Chapter 15: Zwei

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Looking at my hands as the crest that was there are still here, it seems that I have nothing to do with it but wait for has to come in the future. I heard footsteps from outside my room and hastily wear my gloves, then I look up to see Raven has entered the room.

"You all right, Y/N?" She approaches me.

"I'm good, just having a bad day."

"Are you sure that's all?" She said.

"What more are you expecting?" I ask her.

"It's nothing, just wanna make sure there's nothing else wrong with you." She replied.

"Have you decided to stay here with us?" I look at her waiting for an answer.

"....... Yeah, I've decided to stay here with you and my daughters. The tribe is in Vernal's hands now, she also didn't seem to mind." She said.

"Thanks, Raven." I smiled then hugged her.

"You're thanking me for no reason, you're sometimes odd you know?" She said hugging back.

"Dad?" A familiar voice came from outside of the room.

Me and Raven broke out of our hug and gaze by the door to see Yang holding something. I stand up and walked to her, she hands me what she was holding and I realize it's a small envelope.

"Where did you get this?" I ask her.

"I saw in on the floor by the door. Someone must have put it there." She said.

I open the envelope and was in a state of confusion when I saw what's inside. There was a piece of paper that an address has been written on it and another paper that has a message written. Grabbing the paper I started to read each word.

"The last wielder has the knowledge to answer of your problem."

From the word last wielder, I already knew what this message meant. I put both the papers in my pocket and place the empty envelope on the bed side table.

"What did the letter say, dad?" Yang looks at me curious.

"It's only a message from an anonymous person. I'll leave you and your mother to bond right now." I said leaving the room then going downstairs.

When I got in the first floor, I enter the living room and saw Ruby watching a show. I didn't want her to keep watching for hours so I approach her and carry her from the back.

"Huh? Why are you carrying me?" Ruby ask looking at me.

"Hey Ruby, I'm going out in town for a few hours. I want you to keep an eye on the house while your sister and mother are busy upstairs. Make sure no intruders enter the house." I place her back on her feet and saw her turn around then saluting.

"Roger that! I'll make sure no one enters the house! Also please buy me cookies!" She grins at me.

"Okay, I'll buy you a bag of it as a reward. I'm off then." I walked out of the house.

I use my semblance and flew to the town. When I arrived, I deactivated it and started to walk around. As I look around the area I spotted the grocery store and enter inside. I came out with a bag of cookies after ten minutes. My hand grab the paper from my pocket as I look at the address. Sighing, I put it back inside and decided not to go there for now. As I continue to walk I met up with Karra who has holding a bag of groceries.

"Hi Karra." I greeted her.

She was startled by me when she heard my voice and the bag almost fell if it wasn't for me catching it.

"Woah!... Thanks Y/N." She said grabbing the bag from my hands.

"Sorry I startled you, anyway how are you?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Just out in town buying groceries again. Heheh." She said.

"Are you a glutton or..." I paused.

"No I am not a glutton okay?!" She said.

"All right, all right, I got it. Since I don't want to bother you I'll be going now." I said walking away.

"See you! Oh wait, Y/N!" She called out for me.

I turn back and look at her confused. I waited for her to speak.

"Ozpin said that next week he'll come visit you to know the reason. Me and the others might as well come by to know it." She said in a worried tone.

"Oh, I see. Thanks for reminding me, see you." I walk away.

My face collided with my right palm as I think about what Karra said just now. I decided to not think of it for now and continue to walk. While walking I stop in front of a pet store and look inside. I remember Ruby and Yang wanting a pet so my feet dragged me inside.

The employee greets me and I greet back while I began searching for the perfect pet. I'm stuck between choosing a pet dog or cat, just by choosing which made me already frustrated. I look at the dogs and saw many kinds of dog breeds that are available here and finally decided I'll choose a pet dog.

Looking at each of them, they're all cute. They started to leap around excited on me picking one of them. I observed each of them and noticed an odd one. I look at it to see a corgi puppy, who is just sitting there patiently as it waits. It's tounge was hanging out of its mouth, I knelt down and placed a finger on the glass separating us. It then put its paw on the glass across from my finger and I tilted my head in confusion. It responded by also tilting its head.

Placing another finger, it placed its other paw. I then stand up and called for the employee.

"I choose this guy."


Back in the house, Ruby keeps walking around the first floor of the house while waiting for Y/N to come back home. She was holding her stuffed animal to keep her company. Raven walks down the stairs and noticed Ruby walking around nonstop.

"Ruby? What are you doing?" This made her stop walking.

"I'm guarding the house in case there are intruders! Daddy said he'll reward me with cookies of I did a good job!" She smiles at her.

"Oh, I see. Well then, you're doing a great job right now." Raven smiled.

"Thank you!"

The door opens revealing Y/N holding a bag of cookies. Ruby noticed this and hurriedly run up to him.

"Cookies!!" She said.

"Here you go." He hands him her bag of cookies.

Yang comes down and saw something on his other hand.

"Dad, what's that you're holding?" She ask him.

"Oh, this is Zwei." He said.

To their surprise, the corgi then walks inside and barked. It was Yang's turn to run towards them and hugged Zwei.

"This one's name is Zwei?" Yang ask him.

"Yes, I named him. So what do you think?"

"He's pawfect!" Yang said.

"Well here she goes again." Raven sighed.

"Yang! That pun is terrible!" Ruby said.

"What? No it's not!!"

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