


"They were that idiot's kids. I can't just leave them with him forever. I forgot I still have to buy them food."

I finish my drink and stand up. I put the lien on the counter and fixed myself.

"I doubled that, you can thank me now."

"Heh, yeah sure." He said then I left the bar to buy some food.


After buying some food I started heading back to the hospital. I look at my watch and saw it is only 8:15 pm. I enter in the hospital and walk to where the girls are.

The two of them are sleeping peacefully. I put the the food on the side and sit on a chair.

"(Now where should I find them a place?)"

I kept thinking of where should I let them be with but ended up thinking nothing.

"(I couldn't just leave them in an orphanage. Or that idiot might get them.)"

I look at the two and sigh. I just close my eyes and was about to fall asleep but I heard someone sobbing. Opening my eyes, I look at the girls and saw the black haired one crying.

She seems to have a nightmare. So I stand up and walk towards her and sit on the side of the bed and started singing her a lullaby.

As I sing the lullaby she started calming down and I stopped. I move away her hair from her face and wiped her tears.

But when I touch her, her eyes open and only looked at me. She sits up and rubs her eyes.

"What time is it, mister?" She ask.

"It's only night time right now."

"Oh." She just looks down with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Are we going to go back there, mister?" She ask with fear in her voice.

I place my hand on her head and smile.

"I will never bring you two back there, I promise."

She then smiled and hugs me. I hug back and gently rub her back, we then we pull back and I stand.

"I think you two should eat now, you're probably hungry."

I then wake the other one up and gave them the food. They started eating as I watch them. After they eat, they soon started to sleep again and I left the room to walk around the hospital.

My scroll started vibrating so I took it out of my pocket and look at the contact. I just sigh and answer the call.

"Hello uncle Y/N!" A young female voice said through the call.

"Haile, I thought I told you to call me Y/N only?"

"Hehe, sorry! I just want to call you by that!"

"Nevermind that, why did you call me? Is your dad there?"

"He said that I should call you so I did! Oh, here he is!"

"Hey Y/N. I know it's been a while but can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Meet me in John's home in two days, the same time as tonight."

"Got it. By the way, how's your missions going?"

"Pretty easy so far. All I have to do is look after some villages."

"Heh, or maybe you're just choosing the easy ones?" I ask mockingly.

"I did not of course. Even though it's easy, I still worked hard." He protested.

"Still the same old Arthur, huh?"

"I guess you can say that. Even though it's only 8 years had passed."

"I kinda miss being a student at Beacon. You know when we always prank the others."

"Me too you know. Anyway, I'll be going now, take care."

"You too." I then hung up and put my scroll back in my pocket.

My head tilted towards the window and my eyes are directed at the broken moon.

"(Just how much time do we have left?)"


I watch as the two girls wake up from their sleep following a nurse entering inside. She then removed the bandages and cleanse the wounds before putting new bandages.

"Alright, they are now good to go! But sir, please sign in these papers first before you go.."

"Sure." I grab a pen and started signing the papers.

After I'm done, I hold on to the girls' hands as we got out of the hospital.

"Alright! So you two wanna have breakfast?"

"Yes, please!" They said excitedly.

I chuckle at this and we walk to the nearest food joint. We enter inside and took a seat, a minute later, a waitress then approaches us and ask for our order.

When she finally listed our orders, she bowed and left. While waiting I look at the two and sigh.

"So how are you two feeling?"

"We are okay, now! Thanks to you, mister." The blonde one said.

"That's good. What are your names again? My name is Y/N."

"Ruby." The shorter girl said.

"I'm Yang."

"Now that we aren't strangers to each other anymore..... Why is Tai doing those things to you." I ask deadly serious.

The both of them looked down in either fear or sadness and didn't said a word.

"I'm sorry for that, guess I shouldn't have ask."

"It's okay mister Y/N. It's just when we heard his name, we thought that you would take us back to him." Yang said.

"Why would I ever do that? I saw what he did to you and I won't forgive him for that."

We just remain silent until our food arrives. We just silently eat our food while I look at my surroundings.

Ruby started touching the bandage on her right face and her expression turns sad.

"Hey Ruby, what's wrong?"

"I'm just wondering why he would hurt us because of Yang doing a small mistake."

"What did you do Yang?"

"I....... I went out of home with Ruby to look for my mom while da- I mean Taiyang was out two years ago..." She said guilty of herself.

"It's fine now. What's important is that you two are now safe." I ruffled Yang's hair causing her to smile.

We continue to eat our food until we're finished. I paid for the food and the three of us went out to enter a bullhead.

"Where are we going, mister Y/N?" Yang questioned.

"Hm, to my home. Just needed to get something back there."

"At your house? Woah! I hope it looks cool!" Ruby exclaims.

I chuckle at this and rub her head.

"Well it doesn't look exactly cool. It's just a normal house."

"Even though it looks normal for you and the others, it still looks cool for me!" Ruby replied.

"Heh, you're one special kid."

The bullhead then took off and we are now in the sky Ruby and Yang look out at the window in awe as I smile by watching them.

"We're high above the ground!" Ruby said amazed.

"Enjoy the view while we're here." I said.

The ride last for 20 minutes and we finally arrived at our destination. The ramp went down and we got out of the bullhead. We passed many houses in the neighborhood until we stop in front of a house with a gate in front.

I unlock the gate with my key and open it. I let Ruby and Yang enter, following me closing the gate. My key inserted the door's lock and a click sound was heard. I turn the door knob and push it open.

My hands reach out for the light switch and bright lights turn on.

"Woah..." Ruby and Yang said in awe.

"Well this is my home, just make yourself at home. I'll be right back."

The both of them then run towards the other room where the living room is and I walk to where they are and saw that they are bouncing on the couch.

"Your couch is very comfy and bouncy, mister Y/N!!" Ruby said in glee.

"I wanna be here forever!" Yang said.

I chuckle at this and smile.

"Hehe, cute." I silently said and walk up the stairs to my room.

I went to my drawer and grab a small locked box. The box looks a little dusty so I blow out the dust.

I took it out and use a small silver key and inserted it in the lock and turn it. The box opened revealing my old dagger. My hand grab it and inspect it.

"Been a while, huh?" I put the dagger on its small sheath and out it beside my pants.

I put the empty box back at the drawer and started thinking.

"(Now where should I find the girls a new family? I can't just leave them behind.)"

My mind continue to think of where will I really bring them. I think they won't like them and think of them as that idiot again. Maybe I'll just do it.

I walk down the stairs and enter the living room and called out for the two.

"You two stay here, there might be some snacks in the fridge so go help yourself. I'll be back in an hour."

"Where are you going, mister Y/N?" Ask Yang.

"I'm going to find you a family." I said honestly.

"Family?" Yang wondered.

Ruby then hug me and look up at me.

"But, but we want to be with you mister Y/N! You helped us get out of our old home and feed us!"

"Do you really want that?" I said kneeling down on her level.

She then nods and I rub her head then stand up.

"I just need to go deal with something. I promise I'll be back."

I walk out of my house and close the door. I walk down the neighborhood hood and enter a taxi and arrive at the Municipal Court. It took me two hours to take care of some files until I finally got what I wanted.

I left the court with a folder on my hand and got back home. I enter inside and saw Yang and Ruby just playing in the living room.

"Hello you two, sorry I got back late."

"Yay! You're back!" The two of them hug me and I rub their heads.

"What did you do, mister Y/N? Are you going to take us away to the strangers?" Ruby ask.

"No, I won't do that. Instead......"

I knelt down and show them their files. Yang's surname changed from Xiao Long to L/N but I didn't change Ruby's name.

"I adopted you two."

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